Attributes for Workplace Success

1.3 Explain the methods and techniques used and personal attributes required to encourage and maintain working relationships that promote goodwill and trust with relevant people.

It is important to encourage the colleagues and maintain good corporate relationship in order to promote goodwill and trust with the people in the workplace. The managers try to acknowledge the needs and preferences of the people in the workplace and try to encourage their creativity and continuous motivate them for working cooperatively. Personal attributes are mandatory to encourage others and develop strong corporate relationship where the major attributes such as honesty and integrity, empathy for others flexibility in the workplace and sociability are fruitful for the mangers to motivate the people and lead them successfully towards achieving the future success. A site manager must take the initiative of developing efficient relation with the people in the workplace with the purpose of encouraging their active involvement in the different organizational operations while addressing the strategic needs.

1.4 Explain the principles of equality and diversity and how to apply them when working and communicating with others.

Maintaining equality and diversity is one of the ethical codes of practices in the organisations for working collaboratively and enhancing communication. The managers try to provide equal opportunities to all the people irrespective of their culture, demographic background and language barriers. This improves fairness and integrity in the organisational workplace for which the managers can develop trust and respect for others which enhances communication and cooperation among the team members. All the people are getting motivated and enjoy the diverse workplace for working with flexibility and harmony to achieve the organisational objectives. Equality and diversity in a workplace ensures the continuity of the operations while empowering efficiency in innovation based practices.

2.2 Explain the different methods and techniques used to inform relevant people about work activities.

Communication is important to inform the people in the workplace about the working activities and in this regard, both the verbal and non-verbal communication in the organisation is playing a crucial role to inform the people and lead them successfully. One to one discussion in the workplace, workplace training, genera meeting and seminars are arranged in the workplace to inform the people. On the other hand, media channels are utilised to interact with the people such as sending personalise email to the employees and uploading the information on organisational announcement section of the website and employee portal so that the people can access the information. The use of emails and meetings supports the organizational management and the managers in the respective departments to keep the workforce updated on the changing needs and requirements of the business while improving the degree of outputs.

2.3 Explain the effects of not informing relevant people with the expected level of urgency.

If the people are not informed with the excepted level of urgency, the working activities have been hampered in the workplace that further deteriorates the working quality and performance of the organisation as a whole. The managers cannot meet the strategic goal and company objectives due to lack of communication and gap in sharing relevant information with the people in the workplace. The decision making practice of the organisation is also hampered due to lack of information sharing practice where the employees are not able to access the adequate information to contribute positively in the company for achieving the future goal. Every business management must take the initiative of developing persistent ways of making their workforce aware of the changing business needs and guide the activities of the same towards matching the strategic objectives in order to ensure the continuous growth and development.

2.4 Explain the different types of work activity related information and to what level of detail the following people would expect to receive:

Colleagues would like to get the information about their individual job responsibilities and team role in the workplace to achieve the organisational goal.

Employers are important stakeholders of the company who try to be getting informed with the organisational annual report information to contribute in business growth.

Customers try to get the information about the product quality and service efficacy so that their expectations can be met successfully.

Contractors access the information related to business strategic planning and progress of the work.

Suppliers of products and services are concerned about the information related to volume of raw materials, production and prices of the products.

3.2 Explain the techniques of encouraging questions and/or requests for clarification and comments.

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The organisational management team must take the initiatives to empower the stakeholders or audiences for asking questions or requests for any queries for clarifications and comments, so that the audiences can interact with the organisational representatives and resolve their queries. The managers also focused on open communication and positive body language to encourage them for further clarifications as well as active participation and continue relationship building practices are also effective to encourage the audiences for questions. The organisation or its managers must take the initiative of making the target audience aware of the requirement of the questions or requests for clarification or comments in order to encourage the active participation of the different stakeholders in the questionnaire or doubt clearing activity.

3.3 Explain the different ways of offering advice and help to different people about work activities, in relation to:

Progress the progress report with working activities and time table are effective for the stakeholders to ensure active participation.

Results are important to identify the key performance indicators and share the annual report with the stakeholders for better clarifications.

Achievements must be shared with the employees through email, rewards and appreciations for maximising overall performance.

Occupational problems must be communicated through general meeting and interactive session for better decision making practice.

Occupational opportunities are effective for internal promotion and engagement of the staff with the organisational operations.

Health and safety requirements are crucial to manage the people in the workplace and the safety standard in the workplace, safety measures and emergency services must be informed to the staff.

Co-ordinated work with communication and cooperation are beneficial for encouraging the people to meet own job role and contribute positively in the workplace.

4.2 Explain the methods of clarifying alternative proposals with relevant people.

In business management, the stakeholders like employees, managers, operational head and line managers try to provide alternative proposals in the workplace with the purpose of enhancing creativity and ensuring strategic implementation. The business meetings and sharing the information through email are important for clarifying the alternative proposals with the people in the workplace. Clarification of alternative proposals must be made by business management while consulting with the different relevant stakeholders like operations manager, the line managers and the respective managers from the different departments with the purpose of ensuring the efficiency of the strategic implementations.

4.3 Explain the methods of suggesting alternative proposals.

There are several methods of sharing alternative proposals with the employees in the organisation which are direct one to one interaction, group discussion and arranging general meeting in the company. There are also different interactive session and email with a questionnaire for sharing the alternative proposals with the people. For achieving the business aim and objectives, it is mandatory to suggest alternative proposals with creativity and technical innovation and the managers must communicate with the staff through direct conversation, training programs, sending email and arranging general meeting in the workplace. New proposals might be discussed by the management in site meetings, telephonic conversations, sessions and emails with a questionnaire. The activity allows the business management in improving the scope of operations while addressing the strategic needs and requirements of the venture.

5.2 Explain the methods and techniques used to resolve differences of opinion in ways which minimise offence and maintain goodwill, trust, and respect.

Conflicts resolution is mandatory in the organisation for developing goodwill, trust and respect among the team members and in this regard, the managers try to provide equal opportunity to all the staff for sharing their perceptions so that collaborative decision can be made. Additionally, the internal conflicts can be resolved through open interaction, one to one discussion, sharing each other’s opinion and good negotiation, so that each member can have the scope to participate and share their perception. The activities support an organization resolving concerns in a workplace while improving the degree of collaboration among the people. In this connection, special notice must be made on communicating with the people, identifying their concerns, undertaking negotiations and resolution of concerns through meetings and one- on- one communication.

1.2 Explain how to identify priorities and critical activities.

It is important to identify critical priorities and critical activities in the workplace to work efficiently and in this regard Prioritization of every task must be made in order to develop an insight on the requirements and the urgency for its completion and the output. Through determining the task and adequate resources for the tasks, scheduling the tasks, allocation of the resources, identifying the adequate time period for the task and continuous monitoring and controlling activities, it is possible to prioritise the tasks and allocate the resources as per the urgency of completion. Monitoring and controlling activities must be considered with the purpose of maintaining the continuity of operations while addressing the strategic needs and directions of a business while eliminating flaws in the activities for better outputs.

1.3 Explain methods of confirming programmes or operations and schedules.

There are several ways of confirming the programmes or operations which are scheduling the programs, arranging adequate resources in the workplace, developing social network for identifying the stakeholders, analysing the duration of the project and budget required for the particular project as well as identifying the process of doing the project. On the other hand, scheduling is also important as per the convenience of the stakeholders and in this regard, the project managers focus on availability of the resources, arranging the team members and develop the working activities with time table as per the project operations and urgency.

1.4 Describe how the planning of work can be undertaken.

The planning of work can be undertaken on a systematic step which is,

Identifying the purpose, objectives and goals of the project activities

Developing a concrete insight on the resources that might be required for the activities

Identification and analysis of the resistances that might be encountered while conducting the activity

Identification of the responsible person for every activity and defining their accountabilities

Devising a strategy for the completion of the work

2.2 Describe how to allocate work fairly to team members whilst taking into account their current circumstances.

It is important to allocate the work fairly among the team members while talking into account the current circumstances and for fair allocation, the workload is distributed equally among each team member with specific job role and criteria. The distribution of the task is conducted through group meeting, developing schedule of working activities, identifying the available staff members and support each worker with individual responsibility in the workplace. Fair allocation of work can be done through the division of workload equally between the different people in the workforce as per their expertise criteria.

2.3 Explain the methods and techniques on briefing team members about quality of standards or levels expected.

Briefing the team members about the quality standard of the working activities in the organisation can be conducted through general meeting, group discussion and employee workplace portal, where the mangers try to share all the necessary information related to work so that the employees can access the information and work accordingly. The criteria are also shared through sending personalise email to the staff for improving their understanding and maximising their performance where they would be able to meet the quality of the working activities. The briefing would specifically comprise of the quality and the different criterion of the operations while educating the same on the expectations of the organization from them on the different areas of operations in daily and weekly briefings.

3.3 Explain methods of checking the progress of work against programmes or operations, schedules, and the work against quality standards.

For checking the progress of work in the workplace, it is mandatory to develop supervision and monitoring process. The team leader must review the individual performance and also assess their contribution in the organisation. The monitoring process must be continuous through CCTV camera and performance reviews. The supervisor quality and continuous monitoring further helps to keep the track of the working progress and follow the project time table to complete the tasks successfully. Close monitoring activities on the daily activities and the progress made would allow a manager in identifying the overall progress and meet the quality standard of the work. The identification and monitoring on the daily activities would allow a manger in keeping a track of the progress that is being made by the team while aligning with the milestones or time plan that is being devised by the business management.


4.2 Explain the different ways of motivating team members to complete the allocated work.

Employee motivation is mandatory to lead the staff towards achieving the future success and in this regard there are monetary and non-monetary rewards through which it is possible for the managers to encourage the employees and maximise their performance. The structured salary, performance related pay and bonus are the monetary rewards to motivate the employees. Among the non-monetary rewards, the managers focus on providing suitable working environment with the opportunity of personal and professional development, as well as good corporate culture, equality and freedom to work, health and safety at the workplace and quality supervision, where the workers are encouraged to work innovatively to meet the job sensibilities. Efficient reward and recognition supports a business in addressing the intrinsic motivators whereas the remuneration and compensation policies of an organization assist in improving the degree of commitment of the employees while keeping the same satisfied.

4.3 Explain ways of providing additional support to team members and ways of getting feedback on additional support from team members.

Additional support can be provided through communication which further motivates the team members to work under quality supervision. The supervisor try to monitor the working activities and employee’s progress and aim to share the feedback with the staff in order to provided additional support. Hence, apart from open to one interaction, working feedback and employee’s survey are effective to give additional support to the organisational employees. Moreover, in general meeting and during working activities, the managers try to guide and direct the employees with adequate information and resources for enhancing their skill set and abilities to perform better. Conducting sessions and feedbacks through surveys would be allowing a manager in identifying the specific areas of challenges that are being faced by the workforce.

5.3 Describe the various methods of identifying poor or unacceptable performance.

Identification of poor or unacceptable performance might be made through the consistent monitoring activities on the daily activities or weekly outcomes on site, where it is possible for the supervisor to analyse the working progress and review the performance efficiently. Through reviewing the resources available in the project as well as organisational overall capabilities, it is possible to identify the poor or unacceptable performance. Individual performance review and employee survey must be conducted in the workplace for analysing poor performance in the workplace. The poor or unacceptable performance can also be identified through the resources that are being used in the process of the project and the manner in which the same are unsuitable towards achieving the organizational goals.

5.4 Explain ways of discussing the causes of poor performance with team members and how to get agreement on ways of improving performance.

The major causes of poor performance of the team members are such as lack of knowledge, unskilled workforce in the workplace, poor support and guidance, lack of availability of the resources and lack of quality supervision and the causes can be shared with others in the workplace through communication and team working activities, so that the managers can identify the existing problems and develop further solutions to overcome the issues. For improving the performance, the managers must arrange technical training and developmental programs, providing the scope of personal and professional skill enhancement, group working activities, providing continuous guidance and support and directing the team members through day to day monitoring and interactions. Conduction of sessions and seeking feedbacks on the causes of poor performance are effective strategies that might be considered by a manager with the purpose of identifying the various challenges that are being faced by the people while addressing the expectations of the management.

6.3 Describe ways of recognising completion of significant pieces of work or work activities.

Recognising completion of significant pieces of work or work activities might be undertaken by a manager through communicating with the supervisor of the teams and identifying the activities or challenges that were faced by the same for completing the activity. Providing appreciation and appraising the efforts of the team members are also effective to ensure recognition in the workplace. On the other hand, promotion on job posts and increased salary are considered as good recognition that further motivate the employees to work hard and contribute efficiently for achieving the organisational objectives. Appraising the efforts of the team members or recommending for promotions or rewards and recognition activities might be considered as major activities that must be conducted by a manager in order to keep up the team spirit and maintain the motivation of the employees.

6.4 Explain effective methods of advising responsible people of the team/team member's successes.

Shared learning and storytelling are integral parts of advising the team members or teams in order to motivate and encourage their success factors, through which the employees can get information and guidance to increase their proficiency to work in the company. Shared learning experience and training programs are also beneficial to advise the responsible people in the workplace. Induction training is also effective to guide and support the new employees in the company and on the other hand, the senior management team always try to develop partnership working practice in order to improve the experience of the employees through working in a team.

1.4 Explain ways that the culture of health, safety and welfare can be promoted and encouraged.

Identification of the needs of health, safety and welfare of the people in a workplace is mandatory to create good working environment and promote secure workplace for the staff where they can work safely. Health and safety can be promoted through quality supervision and workplace monitoring process where the workers are working under 24*7 CCTV cameras. The workers are also getting the safety measures and they work under security. The health and safety insurance policy in case of any accidental incidents in the workplace must be provided to the staff. Additionally, there must be fire extinguisher and emergency exit in the company for protecting the employees from any hazardous situation. Moreover, it has been observed that a proactive approach among the managers towards ensuring the delivery of the different health, safety and welfare needs of the people creates a culture on its own in the workplace while ensuring the engagement of the different people in the workforce in the activities.

1.5 Explain how opportunities to improve health, safety and welfare could be identified and how appropriate recommendations can be made.

The opportunities of improved health and safety in the workplace can be identified through continuous monitoring and the construction of the workplace. The managers are taking care of the internal system of work including safe drinking water, rest rooms, washroom safety, controlling hygienic factors in the workplace and maintaining the security system for the safety of the employees. Appropriate recommendations can be made under quality supervisions and monitoring, where the supervisor try to acknowledge the employees requirements and control the whole workplace systematically so that the health and safety of the staff can be ensured. It has been observed that, construction based projects include extensive risks that might affect the health, safety and welfare of the people. Hence, improvement in the health, safety and welfare might be undertaken through sessions with the relevant stakeholders or the workforce and identifying their concerns while operating in a particular workplace situation.

1.6 Outline who the promotion of a health, safety and welfare culture should be aimed at.

The promotion of health, safety and welfare culture should be aimed at the workforce that is involved in strenuous jobs. Promotion of a health, safety and welfare culture among the people in the workplace is helpful for the organisation to create safe workplace and reduce the scope of any accidents in the company. For security standard and quality of workplace, the organisational leaders try to maintain health, safety and welfare of the people in order to maintain ethical code of practice and run the operations legally.

