Leadership in the Era of Globalization


Leadership refers to the managerial potential for expressing the strategic vision of the organisation as well as motivate and persuade the person, working in the organisational workplace to acquire the pre-specified vision of the company (Komives, 2016). In the recent era of globalisation, it is necessary or the organisations to have strategic leaders to develop appropriate strategic planning after analysing the internal and external business environment, so that it is possible to expand the multinational corporate firms efficiently across the globe (Clark, Harrison and Gibb, 2019). The aim of the study is to understand the role of the leadership and identify the issues in the recent era of globalisation, for which the leaders of the organisation face challenges in managing the organisational activities. In addition to this, the second part of the study provides a scope to discuss own understanding about the role of the leaders and the contribution of the leader in achieving the organisational success. The study is hereby helpful to reflect upon own understanding and own role as a leader after analysing the role of the leaders in the organisational context. For business dissertation help, understanding these leadership dynamics is crucial in navigating complex global markets.

Contemporary challenges faced by the leaders


In the recent era of globalisation, there are various contemporary challenges in the organisational context, where the leaders face serious issues to lead the employees towards achieving the future organisational success. In this regard, the major issue is lack of management of cultural diversity. In the recent era of high labour migration from one to other international countries due to globalisation of the business and skill transfer, the leaders face challenges to manage the wide variety of human being under the organisational workplace, where there are diversities in terms of culture, thoughts, knowledge and skill differences, demographic background, attitude of the employees and language gap (Palazzeschi, Bucci and Di Fabio, 2018). These are the major factors that raise the issue of cultural diversity at the workplace, which is serious issue for the elders to handle the workplace successfully. Another major issue is leading change in the organisation, where the major challenges are raised which is resistance to change and internal conflicts among the team members (Chen and Rybak, 2017). It would be difficult for the leader to manage the change in the organisational workplace to achieve the future success innovatively, as there are non-cooperation and lack of communication for which the employees do not willing to with the leaders which in turn raise misunderstanding and it leads to organisational failure. Moreover, the leaders face challenges in the recent years to manage internal conflicts among the employees ad resistance to change, where the employees are not cooperative to improve innovation and creativity through change management process. Lack of communication and non-cooperation are other issue in the organisational context (Muralidharan and Pathak, 2018). Apart from that, mismatching the expectations of both the employees and the leaders, lack of empowerment and poor engagement with the employees are other challenges which deteriorate the quality of work.

Challenges faced by the leaders

Consequences of leadership and practice in the context of global challenges

For the existing challenges in the organisational context, the leaders face difficulties to achieve the strategic vision of the organisation. It becomes difficult for the leaders to rut he organisational operational activities smoothly for such serious challenges in the business, where the employees create issues and they are not willing to cooperate for working as a partnership basis (Shafique and Kalyar, 2018). In this regard, as per the leadership theory and practice of high interpersonal skill and emotional intelligence of the leaders help to improve engagement with the employees would be violated where the employees are not willing to collaborate with the leaders (Grandy and Sliwa, 2017). This in turn violates the leadership practice, where the leaders also fail to convince the worker and misunderstanding would be increasing day by day among the employees, senior management team and the organisational leader.

Importance of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial leadership

Entrepreneurial leadership is the practice of involving and motivating the group of people to achieve a common objective through continuous innovation, risk optimisation, taking advantages of the opportunities, and managing the dynamic organisational environment. The entrepreneurial leadership is beneficial for the organisations to take risks and engage all the people so that they can share their reviews and skill to develop effective decision making practice (Kwiatkowski, 2017). In this regard, the organisational leadership style is cooperative and collaborative under the entrepreneurial leadership practice, where the leaders are trying to motivate the staff and lead them towards achieving future success through collaboration and communication (Chen and Rybak, 2017).

