Leadership in Wal-Mart’s Retail Evolution



Leadership and management have played pivotal roles in all the business sectors globally. It has developed personal skill and also put impact on the team building capabilities in all marketing sections. The study would reveal in a detailed way the evaluation of the contemporary issues and the challenges faced by the retail industry of Wal-Mart in the USA. It would bring forth the development scheme and the ways an individual would set its business elsewhere except the UK. The organization's way to work as a team and improvement in the personal weakness and strength (Wheelen et al.2017). The review of the evolution of interpersonal skills in an individual. The retail industry of Wal-Mart has set up its business in a broader way in the USA, henceforth it has faced many challenging issues and the ways it has developed. Moreover the contribution it has made in strengthening the team and encouraging the proper team work. The analysis would bring forth a literature review of the facts and facets how the organization would improve in their daily work. The character each one in the retail industry would play as the investigation would demonstrate the ability to work in diverse groups and teams. The investigation would supply an overview of the labor market characteristics and at the same time show the upliftment of the retail sale policies. Globalization has put impact on the retail industry internationally and hence the working protocols have changed with time (Smith.2019). People are getting more attracted to develop their interpersonal skills, reflective development and keeping track of improvising their strengths and weaknesses.



The study would forecast the development scheme of how the retail industry would promote its business elsewhere in the USA and the characteristics each one involved in the industry has been playing to achieve the target goal of making the industry a successful one (Jones et al.2017). Nevertheless, there have been many hurdles like the contemporary issues and the challenges that have been interrupting the smooth flow of the business and the role play of the retail sector to overcome this and improve their way of functioning even more. It has been seen that the pandemic issues have also hindered the working spree among the workers and demotivates them to some extent. However, all the sectors worldwide have found ways and options to get through the emergency recession period and act accordingly to enhance the business and make a hefty profit from their functioning in the market and worldwide (Parker, Alstyne & Choudhary.2016). The issues and the problems that Wal-Mart has been facing have affected the management and the working ambience nevertheless the leadership qualities and the skill among the management and the employees have aided the organizations to overcome from the situation very easily. The development in the work culture of the diverse groups and teams with personal contribution to the team’s effectiveness plays a crucial role in the analysis (Mathieu et al.2017). Taking about the Wal-Mart it has set its operation chains of retail market in the USA and has gained a lot of fame with the passage of time though the sale has decreased to an alarming rate due to the recession period of the pandemic which has made the working ambience demotivating and kept people away resulting in a lower footfall in the market. The marketing sector has been worried about the fall in the rate percentage though they have adapted innovative technologies to overcome the problems and find the ways by which they could improve the way of working. Proper evaluation of leadership and management skills has contributed in an evolution of working spree where the individual development as well as team development is seen in a broader way. Overview of the target profession of the retail industry depending upon the labor market tells about the reduction of unemployment and bringing forth opportunities for jobs of different kinds in the retail chain sector. Studies have revealed that the proper execution of the functioning of the organization has minimized the unemployment rate and at the same time brought many new opportunities for people growing and developing the financial condition of the country as a whole. According to an online survey it has been counted that Wal-Mart has increased the retail employment every year contributing to the economies at the county level. However due to few challenges and issues faced in the employees sectors many employees tend to leave the job increasing the unemployment rate again.

Key challenges and issues in the retail sector:

The most prominent issue that has been growing at an alarming rate in present days is the outbreak of the pandemic which has lessened the sale and increased the worries of the sector.

The organization has been thinking about the methodologies to maintain the normal protocol and prevent the transmission of the deadly virus (Cirrenconi et al.2020). The safety measures that the company takes to some extent helps to bring in new customers however most of the people fear and hence less footfall is counted in the retail sector.

Another challenge that the retail industry faces is the shifting of customer’s mood and requirement. This factor has affected the industry in large scale as the need and the demands of the customers change with new variations and availability of alternative products and services (Christopher. 2017). This could be minimized by keeping the focus on the fluctuating change and by updating the customers with the new and innovative products according to the requirement of the customers.

Customer loyalty is another challenge that the retail chain faces as customers become loyal to the organization only when they see that they are given importance and their needs and demands are kept into consideration during the production. Though it is human nature that their mood changes with age, income and new arrivals. Henceforth, organizations have to keep record of the needs and the demands and act accordingly to keep the flow of the profit on the right track.

Maintaining the internal communication is another issue that affects the working ambience in an adverse way. It has been seen that many miscommunications occurs if there is no transparency between the employees (Zhang, Torres & Chen.2018). On the other hand, gaps in communication can result in conflict between the workers putting a bad effect on the work of the organization. Nevertheless the situation could be kept under control by maintaining transparency and at the same time valuing the employees as the asset of the organization.

Engaging the employees and staff retaining is a vital issue that the retail organization faces and henceforth results in losing many valuable staff (Kumar & Yaklef.2018). The challenge could be eradicated by providing proper training to the employees and at the same time offering them with a good wage. Occasional rewards and bonus for good performance would also be helpful for retaining the staff and maintaining a good working ambience in the retail industry.