2.4 Describe how, and to whom health, safety and welfare responsibilities should be allocated.

The health, safety and welfare responsibilities must be allocated to all the workers who are working in a unit with the purpose of ensuring the safety and security of the same while ensuring the development of collaboration between the team members and the workers in order to ensure a proper health, safety and welfare culture. Additionally, there is quality supervisor and health and safety officer in the organisation, who control the whole operations through day to day monitoring process for maintaining the safety standard in the workplace.

2.5 Explain methods and techniques of conducting site inductions and list typical subject areas that should be covered.

The site managers and contractors are involved with the process of conducting site inductions for monitoring the progress and working activities on sites. The contractors try to manage the site welfare facilities, project construction activities, site layout, legislations, health and safety on site, availability of the basic needs of the workers such as food, water and washroom. The project manager is also responsible for site induction for project management where they focus on project activities, scheduling, people management and providing safety measures to all the workers. The methods and techniques or site instructions are mostly delivered to the contractors where the contractors are made responsible for monitoring the activities, the progress of the operations.

2.6 Explain how and why site inductions can consistently inform people of their responsibilities.

Site inductions support a contractor in educating and making the responsible people aware of their respective duties and responsibilities while encouraging their active participation in the different areas of operations. Through continuous communication, general meeting and induction process, it is possible to inform the people about their responsibilities and support the contractors to manage the working activities in a daily basis. Providing feedback to the staff, continuous monitoring and one to one communication, performance reviews are also effective to inform the people about their job role and individual responsibilities on sites. Moreover, it has been observed that the site instructions support contractors in delegating tasks and supervising over the activity progress while providing feedbacks on the success factors and the activities that are being undertaken by the people.

3.3 List the types of notices and hazard warnings that apply to relevant work areas and explain how to ensure that they comply with current legislation.

The alarm systems would be allowing the site inspectors and contractors in warning the people working in the site of an emergency or hazardous situation. The visual warning is also effective to inform the employees about hazards and additionally, there are warning boards and alarm acts which are also utilised for informing the employees about danger. There are prohibition signs, mandatory signs, as well as safe condition signs and warning signs which are utilised on the project sites. The fire fighting equipment signs are also utilised to develop safe workplace for the workers on the sites. Therefore, warning boards and alarms acts as efficient channels to communicate the hazards and the concerns that might be prevalent in a site area.

3.4 Explain ways that accurate and appropriate notices and hazard warnings for the workforce, visitors and the public can be maintained.

The housekeepers in the site location must ensure to label efficiently on the warnings and the alarms with the purpose of accurately and appropriately promoting notices and hazard warnings among the workforce. Efficient and appropriate labelling of the hazard warnings in the respective areas of works would allow the site inspector, the housekeepers and the contractors in reducing the instances of workplace accident related incidents in a site facility. All the stakeholders must be concerned about the existing risk factors and must also aware the visitors about the places so that they can follow the signs and alarms to maintain safety and security.

3.5 Give reasons why accurate and appropriate notices should be relevant, correctly placed and maintained, and explain possible consequences should they not be.

Accurate and appropriate notices should be relevant, correctly placed and maintained with the purpose of warning and educating the people in the workforce during different hazards and dangerous situation in order to protect people’s lives. The alarms and notices are maintained appropriately in order to raise concern about the sites and also reduce the workplace accidents while addressing the health, safety and wellbeing based needs or interests of the people working in the construction facilities. Efficient maintenance of the warnings would support in eradicating the risks or uncertainties related to site accidents in heavy construction and manufacturing units which might disrupt the overall work flow.

4.4 Describe the types of health, safety and welfare equipment and resources that would be needed for relevant work activities.

The health, safety and welfare equipment and resources that would be needed for relevant work activities are such as,

Hygienic maintenance in the workplace

Emergency exits and fire extinguishers

Access to clean drinking water

Changing rooms and rest facilities for the workers in order to reduce instances of fatigue or pain

Continuous monitoring through CCTV

Temporary accommodation and kitchen provisions for the workers

Well ventilated and sanitized toilets or wash space

Security system in the workplace

4.5 Explain ways of ensuring that health, safety and welfare equipment and resources are available and sufficient for the project.

The contractors and the project managers at the sites are looking forward all the safety arrangements provided to the workers so that it is possible to ensure health and safety at the workplace. The initiatives developed by the corporate leader and management team are reviewed by the site mangers and contractors to handle safety of the employees. The recordkeeping and continuous monitoring process are also effective ways to ensure safety and security of the staff members that further maximises welfare of the employees. The availability of the resources and taking care of the day to day operations are effective to handle the workers and progress in the project safely. Recordkeeping and inventory management aspects are integral towards ensuring that the health, safety and welfare equipment and resources are available throughout the schedule of the project and thereby contractors and inventory managers in the site areas must take the initiative of keeping records while maintaining availability of the resources.

4.6 Explain how to ensure that health, safety and welfare equipment and resources comply with current legislation

The compliance with the health, safety and welfare on construction based operations are outlined in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) 2015 where the contractors and site managers try to follow the code of practices and meet the safety standard of the project. Additionally, the health and Safety at Workplace Act 1974 must be followed by the corporate managers to develop ethical practices on the project sites. Through continuous observation and supervision, it is possible to implement the legislations and meet the safety standard at the project sites. It has been observed that the identification of the areas of threats that are being encountered by the contractors and the operational aspects supports a management team or the site manager in developing ideas on the areas of strategic interventions that might be put to place in order to reduce the risk occurrence.

5.4 Explain how systems which meet current legislation requirements for identifying and reducing hazards should be implemented.

For implementing the current legislations and reducing the hazardous situation at the project sites, it is necessary to have feedbacks, site inductions, toolbox talks, weekly or bi- monthly meetings and through emails as well as effective internal communication so that the workers can communicate with each other and take all the safety measures efficiently. Working progress supervision and performance feedback are also other ways to implement the safety measures and legislations on the sites. Hence, continuous cooperation, monitoring process and supervisions are effective for maintaining the internal system and ensure quality and safety standard in the workplace. The usage of a range of communication medium supports an organization in gaining a competitive edge while ensuring the identification of the root causes of the concerns and mitigation of the same in order to ensure the efficiency and continuity of the site operations as per the strategic needs.

5.5 Explain methods that can be used to implement systems that can report and record accidents, emergencies and near misses.

Implementation of systems that can report and record accidents, emergencies and near misses can be done through the development of an efficient feedback collection platform by digital database management system. The feedback collection platform would allow an organization in developing clear assessment on the areas of risks where the risks are documented along with accidents. For recording and reporting the hazardous and accidents, it is hereby mandatory to develop digital database in the recent era of digitalisation. The management team must focus on providing training and developmental programs so that the workers can identify the risk and manage the risks to reduce the chance of accidents in the project sites. On the other hand, training the employees on the different types of risks that might occur during the operations and the methods through which efficient reporting might be done would allow a business management in implementing systems for ensuring the health, safety and welfare of the workers while reporting and recording accidents, emergencies and near misses.

5.6 Explain ways of maintaining the welfare of people in accordance with current legislation requirements.

The site managers and contractors try to review the temporary accommodation facilities including washroom, restrooms and kitchen facilities that would reduce the fatigue and stress of the workers, which are mandatory to implement the legislative structure and develop ethical practice for managing employee welfare. Additionally, Sanitation, hygiene and cleanliness must be maintained well for safety of the workers so that they can feel free to use temporary accommodation safely. Developing different emergency operation and teams that can address the emergency situations in moments of crisis are some of the major considerations along with maintaining a good supply of safety equipment which would allow the site managers and the contractors to maintain continuity of the work processes without fiddling on the most basic parts of risk aversion strategies such as emergency exit provisions and fire safety facilities. Hence, through taking safety measures and providing them secure workplace, it is possible to maintain the welfare of people in accordance with current legislation requirements.

6.3 Explain relevant methods that can ensure hazards are fully identified.

Developing strategic interventions towards risk aversion is important to identify the existing hazardous situation. Consultation with the employees and encouraging their active engagement in the risk identification process are mandatory for ensuring the hazards are identified. Continuous monitoring and using alarms are also essential for maintaining workplace safety. Business leaders and the contractors are able to prioritise the risks and maintain risk management planning to reduce the occurrence of risks on the project sites. Moreover, providing safety measures to the employees and arranging training and developmental programs to educate the staff are also important to ensure that the internal hazards are fully identified and controlled well. Educating and training the employees would support the business leaders in ensuring that the efficient reporting standards are maintained and the risks are identified appropriately.

6.4 Describe methods and techniques that allow further information about hazards to be obtained.

The identification of the information about hazards must be there in terms of manufacturing activities, chemical uses and others so that the employees become concern about the risk factors. Data sheets are utilised for risk assessment and hazard identification. Supervising and checking the records of ill health and accidents which would allow the contractors and the managers in identifying the source of the hazards while avoiding the same while operating as per the changing needs of the business. Digital database management system and risk assessment practice are effective for identifying the internal hazards and developing further strategic planning to reduce the risks in the project sites. The activities would be guided by efficient planning and execution in order to ensure the efficient risk management protocols. Therefore, the different sources through which the data or information might be obtained should be used by the management in order to ensure a clear identification of the concerns and the manner in which the same might be mitigated.

6.5 Explain the methods and factors that determine the significance of hazards.

Risk registers allows a contractor or a site manager in developing knowledge on the consequences, probability of occurrence and the impact of any hazard on the operations in the current workplace setting. Through the risk register, it is also possible to identify the significance of hazards and prioritising the risk factors on the table in order to develop further strategic intervention planning. Hence, the initiatives to control the risk register are beneficial for the contractors and project manager to determine the significance of the hazards in the workplace. It has been observed that the identification of the adverse effects of the hazards and prioritization of the same as per their degree of occurrence is an important method that must be applied by a contractor or a manager in order to ensure the continuity of the operations. In case the contractors fail to identify and determine the priority of the hazards, the same must take the initiative of consulting with specialists that would support in not only identifying and prioritizing the challenges but also support in developing risk aversion strategies.

7.4 Describe methods that allow residual risks to be identified.

Clear motoring process and supervision are mandatory to identify the residual risks where the site managers, project management team and contractors try to maintain risk register and support the risk treatment activities for ensuring the residual risks to be identified well in the sites. It has been observed that the clear identification of the type of risks that might be faced by the organization has significantly supported the continuous growth and development of the business. Therefore, a clear supervision and control activity while treating the initially prioritized risks would allow an organization in developing cognition on the areas of residual risks.

7.5 Explain ways of applying the principles of prevention to identified relevant and significant hazards.

Prevention of the hazards in the organisation is mandatory and it is the role of the project managers and contractors to apply the principles of the prevention of the hazards in order to maintain safety and security of the workers at the project sites. The hazard control planning is essential to be implemented and additionally, internal accommodations and emergency situation must be handled with effective supervision and monitoring, so that the workers can avoid the hazardous situation. The contractors, risk evaluators and the contractors must take the initiative of developing assessments for implementing the hazard prevention strategies with health and safety management system in the workplace. A hierarchy of controls might be developed in the scenario while protecting the workers in times of different emergency situations and other non- routine activities. The contractors, risk evaluators and the contractors must take the initiative of developing assessments on the existing control measures while developing and implementing efficient technologies in order to ensure the growth and efficiency of the operations. The application of the different strategic interventions and measures would significantly support towards ensuring the fulfilment of principles of prevention to identified relevant and significant hazards.

7.6 Explain how risks can be reduced and ways that information can be provided to appropriate people.

The risk register framework is being adopted for hazard prevention and reduces the scope of risk factors in the project sites and the contractors and project managers try to analyse the risk and probability of the risks for developing prevention techniques. The risk management planning is shared with the employees through open communication and general meeting, so that the contractors, risk management officer and site managers can maintain the risk registers and promote health and safety at the workplace. Open communication through group discussion, training programs and general meeting, provide a scope to interact with others and share all the necessary information with the employees for educating them to tackle the hazardous situation at the project sites. The activities would lead an organizational contractor, site manager or the risk analysts in developing cognition and designing strategies in order to avoid or mitigate the uncertainties or hazards while maintaining continuity of the business operations as per the objectives.

8.4 Explain methods and/or procedures used to regularly monitor health, safety, and welfare systems.

For monitoring health, safety and wellbeing of the individual’s day to day monitoring process is necessary to be developed well through performance review and workplace monitoring prices by CCTV implementation. Supervisions of the overall project sites and continuous monitoring of the hazard control officer are crucial for receiving health and safety measures at the workplace. Open communication and arranging general meeting also provide a scope to manage the hazardous situation and ensure health and safety of the employees. Moreover, the digital database system will provide a scope to maintain daily records and reduce the risk factors at the project sites.

1.2 Explain different methods and techniques that allow the assessment and evaluation of available project or operational data.

The assessment and evaluation of available project or operational data can be conducted through data analysis and reviewing the project activities and milestone. The budget and cost of the projects are also necessary to be evaluated through financial assessment, where the return on investment, profit margin, and money weighted return and bank efficacy ration are analysed effectively. Reviewing the milestone of the project and the existing activities are also appropriate way to evaluate the project and operational data to achieve the project aim. The site manager and contractors try to assess the project success through milestone and project activities analysis as well as evaluating the profitability and return on the investment of the project.

1.3 Explain how work methods can be identified from the assessment and evaluation of project or operational data.

It is important to identify the working methods in the project and continuous assessment and evaluation of the project provide a scope to review the working methods of the staff members at the project sites. The project managers try to identify the organisational aim and share the job responsibilities with the staff so that they can perform systematically. Identifying the project requirements and continuous assessment of the employees are helpful to analyse their working methods. In this regard the performance reviews and feedback sharing practice are also helpful to acknowledge the working methods at the project sites and develop further planning to fulfil the organisational aim.

1.4 Give reasons why project or operational data needs to be assessed and evaluated and explain possible project or operational consequences should this not be undertaken correctly.

The project activities and operational data must be assessed and evaluated in order to review the cost and milestone of the project. For financial analysis and reallocation of the organisational resources, it is necessary to evaluate the operational data or project. On the other hand, developing creative planning to conduct the project and implement latest technical innovation is also helpful through continuous project evaluation. failing to assess and evaluate project or operational data might affect the capability of an organization in maintaining a successful completion of the project as per the priorities and thus it is mandatory to increase efficacy of the project evaluation so that the manager would be able to reallocate the adequate resources and create innovative planning to fulfil the organisational project.

2.2 Explain how additional information from other sources can be obtained in cases where available project data is insufficient.

Additional information from other sources can be obtained through communication with the contractors and obtaining their feedbacks on the progress that are made by the teams. Moreover, it is possible to collect market data and generate a group research team for successful data collection and analysis. The organisational operational data can also be gathered through arranging general meeting with the operational head, project managers and the organisational shareholders so that debate data analysis and investment can be ensured. In cases where available project data is insufficient the communication with the contractors support an organizational management in ensuring efficient understanding on the situation or progress made by the teams while conducting their operations as per the project needs.

3.2 Explain different ways that allows comprehensive identification of work methods from possible information sources and will make the best use of resources and materials for typical projects or operations.