Importance of entrepreneurial leadership

On the other hand, the intrapreneurial leadership is the way, where the leaders give the authority to the employees to act as entrepreneurs in the organisation, where the employees are fully employed and empowered in the organisation (Strielkowski and Chigisheva, 2018). Under this practice, the employees can take the decision and they are engaged in the organisational decision making practice so that they can contribute positively to make effective decision for the benefits of the organisation (Renz and Herman, 2016).

 intrapreneurial leadership

Leadership theories and its implications through self assessment

The leadership theories and organisational practice are effective to manage the workplace, where the leaders are responsible to lead the employees towards achieving the organisational objectives by continuous innovation and creativity (Durkin and Gunn, 2016). As per the situational leadership theory, the leaders adopt different leadership styles according to the situation and it is effective for the leaders in the organisation to meet the needs and set the beneficial balance in the organisational workplace (Komives, 2016). In this regard, as per the organisational situation, the leader is efficient to manage the workplace and convince the team member for future success. As per the situational leadership, there are four factors which are delegating, supportive, coaching and directive, where the leaders try to manage the workplace in near future.

Situational leadership

As per the delegating factor under the situational leadership theory, the leaders are own directive and low supportive, and under supportive characteristics of the leaders, the leaders try to support the behaviour of the team and cooperate with the team members for achieving future organisational success collaboratively (Franco and Haase, 2017). Under coaching, the leaders are high directive and high supportive and the leaders try to arrange internal training and development program to enhance the organisational performance through improving the skill and efficiencies of the employees, who are the major stakeholders to make the business successful (Freiling, 2019). Under the directive behaviour, the leaders try to direct the team rather than support where proper instruction are given to the team members for leading positively towards achieving the success. In this regard, the situational leadership theory is helpful for me to improve my leadership skill and capabilities, where I as a leader try to focus to support and direct the team members in case of my leadership o that I can develop a good team with cooperation and communication.

On the other hand, there is transformational leadership theory, which indicates that, the leaders are cooperative and communication to transform the organisational system towards achieving future success. In this regard, the leaders try to develop suitable organisational culture for giving them employees freedom and harmony where the staff can work innovatively (Grandy and Sliwa, 2017). Additionally, the I as a leader follow suitable trait and personality to involve with the staff and develop suitable organisational culture, where the employees can perform better and cooperate with other members for partnership working practice. Under the transformational leadership style, the leader’s behaviour towards the followers in the organisation are inspirational, motivating, idealized and intellectual, where the leaders an understand perspectives of the followers and cooperate with the politely to maximise the organisational outcome (Stephan and Pathak, 2016). Transformational leaders mainly focus on cooperation and communication, where they try to develop one to one conversation with the entire followers as well as build string relationship at the workplace, so that each members can rely on each other’s and internal trust and binding can be maximised well. It further helps me as a leader to enhance group performance and collaboration as well as the transformational leaders is able to motivate the staff continuously to achieve future success. Hereby, the leaders are cooperative and collaborative where the staff members can share their opinion in front of the leaders efficiently to develop organisational strategic planning to fulfil the vision and objectives of the firm.

Transformational leadership

Hereby, the transformational leadership style is also effective, where the leaders are able to motivate the employees by providing monetary and non-monetary reward as well as contribute positively in order to enhance the performance of the team as a whole (Perez-Vaisvidovsky and Aviram, 2019). From this leadership theory and practice, I realise that, it is necessary to enhance internal cooperation as well as improve communication through group discussion and general meeting, so that every members have the chance to share their perspectives and develop effective strategic planning for achieving future organisational success. Hereby, as per the transformational leadership theory, the leaders are playing crucial role in transforming the situation and change the organisational activities to enhance creativity and innovation where the perception, behaviour and expectations of the followers are fulfilled in the organisational workplace.

On the other hand, there is transactional leadership theory, where the leaders try to emphasise on the result for the organisational outcome and the leaders motivate the followers by the way of rewards such as rewarding the performers and punishing the non-performers in the organisation (Di Fabio, Bucci and Gori, 2016). This is also effective, where the followers must work mutually to meet the organisational goals and the leaders are also responsible to provide rewards as per the performance of the followers in the organisations.

