Apples Diverse Portfolio of Products and Services

  • 06 Pages
  • Published On: 13-12-2023

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My chosen MNC

The name of the MNC


Its main services and/or products.

The services include iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple Watch, Apple TV and iPhone OS (iOS), OS X and watchOS, the iCloud, the Apple Pay portfolio and an array of accessories, services and assistance. IT services are available in our portfolios.

Where is its headquarter/base country?

Cupertino, California, United States

Some examples of its overseas markets. UK, China, and Netherlands

The specific current economic or financial news event that has an impact on my chosen MNC with dates of the new

Summarise the main points of the chosen economic/financial news below.

Chinas economic new might be a threat to apple. Chinas economy increase not because of the external products but there internal goods. China relies on their manufactured good and this might be a threat.

The increased industrial boom of china and the growth of its market exports means that they are trying to be independent and only deal with exports as they produce most of their industries. This means that the market will be limited for products from other countries such as Apple. Especially now that the US market is closed for Huawei phone bards.

Nevertheless in the latest reports china has been seen to be more involved in trading with African countries and the Asian continent, they are not much involved in trading with USA and may be the UK this can be a threat for the product of Apple.

How does this news impact my chosen MNC? List two possible negative impacts.


Negative Impact 1

The china also might stop the operations of Apple or stop the partnership between them and the apple company majorly because of the independence that we have talked about.

The growth of china’s economy

Proposed measures to mitigate/minimise these negative impacts. List two measures with explanation of how and why this strategy would be able to address the negative impacts mentioned above.

1. Measure 1

Apple should consider trying to expand its markets to other countries and continents. So that they do not fill a pinch even if country such as china decided to relay on their locally manufactured goods.

2. Measure

The company should consider investing in other countries such as South Africa and the Netherlands to avoid Losses as these countries also have got potential in doing business. China reports might also be an issue for the company because chinas government has been investing in its industry to boost their exports but not imports to the county.

My chosen MNC

The name of the MNC


Its main services and/or products.

Facebook ( — with over 1.7 billion subscribers, the world's most extensive Social Network. In addition, the Facebook products' centric features include Profile, News Feed, Messager, Groups, Events, Video, Photography, Search, Pages, and Business Facebook.

Where is its headquarter/base country?

Menlo Park, California, United States Marina One, Singapore (Asia-Pacific)

Some examples of its overseas markets.

UK, South Africa, China, and Netherlands.

The specific current economic or financial news event that has an impact on my chosen MNC with dates of the news

Summarise the main points of the chosen economic/financial news below.

High taxes by host countries search as the UK

The HMRC, whose capacity to threaten enterprises by introducing the redirected benefit tax in 2015, is gradually tailored to multinationals.

Facebook will be forced to move all the UK subscribers to a USA network where they feel that they have control.

The UK's news on Taxes will impact sales because the company would wait to see the UK's government’s next move

Facebook had to modify its business and move from Facebook Ireland to Facebook Inc, legal rights and liabilities for UK users. UK today has implemented some issues regarding to taxation that might affect the users of Facebook and this would raise privacy concerns.

Proposed measures to mitigate/minimise these negative impacts. List two measures with explanation of how and why this strategy would be able to address the negative impacts mentioned above.

Measure 1

Because the government did announced that it will launch a crackdown on foreign companies such as Facebook because of taxation issues. Facebook has decided to put down measure that is going to protect their interests and that of their users. Because if they do not act now they might risk losing their clients in that regions.

2. Measure

Facebook should move on with their decision to move subscribers to the USA network as it will help the company avoid losing revenue. Because the interest of a company in a country is to make profits but not loses. If they do not act first much of their revenues will go for the government of UK.

My chosen MNC

The name of the MNC

Its main services and/or products.

Toyota Industries Corporation has a wide range of industries, including automobiles (vehicles, engines, compressors for the automotive air conditioning and electric cars), machines for material handling and garment machinery. Here are a few of Toyota Industries' goods and services.

Where is its headquarter/base country?

Toyota Town, the eastern manufacturing town of Nagoya, Japan, is home to headquarters. Toyoda Kiichiro founded Toyota Motor Corporation in 1933 and later became Toyota's Automatic Loom Works Ltd.

Some examples of its overseas markets.

The specific current economic or financial news event that has an impact on my chosen MNC with dates of the news

Summarise the main points of the chosen economic/financial news below.

The trade deal between UK- Brexit and Japan will be of significance to Toyota as they will be able to easily penetrate the UKs market and make trade deals that would be beneficial to the company. However, the issues with tax auditing might impact Toyota negatively. Economic news of China also might reduce Toyotas dominance in the country. This is because China is seeking to be self-depend and to invest in exports, not imports.

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In the 2020 market, even as pandemic strikes, Toyota's revenue in the country rose eleven per cent. PEACE (Reuters) - Japanese automaker Toyota Motor Corp. said it sold 11 per cent of the difference with Volkswagen AG and General Motors Co in the world's largest car market in UK last year, selling 1.8 million cars in last year. They fear that the current trades would reduce the company’s performance in UK if the deal between UK -Brexit fails to work.

Negative Impact 2

If the trade deal between Japan and UK do not yield fruits Toyota stands to loose revenues as this would impact there sales results .

Proposed measures to mitigate/minimise these negative impacts. List two measures with an explanation of how and why this strategy would be able to address the negative impacts mentioned above.

Measure 1

TOYOTA should start making strategies on how they will enter an dominate yet another year in the UK environment, since statistics shows that people are currently buying cars because of COvid-19. This is a move that is going to help Toyota if they try to implement it.


Toyota should consider joining hands with Brexit and the government to partner and strengthen their business markets and economies.

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