The project managers and contractors try to identify the working methods due to identifying the adequate resources and improving firm’s capability to perform better. Project based information and data allows in improving the scope of operations while addressing the different areas of needs and requirements. Allocation of resources as per the project needs while considering the project costs and total schedule supports a manager or a contractor in developing efficient processes as per the changing needs or shifting priorities of an organization or the project. Through feedback sharing and continuous supervision of the working activities, it is also effective to utilise the resources and improve the contribution of the staff by proper guidance and support, so that they can complete the project strategically. Allocation of resources as per the project needs while considering the project costs and total schedule supports a manager or a contractor in developing efficient processes as per the changing needs or shifting priorities of an organization or the project.

3.3 Explain procedures that can identify work methods which meets project or operational requirements and the requirements of current legislation.

General meeting and inclusion of all the stakeholders of the project are mandatory for better communication and cooperation. The interactive session and the group decision making practice are effective to develop effective planning and complete the project successfully. Procedures that can identify work methods which meet project or operational requirements and the requirements of current legislation are specifically based on efficient interaction between the project stakeholders and the organizational management. Close supervision of the activities, giving instruction to the stakeholders continuously as well as guidance and support are effective to identify the working methods related to project and operational requirements and meet the current legislations. Moreover, it has been observed that close supervision of the activities while providing the relevant stakeholders with instructions on a wider range of applications might be ascertained as efficient understanding of work methods while driving the success factors for the project and the organization.

4.3 Explain different ways and techniques of evaluating identified work methods against relevant technical, environmental and project criteria to select the best or appropriate method.

For evaluating the working method and developing best methods as per the technical, environmental factors and project requirements, it is essential to take the initiatives of team development, partnership working practice development and continuous supervisions, so that the project managers and contractors are able to analyse the internal working process. The different ways and techniques of evaluating identified work methods against relevant technical, environmental and project criteria is specifically based on the comprehensive knowledge on the project requirements on the basis of while the project manager aim at reallocating the resources and improving the overall capability of the firm for completing the project successfully. The activity would focus towards not only developing a clear view on the recent requirements of change in the existing processes but also supports a business in developing competencies with a comprehensive knowledge on the existing working methods.

5.3 Explain suitable methods that ensure method statements and/or risk assessments derived from the selected work methods are accurate, clear, and concise.

The method of statements and/or risk assessments derived from the selected work methods are accurate, clear, and concise are such as good communication and reporting so that the project managers and contractors can review the existing risk factors and develop suitable risk register for mitigating the existing issues. Clear communication on the method sentence or the risk assessments supports an organizational management in deriving efficient knowledge and transmitting information that are likely to guide the operations of the workforce as per the organizational needs and requirements. Continuous communication through ICT system is essential of develop good team work and create integrate platform to interact with each other and share the adequate information for successful risk management.

5.4 Explain possible procedures that ensure that method statements and/or risk assessments are acceptable to all the people responsible.

Consultation with the different responsible person while making the same aware of the method statements and risk assessments through emails and live sessions would allow an organization in empowering the acceptance of the people responsible. The active engagement of the relevant stakeholders is an integral part that is manifested by the businesses and the managers in order to ensure the continuity of the business operations. A clear consultation or interactive session through negotiation and conflict resolution techniques allow the business owners in gaining the acceptance of the responsible stakeholders in the different areas of work methods and aligning with the common corporate goals.

5.5 Give reasons for the need to ensure that selected work methods, method statement and/or risk assessments are acceptable to all the people responsible.

Selected work methods, method statement and risk assessments must be acceptable to all the people responsible for improving the degree of collaboration and cooperation among the workers so that the management team is able to make the relevant group of stakeholders and create strategic plan to meet the job requirements. Active participation of the workers in the work methods and different other aspects along with a sound knowledge on the outcome required would allow an organisation in maintaining the continuity of operations while ensuring the development and growth of the business prospects. The people can acknowledge the working methods and also adopt new working process and technology for working more efficiently. The project quality can be improved through ensuring the working process in the workplace, so that the contractors and project managers can handle the people responsible to it and lead them successfully towards achieving the project aim.

6.2 Explain the ways and techniques of recommending work methods to the people responsible.

Open communication and cooperation is mandatory in the project site to guide and support the staff for working efficiently as per the job requirements. Recommending specific work methods to the people responsible can be done through feedback related meetings, daily sessions, weekly meetings and progress related discussions so that the managers in organization can educate the workers about their responsibilities and guide them to meet targets while achieving the successful accomplishment of the projects as per the organizational objectives.

6.3 Explain different ways of promoting selected work methods to the people responsible.

Promotion of selected work methods among the people can be done through sending personalise emails while encouraging their active participation in the processes through the development of different schemes and tactics in order to keep the same motivated and focused. Moreover, weekly meetings and discussion sessions are integral towards the development and growth of the business prospects while addressing the strategic needs and requirements of the venture and empowering proactive participation of the workers in the different work methods. Through managing organisational notice board and online employee portal, it is also possible to promote the selected working methods and guide the workers to perform better by efficient resource utilisation.

1.3 Outline the type of people that should be notified of work schedules.

The major external stakeholders related to the construction project are specifically the HSE, the local and the state authorities, the building governance bodies, local residencies, the emergency services, the transportation services, who are playing crucial role to guide and support ethically to the project manager to complete the construction project and manage the project activities legally. Om the other hand, the project manager, employees, contractors, suppliers and distributors of raw materials, engineers and site lanner are also major internal stakeholders related to the business to construct the building through a strategic planning. Making the people aware of the different project requirements and operations would be allowing the organization in developing proactive engagement of the same in the different operations while ensuring the successful completion of the project operations.

1.4 Describe ways and techniques of notifying people affected by the work about work schedules.

It is important to share all the necessary in formation with the people in the workplace and it further helps to guide and support the workers to work efficiently and meet the project aim successfully. The ways and techniques of notifying the people affected by the work about work schedules might be maintained through providing effective hand-outs, notice boards, personalized emails as per the expertise of the responsible person, conduction of bi- monthly meetings and sessions with the workers and the like. The activities would allow an organization in transmitting important information on the different areas of operations and the manner in which the same might be controlled towards ensuring the development and achievement of the success factors in a project.

1.5 Explain why adequate notice of works should be given to people affected and explain possible consequences should this not happen.

The project managers and contractors try to share adequate motive and evaluation related to work with the people to develop good working practice for maintaining quality standard of the project and completing the tasks strategically. Adequate notice of the operations must be provided to the people in order to enable the same to plan their operations efficiently while addressing the specific needs and requirements of the project. Clarity of a notice being issued to the workers would allow an organisation in improving the overall scope of project development and growth while continuing the operations strategically. Time and deadline must be transmitted in the notice so that the employees in an organisation might take the initiative of planning their operations and clearing the backlogs in order to address the common strategic goals and objectives of the business. Adequate notice of the operations must be provided to the people in order to enable the same to plan their operations efficiently while addressing the specific needs and requirements of the project. Clarity of a notice being issued to the workers would allow an organization in improving the overall scope of project development and growth while retaining the continuity of operations among all the stakeholders.

1.6 Explain how dates can be confirmed and why notification of work arrangements and schedules should be in writing.

Organised dates and working activities must be registered efficiently in order to follow the time table and complete the tasks within allocated time. Dates can be confirmed through emails and meetings with a proper meeting minute being observed where it is possible for the workers to get proper information related to working activities. It has been observed that, the time to time notifications of job arrangements and responsibilities should also be made in writing with the purpose of avoiding consequences of confusion which might affect the prospects of growth in a given project. It further provides a scope to the organisational workforce to get notifications time to time about effective working activities so that they can work accordingly and complete the project within the allocated budget and time.

2.3 Explain how and why programmes and methods should be agreed with the people who will be doing the work.

The project managers try to communicate with the staff members about the working programs and methods in order to guide them with effective information and latest updates. The Programmes and methods should be agreed with the people who will be doing the project as it would support in improving the rate of their participation and thereby increase the chances of achieving the strategic common goals of a venture through the implementation of the project operations. It has been observed that the resolution of the concerns that are being faced by the employees would allow an organization in ensuring the continuity of the project operations while keeping the workforce motivated and focused towards achieving the project goals. Consultation with the project teams and the relevant stakeholders allow businesses in developing a change readiness among the team members while identifying and resolving their concerns. Hence, the programs and methods must be shared through email, sending notifications and uploading latest information in the organisational websites.

2.4 Describe methods and techniques of communicating programmes and methods to the people who will be doing the work.

The project managers’ focus on sharing the information and data related to the work through arranging general meetings and developing training programs to educate the staff so that they can work efficiently and fulfil the project goal. The methods and techniques of communicating the programmes and relevant work methods might be done through the weekly or daily meeting sessions, the emails, and video conferencing. The activities of efficient communication through well-established channels would allow a site manager or a contractor in educating the people and making the same aware of their respective responsibilities towards ensuring the success factors of the projects. Hence, enhancing communication through meetings and arranging training program are beneficial for the project managers in order to engage with the staff and share adequate resources and information with them for guiding them in working creatively. The workplace activities and partnership working practice are also effective way to communicate with the staff and share the important information about working innovatively so that they can contribute in the workplace successfully.

3.2 Explain ways that information required for projects can be identified, obtained, and recorded before work starts.

Market research and data analysis are mandatory for gathering authentic data and information in order to progress in the project successfully. The information required for projects can be identified, obtained, and recorded before work starts can be made through consultation with experts and specialists or companies that have already undertaken the projects in the similar industry. In addition to this, continuous reviewing the previous reports of the project further enhance the activities such as execution, monitoring and controlling activities that would allow an organisational management in developing a clear insight on the different areas of operations in the projects even before it initiates in order to mark the success factors. Hence, data analysis, hiring the technicians and engineers in the project and continuous project planning through technical innovation and creativity are mandatory to identify the project requirements, arrange resources and record the activities for successful execution.

3.3 Describe the types of information that should be obtained before work starts on typical projects.

The types of information that should be obtained before work starts on typical projects are:

Anticipated dates

Details of Client, Principal Designer, Designers, and other consultants.

Extent and location of existing records and plans.

In addition to this, the market data and information must be gathered in order to identify the actual needs and preferences of the clients, so that the project managers can develop the planning accordingly. On the other hand, the information related to the adequate resources and funding are essential for developing budgetary planning for the project, so that the project managers can arrange capital and invest it in the project for conducting the project planning. The information related to available staff members, organisational resources and technical infrastructure are also necessary for conducting the project. The firms capabilities must be reviewed before doing the project planning, where the information related to efficacy of the staff, team working activities, safety measures, market demand and supply of raw materials are essential for conducting the project planning and completing it accordingly.

4.3 Explain how attendance can be organised by contract or agreement for sub- contractors and attending workforce, in accordance with project requirements and contractual agreements.

Organised attendance and contract management are effective for managing the workers and leading them successfully towards the project success. Attendance is the main contractor's mark up for the provisions of specific services that the same is required to provide for individual suppliers or sub-contractors. In this connection, attendance can be organised by contract or agreement for sub- contractors and attending workforce through the establishment of contracts and the specification of the responsibilities that are required to be undertaken. The project manager and organisational head provide employment contract to the staff for maintaining employment rules and develop ethical practices for good human resource management. The employment portal and log in activities through computerised system are beneficial for maintaining attendance and organise the workplace activities by hiring the efficient workers. Hence, this practice of maintaining attendance is beneficial for the workers to maintain punctuality and fulfil the individual job responsibilities successfully.

4.4 List factors that affect typical project requirements.

The external analysis and internal evaluation are effective for identifying the factors that affect the project activities. The four major factors that affect typical project requirements are time, cost, quality and quantity. The project managers focus on cost structure of the project in order to arrange capital and evaluate the expenditure in the project to develop effective project planning. The time of the project is other factor that affects the project planning so that the project can be completed within specified time. Hence, costing and time table are important factors that affect the project activities. The quality and quantity of the project are also important that have crucial impacts on project planning. additionally, the organisational resources and technical infrastructure are also mandatory factors that affect the project activities, where the manager focus on arranging the organisational infrastructure, invest in latest technology and evaluate employee base to strategize the whole project activities. Again site access, material accessibility, working hours, labour, plants, budgets, health and safety are some of the major requirements that affects a project throughout the process.

4.5 Explain why attendance needs to be organised for contract or agreement for sub-contractors in accordance with project requirements and contractual agreements.

Maintaining attendance in the organisation is important to arrange the employees and maintain punctuality in the workplace so that the employees are able to manage their activities and complete individual’s tasks within effective time. Attendance is required to be organized with the purpose of keeping up with the daily goals and operations while addressing the continuity of operations as per the strategic objectives and goals. The increased frequency of attendance allows an organization in improving the quality of operations and developing continuity while poor attendance might affect the capability of the contractors in improving the prospects of a project as per the objectives. The attendance of the employees, subcontractors and other workers at the project sites give overview about the participation of the staff and review their performance for completing the project within allocated time and budget.

5.2 Explain how to identify and plan the use of resources for projects and why resource requirements should be planned.

The contractors must take the initiative of consulting with the different other stakeholders while identifying the required resources and collaborate with the organizational management in allocating the resources as per the project requirements. Moreover, contractors forecast resources required that might be required for every day/week/month of the project, and schedule them accordingly while collaborating with the project or site managers. The development of a detailed project timescale and resource schedule is also helpful in improving the scope of resource management. Resource management based activities specifically contributes towards the continuity of operations with improved outcomes which drives the organizational project towards its success factors. The resource requirements is hereby necessary to be planned well in order to progress in the project and arrange adequate resources and time for better project management, so that there will be no such complication and resource shortage to conduct the project activities smoothly.

5.3 Explain why there is a need to plan the use of resources.

Resource planning is essential because it helps in identifying the various resources present in different regions of the country and supports in reducing wastage of resources. Moreover it has been observed that efficient resource planning assists in the equal distribution of resources among the regions that have acute shortage of it, which empowers an organization in maintaining continuity of operations. Strategic planning is necessary to provide systematic ways to the staff to conduct the project successfully as per the planning. The adequate resources must also be planned in order to support the employees with appropriate infrastructure and technical base so that the workers can work efficiently and fulfill the organizational goals. The resource planning is also beneficial for maintaining the project quality, arrange the employees, develop good team work and provide continuous support to the workers with adequate resources and organizational capabilities, so that the project aim and strategic goals can be met within allocated budget and time.

5.4 Explain methods and procedures that can ensure sufficient resources are obtained.

The methods and procedures that can ensure sufficient resources are obtained are specifically based on the clear understanding of the project requirements. It has been observed that, understanding the project requirements supports a contractors and a project manager in developing an insight on the areas where the resources might be deployed in order to maintain the continuity of operations. In this connection, it has been observed that managers take the initiative of evaluating the areas where the resources are required through steady consultation with the contractors and sub-contractors while supplying the same with efficient resources. The activity supports organizations in empowering their growth through empowered project success factors. Continuous project planning and resource investigation are mandatory for ensuring sufficient resources in the organisation so that the workers can progress in the project. Additionally, monitoring the requirements and continuous evaluation of the project further provide a scope to the workers to analyse the resources and arrange adequate resources for completing the project successfully.