Transactional leadership

The transactional leadership style is more practical in the recent era of globalisation, where the leaders conduct justice to the performers in short term. Continuous motivation and reward giving activities to the employees further encourage the creativity and innovatory of the performers in the organisation, where the leaders are efficient to restructure the reward system so that they can enhance the contribution of the employees in the organisation (Pardey, 2016). I as a leader experience that, reward management is one of the effective ways to enhance the performance of the employees, where the employees are motivated and encouraged to perform better to get higher rewards. Hereby, through performance monitoring and restructuring the reward system, it is effective for me to manage the employees and lead them towards achieving future success.

The leadership trait theory is also another effective model, where there are different traits of the leaders, which are socio economic characteristics, task related traits, intellectual traits and personality trait, which determine the behaviour and practice of the leaders in the organisational context leadership trait is necessary to become a good leader, where it is possible for the leaders to develop effective workplace and lead the employees towards achieving the future success (Herman, 2016).

Trait theory of leadership

As per the personality trait of the leaders, it is necessary to have proper abilities and skill, so that the leaders can understand the working progress and develop innovative strategic planning for the organisational success (Carter et al., 2016). In this regard, intelligence and initiatives as well as supervising ability must be there, so that I can contribute positively in developing innovative strategic planning as well as supervise the team members for better performance. On the other hand, for personality trait, I try to be cooperative and communicative to develop strong corporate relationship so that the employees can contribute positively in the workplace and cooperate with the leaders for better performance. In this regard, decisiveness, self assurance, maturity and working class affinity must be required to become a good leader and on the other hand, the leaders must pay the role of motivators. In this regard, I try to motivate the people through rewards and incentives as well as managing working safety and security at the workplace, job security of the staff and self actualisation and self esteem, which are effective to become a god leader in the organisation.

In this regard, the leadership and management are important for me to develop my professional career where I would be a successful leader through improving my skill and abilities. In this regard, there are different situations, where I try to apply my leadership skill and achieve the organisational success. The different situations will be discussed further.

Situation 1: When I am the followers and try to follow the leaders

When, I am the followers, I try to follow the leader and try to communicate with the leader, so that I can understand the perspective of the leader and contribute positively by improving my performance. As a follower, I always support to enhance communication and communication as well as try to follow the rules and guidelines of the leader to improve my efficiency. I am also supportive and focus on developing team working activities, so that the leaders can achieve future success without any organisational issues. Additionally, I contribute positively to develop organisational culture through managing transparency and accountability, positive body language, polite behaviour and positive attitude where I try to develop string corporate relationship and share my experience and knowledge with others or developing partnership working practice. Hereby, as a follower, I also utilise my personality trait so that the leaders can share their experience and guide me for better performance.

Situation 2: When I am the leader to lead the followers

As a leader, it is my responsibility to manage the team members efficiently and lead them towards achieving success (Arena and Uhl-Bien, 2016). In this regard, I try o follow the situational leadership style through coaching, where I try to be highly supportive and directive so that the followers can cooperate with me efficiently. Proper support to the followers and appropriate direction to them are the major strategy for me, when I am the leader, where I try to arrange effective training and development program to provide coaching and contribute positively to enhance the skill and abilities of the followers in the organisation. This further helps me to provide the opportunity of personal and professional development to the staff, where they become interested to cooperate with me for enhancing the organisational performance. In this regard, the entrepreneurial leaders also supportive and directive and they try to cooperate with the staff for risk taking activities and developing effective strategies to manage the risks in the workplace. On the other hand, the responsibility of the leaders can be managed well and also the creativity of the employees will be enhanced through risk taking activities, where continuous improvement of the performance of the staff can be the success factors to achieve future organisational objectives. On the other hand, I also try to follow the transactional leadership style, where I focus on managing the organisational reward system, which gives me the opportunity to create values for the employees and lead them toward achieving the organisational success. In this regard, rewards and performance related pay as well as managing health and safety at the workplace and maximising self actualisation and self esteem needs of the employees are effective strategic planning for me to encourage the team members and enhance the organisational performance.

