The Role of Leadership Style in Organizational Success


Leadership style plays a curial role to lead the organisation efficiently and fulfil the aims and objective of the firm and there are different leadership models, which provide clear ideas to the entrepreneurs about the best leadership style through which it is possible for the leader to lead the employees towards achieving the future organisational success. All the leadership models are almost similar to each other where the leaders of different organisations may apply the same model to achieve future success the major strategic planning of the leaders must be to maximise intellectual stimulation and motivate them by providing monetary and non-monetary incentives and rewards. This further helps the employees and leaders to develop corporate bonding and improve trust and loyalty, essential elements in business dissertation help.


Leadership development

There are different leadership models, such as transformational leadership, transactional leadership, demographic model, situational leadership and Charismatic leadership model. There are different leadership models, which are beneficial for the entrepreneurs to improve their skill and efficiencies to lead the organisation successfully (Dugan, 2017). As per the transformational leadership style, the leaders try to work with the team to acknowledge the required change in the workplace as well as create vision to guide the change for achieving future success. In this context, as per the transformational leadership style, the leaders focus on four elements such as individualised organisational characteristics, leader behaviour, individualised influence, motivational inspiration and intellectual stimulation. Hence, as per the transformational leadership, the leaders try to motivate the employees with monetary and non-monetary incentives and provide suitable organisational workplace and culture to perform better. Continuous motivation and encouraging the creativity of the employees are effective for the leader to achieve future success creatively. The leaders also try to develop organisational culture and improve transparency to manage the team members and additionally, the leaders are also efficient to ensure intellectual stimulation (Renz, 2016). The employees get continuous support, tanning and development program for their personal and professional development as well as workplace achievement and recognition. These are the major leadership practice, through which the leaders are able to transform the team and lead them efficiently towards achieving future success.

On the other hand, the transactional leadership style is related to the practice of motivating the employees with rewards and punishments as per their performance as well as team member obey the leaders and the teams are monitored closely and controlled efficiently. Hence, if the expert suggest the organisation to implement transformational leadership or transactional leadership style, it is quiet similar to each other, where the main strategy of the leaders is to motivate the team members and enhance their performance by encouraging their creativity, monitoring closely and enhance their intellectual stimulation. Hence, the transformational and transactional leadership style is almost similar to each other to develop leadership practice in the organisation. On the other hand, the situational leadership style indicates that there are four behaviours such as delegating, supporting, and coaching and directing for the best leadership, the leaders must follow the coaching leadership style, where there is high direction and high support firm the leaders (Thorpe, 2016). It further helps the employees to get continuous support and access direction to achieve future success. Hence, like the transformational and transaction leadership style, the situational leadership style is also the same where the leaders need to provide proper support and direct the team members efficiently towards achieving future success. On the other hand, the demographic leadership style indicates that, the leaders encourage the staff to be a part of the decision making practice at the organisational workplace as well as the leaders try to keep informed to each staff about everything that affects their work and shares the decision making and problem solving responsibilities (Rothaermel, 2016). This is also one of the effective leadership styles, through which the leaders can empower the staff in the organisational decision making behaviour and give them the chance to make effective decision and solve the organisational problems. Hence, this leadership style also refers that the leaders must empower the team members and enhances their participation in the workplace.

The leaders must focus on encouraging the employee’s creativity and give them continuous support through sharing the organisational information, protecting their interest, creating suitable organisational culture and providing them the chance of personal and professional development. There also needs to have proper monitoring and quality control to direct the team members and encourage their creativity to achieve future success (Armstrong, 2016). The leaders also should maximise commitment towards the employees and support them efficiently for further encouragement and motivation to work. Managing transparency and accountability is also mandatory for the leaders to maintain strong team bonding and create vales of the employees (Thorpe, 2016). Hence, through the same leadership model, the organisations become able to maximise the organisational values and achieve future success. All the corporate firms must focus on the suitable leadership style to improve their operational efficiency and manage the staff members by continuous motivation and maximising their values at the workplace.


It can be stated that, the same model of the leadership can be implemented over many organisations, where the leaders may relate values for the employees and leads them efficiently towards achieving future organisational success. Hence, one leadership model can be applied effectively in all the organisations, where the leaders are successful to reshape their organisational culture and manage strong employee base for achieving future success.


Team building activities must be incorporated in the workplace in order to enhance the productivity and performance of the team members in long run. As the manager at the workplace, it is the critical role to develop effective team for the benefits of the workplace and enhancing the working process successfully. In order to develop a suitable team, it is necessary to set group motives and aims of the team members where the managers try to develop group objective and influence the team members to work for achieving a common goal. It further helps to develop strong bonding among the team members to perform cooperatively (Shuffler et al., 2018).