6.3 Describe ways of organising and controlling the site and resources so that the following conditions are met:

The site is safe: Health and safety regulations are put to place along with conduction of staff surveys to gather feedbacks on the recent concerns that they are facing. In this regard providing them safety harness, maintaining hygiene, hiring security forces at the project sites, as well as the practice of maintaining the fire extinguishers, emergency exit and others are useful to ensure that the site is safe for the workers.

The site is tidy: Allocating labours for keeping the workplace neat and tidy while closely supervising on their operations, where the Health and Safety at workplace Act 1974 must be implemented to provide safe workplace to the workers. Maintaining hygienic factors, infection control activities and maintaining neat and clean at the project sites will provide a scope to the project manager to ensure that the site is tidy.

A favourable image of the organisation is created: Respecting community, securing the safety of the workers and the community, protecting the environment and considering the codes of practice while operating on a project are effective to create good brand image. Additionally, managing the ethical practice, employment rules with structured salary and work life balance and managing employee contract, data safety and security at the workplace are also effective strategies to maintain corporate brand image.

A favourable image of the products in use and being produced is created: Organizing site inspections and conducting weekly meetings with the purpose of gaining insights on the progress is mandatory for favourable image of the products. The project managers focus on developing good design and promote the project for attracting the audiences in the market. It is hereby useful to promote the project and strength the client base for maximising the organisational aim.

A favourable image of the services being provided is created: Completing the activities as per the scheduled time and the allocated costs is important to create good image of the products and services in the organisation in order to promote the brand and attract the audiences for the quality products or services. The organisation aims at maximising the values of the customers by delivering the best quality products or services and for this it is mandatory to create good image of the organisational products and services.

6.4 Explain why there is a need to organise and control the site and resources.

The project manager and contractors focus on organising the controlling the sites and resources in order to develop well project planning and arrange adequate resources for conducting the project activities strategically. There is a need to organise and control the site and resources in order to reduce the chances of schedule and cost overruns which might affect the capability of the project of being profitable to the business. It has been observed that, organizing and controlling the site and resources supports an organizational manager or a contractor in improving the scope of the project while addressing the different areas of change and maintain continuity of operations in a project as per requirements. Effective human resource management, increasing the economies of scale and reducing extra expenses are also possible through organising and controlling the sites and organisational resources by ensuring technical innovation and creativity.

7.4 Outline how to develop plans to meet special requirements and contingencies.

Contingencies and special requirements must be planned through consultation with a diverse range of stakeholders, developing alternatives and selecting the best applicable alternatives with the purpose of implementation in the projects. The use of alternative course of activities and selection of a most viable alternative activity through consultation supports an organization in increasing the viability of a project as per the strategic requirements of an organization. Involvement of the stakeholders including the project managers, operational head, workers, investors and shareholders, organisational head, contractors and other staff is effective to create good planning where the project activities must be arranged step by step with adequate time and resources so that the workers can utilise the organisational resources and perform each tasks efficiently. Contingency planning is important to adopt alternative solutions for reducing cost and increasing efficacy of the staff to complete the project successfully hire the project manager and engineers must focus on latest technology and firms capabilities to design the project activities.

7.5 Explain why there is a need to develop plans to meet special requirements and contingencies.

Developing plans to meet special requirements and contingencies are required in order to address the sudden changes in the project parameters. It has been observed that, developing plans to meet special requirements and contingencies act as a sustainable resource towards maintaining the continuity of operations in a project without disrupting the flow of activities and addressing the schedule and cost related concerns of a venture for guiding a project towards meeting its success factors. Moreover, it has been identified that developing plans to meet special requirements and contingencies supports an organization in reducing the threats of unnecessary risks and uncertainties while operating in a project. For meeting the special requirement and fulfil the organisational aim and objective, it is essential for the project managers to develop good planning, so that the workers can follow the planning and meet individuals responsibilities strategically.

1.4 Describe where and how quality standards for given projects can be defined.

Specific quality standards can be defined in the contracts or the reports containing project information which are prioritized and measured quite precisely while developing criteria that is capable of developing specific design options. It has been observed that, the definition and measurement of the quality of operations aims towards addressing the specific requirements of the projects as per the organizational needs. The quality standard of the project can be ensured through the quality of the project and the unique deigns so that the business firm is able to attract the audiences for the particular project. The efficacy of the workers, costing and time management in the project and strategic innovation are major factors that help to maximise the quality of the project. The organisational process and ethical practices also ensure the quality of the project, where the workers and project manager focus on continuous quality improvement and total quality management process in order to complete the project successfully by meeting all the requirements of the project.

1.5 Explain how quality standards can be identified and interpreted.

Quality standards can be identified and interpreted through technical specifications that define the type of control that must be considered by the project managers, contractors or site managers while undergoing a specific project. It has been observed that quality standards apply not only in the product quality but also the degree of operations that are conducted by a project team towards accomplishing the objectives of an organization. In this connection, relevant quality standards are identified through a close study of the different legislations and industry standards and thereby interpreted on the basis of the type of industry and operations that are undertaken as a part of the project for implementation and adherence. It is important to have continuous monitoring and quality supervision process in order to identify the quality standard and interpreted it for better project management.

1.6 Explain ways that quality standards can be passed on to people responsible for implementing them before starting work on a contract.

Continuous communication and cooperation are mandatory to share the information related to quality standard of the project. The project managers and contractors must share all the necessary information about quality management through general meeting and announcement at the workplace so that the workers can acknowledge the ethical practice, working activities and leadership style to complete the project efficiently. Quality standards can be passed on to people responsible for implementing them before starting work on a contract through weekly or daily meetings, sessions, emails and other communication medium like dedicated servers. The efficient transmission of information using the wider range of communication tools and equipment supports an organization in keeping the workforce motivated and informed on the different areas of change in the quality requirements which further provides a scope to the workers to meet the project goal and make the project innovative.

2.2 Explain how responsibilities can be specified to individuals having to maintain quality standards, and who those individuals may be forgiven projects.

Responsibilities can be specified to the individuals having to maintain quality standards through assigning duties and responsibilities on a daily basis while taking feedbacks from the same on the progress of the activities for given projects so that they can perform individual roles and contribute positively in completing the project successfully. It has been observed that, the quality maintenance responsibilities are generally bestowed upon individuals who are not directly related to any sort of operations in a given project in order to empower their efficiency of supervising, monitoring and controlling the operations of the organization. The project manager and contractors must share the individual responsibility to each staff and also communicate their team responsibilities for working as a partnership working practice so that the project requirements cam is met well. For the given projects, the stakeholders are hereby guided and supported with adequate resources where the project managers try to provide clear overview about their roles and responsibilities.

2.3 Give reasons why the responsibilities which individuals have for maintaining quality standards need to be specified.

Continuous communication and sharing the information own roles and individual responsibilities in the organisational workplace are necessary in order to guide the people about their contribution and improve their innovation to perform better. The responsibilities which individuals have for maintaining quality standards need to be specified because it would allow in educating the individuals on their own responsibilities towards the project and the manner in which the things are to be done in order to contribute towards the success factors. A comprehensive knowledge on the areas of operations and individual responsibilities among the people would support an organization in encouraging the active involvement of the stakeholders in the different processes and ensuring the quality of outputs. For maintaining the quality standard of the project, it is essential for the management team to share their responsibilities and guide them about the working practice.

2.4 Explain methods that allows for the production of site quality plans or procedures in accordance with the quality standards.

The technical specifications that are introduced and defined in the standards are utilized by the managers and the contractors for the production of site quality plans or procedures and maintaining the quality of the operations. In this connection, there are several factors like product materials, the work process and the execution or completion of the tasks that are correlated with the standards and the operations are thereby facilitated in order to maintain the quality standards while undertaking a project. The engineers are playing crucial role in producing the site planning and maintaining the quality of the project strategically. It is important to develop the project planning by reviewing the resource availability, firm’s capabilities and time so that the management team and operational head can lead the workers towards achieving the project aim.

3.2 Describe types of systems and methods that can be implemented to check quality standards.

Inspection or verification of the finished products while addressing the different quality standard based requirement is an important step that might be conducted by the quality assurance or the managers in a project in order to ensure that the organizational operations are based on the quality standard principles. The major objective of conducting the inspection or the verification process is to identify the flaws and rectify the same in the finished products before delivering the propositions to the end users. Quality assurance activities through maintaining the project requirements and continuous monitoring process are helpful for the project manager to control he whole project activities and meet the quality standard for satisfying the stakeholders, engaged with the project. It is important to hire quality supervisor for supervising day to day operational activities as well as the monitoring process must be develop by technological advancement, so that the managers can review the quality and develop further contingency planning for alternative solutions.

3.3 Explain how systems for inspecting and controlling the quality of work and record the outcomes should be set up.

For record keeping activities, the computerised system must be maintained with cloud computing system, where the project manager can store and review the data for daily updates. CCTV cameras must be implemented to monitor the working process and progress in the project. Additionally, continuous inspection and control are also crucial where inspection officers are recruited to review the quality of raw materials, working process and technology utilised in the project in order to maintain the overall quality of the project. Reduction in the cost of operations and wastage is a crucial step that must be considered by a construction based business. It has been observed that, compliance with the client requirements and reduction in costs towards developing bad quality propositions are important considerations that must be made by the managers or the contractors through inspecting and controlling the quality of work and record the outcomes should be set up.

3.4 Give reasons why systems for inspecting and controlling the quality of work and records of the outcomes need to be set up.

The quality checks through inspecting and controlling the quality of work and records of the outcomes need to be set up in the organisation in order to comply with the client requirements and ensure that the propositions fulfil the requirements or priorities of the client. The project managers focused on hiring experienced inspection officer in order to maintain the quality for materials and also develop contingency planning as per the feedback from the inspection in order to manage the quality of the project. Moreover, it has been observed that, supervision and inspection supports an organization in identifying the relevant flaws in the proposition and rectifies the same in order to improve the brand image through offering of improved quality propositions in the markets. Hence, the internal system of inspection and controlling provide an opportunity to the project manager to share important information with the workers and guide them to work proficiently for meeting the project aim.

4.3 Explain methods that checks that work conforms to design requirements and the specified quality standards.

Involvement of the engineers and architectures and others in the project is essential for checking and confirming the project. For maintaining quality standard, the quality board must be engaged with the project where intervention of the supervisor and quality checker can review the project activities and provide advice on adequate resources and budget of the project. Certain documents might be referred by the project manager or the site managers with the purpose of checking whether the work conforms to design requirements and the specified quality standards. In this connection, the documents like purpose of procedure, references to other documents, scope of operations, the acceptance and rejection criteria, key control points and several inspections or sequence of test results might be considered with the purpose of identifying whether the work is being undertaken as per the design requirements and the specified quality standards.

5.3 Describe ways that identifies and records work that fails to meet the requirements and specified quality standards.

Quality standard test must be conducted in the project where involvement of the supervisor and quality checker is beneficial for the project manager to control the activities and arrange resources for completing it successfully. There are several methods through which the tests might be conducted such as checking the quality of raw materials, project planning monitoring and analysing the data and records related to the project. In this connection, in case the tests are destructive in nature and a decision of acceptance or rejection is at stake, a quality test is considered as a randomized sample with the purpose of ensuring the quality of operations. The test is economical by nature which is supportive towards developing a clear assessment on the quality of the operations that are being undertaken by the workforce and their outcomes.

5.4 Explain how to implement corrective action where work fails to meet the requirements and specified quality standards.

Corrective actions are integral part of any project management operations. In this connection, the contractors or the managers must take the initiative of supervising and monitoring over the areas of concerns while devising feedbacks and instructions in order to fulfil the corrective procedures or strategies while addressing the strategic goals. Contingency planning is essential to be developed well, where the supervisor feedback is crucial to be followed for the project managers to design the alternative project planning. Reallocation of the budget, increasing firm’s capabilities and hiring experts in the project are important to meet the project aim and objective successfully. The involvement of the engineers, architects and technicians are also advantageous for the project manager to implement the corrective actions through successful planning and technological innovation, where the management team is able to enhance innovation and creativity for successful completion of the tasks.

6.3 Explain methods and techniques that can be used to inform decision-makers about significant variations in quality standards that may affect programme, safety implications and the finish to the product.

Decision makers must be made aware of the quality standards and the progress that is being made by the people in the different operations through conference, meetings and emails. The information being transmitted to the decision makers would allow the organizational managers and contractors in improving their knowledge while empowering the decision makers in taking efficient decisions while adhering to the needs of the projects. The project managers must implement Information and Telecommunication Technology at the organisation, where it is possible to create integrated system for enhancing internal and external communication. The managers also ensures that there is general meeting and continuous guidance at the project site, where the staff and members and contractors can get information about decision making practice and the quality standard that should be maintained in doing the project successfully. Hence, arranging conference and general meeting are crucial for sharing the latest decision and working practice at the project site so that each member can get clear ideas to work innovatively.

6.4 Explain how solutions, which decision- makers need to make about significant variations in quality standards and advice on the actions they need to take, can be recommended.

Involvement of the architects and engineers as well as clear communication with the project managers are beneficial to recommended suitable suggestions about doing the project in a systematic way. The decision makers try to communicate with the workers and operational head about maintaining quality and arranging resources so that better contingency planning can be made by continuous creativity and technical innovation. The solutions that are being devised by the decision makers might be conducted through an open consultation with the project engineers, the specialists and the tradesmen which would allow the decision makers in gaining comprehensive knowledge on the standards and the applicable systems through which the project might be guided safely. The recommendations are hereby develop on the basis of data analysis and project requirement with the involvement of the project stakeholders and it must be shared with the project team to work efficiently and meet the quality standard of the project.

6.5 Explain ways of recommending improvements to decision-makers, and why recommendations should be made.

The recommendations for improvements might be made to decision-makers through emailing them or conducting meetings sessions with a list of alternatives. The recommendations might be made in order to ensure that the right decisions are being applied by the decision makers while addressing the specific needs of the project requirements. The suggested recommendations at the project sites must be made in order to improve the quality standard of the project as well as meet the project requirements through creativity and continuous innovation. The project team can identify alternation ways to conduct the actviti4s by effective utilisation of the resources. The recommendations are also beneficial to reduce cost of the project and maximise the project aim strategically. The decision makers also can analyse the initiatives and planning for exploring alternative ways of completing the project successfully through creative design, latest technology, cost cutting method and reallocation of the organisational resources to achieve the future success.

7.3 Explain how conflicts between quality standards can be identified.

Conflicts between quality standards can be identified through continuous monitoring, supervision and reporting while encouraging the active participation of the different stakeholders in the organizational operational processes. It has been observed that close supervision and reporting supports a manager in developing insights on the source of the concerns while devising strategic interventions for mitigation. Through continuous monitoring process and supervision technique, it is possible for the supervisor to identify he internal conflicts in quality standard where the project manager aims at involving all the stakeholders in the project for analysing the existing conflicts. The reporting process and record keeping process are also effective for acknowledging conflicts in quality standard so that it is possible to identify the issues and develop alternative solution to meet the quality requirements for fulfilling the project successfully.

