Factors Influencing Police Response to Incidents

Explaining the range of factors that impact on the way police respond to different situations

One of the factors based on which the police responds to different incidents include the nature of race of the complaint. This is because race-related crimes lead to negatively affect the cultural sentiments of particular race of people and not taking immediate actions may result to raise cultural protest and chaos which is going to create disruption in the society as well as lead to harm many innocent individuals out of chaos (Lee et al. 2017). The involvement of weapon impact on the way police responds to the situation because if any sharp or/and blunt weapons are used in causing crime then it can cause harm to many other individuals as well as can be used to harm the police. This leads them to take urgent actions and take proper protection in managing such situations (Wiley and Esbensen, 2016). The time of occurrence of the incident is another factor that influences the way police is going to respond because during the night most vulnerable incidents are seen to occur as the criminals use the advantage of the darkness to execute their negative intentions without being noticed by others (Wolfe et al. 2016). Thus, it indicates that police may respond more actively to incidents occurring at night compared to daylight. In addition, the nature of the incident also influences the way police is going to act as abusive incidents are differently managed compared to criminal offence include death, robbery and other vulnerable crimes.


Explaining the procedures to response involving different individuals and including vulnerable people

Assault Incident:

In reference to any assault incident, where the aggrieved are physically abused in the street and still in the place whereas the attacker has left the initial response would be to call 999 to alert the police of the situation by explaining them of the situation and the victim as well as ask emergency help for the victim (firstaidforlife.org.uk, 2019). The responder requires to ensure the victim is taken to the nearby hospital at the earliest to deliver medical care and then require to report to the police station to describe the incident as the details of the assaulter to help the police find the individual. In addition, the responder requires helping the police contact the family member of the abused to inform them of the situation.

Domestic Abuse:

In the mentioned situation, the female requires to ensure at first that the child from the property is sent to the neighbourhood for getting protection from the male abuser. Afterwards, the female requires to pres the bleeding cut to her face to avoid oozing out of the blood and then run to safety to nearest place possible. She is also required to call 999 for help from the police (firstaidforlife.org.uk, 2019). In case the female is unable to call the police, then she is required to cry out loud to alert the neighbours for assistance.

Explaining the system of grading response to incidents

There is total of 4 grades used for determining the extent of the seriousness of the incidents or situation.

The 1st grade is an emergency situation in which the most high-risk response is required. This is followed when any person is in critical emergencies such as abuse or violence is going to happen and if there is chance of creating big damage (essex.police.uk, 2017).

The 2nd grade is priority response and these include situations that are not as severe as the 1st grade but the situations are still of importance to be emergently reported to the police authorities (essex.police.uk, 2017).

The 3rd grade is the scheduled response in which the person or the caller has made schedule to meet the person within the next 48 hours. The emergency attendance can be accomplished in hospital, surgeries and other premises (essex.police.uk, 2017).

The 4th grade is resolution without deployment in which the caller is allowed to ask for advice from the concerned authorities over the phone or through letters to manage the situation (essex.police.uk, 2017).

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firstaidforlife.org.uk 2019, What happens when you dial 999 from making the call to when help arrives, Available at: https://firstaidforlife.org.uk/dial-999/ [Accessed on: 10 August 2019]

Lee, J.S., Lee, J. and Hoover, L.T., 2017. What conditions affect police response time? Examining situational and neighborhood factors. Police Quarterly, 20(1), pp.61-80.

Wiley, S.A. and Esbensen, F.A., 2016. The effect of police contact: Does official intervention result in deviance amplification?. Crime & Delinquency, 62(3), pp.283-307.

Wolfe, S.E., Nix, J., Kaminski, R. and Rojek, J., 2016. Is the effect of procedural justice on police legitimacy invariant? Testing the generality of procedural justice and competing antecedents of legitimacy. Journal of quantitative criminology, 32(2), pp.253-282.

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