A Case Study Approach to Drug Misuse and Crime Management


The coursework is effective to analyse the case studies and apply the legislative structure and policy interventions to develop proper decision and make solutions. In the first week, the coursework is related to Drugs: Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and Psychoactive Substances Act 2016 which is effective for gathering and managing the best evidence and applying the law in relation to drug offences, offering valuable insights into criminology dissertation help. I come to identify the legislative structure of drug misuse and it further helps me to understand the criminal offence and apply the policy intervention for better management of crime in the society.in the coursework, there are also several case studies, from which I come to know the real life examples and cases in the society. The case analysis and discussion are also effective for me to improve by critical analytical skill and apply the criminal laws and legislations for better management of crime rate in the society. The case studies are also helpful to identify the sections under the laws and legislative structure in drug issue in the society. From the coursework, I try to improve my knowledge and capabilities in drug misuse and apply the legislations to develop proper solution to mitigate the crime rate in the society.


Week 3 is also effective where I come to know about The CPS, Disclosure and Basics of a Magistrates’ Court Trial – Revision, which in turn helps me to acknowledge the court trial for punishing the criminals in the society. I also improve my understanding about the court trial and penalties which are applied on the criminals to mitigate the crime of drug misuse in the society. In the week 3, I try to improve my investigation skill to conduct more investigation and gather more information and adequate data for improving my intelligence and skill to perform better in near future. In this regard, I also try to improve my creative mind set and critical analytical skill for better in depth investigation to identify the crime in the society and the coursework are useful for me to analyse the cases and gather more understanding to investigate and identify the criminals in the society.

Additionally, week 4 provides me a scope to gather understanding about policy law and investigation, where I also come to knowledge about the case evidences and gather more real life experiences so that it would be beneficial for me to develop my skill and capabilities in near future to conduct proper investigation and identify the criminals. Hence, I need to improve my intelligence and critical analytical skill as well as gather more evidence and relevant information for appropriate investigation. I try to concentrate on securing the primary and secondary information, preservation of the scenes, securing the collected evidence and securing the witness and victims to identify the ultimate suspect. Through the coursework, I have the opportunity to study the cases and identify the scenario and evidences for critical analysis so that I can relate the scene and apply the laws and legislations for punishing the criminals in the society.

Week 5 is also effective for me to understand the police law and investigation where the case studies are helpful to understand the actions of the police and the law enforcement to identify the criminals. I came to know about Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 and Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, which helps me to identify the legal power of the police officer during the investigation and in this regard, evidence handling is another important aspect, where the courses are effective to improve knowledge and understanding about handling the gathered evidences. The coursework is also related to case study where the case study analysis further provides me a scope to improve my real life experience where I can understand the role of police laws and the evidence handling for conducting appropriate investigation.

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After that, week 6 is also appropriate to study the POLICE AND CRIMINAL EVIDENCE ACT 1984 (PACE) and PACE Developed: Arrest and Search Powers and Code B which provides a scope to understand the role of police and power of them to investigate the public and identify the criminals. The code of practice of PACE is also helpful foe m to incorporate the police officers who have effective powers for investigation and evidence handing and this is effective for identifying the criminals. I try to identify the code of conduct and police laws for better investigation and the coursework further helps me to improve my knowledge and capabilities in the legal provision to conduct in depth investigation and identify the criminals.

Week 7 provides me a scope to identify the evidence based practice where I come to know the way to handle the evidences and predict the suspect. Proper investigation and evidence handling are necessary in the field to identify the suspects and the coursework in this context are productive and fruitful to improve my knowledge and understanding about the laws and legal enforcement which helps me to conduct further investigation to acknowledge the criminal offence. Throughout the week 7 and 8, I came to know the police laws and PACE development compliances as well as custody rules which are effective for me to enhance my knowledge an understanding about the criminal offence and apply the existing policies and practice to identify the suspects. Hereby, the coursework and the weeks are effective for my knowledge and skill improvement where I come to understand the cases and gather more evidence based practice, so that I can analyse the case studies and improve my decision making and critical analytical skill. Applying the laws and rules need more critical analytical skill, where I also try to participate in case study analysis, and review the investigation process by applying PACE, police laws and public rules to identify the suspects in future. Hereby, I come to know the importance of evidence based learning, application of the laws and enforcement of the legislations to identify the suspects and improve investigating mind set to participate efficiently in near future.

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