7.4 Describe how conflicting quality standards can be referred to decision-makers for resolution.

It is important for the supervisor and project manager to share the information related to the conflicts in quality standard to the decision makers so that the management team can develop creative decision for successful completion of the project within effective time and allocated budget. In this regard, the conflicting quality standards can be referred to decision-makers for resolution through several ways such as sending emails, pictures of the results, on- site assessments, general meetings and arranging conferences which would allow the decision maker at the project sites to developed strategic interventions in order to resolve the existing conflicts. The supervisor must inform the decision makers about the conflicts through arranging meeting and conferences so that it is possible to develop open to one interaction and share all the necessary information related to the project site and design. The information can also be shared through computerised shared database system so that the decision makers can have the option of reviewing record keeping process and monitor the data and information to create further solution to the project.

8.3 Explain how improvements in quality standards from feedback can be identified.

Feedback gathering method is one of the best techniques to gather vast range of information and identify different perspectives of the stakeholders at the project sites, it is the role of the project manager and operational head to gather feedback of the technicians, architects and project lanner so that further improvements can be made. Improvements in quality standards from feedback can be identified through monitoring over the daily or weekly operations and the work progress that are being made by the teams in the projects. The perception of each stakeholder, engaged with the project are gathered for making collaborative decision where the manager is able to develop contingency planning for recommending the best solution to complete the project innovatively with latest design and best quality. Hence, feedback must be identified to understand the decision of the stakeholders so that the decision makers can propose the best solution to the project.

8.4 Describe ways that recommended improvements can be made to decision- makers.

The major ways in which recommended improvements can be made to decision- makers are through gathering a clear concept on the project requirements through standards and documents along with efficient communication. The standards and the documents support the decision makers in taking eventful and more likely decisions towards the growth and development of an organization. On the other hand, the communication between relevant stakeholders and the decision makers supports in taking decisions that would imply the growth and success factors of a project. The project manager must arrange general meeting and conferences for sharing business ideas so that the best recommendations can be made. Additionally, it is important to support the decision makers with adequate information and internal project activities so that it could be possible to make creative decision for the construction project to be successful.

9.3 Explain how agreed amendments to the project quality standards with decision- makers can be made.

Agreed amendments to the project quality standards with decision- makers can be made through daily meetings and emails which would support in transmitting important pieces of information while improving their scope of taking decisions. The data gathering and analysis are crucial to make the amendments in meeting the quality standard of the project. For making amendments, the project managers must involve the stakeholders including the technicians, architects, engineers, shareholders and investors, staff members and contractors so that it is possible to gather vast range of information and perception of the stakeholders in making the collaborative decision. After data analysis and evaluation, the decision makers try to review the adequate resources and budget of the project for further planning and execution. The availability of the resources and latest technology are also considered as important factor to develop creative decision by ensuring quality standard of the project.

9.4 Explain methods that allows for the recording of amendments to project quality standards.

Balancing o accounts and budgetary statement are effective for keeping the project records and also store the data related to the amendments to the project quality. Additionally, the computerised cloud computing system must be implemented in the organisation for maintaining data safety and security as well as incorporate all the necessary information in a file. The quality logs and the different documents that would witness the amendments made in a project would allow in recording of amendments to project quality standards while addressing the changing needs and purpose of the projects. Preparing the financial statement and the project log book management are also beneficial for the recording of amendments to project quality standards where the project managers can store and manage the important data for further improvement so that quality of the project can be met. Hence, the record keeping activities must be handled under strategic supervisions in order to record the amendments to the project quality standard.

1.4 Explain how systems for monitoring and recording the progress of projects against agreed programmes can be developed.

Monitoring and recording are essential for the projects to strategies the activities and progress in the project with the specified programs. For monitoring, the project manager tries to implement CCTV cameras at the project sites as well as the cloud computing system are also latest innovation to maintain project planning and programs effectively through computerised and automated system. The recording system is also conducted through technical innovation and where programs and daily activities are monitored and the data are stored efficiently. Progress meetings and conferences must be conducted with the purpose of ensuring the efficiency of monitoring and recording the progress of projects against agreed programmes. Moreover, it has been observed that, continuous reporting on the project progress might also be made in order to monitor and record the progress of projects against agreed programmes. Hence, the project programs are necessary to be monitored, reviewed and recorded in order to lead the workers in a systematic way and meet the project aim.

1.5 Give reasons why systems, that monitor and record project progress project against agreed programmes, should be developed.

The strategic development of the motoring process, review system and recording activities are essential for the project manager to review the working activities at the project sites and design the strategies efficiently to complete the task successful by creativity and technical innovation. The systems that monitor and record project progress project against agreed programmes should be developed in order to understand the progress made by the workers in the project and also ensure that the project meets its present deadlines as per the changing needs of the business and the project requirements. It is beneficial for the project managers to share all the necessary information and data with the workers and contractors so that they can adopt creative solution to meet the project aim within the allocated budget and time. Hereby, the project managers must focus on monitoring and recording process to handle the data and important information as well as progress in the project successfully.

2.3 Explain ways that information on work progress can regularly be collected.

Information on work progress can be regularly collected through the daily meetings and sessions which would allow in developing a comprehensive idea on the different areas of change in the projects and the manner in which the actions might be arranged to fulfil the purpose. The market survey is another crucial way to gather vast range of information and data related to the project. Additionally, through feedback mechanism and arranging conferences in the organisation, it is possible to collect vast range of information and data related to the project where the stakeholders such as contractors, engineers and technicians as well as the workers care involved in sharing adequate information and data in order to manage the project programs and develop strategic planning for successful completion of the project. The project managers also try to monitor the project programs for gathering information from the project sites as well as ICT implementation is considered as a good method of enhancing communication for sharing the information and data with each other at the project sites and it is helpful to collect important information to conduct the project activities successfully.

2.4 Explain ways of accurately summarising progress information to relevant people.

Accurately summarising progress information to relevant people might be made through bi- monthly meetings, conferences and sessions in order to improve their understanding and collaboration with the purpose of safe completion of the project. Weekly meeting by involving the workers and contractors are necessary for summarising the project programs successfully. In addition to this, the conferences are important to summarise the project and in this context the project managers and operational head of the organisation focus on arranging conferences and encourage the stakeholders to take active participation for summarising the project activities and run the project creatively. The organisational website and employee’s portal are also necessary to be maintained efficiently in order to upload the latest information and summarise it for better project management. The project management phases are necessity to be maintained well and for this it are essential to summarise the information through data collection and analysis method and in this regard the data analysis and engineers try to analyse and summarise the data for strategizing the project planning and implementing latest technology to conduct the project activities successfully.

2.5 Outline who would need to be informed about work progress on given projects.

The people who are needed to be informed about work progress on given projects are the clients, the council members, the contractors and the sub-contractors, the project managers and the site managers for improving their knowledge on the improvements or progresses made in the projects. Additionally, the site lanner, architects and engineers are also important stakeholders, who are engaged with the project directly and it is important for the organisation to share all the necessary information related to the project activities so that they can develop suitable planning for completing the project efficiently. On the other hand, the finance manager and investors are also laying an important role in order to manage the project planning and working programs and for this the project managers must share the necessary information with them so that they can acknowledge latest information and strategies the project for further investment and completing it strategically.

3.4 Explain ways that inadequate and inappropriate resources can be identified.

Implementation of a system for monitoring and recording on the works programme and the diverse use of time, resources and costs would allow in identifying the inadequate and inappropriate resources while aligning with the project requirements. The data gathering practice is important to be designed well and in this regard the project managers try to develop strong team by effective involvement of the architects, engineers, site manager and contractor so that the project manager can gather feedback and acknowledge the inadequate and inappropriate resources in the project sites. It is important to gather the information about inadequate and inappropriate resources through workplace survey by involving the contractor and other worker so that it is possible for the project managers to arrange resources which are suitable for the particular project in order to maintain quality and complete it successfully.

3.5 Explain different methods that can inform relevant people about inadequate and inappropriate resources.

Monitoring process and record keeping activities are essential to identify the inadequate resources and it is necessary to inform the people about the inappropriate resources in the project site so that they can understand the adequate resource and develop suitable planning to complete the project successfully. The production of work programs that can efficiently control the workflow in a project while allocating the resources would be one of the best options that might be considered by the concerned authorities in order to inform relevant people about inadequate and inappropriate resources. It is important to guide the people at the project site and provide workplace training so that it is possible to inform them about the inappropriate resources in the organisation. Moreover, continuous communication and providing notices at the workplace are also mandatory for sharing adequate resources and provide clear overview about the inadequate and inappropriate resources so that it is possible for the workers to identify important resources and utilise the resources for achieving the organisational aim.

3.6 Explain different methods of specifying and obtaining alternative resources.

Specification of alternative resources can be made through consultation with specialists and experts in the industry while obtaining alternative resources might be conducted through internet, client data, technical information databases and the like. The activity would be allowing the managers and the contractors in developing a comprehensive idea on the resources while maintaining the continuity of operations of the projects. Reallocating of the resources and continuous improvement of the organisational capabilities are also necessary for filing adequate resources which are required to conduct the project successfully. It is the role of the project manager to specify and obtain the adequate resources through continuous monitoring and record keeping process so that it is possible to develop contingency planning for establishing the project activities efficiently. Hereby, the methods of obtaining the alternative resources are hereby beneficial for the project manager to invest in the project and arrange the resources for conducting the programs in order to meet the project aim and objectives.

4.3 List and describe factors that can create deviations in planned progress on typical projects.

Deviations in planned progress on typical projects might occur due to workplace hazards, change in weather conditions, long lead times, unavailability of raw materials or resources and the like. Lack of availability of the raw materials and poor capability of the organisation to handle the project activities are important factors that leads to deviations in the project. Additionally, finance shortage and lack of strategic planning as well as poor management in the project activities are also raising concern about completion of the project where the project managers face deviations in conducting the programs efficiently. Lack of human resource and presence of unskilled workforce are also other reasons of rising deviations in the project for which the project managers face difficulties to complete the project with meeting its quality standard.

4.4 Explain how deviations from planned progress, which has occurred, and which may occur can be identified.

The deviations from planned progress which has occurred and may occur might be identified through the utilization of efficient risk identification and prioritization system. Moreover, the previous reports of implementing the project by different other businesses along with weather and industry reports can be of an aid in identifying the possibilities of the hazards that might create deviations or disruptions in a well-planned project, affecting the outcome. It is important to maintain risk registers as well as the operational planning in or rot identify the deviations in the project so that the project management team can analyse the existing risk factors and develop alternative strategic planning for better performance and successful completion of the project.

4.5 Explain how deviations from the planned progress, which may disrupt the programme, can be identified.

The major key areas that might be considered as marks of deviations from the planned progress are:

Areas of different operations are not being handed over to the responsible people within the assorted timeframe

Damage in the output which does not contemplate with the objective of the project

Through analysing the quality of the project by hiring quality control team, it is possible for the project manager to identify and analyse the deviations from the planned progress in the project which may disrupt the whole process.

It is also necessary to identify health and safety as well as the workers welfare at the project sites to analyse deviations in the project

Moreover, continuous monitoring and record keeping process with day to day activities are also beneficial to identify the existing evaluations and analyse alternative ways to complete the project successfully.

4.6 Explain ways that deviations from planned progress can be quantified.

Deviations from planned progress can be quantified through analysis of the project data, the specifications and the plan while comparing with the real life on- site project situation the deviations of the planned progress must be quantified through data analysis and evaluation where the engineers and data analysis are laying crucial role in analysing the gathered data and information for planning in the project. Additionally, the cloud computing system and online data analysis method through record keeping process are also beneficial for quantifying the deviations from the planned progress which furthers provides a scope to the organisational project management team to develop alternative ways for completing the project successfully.

4.7 Give reasons why deviations from planned progress need to identified and quantified.

The deviations from planned progress need to identified and quantified in order to identify the damage or the percentile of change within the on- site project that occurred while deviating from the project objectives or the plans. The identification and quantification of the deviation in the final on- site project allows an organization in determining the success factors. In order to make the project successful within the allocated budget and time, it is essential for the project manager to quantify and identifies the deviations of the project, so that it is possible for the project manager to develop alternative solutions on order to complete it strategically.

5.3 Explain how circumstances of deviations from planned progress can be investigated.

Circumstances of deviations from planned progress can be investigated through a detailed and comprehensive assessment of all available information and statistics in order to resolve the concerns. It is necessary to hire quality control team and engineers in the project in order to investigate the deviations and develop alternative strategic planning for meeting the project aim and objective. In addition to this, the project manager focuses on data analysis and evaluation for analysing the circumstances at the project site where deviations arise due to lack of management and resource shortage. For further investigation, investigation team must be hired for analysing the project quality where the engineers, architects and site managers are involved to investigate the whole process and project activities for analysing the circumstances of deviations.

5.4 Explains ways that corrective action for deviations from planned progress with relevant people can be agreed.

Corrective action for deviations from planned progress with relevant people can be agreed through extensive consultation with the stakeholders, evaluation of different alternatives and the selection of the best alternative as the corrective action that might be implemented in the project in order to recover from the deviation. The consultation with specialists and different stakeholders like the site managers and the contractors is an important aspect that might be considered for agreeing upon a corrective action. The involvement of the engineers and architects are necessary for the organisation to agree with the corrective activations taken place in order to ensure the deviations from the project will be mitigated.

5.5 Explain how agreed corrective action for deviations from planned progress can be implemented.

Technological infrastructure must be developed for successful implementation of the corrective action for deviations from the planned progress in the project, where the architects, technicians and engineers try to utilise latest technology and organisational infrastructure to executive the plan in order to meet the project aim. Additionally, increasing the organisational capability by hiring experienced staff members and contractors as well as arranging the resources are also essential for implementing the corrective actions in the project, where the project managers and other stakeholders try to collaborate with each other for making the plan successful. Hence, the agreed corrective actions for deviations from the project can be implemented through strategic planning, arranging resources and increasing firm’s capability so that the project manager can manage the staff and contractors for completing the project systematically.

5.6 Give reasons why corrective actions must be agreed.

Corrective actions must be agreed with the purpose of ensuring the active participation of the stakeholders in the different organizational processes while ensuring the efficiency of the decision making processes. For developing contingency planning, the corrective actions must be agreed in the project so that the project managers and site lanner can arrange the working programs as per the requirements and specifications of the project. It is also necessary to agree with the corrective actions for better performance and productivity of the staff and contractors at the project site with the new and creative planning for mitigating the risk factors and completing the project strategically.

6.3 Explain methods that allow recommend options that will help the project progress.

Data analysis and in-depth evaluation are mandatory for recommending suitable suggestions in the project as per the project requirements and specifications. It is the role of the decision makers to acknowledge the alternative options after conducting fata analysis and evaluation, so that it is possible to provide creative recommendation. The major methods that might be used to recommend options that will help the project progress are through making the decision makers aware of the quality standards and ensuring that efficient decision making is conducted as per the changing needs and requirements of an organization. For further recommendations, it is important to acknowledge the adequate resources, availability of the raw materials, technical assistance and alternative strategic planning where the engagement of the stakeholders and analysing their perception are helpful to select the best solution for completing the project activities innovatively.

6.4 Explain why recommendations, that will minimise increases in cost and time and help the project progress, need to be made.

