Teamwork and Leadership Dynamics in the Banking Sector

Through Kolb’s reflective cycle, it is possible to develop the reflective practice on own leadership and managerial style in the banking institution.

Concrete experience

In the banking institution, there is strong team work and great support from the senior management team in order to work with others and meet the strategic goal of the banks (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018). I am responsible to open personal banking accounts of the customers and thus it is also my role to manage the customers, convince them and support them to open accounts in the bank. I feel motivated to work with others and gain high compensation and incentives. In the workplace, I try to work efficiently under work pressure and contribute positively to meet the organisational aim. The leadership style at the banks is transactional, where the managers motivate and encourage the employees for better productivity and performance as well as provide rewards on achieving better (Fiaz, Su and Saqib, 2017). On the other hand, there is demotion and deterioration of incentives in case of low productivity and poor performance of the staff.


Reflective observation

I am able to gather experience in the banking institution by working with others, where I get support and continuous guidelines form the management team, which are beneficial, for me to improve personal and professional skill and knowledge. I also try to cooperate with others and improve my skill of customers handling, which further provides me a scope to manage the clients and convince them to open accounts. The leadership style at the workplace as well as managerial power is beneficial for the staff to work efficiently and meet individual roles (Fiaz, Su and Saqib, 2017).

Abstract conceptualisation

The leadership philosophy at the workplace are related to respecting others, developing trust and bonding, enhancing communication between the team members and word hard to achieve the ultimate success (Gandolfi and Stone, 2018). The managers try to discuss the information and adequate data in front of others in order to enhance internal communication and create bonding so that the team members can work as a team, which further helps me to improve my communication skill and team working practice. I always try to contribute positively in the workplace by cooperating with the managers at the bank, so that I can learn more and improve my capabilities to work creatively. Hence, the philosophy of leadership at the institution is helpful for me to get good working atmosphere and support from the management team for working innovatively.

Active experimental

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Through continuous learning and skill developmental practice, I would be like to improve my leadership and managerial style, so that I can lead other bankers efficiently towards achieving success. Additionally, I would like to improve my communication skill and convincing power, so that I can express my thoughts and explain the information related to the products and services to the customers for increasing the organisational sales volume. The leadership philosophy with individual skill development, continuous improvement, motivating the employees through providing monetary and non-monetary incentives as well as encouraging the creativity of the staff must be there in the institution to work efficiently and lead the employees towards achieving the organisational success (Fiaz, Su and Saqib, 2017).

Reference List

Fiaz, M., Su, Q. and Saqib, A., 2017. Leadership styles and employees' motivation: Perspective from an emerging economy. The Journal of Developing Areas, 51(4), pp.143-156.

Gandolfi, F. and Stone, S., 2018. Leadership, leadership styles, and servant leadership. Journal of Management Research, 18(4), pp.261-269.

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