Situation 3: When I observe leadership at global context

While, I observe leadership as a global context, I review the contemporary challenges in the global organisational context, where the multinational corporate firms are facing difficulties to manage the issues of lack of communication, non-cooperation and cultural diversity. In this situation, I try to improve my leadership style by arranging cultural training program for the employees to handle the global context of the organisational activities where the employees can have the opportunity to under the cultural perspective as well as organisational practice to work positively in the workplace. Apart from that, I try to enhance communication through implementing ICT, as well as arranging open discussion and general meeting where the employees can share their pinion and gather ideas for more creativity and innovation. In this regard, I also focus on my personality trait, and maintain respect and integrity at the workplace and maximise values for all the employees by respecting them, convincing them for better performance and giving them freedom to show their creativity so that they become interested and feel empowered to contribute efficiently in achieving the organisational objectives. In this regard, the entrepreneurial leaders are cooperative and they try to satisfy the employees by continuously motivation and encouragement where the employees are rewarded well at the organisational workplace.

Situation 4: When I am responsible to manage internal conflicts

In such situation of the organisation, where I need to contribute positively to manage internal conflicts, I also try to utilise my leadership skill, where I try to convince the people and share the organisational information with all the members. I try to improve internal binding and contribute positively to build string corporate relationship among all the members at the workplace, so that they are interested to communicate and cooperate with each other. I also convince the people and encourage them to work as a partnership basis as well as continuous motivation, proper empowerment and managing transparency and accountably at the organisational workplace will be effective for me to manage the internal conflicts and lead the employees towards achieving the future success.

Situation 5: When I am responsible to improve organisational innovation and creativity

As per the leadership theories and practice, it is the responsibility of the leaders to enhance creativity and innovation of the organisation and it is necessary for me to lad the change in the organisation by leading the employees towards creativity and innovation (Dugan, 2017). It is a serious concern for the leader to manage change and as per the leadership theory and practice. I try to share the organisational vision and the reason for change to all the employees. I try to treat all the employees equally and arrange general meeting where open discussion and communication can be built. In this regard, as per the transformational leadership theory, cooperation and communication are necessary to manage the workplace. I try to enhance cooperation and communication with all the employees so that misunderstanding cannot be raised at the workplace and I try to be polite and convince the people for better creativity and innovation for change so that they can improve their performance and contribute efficiently to achieve future success. In this regard, I also try to improve my personality trait and develop strong bonding with the staff so that they can cooperate and communicate with me freely. In this context, leading the change by empowering the employee by giving them proper performance related pay and rewards are also effective tactics which help me to become a good leader and manage the situation, where I try to enhance the organisational creativity and innovation. Hereby, entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial leadership are mandatory in order to provide me freedom to be empowered as a follower and contribute positively to achieve future organisational success. In this regard, the intrapreneurial leadership is beneficial to empower all the staff in the organisation and it is possible to be visionary and flexible to make right decision for the organisational success.

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It can be concluded that, leadership style and personality trait of the leaders are effective to become a successful leader and achieve the organisational success by managing the team members and leading the people towards success. In this regard, the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial leadership are necessary, where the elders need to empower the people in the organisational decision making behaviour and share their perceptions and skill for developing creative solutions for the organisations. As a follower, I try to be empowered in the organisational workplace where I focus on enhancing communication and cooperation with the leader and also with other team members so that the leaders and the team members can support me and develop partnership working practice to achieve future success. on the other hand, as a leader, also try to enhance my skill and personality and behaviour towards the followers and I also try to follow the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial leadership to empower the people as well as utilise the transformational and transactional leadership style to give reward to the employees and leader them towards achieving future success. In this regard, the intrapreneurial leadership is beneficial to empower all the staff in the organisation and it is possible to be visionary and flexible to make right decision for the organisational success. Additionally, encouraging the staff through open discussion and give them freedom to work innovatively are the characteristics of the intrapreneurial leadership, where it is possible to encourage team work and multi disciplinary working practice in the organisational workplace in which the staff are willing to collaborate and work as a partnership basis.

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Reference List

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