The recommendations are made at the project sites in order to maintain the quality standard and seek alternative solutions for reducing the cost and arranging time table for the project activities. Through strategic recommendations, it is also possible for the project management team to develop cost effective way and arrange the resources required for the project. Recommendations that will minimise the cost and time and help the project progress, need to be made in order to ensure that the project operates as per the schedule and costs that are planned by the businesses while guiding the operations towards meeting the success factors of a given project.

7.4 Explain methods that can regularly informed relevant people about changes to operational programmes and demands on resources.

The methods through which the relevant people might be kept informed on the areas of operational programmes and demands on resources are through emails, meeting sessions, feedbacks and instructions on the aspects of the projects as per the scope or objectives that are developed by the businesses or the clients. The corporate notice board must be maintained well at the organisation so that the staff members can identify the information and share all the data with the people engaged with the project. The employee’s portal must be updated with latest information to guide and support the employees so that it is possible for the management team to lead the staff members towards achieving the project aim. The project managers also arrange training and developmental programs at the workplace for sharing all the necessary information about the operational changes and latest innovation so that they can get the opportunity for personal and professional development and they can work efficiently to meet the project outcomes.

7.5 Explains ways and techniques of suggesting decisions and actions that need to be taken to maintain progress.

For suggesting the decision at the project sites, it is essential to utilise ICT and also arrange general meeting, so that the project management team can instruct the relevant people engaged with the project. On the other hand, the ways and techniques of suggesting decisions and actions that need to be taken to maintain progress are specifically through consultation and communication with the different groups of stakeholders while educating the same on their responsibilities and allocating resources as per the changing needs or requirements of the projects. The managers also try to arrange training and developmental programs at the organisational workplace for managing the people and suggest the best decision and actions taken place in the project. Hereby, continuous communication, maintaining organisational notice board and training programs are effective for suggesting the decisions and actions to the relevant people.

8.4 Explain how improvements to progress can be identified from feedback received.

The improvements can be identified specifically through the development of cognition on the standards while correlating with the feedbacks through assessment of the different concerns and the major strategic interventions that might be put to place for empowering the development and success factors of the projects. The systematic functioning of the analysis, evaluation and strategic interventions supports in developing resolution through the feedbacks received. The project managers try to analyse all the feedback and evaluate the perception of the team members at the project site in order to maintain the quality of the project and create good contingency planning for meeting the project specifications.

8.5 Explain ways of recommending improvements in progress to relevant people.

Enhancing communication and implementing ICT are mandatory for recommending the improvements required in the project. The project managers also focus on the team working activities and develop collaborative decision making practice in order to make improvements for maintaining the project quality and specifications. The ways of recommending improvements in progress to relevant people are through consultation, instruction transmission and delegation of tasks which supports in making the workers aware of their individual responsibilities while contributing towards the success factors of a project. At the project sites, the managers and contractors also try to communicate with the staff and other relevant people engaged with the project for maximising their contribution and guide them with improved strategic planning.

8.6 Give reasons why recommended improvements in progress to relevant people need to be made.

Recommended improvements in progress to relevant people need to be made in order to improve the scope and success factors of a project while guiding the same towards meeting the organizational objectives. The recommendations are mandatory for ensuring continuous improvement as well as ensuring the quality standard of the project where the project management team and contractors can meet the project specifications and requirements. The recommended suggestions are also crucial to be made effectively at the project site, in order to adopt creative solutions and changed initiatives in the project for achieving better outcome. The project managers are also playing an important role to develop strong team by involvement of the technicians, contractors, suppliers, architects and engineers in order to develop innovative solution of the project.

1.2 Explain what are aims and objectives for undertaking development and how personal aims can be defined.

Aims and objectives for undertaking development is specifically based on improving the operational aspects of a project while addressing the shifting requirements of the clients or the businesses. Personal aims can be defined as the motivators towards improving the overall potentiality of individuals in making contribution towards increasing the scope of a project. The project aim is to complete the construction within the allocated time and budget so that the contractors can fulfil its specifications and meet the client requirements. The major objectives of the project are such managing the quality of the project, utilising quality raw materials, meeting the needs and preferences of the clients, maximising the requirements of the stakeholders and creating social values by reducing the unsustainable environmental activities.

1.3 Give reasons why aims and objectives should be defined.

Aims and objectives should be clearly defined in order to ensure that the project fulfils the requirements of the clients and the businesses and guiding the overall operations towards meeting the final outcomes for which the project is being initiated. The aim and project objectives must be defined in order to develop clear overview among the staff and also share visions and organisational values with the staff. Additionally, the project managers try to share the project aim and objective to guide and support the contractors and workers at the project site so that they can follow the roles and keep their responsibilities by contributing positively in the project.

2.2 Explain how to contact sources of support and guidance to identify recognised standards.

Contacting sources of support and guidance to identify recognised standards can be made through emails, conferences, and telephonic calls along with referral schemes which would allow an organization in developing efficient networking capabilities. The quality standard team must be hired in the project in order to recognise the standard of the project and also sort the activities strategically. The involvement of the engineers, technicians, site lanners and architects is also beneficial to contact sources of support and guidance to identify recognised standards, where the project managers would be able to progress in the project with specific requirements and support other workers and staff members to contribute positively in completing the project efficiently.

2.3 Give reasons why recognised standards for undertaking personal development should be identified.

Recognised standards for undertaking personal development should be identified in order to empower the personal development goals and activities while correlating with the industry and quality standards for ensuring the better performance of the people in their respective job areas within a project team. The workers are supported and guided continuously with adequate resources and information for maintaining the standard and it further provides a scope to ensure personal and professional development of the staff members. The project manager and quality assessment officer also support the workers at the construction sites to train them with knowledge and skill set for performing better and meeting the project specifications.

3.3 Describe how to analyse current personal levels of knowledge and performance against selected and recognised standards.

The current personal levels of knowledge and performance can be reviewed through personal reflection on the experience of work while correlating the reflections with the recognised standards in order to develop insights on the flaws in the operations that can be addressed. Efficient personal reflection skills support an individual in developing an idea on the concerns that the one has been facing while identifying the recognized standards as a means of guidance towards making improvements. Feedback analysis and employee performance reviews are the major activities through which it is possible to assess personal knowledge and capabilities of the employees at the project sites.

3.4 Explain the factors that determine personal development needs.

Factors that determine personal development needs are specifically based on the emerging competencies that are being considered by the businesses or the project teams and the previous experiences on the concerns that an individual faced while operating in similar processes. Personal contribution in the organisation as well as experience of the person is the major factors to determine the personal developmental needs. The project managers also review the contribution and efficacy of each worker at the construction site in order to identify their needs to have personal and professional development. Participation in the training and developmental programs is also another way to analyse the personal developmental needs.

3.5 Explain ways that personal development needs can be profiled.

Personal development needs can be profiled through the company training matrix which would support in tracking personal development based needs and administering the same as per the changing organizational environments. Employee portal management and the interaction of the managers with the workers are beneficial to profile the personal developmental needs. Apart from that, the project management team focuses on arranging group meeting and developing partnership working practice in order to analyse the personal developmental needs and profile it with specific suggestion so that they can support and guide the workers at the project sites.

3.6 Give reasons why a profile of personal development needs should be developed.

A profile of personal development needs should be developed in order to identify the areas where personal development must be applied while addressing the strategic elements and chances of growth as per the changing elements of the businesses. It further helps to identify the personal knowledge and skill set of the workers at the construction sites, and it further provides a scope to the project manager to arrange training and skill enhancement programs to support and guide them for better performance. Through developing personal profile, it is also possible for the management team to guide the employee with adequate organisational infrastructure and resources in order to improve their knowledge and personal skill set.

4.2 Describe ways that personal development plans can be prepared.

Personal development plans can be prepared through consultation with the stakeholders, identifying their personal development needs, identifying practices that would empower their training and development opportunities, implementing the practices and monitoring over the progress made by the individuals through the training programs which are being delivered by the businesses. Developing personal developmental template is necessary where the individual information, skill set and knowledge must be incorporated for further specifications. The support resources and organisational infrastructure must be reviewed for identifying the ways of developing knowledge and skill set of the workers at the construction sites. The time schedule is also necessary for developing personal developmental plan.

4.3 Explain why a personal development plan should be prepared.

A personal development plan should be prepared in order to systematically address the personal development needs of the individuals while empowering their skills and competencies as per the shifting requirements or priorities of the organization or the project teams. For enhancing the performance of the employees at the project sites, increasing the efficacy and technical skill set of the staff and improve the organisational overall performance, it is essential for preparing the personal developmental plan. On the other hand, developing personal skill enhancement plan is also beneficial for increasing contribution of the staff in the project and maintain the quality standard of the project efficiently for successful completion.

5.4 Explain ways that development activities to achieve personal development needs can be undertaken.

Development activities to achieve personal development needs can be undertaken through different recognized training courses, toolbox talks, online courses, supplier seminars and the like. The project managers arrange training and skill developmental programs to support the workers and on the other hand, it is important to guide the staff with adequate organisational resources and information, so that they can improve their knowledge base successfully. Moreover, providing them the scope of participating in the conferences and general meeting is also advantageous for achieving personal developmental needs. Continuous communication with the staff and organisational culture of collaborative working practice are also helpful to manage the performance of the staff and improve their personal skill.

5.5 Explain the methods that can be used that reviews and records progress and evaluates effectiveness of activities.

The methods that can be used that reviews and records progress and evaluate effectiveness of activities are specifically through the updated training matrix in an organization while taking feedbacks and developing interventions towards improving the scope of the personal development programs. Feedback gathering method is effective for reviews and it is also necessary to maintain record system efficiently through computerised system and documentations. The project managers try to utilise the reviews and records progress maintenance further helps them to organise the working activities and guide the staff members with personal and professional skill developmental activities.

6.3 Explain how achievement of identified personal development needs can be measured.

Achievement of identified personal development needs can be measured through the utilization of KPIs or the key performance indicators. The fulfilment of the indicators in real life would allow in developing efficient measurements of the completion of the personal development goals. Personal efficacy at the workplace is mandatory to be evaluated well and additionally, it is the role of the project management team to understand the personal abilities and skill set of the person to measure their personal developmental needs and arrange training and developmental programs for supporting the workers at the project sites. Hence, through analysing the key performance indicators such as personal capabilities, efficacy of the staff, technical knowledge and knowledge about project activities, it is possible to measure the personal needs of the person.

6.4 Explain ways that evidence of personal knowledge and competence against identified national standards can be recorded.

Evidence of personal knowledge and competence against identified national standards can be recorded through keeping valid and well informed training records with a training matrix along with a track of individual certifications in order to ensure the efficiency of the business processes. The project log book and employee portal management are effective to record the evidences about the learning and personal knowledge developmental activities in the organisation. Moreover, the project managers must develop digital database management system for maintaining the data and information and storing the evidence of personal knowledge and competence against identified national standards so that it is possible to arrange learning programs for the workers at the project sites.

7.3 Explain how the reviewing of the cycle of updating personal aims and objectives can be undertaken.

Continuous monitoring process and involvement of the engineers and architects are necessary for reviewing the cycle of updating personal aims and objectives. In this regard, the data analysis and evaluation must be undertaken for better interpretation. The personal aim and objectives are also reviewed by feedback analysis, where the employees can participate and share their perception about personal aim and requirements. It is also important to ensure employee management through providing training and developmental program which are beneficial for updating personal aims and objectives, so that the project managers can identify their needs and support them with adequate resources to maximise their performance by continuous motivation and communication.

7.4 Explain methods that allows for the revision and updating of personal aims and objectives that suit changing circumstances.

The revision and updating of personal aims and objectives that suit changing circumstances can be made through a training matrix while identifying the new requirements and developing objectives and goals in order to comply with the changes. The project managers must follow the project planning and review the site plan in order to explore new changes that are required to complete the project strategically. Updating personal aim and objective are also necessary to be developed and revised through strategic planning and communicate with the workers so that they can be empowered and create suitable environment for strategic changes in the project.

7.5 Give reasons why personal development plans should be reviewed, revised, and updated.

Personal development plans should be reviewed, revised, and updated in order to keep the workforce competencies and skills in line with the project or organizational requirements while addressing the strategic change needs. For maximising the capabilities of the individuals in the project sites and improving the knowledge and skill set of the workers it is essential to review the personal developmental planning. On the other hand, the project managers can improve the participation of the employees and enhancing their creativity and innovation through reviewing and revising the personal developmental planning.

1.2 Explain methods that can identify significant factors that can affect numbers, types and availability of people or services for typical projects.

Identifying significant factors that can affect numbers, types and availability of people or services for typical projects are undertaken through tracking the work progress while collaborating closely with the contractors for understanding the resource needs while comparing data on the working program. Hiring quality supervisor is also necessary to identify the factors affecting the availability of the people in the project where the quality supervision, reviewing and monitoring the working practices, organisational resources and capabilities and analysing the types of the project, it is possible to analyse the requirements of the people and services for the project.

2.3 Describe methods that can evaluate and record the quality and potential reliability of people or services.

The methods that can evaluate and record the quality and potential reliability of people or services are specifically through QA records and completed works in order to identify any concerns that have been encountered by the teams or the entire workforce while operating on the projects. Feedback gathering practice and training and developmental programs are useful to evaluate the current practices at the project sites where it is also possible for the project management team to evaluate the potential reliability of the people or the services. Record keeping strategy must be improved through technological advancement, so that the managers can hire the experienced staff to meet the project outcomes.

2.4 Explain typical ways and techniques of circulating results from evaluations of quality and potential reliability to decision-makers.

Typical ways and techniques of circulating results from evaluations of quality and potential reliability to decision-makers might be done through conduction of site meetings, conferences, writing emails in order to pass on the information of the work to different management level while empowering their decision making capabilities. The organisational notice board must be educated ion a daily basis and it is considered as effective way to circulate the results from the evaluations of the quality and potential reliability to decision makers. On the other hand, the project manager focus on arranging the conferences and encourage the employees to take active part for sharing the information related to quality assessment and potential reliability to the decision makers.

3.3 Explain factors that allow proposals to be made for team membership from selected people or service providers.

Factors that allow proposals to be made for team membership from selected people or service providers are previous experience and qualifications correlating with the service, completing works within the deadlines and availability of resources. Personal knowledge and skill is mandatory for accepting the proposals and in this regard, the project managers try to conduct skill audit through employee assessment and interview for accepting their proposals to participate in the team and work efficiently in meeting the project specifications. The educational degree and past experience are also considered here for accepting the proposal for team membership in order to get the opportunity to work in the project.

3.4 Explain negotiation methods that can be used to get appropriate people or services for given teams.

Negotiation methods that can be used to get appropriate people or services for given teams are through one- on- one communication, site meetings and conferences, meetings with the contractors while discussing on different aspects of the projects and the manner in which the same might be delivered in lower cost and time. Group discussions are one of the best ways to negotiate with others for getting appropriate people suitable for the project. The project managers also try to arrange conference and general meeting at the project sites for discussing over the effectiveness of the people and negotiate for choosing the best people or services for the given teams. Hence, continuous skill audit and general meeting are beneficial for successful negotiation so that the mangers can choose suitable people or services for the given teams.