Retaining the customers is a big issue that the organization faces as customers tend to change their taste according to the variety available in the market. For retaining the valued customers’ organizations have to play safe by providing them with the best price and the quality product that would make the customer satisfied at the same time taking proper feedback would help the retail chains to overcome the issues that could arise due to the change in the taste.

Effectiveness of teamwork:

It is very necessary to have an effective team to perform the following work according to plan and proceedings. Customers get attracted to the foundation only when they see employees work as a family and to guide the team a proficient manager is there (Meyer & Xin.2018). The teamwork brings forth new ideas as different people have different perspectives of thinking which improves the working condition of the retail sector. Given importance to all the members in a team further helps everyone in a team to work dedicatedly and to give out their best. Studies have suggested that working in a team the individual skill develops and one thinks and executes the work in a more improved and pragmatic way. Another important thing that helps the employees work as a team is it minimizes the workload dividing the work equally among all the workers (Ciolfi & lockley.2018). Teamwork develops a relationship among the people of the organization and at the same time minimizes the cultural conflicts among the employees. The leaders and the managers could easily handle the issues and retain the smoothness if the organization worked as a team. On the other hand ineffective team building makes the working progress slow and hence it affects the result of the growth in a negative way.


Accordingly, it has been observed that the challenges have put an adverse effect on the functioning of the mentioned organization and henceforth influencing in a negative way which makes it rather impossible for the workers to work in the retail chain. As seen Wal-Mart being a renowned organization in the USA have also been facing many issues regarding their sale and within the sector which are putting adverse effect on the economic growth rather disheartening the people involved in the organization. Solution is there to minimize the issues only by keeping records of the future perspectives and maintaining a data analysis of the customer’s requirements, needs and demands.

Part B:

After having a detailed study of the issues and the challenges that could have affected or rather affecting the smooth flow of work in the retail industry I have come across a few weaknesses and the strength that come in the way of growth and to reach the target of development in the organization. According to me the improvement in the behavior could be done in an organization through conventional groundwork and focusing on the target that is to be achieved (Ramani et al.2017). Proper execution of the strength and the weaknesses could be brought forward by the SWOT analysis.


I have been acquainted with the strength as it has developed the interpersonal as well as the intrapersonal skills. Talking about the intrapersonal and the interpersonal skills one tells about the deals with the capability to control one’s own emotions and the other tells about the methods used to interact, communicate and work as a team or as a person. Henceforth talking about the strength and the weakness that I have gathered from the study are as follows:

Interpersonal skills:

Interpersonal skills Interpersonal skills

Intrapersonal skills:

As seen the interpersonal skills adopted from the analysis has helped to increase the strength and weakness within me. Likewise the Intrapersonal skills also have grown few strengths and weaknesses in me.

Intrapersonal skills Intrapersonal skills Intrapersonal skills

Implications of the skills, labour and positive aspects in behavior in the growth of career

Putting proper implications of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills in the working process would be helpful in the growth and evolution of the self as well as the team of workers. According to me conventional time management and planning a whole set up with the suitable implications of skills, labor and behavior is very crucial to start up a business. As seen above in part A that the functioning of the retail chain is a must to smoothly run a business firm. Skill development has always resulted in pacifying the competitive outlook. It also enhances grooming and at the flourishing of the business. In accordance with my opinion there are many qualities that develop the working ambience. Let us give a quick view on the development skills in career growth.

Honesty: Being honest to the work aids in bringing out ultimately a good result and hence I prefer to be honest and serve the company to achieve the target goal and make it a big success (Graham et al.2016).

Dependability: Being dependable on the team members makes their presence equally important in the project and hence again I believe to be dependable on my group fit for working and bringing a smooth run.

Career growth: The pragmatic individual development helps in the career growth. So for growth in future business one needs to be determined and at the same time dedicate to the business.

Team work: Team play is always a strength to me as working as a team brings out new and innovative ideas and further helps in the growth in the retail chain, it would be helpful in the flourishing of the future career in the retail chain (Edmondson.2018).

Flexibility: Another skill development that would be helpful and useful in career development is flexibility in the work. This is easy as being flexible means to accept with any situation in a proper way.

Self reliance: Self confidence would be an interpersonal skill that works as a strength as it drives one to take any decision individually without depending on others and also makes me strong (Ibrahim & Jaafar.2017).

Eagerness to learn: The eagerness to learn contributes in a pragmatic way by which individual skill building would be done through learning from the past mistakes.

The study of the individual skill development to enhance the future business is done through evolution of oneself according to the progress of the business.

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Part C

Areas of development:

Based on the whole study one has come across many ways by which an individual improves himself or herself. In the last part are the areas of development and the process by which the evolution would be made.

Intrapersonal skills Intrapersonal skills

The whole study gave good details about the ways an individual or a team would have evolved with the other teammates. The development is required in all levels of work for the smooth running of any sector, organization or professional institutions. Improvement in the above mentioned ways would revive the organizations pitfalls and level up the working conditions where all the members in the institutions would supply their best and make the running of business easy and versatile. Other than working in a team the study also reveals the factors that are required for the smooth running of retail industries.

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