Team building activities

As a manager, it is important to develop partnership working practice in the organisation which enhance the productivity and maximise the performance of the staff members. For developing effective team, it is fruitful for enhancing collaboration and cooperation at the workplace, where the team member can share common workplace and cooperate with each other for better performance. This is hereby beneficial for the manager to enhance cooperation for developing the successful teamwork at the workplace (Bratton and Gold, 2017). Hence, developing the team goal further provides clear aims and objectives of working at the workplace and it further encourages the employees to cooperate and perform better as a team. Common goal is also beneficial for the managers to protect the team members and cooperate with them to maximise their roles and responsibilities. The team members feel valued at the workplace and they start collaborating with each other for better performance. Partnership working practice is another step, where the managers try to encourage group working activities and influence the team members for collaborating with other for better performance.

In addition to this, the manager must take the step to enhance communication with each of the members under the team to encourage them and develop strong bonding with them. The managers try to implement latest Information and Communication Technology as well as arrange group meetings and discussions for enhancing communication and interaction at the workplace. This is another strategy of the manager where the managers would be successful to develop effective teamwork in the workplace. The employees under the team can get the chance to share their opinion and experience with each other and perform cooperatively. The managers also aim to develop strong corporate relationship at the workplace and this is also another fruitful step of the managers to develop strong team, and enhance bonding among the team members (Woodcock, 2017). The organisational manager tries to respect each member at the workplace and encourage them to perform as a group. It further provides a scope to the members of the team to share their opinion and develop solutions for better performance. It is herby beneficial for the anger to enhance communication and encourage open interaction and discussion at the workplace for successful team work. The manager is also able to share the organisational aims and the team objective so that trust and loyalty can be enhanced further and hence the organisational managers try to improve bonding and create values for the team members, where the team members can rely on the decision of the managers and follow the directions for achieving success (Lacerenza et al., 2018). These steps are effective for the managers to develop effective team work at the workplace and achieve future success.

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In addition to this, Tuckman’s team development theory is effective for the managers to implement proper steps for developing effective team at the workplace. As per the theory, there are five stages which are forming, storming, and norming, performing and adjourning. Under forming, the managers try to give directions and improve engagement with the staff for developing effective team. The managers aims to provide coaching and manage internal conflicts among the team members under storming stage and it further helps the managers to solve the internal conflicts and develop strong relationship with each of the team members (Shuffler et al., 2018). Providing facilities to the team members and providing them the chance of personal and professional development are effective under norming stage and here the managers also try to provide clear roles and share the team objectives for motivating the staff to perform as a group. Group process and productivity are managed well by the managers and it is the next step where the managers support the group members with adequate resources and technology and encourage their creativity to maximise team performance. Every team members have equal chance to be empowered and share their perception for better performance (Bratton and Gold, 2017). It further satisfies the team members and let them feel valued under the team. The managers also focus on developing group compatibility, by proper inclusion of all the team member, providing equal opportunities, managing transparency and accountability under the team. Affection and control under the team as well as positive body language with each other and respecting others are the major steps, taken by the managers for developing the group efficiently (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020).


Hence, team building activities are effective for the managers to achieve future success. Creating organisational culture plays a crucial role to reshape the team and the managers aim at creating suitable culture to work with others as well as respect cross cultural activities under the team so that every group members can feel valued and they become motivated to perform as a team with high communication and collaboration.

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Reference List

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2020. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. London: Kogan Page Publishers.

Armstrong, M., 2016. Armstrong's handbook of management and leadership for HR: Developing effective people skills for better leadership and management. London: Kogan Page Publishers.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. London: Palgrave.

Dugan, J.P., 2017. Leadership theory: Cultivating critical perspectives. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Lacerenza, C.N., Marlow, S.L., Tannenbaum, S.I. and Salas, E., 2018. Team development interventions: Evidence-based approaches for improving teamwork. American Psychologist, 73(4), p.517.

Renz, D.O., 2016. The Jossey-Bass handbook of nonprofit leadership and management. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Rothaermel, F.T., 2016. Strategic management: concepts (Vol. 2). London: McGraw-Hill Education.

Shuffler, M.L., Diazgranados, D., Maynard, M.T. and Salas, E., 2018. Developing, sustaining, and maximizing team effectiveness: An integrative, dynamic perspective of team development interventions. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2), pp.688-724.

Thorpe, R., 2016. Gower handbook of leadership and management development. Berlin: CRC Press.

Woodcock, M., 2017. Team development manual. London: Routledge.

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