4.2 Explain how to work within current rules and formalities governing the identification of work teams.

Working within current rules and formalities governing the identification of work teams would require the organizational management in making the relevant stakeholders aware of the regulations and the legislative frameworks that would be governing the operations of the project while providing the same with relevant pieces of information through paperwork or contracts in order to ensure the continuity of project based operations as per legislative requirements. The project managers try to share all the necessary information about ethical practices at the project sites, safety measures and legislations under which the workers try to work with proper support and resources to meet the project outcomes.

4.3 Give reasons on why they must work within current rules and formalities when identifying teams

Working within current rules and formalities when identifying teams is necessary in order to comply with the industry standards while addressing the health, safety and wellbeing of the workers who would be mostly involved in the work processes of the project. In order to maintain the quality standard of the project, it is necessary to follow the ethical rules and existing legislations and apart from that, the project managers and organisational head also follow the ethical practices in order to maintain corporate governance of the firm and lead the employees legally towards achieving the organisational success. Team work and efficacy of the workers can also be improved through working ethically where they try to follow the working activities and implement legislations to complete the project legally.

1.3 Explain how, and what types, of project data should be examined to identify the needs of environmental management.

Different types of project data like the purpose, objectives, the working methodology, the hazards and the budget should be examined to identify the needs of environmental management. The information should be assessed and evaluated in order to identify the different areas of concerns and develop avoidance or mitigation strategies for the continuity of operations. The project specifications and customer’s trend in the market must be analysed well for identifying the needs of environmental management. The recent market trend and environmental factors are also important to maintain sustainability and conduct the project activities legally. On the other hand, the project management team is also concerned about safety concern and impacts of the project on the society in order to evaluate the environmental management and complete it strategically by providing positive environmental footprint.

1.4 Explain methods and techniques of examining project data in order to identify and establish methods of work that will support sustainability.

The methods and techniques of examining project data in order to identify and establish methods of work that will support sustainability can be made through the establishment of recycling and waste management activity targets, proper housekeeping activities and reduction in the creation of waste targets. Utilising renewable resources and protecting the natural resources are also crucial method of examining the project data in order to maintain environmental sustainability and on the other hand, the project management team is also concerned about recycling the materials and reduce greenhouse gas emission for maintaining environmental green footprint.

1.5 Give reasons why the needs of environmental management and sustainable work methods need identifying.

The needs of environmental management and sustainable work methods need identifying is necessary in order improve employee awareness; reduce the costs of operations and the wastes through the different activities in an on-going project. It has been observed that the increased awareness among the employees and the reduction in the costs along with hazard prevention or efficient management practices being outlined supports a project team in operating systematically. Environmental management and sustainable work methods provide a scope to the project management team to handle the project activities ethically and provide positive environmental footprint so that the social values can be maximised in long run.

2.3 Explain how a culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce can be encouraged.

A culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce can be encouraged through the development of different rewards and recognition schemes along with certain criteria of compensation. The activities would allow an organization in keeping the workforce motivated and engaged in the different areas of operations while ensuring the safe functioning of the activities in a project. Encouraging employee’s creativity to create sustainable solutions and providing them incentives for enhancing creativity and working innovation are beneficial to ensure environmentally sustainable solution for the project. Additionally, culture of environmental awareness and supporting the sustainable solutions can be possible through providing training programs, technical assistance and continuous guidance that further motivate the staff to adopt alternative solutions to complete the project sustainably.

2.4 Give reasons why a culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce should be encouraged.

A culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce should be encouraged in order to empower the engagement of the stakeholders while improving the degree of their operations while addressing the strategic needs and requirements of a project. A positive sustainable culture in a business operational project ensures the health and safety of not only the workers but also the communities which is an integral consideration that might be made by the project teams. It is also possible to maintain the quality standard of the project and mitigate the negative environmental footprint in the society. The project managers can create social values, maintain health and safety of the social communities as well as protect natural resources of the earth in long run.

3.4 Explain how and why duties for environmental management and monitoring sustainable work methods should be delegated.

Environmental management and monitoring sustainable work methods should be delegated should be delegated to the experienced and skilled people in the workplace while making the same aware of the different standards and considerations that they are required to make in order to empower the sustenance based goals of an organization. The delegation of tasks on the basis of the skills and experience of the people would allow the project teams and businesses in ensuring the continuity of the business operations while retaining a systematic flow for addressing sustenance based objectives. Duties for environmental management and monitoring sustainable work methods should be delegated for maintaining quality standard of the project and also ensure that the social communities are safe and protected for green environmental footprint.

4.3 Explain ways of assessing significance of environmental factors as they affect projects and describe what actions ought to be taken.

There is significance of the environmental factors in designing the project where the project manager and site lanner are playing crucial role in maintaining the environmental sustainability. It is the important to maintain the quality of raw materials and also ensure that the workers are able to handle the alternative energy resources such as solar panel and wind energy or rain water for the construction projects. Moreover, green supply can management is one of the important factors to maintain project sustainability, where the suppliers are able to handle green environmental footprint by maintaining the quality of raw materials, protecting natural resources and utilising the electric carts for contributing positively in the project.

5.2 Define the term sustainability and list the factors that make up sustainability requirements.

Sustainable building design and construction refers to the practices that deals with developing structures that are environmentally responsible and resource efficient in order to meet the organizational goals. The major factors that make up sustainability requirements are the on- site inspections, design, construction, maintenance, renovation and demolition. The use of quality raw materials, utilising renewable resources at the project sites and reducing greenhouse gas emissions are the major factors to maintain environmental sustainability. The project managers must utilise renewable resources and also sue solar panel and wind energy to protect electricity. Additionally, the use of electric cars is also effective to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which has positive impacts in maintaining the sustainable project outcomes

5.4 Explain ways and techniques of monitoring project work against sustainability requirements and how to take appropriate action to ensure progress.

Ways and techniques of monitoring project work against sustainability requirements are specifically based on regular site meetings after inspections and discussion on the different steps that might be followed by the businesses or the project teams in ensuring the efficiency of the business operations. Ensuring progress can be done through continuous monitoring, feedback collection and site inspections which would support an organizational manager in developing an idea on the success factors of the project. Quality control team must be hired with effective intervention of eth environmental sustainability officer in the country who can guide and pass the project plan by reviewing the sustainable solutions of the project. The quality checking officer and supervisor are also engaged with the project for effective monitoring process.

6.3 Describe ways of recording good practice in environmental management and sustainable work methods.

Businesses and project teams must take the initiative of recording the waste created and contacting with different waste management companies with the purpose of reducing and controlling the creation of wastes through the operational processes that are included in the projects. Digital database management and documentation as per the project site plan and sustainable solutions must be maintained well in order to keep the records in environmental management and sustainable work methods. Additionally, the project managers try to gather feedback and maintain log book for day to day activities which are also helpful to maintain good practices of keeping records.

6.4 Explain methods and techniques of making recommendations of good practice to the people responsible.

Feedback analysis and reviewing the opinion of the other stakeholders engaged with the project are crucial for recommending the best solution to the project. Additionally, it is also possible for the project manager to develop collaborative decision making practice and review the recent market trend and latest activities at the project site to design the project with strategic changes. Participation of the engineers, architects and site lanners is necessary to recommend the best solution to the project and it is the role of the project managers to develop strong team through partnership working practice and enhancing communication.

1.2 Describe different ways of assembling information needed for the preparation of the project or operation plan.

The different ways of assembling information needed for the preparation of the project or operation plan are through the analysis of the project data like specifications, hazard and risk reports, the purpose and objective report of the project, the work plan, the budgets, the schedule for the project, the resources required for the project and the contractors that are deployed by the organization in order to ensure the successful implementation of the project. The risk register must be followed and updated on a daily basis for progressing in the project and additionally, the budgetary analysis and financial research also provide a scope to the project management team to ensure assembling information needed for the preparation of the project or operation plan.

1.3 Explain techniques that can be used to clarify project information that is not clear.

Consultation with the experts at the project sites and decisions makers is mandatory to clarify project information that is not clear where it is possible for the project manager to develop strong team for analysing the specifications and arrange information to progress in the project. Techniques that can be used to clarify project information that is not clear can be made through technical enquiries, communication with the contractors, identifying the specifications made by the clients, the reports devised by the management teams and the like. Clear communication through telephonic conversation and general meeting with the relevant stakeholders would also improve the scope of clarifying project information that is not clear.

1.4 Explain the procedures that can be implemented that keeps project or operation information up to date.

The procedures that can be implemented that keep project or operation information up to date are the conduction of regular site meetings, inductions, instruction sessions, feedback sessions and emails. Continuous monitoring and general meeting are crucial for gathering authentic information and valid data which are uploaded ion the organisational system in order to maintain reliability of the data and keeps project or operation information up to date. Moreover, the computer generated system with ICT and enterprise resource planning are also beneficial to review and monitor the activities at the project sites and keeps project or operation information up to date.

1.5 Give reasons why information should be assembled, clarified, and kept up to date, and explain the consequence if this is not undertaken.

For keeping the information relevant and authentic, it is necessary to maintain organisational database and it has positive impacts in managing the project programs and ensure quality standard of the project. Information should be assembled, clarified, and kept up to date in order to ensure that the data is reliable and contextual which would be supporting a project team or a business management in ensuring the efficiency of the project based operations without any disruptions. In any case, if the information is not assembled, clarified, and kept up to date might result to dynamic disruptions in the overall operations of the project with deviations from the intended outcome.

2.3 Explain how relevant factors for consideration should be identified and recorded when planning preparations for sites or operations.

The different factors might include a difference between each employee and their work factor on the basis of their skills and expertise which would be supporting the organization and project teams in employing diverse range of talents in order to address the diverse needs of the project. The work elements and the allocation of work to the employees must be made in site meetings and through emails in order to maintain the continuity of the business operations. The resource analysis and assessing the technological innovation and infrastructure at the project site are also important factor to plan the project specifications and activities to complete it successfully.

2.4 Explain different ways of passing on records of factors considered to people who will be affected.

The different ways of passing on records of factors considered to people who will be affected might be done through emails, meeting minutes, telephonic calls and face to face communication which would allow in improving the degree of awareness among the relevant stakeholders. Through ICT software it is necessary for the project managers to develop integrated system for sharing the adequate information and data with the people, responsible at the project sites. on the other hand, the meeting and sending emails are appropriate ways to share the information and the project managers also focus on face to face communication as it enhances collaborative working practice and ensure the project specifications to be met.

2.5 Give reasons why considered and recorded factors should be passed onto people affected and explain possible consequences should this not be done.

Recorded factors should be passed onto people affected in order to empower their operations and implore the continuity of the business operations while ensuring the changes in the organizational operational units. The lack of information transmission might result to delays and disruption in the overall work process resulting to a deviated project outcome from that of the intended. Considered and recorded factors should be passed onto people affected and explain possible consequences should this not be done is necessary for informing the people and supporting them with important information, so that they can maximise their contribution and meet the project outcomes successfully.

3.2 Explain ways of identifying access and egress points for the site and works which are the most convenient for works or operations traffic and which minimise disruption.

Safe access point must be identified to analyse existing risk factors and on the other hand, the project managers try to focus on analysing the egress point in order to have most convenient working activities to develop traffic planning for mitigating internal and external disruption.

3.3 Explain the methods of and factors that should be identified when preparing traffic management plans.

Political stability and support from the government are major factors for developing traffic management planning. Additionally, the organisational project managers and operational head focus on funding, financial capital and available resources to arrange traffic and source the materials to conduct the project programs within specified time. The availability of the raw materials, suppliers and presence of distributions are also crucial factors for arranging the traffic plan.

4.2 Explain how resources for sites or activities should be organised.

Resources for sites or activities should be organised through the availability of resources like materials and labours which must be ensured by the site managers. The contractors and the site managers also take the initiative of monitoring the progress of the operations while providing feedbacks related to changes in the work procedures in order to address the project objectives. Motoring process and quality supervision are mandatory to organise the resources at the project sites and additionally, the project management team try to work cooperatively for assessing the resources and making the resources available at the production sites to support the employees for working better.

4.3 Explain different methods that allows for the assigning of resources for site or operational preparations.

The methods that allows for the assigning of resources for site or operational preparations are through daily briefings, weekly meetings and instruction sessions, feedback collection sessions and concern resolution which would support a site manager in developing and preparing the workforce for the projects as per the organizational or client requirements.

4.4 Explain how resources used in sites or operations preparation can be utilised into project work or activities.

Materials that can be reused must be taken care of and stored safely within the site locations with the purpose of future utilization of the same in the different areas of operations in a project. Training and developmental activities are mandatory to educate the people so that they can utilise the resources and contribute efficiently to meet the project aim. Continuous support and supervision of the overall project activities are also beneficial to utilise the resources.

5.3 Describe the type or types of works that are carried out by the organisation and, if relevant, within which sectors of industry.

The operational working practice, inbound and outbound logistics management system, supply chain management and warehouse maintenance are necessary working activities in the organisation to meet the organisation aim and objectives. Additionally, technological innovation, client management and organisational data processing are also managed well to serve the ultimate users of the products and services efficiently to meet their expectations.

5.4 Explain how and why details about proposed works should be given to utility and emergency services.

Details about proposed works should be given to utility and emergency services through emails, conferences, telephonic conversations and briefing sessions. Sharing the project details with the utility and emergency services would allow an organization in making the same aware of the different areas of operations and hazards that might be encountered during the project. Moreover, the transmission of confidential project information to the utility and emergency services would allow an organization in imploring their support and assistance in any moment of crisis.

5.5 Explain methods and techniques of giving details of site access, layout, evacuation and hazards to utility and emergency services.

Details of site access, layout, evacuation and hazards to utility and emergency services can be made through Pre Initiation meetings while discussing on the different areas of hazards that might be encountered during the project process. The discussion on the site access, layout, and evacuation would allow an organization in informing the utility and emergency services in being prepared to address any crisis. On the other hand, the discussion on hazards would allow the project teams and the management in transmitting insights on the areas of concerns that might be encountered and avoided during the process.

6.4 Explain how adequate site safety for proposed works or activities should be ensured when planning preparations for sites or operations.

Site safety for proposed works or activities should be ensured in a way to develop safety interventions for the workforce and the general public at all times. Site security might be considered by the businesses in order to develop efficiently secured areas while avoiding cases relating to trespassing and accidents.

6.5 Explain how and why considerations of relevant factors should be made when arranging site safety, welfare, environmental protection, and security.

The project managers must consider all the factors that are crucial to conduct the project activities safely. The safety measures and continuous supervisions process are necessary to be developed by considering the factors such as employment rules, organisational sustainability management, environmental factors and security in order to support the employees and lead them strategically towards achieving the project outcome.

6.6 Describe various procedures that can ensure adequate security of sites or operations.

Various procedures that can ensure adequate security of sites or operations might be made through the securing the small items, materials and equipment and storing the same in a secured place. Moreover, the site area must be well fenced in order to prevent trespassing activities.

6.7 Explain ways that arrangements for health, safety and welfare can be reviewed as work progresses.

Health, safety and welfare can be reviewed as work progresses through the utilization of a feedback forum where the management would be encouraging the employees to participate and give feedbacks which would be analysed and the concerns identified for resolution. Moreover, organizations might appoint an individual to make site inspections on a daily basis while reporting to the higher management on the health, safety and welfare conditions in the workplace.

7.5 Explain how and why the site or area layout should be planned for operational purposes.

The project sites and areas must be planned efficiently in order to support the workers and contractors to conduct the operational activities efficiently. For providing instruction to the people responsible in the project as well as guide them with important information, it is essential to developing good planning so that the operational purposes can be met efficiently. Project planning tool and project management software are necessary to be utilised for developing strategic planning by reviewing the available resources, arranging the tasks and investing capital to meet the operational purpose creatively.

7.6 Describe the factors that should be taken into account when planning the layout of sites or areas for operations.

The organisational infrastructure and resource availability at the project sites are necessary factors to be considered in developing project planning. On the other hand, the budget and organisational capabilities are also necessary factors for successful project planning. The other factors are such as project sites, construction planning and design of the project to create good project activities for managing the operations and complete it strategically within effective time.

7.7 Explain methods and techniques of communicating information about site or area layout plans.

The methods and techniques of communicating information about site or area layout plans are basically the site meetings, emails, briefing and feedback sessions, instruction sessions, notice boards, maps developed in different areas of the site and hand-outs.

7.8 Explain how the planning of storage and use of materials and components is carried out so that material handling is efficient, and wastage is minimised.

The site manager must take the responsibility of storing the different materials and equipment safely while supervising over the security aspects. Moreover, the site manager must take the initiative of coordinating, organizing, delivering, storing and handling the materials and equipment safely as per the different requirements of the business or the project teams.

8.4 Explain ways and methods of placing and maintaining information notices for people, the public, visitors, and workforce.

Information notices for people, the public, visitors, and workforce can be placed through developing and placing warning signs appropriately in different hazardous areas in a site. Moreover, information must be shared in notice boards in order to make the relevant groups of stakeholders aware of the dos and don’ts in the site premises.

8.5 Give reasons for maintaining notices for people, the public, visitors, and the workforce and explain the possible consequences should this not happen.

Maintaining notices for people, the public, visitors, and the workforce would allow a project team or an organization in reducing the probability of hazard or risk occurrence in a site area. However, the insufficiency of notices in a site area might increase the chances of site accidents which might disrupt the continuity of the work processes.

8.6 Explain how maintenance schedules for information notices can be prepared and implemented.

Maintenance schedules for information notices can be prepared and implemented through appointment of an individual responsible for taking the signage and supervise the same on a daily basis in order to reduce the issues related to miscommunication in a site location.

1.4 Explain ways that allows major work activities to be identified.

The project management team is concerned about identifying the major working activities and the project management tool and software system in this regard are latest innovation to handle the project by developing good working programs at the project sites. Major work activities can be identified on the basis of prioritization of the work and the completion of which would deliver an outcome or contribute towards the progress of a project. In this connection, it has been observed that major work activities can be identified in the site meetings, work programs and the different specifications that are made by the clients. Through documentation process and work break down structure, it is also possible to identify the working activities in the project.

1.5 Explain how needed resources can be determined from the information available.

The resources can be identified specifically through the work schedule or the work program. A site manager takes the initiative of developing the schedule with the purpose of improving the scope of the projects while identifying the required resources in every step of the schedule. The project managers must focus on gathering authentic data and information related to the project for analysing the resources that are mandatory for conducting the project activities strategically. The project specification is also monitored to arrange the adequate resources and capital for completing the project efficiently by meeting the project aims.

1.6 Explain how draft programmes and schedules can be prepared and why they need to be prepared.

Draft programmes and schedules can be prepared through the development of timescales with a specification of the resources in every stage of work. Completion of every stage in the work process will be indicated through a completion of a milestone. In this connection, it has been observed that a draft programmes and schedules allows an organization in gathering insights based on assumptions while budgeting and calculating the costs, material or labour resources that might be required for the completion of the project. Moreover, it also supports in gaining an idea on the success factors and the KPIs of a project.

2.3 Explain ways that can evaluate alternative work methods, resources, and systems.

Continuous monitoring process is essential in the organisation where the project managers and site lanners try to review the working methods and adequate resources at the project sites. The researcher and project site lanner are working collaboratively for finding the alternative solutions to develop creative working activities where the site management plan review and analysing the existing project activities are helpful to analyse the internal system, identify adequate resources at the project sites and guide the workers efficiently to meet the project outcomes. Hereby, the project managers try to develop integrated system for exploring alternative working activities to complete the project efficiently.

2.4 Describe how the best solutions to meet project requirements can be selected.

The best solutions to meet project requirements can be selected through consultation with the different groups of stakeholders, developing alternatives, selecting best alternative and the implementation of the idea while correlating with the corporate culture or the project scope. The activity would support in ensuring safe and secured implementation of activities as per the project requirements. The project managers and research team must analyse the data and information, review resources in the project and organisational capabilities to develop the best solution for completion of the project. Through group discussion and developing collaborative decision making practice, it is possible to choose the best solution, where the experts can be empowered and share their perception to complete the project strategically.

2.5 Describe the factors that determine project requirements.

The major factors that determine project requirements are cost of operations, the health and wellbeing of the people, the time and the resources which would support an organization in maintaining the continuity of the project based operations. The health and safety at the project is mandatory to meet the project requirements as well as employment contract to follow the employment rules and manage the human resource of the firm is also essential for the project management team to lead the workers towards achieving the project specifications. Arranging the organisational infrastructure, developing site plan and reallocating the resources are also crucial factors to meet the project requirements so that it would be possible for the organisational head and operational manager to complete the project efficiently.

3.2 Explain how clarification and advice can be obtained when the resources needed are not available, and who with.

The project manager must arrange specialist team by involving the engineers, architects and site lanner in order to clarify the activities and advice suitable suggestions if the resources are inadequate. Clarification and advice can be obtained through raising a query to the senior management and making the same aware of the situation, like in the case of unavailability of required resources as per the project requirements. Clarification of the queries in this connection would allow a site manager in identifying the relevant activities and interventions that are instructed by the senior management while working accordingly as per the project requirements.

4.3 Explain how work activities can be analysed against project requirements.

The project log book management and time table are crucial to be reviewed and data must be analysed well in order to develop effective working activities against the project requirement. On the other hand, the project managers try to analyse the project requirements through evaluating the recent market trend, the expectations of the stakeholders and the requirements of the business clients so that the working activities can be developed well. Work activities can be analysed against project requirements through comparing and tracking the site activities while correlating with the work plan or the schedule which would allow a site manager in identifying the progress that is being made by the teams.

4.4 Describe ways that external factors can be identified and considered.

The external factors are crucial to be analysed in order to run the project activities efficiently and in this regard the external stakeholders such as quality checking officer, environmental team and government are playing important role in developing the project as per the design and planning. External factors can be best identified through close observation on the project data, the industry reports and standards that would govern the operations being conducted in the projects. Other than this, the supply chain management, distribution network across the country as well as the environmental rules and social community’s impacts are also crucial factors that are considered in order to develop the project strategically.

4.5 Explain how work activities can be analysed against external factors.

The work activities can be analysed against external factors through simply comparing the activities with the changing environments and also referring to the work plan or program which is being followed in a project. The evaluation of the work activities against the external factors would ensure the development and growth of an organization or a project towards its intended success. The working activities must be developed on the basis of the external factors where the project management team focus on environmental protection rules, ethical practice and government legislations to conduct the project strategically. The manager also strengthens the supply chain by engaging the suppliers and external stakeholders to source the raw materials at the project sites.

5.4 Describe how durations of programmes, and schedules can be calculated.

The project log book management is one of the best ways to calculate the schedule and programs at the project sites. The project managers also focus on maintaining time table through the project management software so that it is possible to identify the programs and review the schedule related to the project programs. It further helps the team to follow the time table and complete the individual working activities which in turn ensures that the project would be completed within the specified time and allocated resources. Hence, technical innovation as well as documentation, both is effective to maintain duration of the programs and schedules of the project.

5.5 Explain how to identify work activities that can influence each other.

Continuous monitoring and feedback gathering system are beneficial to identify the working activities which are useful to influence the worker at the project site for working efficiently. Identification of work activities that can influence each other can be done through a comparative assessment of the project data with that of the operations that are being actually conducted by the project teams. The activity would allow in understanding the influence between the different operations. Additionally, employee assessment and project log book management also provide a scope to acknowledge individual role of the staff as well as review the working progress through the project data base system.

5.6 Explain methods that can make best use of resources when sequencing activities logically and realistically.

The resource investigation and analysing the organisational resources available at the project sites are necessary to be reviewed well for sequencing activities logically and realistically. The work program must be sequenced in such a manner through which the same type of tasks or activities can be completed simultaneously with one another rather than waiting for one to complete for the next to initiate, which might support an organization in reducing the costs and time of operations. The involvement of the engineers and architects will provide a scope to identify the required resources for the project so that it is possible to ensure sequencing activities logically and realistically at the project sites where the workers can access the adequate resources for meeting their job role and completing the project strategically.

6.2 Explain how the production of detailed programmes and schedules are ensured.

The production of detailed programmes and schedules are ensured through the evaluation of the site data and identifying the specific project requirements through communication with clients, management, architects, planners and the like. The general meeting and group discussion are necessary to be arranged well in order to share the information about the detailed programs and schedules of the project activities. Additionally, the project managers must arrange training and developmental programs in order to educate the staff at the project site and share adequate information related to the detailed project programs and schedules, so that they can follow the strategic planning and perform well.

6.3 Explain methods that ensure programmes and schedules of planned activities are consistent with the complexity of the project.

A site manger must take the initiative of keeping the programs up to date, consult and communicate with different stakeholders, take follow-ups on the different areas of operations and discuss progress in order to ensure programmes and schedules of planned activities are consistent with the complexity. Consultation is hereby one of the important factor to assess the project activities and ensure that the programs and schedules of the planned project are consistent with the complexities in the project. Moreover, the project managers and contractors try to develop official meeting by involving the staff, architects and engineers at the project sites in order to review the programs and schedules of the project strategically.

7.4 Explain how systems can be developed that monitor works programmes and schedules.

Systems like encouraging the stakeholders towards actively participating into reporting and providing feedbacks on the work programs, the daily activities, the concerns faced and the like can be developed in order to monitor works programmes and schedules. Reporting process through digital database management system is crucial for adopting latest technology and maintains the data efficiently. Additionally, for successful monitoring process, quality supervisor must be there in order to assess the programs and project schedule and review the whole working procedures successfully. Day to day operational review and 3600 feedback analysis are also beneficial to monitor the programmes and schedules.

7.5 Explain how systems for monitoring works programmes and schedules can be developed.

The ICT system must be implemented in the project to enhance internal communication and cooperation for better monitoring process. Continuous working evaluation reactive through quality supervisions process is also effective way to develop the monitoring process at the project sites. 3600 feedback analysis is necessary to be arranged in order to engage the workers and gather diverse feedback which are helpful for monitoring works programmes and schedules that can be developed to progress in the project and meet the project specifications strategically. The online database management and Enterprise Resource planning system also will provide a scope to track the operational activities and review the internal working process and project programs timely.

7.6 Explain ways that systems for monitoring works programmes and schedules can be implemented.

Systems for monitoring works programmes and schedules can be implemented through conduction of site meetings, allocation of task and responsibility to the different team members on the basis of their expertise and skills, training the staff members and empowering their collaboration in the different operations in order to ensure the safe implementation of the project. CCTV camera implementation is required to review the activities of the employees and on the other hand, 3600 feedback analysis is also beneficial for monitoring works programmes and schedules that can be implemented for completing the project efficiently. Hence, the supervision and monitoring process must be developed for leading the workers towards achieving the project specifications.

7.7 Explain how the using of monitoring results of work programmes and schedules can improve production and planning.

There are positive impacts of the monitoring process and working programs and schedules on the production and project, where the project managers can lead the workers through continuous support and guidance. monitoring the results of working programs further influence the project managers to adopt strategic changes and develop alternative solution that further improve the project outcome. Hence, continuous monitoring process and evaluation of the activities are helpful to maintain the quality standard of the project and develop further strategic planning to meet the project aim and objectives. The production and planning of the projects can also be changed through continuous monitoring process.

8.4 Explain how alterations to works programmes and schedules can be identified.

The working programs and schedules are identified through continuous monitoring and project assessment, where the project managers try to review the activities of the construction sites as well as evaluate the programs through reviewing the employee performance. The feedback analysis and employee engagement with the project activities are also effective for reviewing the working programs and the schedule. The project management team also try to follow the time schedule through the project management tool and there is digital database system through which the managers try to review the schedule to conduct the project activities strategically.

8.5 Describe ways of ensuring that alterations to work programmes and schedules meet changed circumstances.

For ensuring the alterations to work programmes and schedules meet changed circumstances, it is necessary to create changed circumstances by involving all the stakeholders in the project. The organisational project manager focuses on conveying the important message related to the alternative working activities through workplace training and developmental programs, conference and arranging group discussion, so that the workers can acknowledge the changed initiatives and cooperate with the managers and senior team members for conducting the project activities successfully. The corporate governance, involvement of the workers and providing continuous support and guidance are beneficial to adopt the alternative working activities and maintain schedule as well.

1.2 Describe ways of ensuring that the specifications for plant, equipment or machinery meet the needs of the project or operation before deployment.

The ways for ensuring that the specifications for plant, equipment or machinery meet the needs of the project or operation before deployment are through completion of plant checks and ensure that the plant is suitable for conducting the day to day operations. Project planning and use of project management tools in the organisation will provide a scope to identify the project plant, equipment and materials required for conducting the project successfully. The project specifications are necessary to be ensured through project management planning, costing and financial analysis so that it would be possible to arrange the plan and equipment for completing the project successfully.

1.3 Explain why it is important that the plant specification meets the needs of the project or operation.

The plant specification must meet the needs of the projector operation in order to empower the continuity of operations while avoiding causalities, hazards or workplace accidents that might affect the flow of work processes. It is important for the project management team to ensure that the plant specification meets the needs of the project or operations so that the quality of the project can be maintained and it is also possible to meet the expectations of the stakeholders. The shareholders, business clients and social communities are the major stakeholder to review the project quality and activities and in this regard the project managers ensure that the specifications of the project meet the project needs by developing strong team with involvement of the engineers, site lanners, contractors and workers at the project sites.

2.2 Explain how to ensure that plant, equipment, or machinery complies with current legislation and why.

Carrying out daily inspections and continuously learning the shifting legislative requirements while applying the same in the process would allow in ensuring that the plant, equipment, or machinery complies with current legislation. In this connection, the operator is required to make daily inspections in order to ensure that the operations are well maintained as per the strategic needs. The quality standard team provide ethical practice and legislative structure to maintain the plant, equipment and machineries so that the project management team can guide and support the workers at the project sites to follow the quality of the raw materials. Maintain workplace safety and security and also follow the organisational rules for comply with the current legislation for ensuring the plant, equipment and machinery.

2.4 Explain the methods of checking competence of those setting up, operating, and maintaining plant, equipment, or machinery.

The methods of checking competence of the people who are involved in setting up, operating, and maintaining plant, equipment, or machinery can be done through induction and evaluation of the certifications that the same has on the different areas. It would allow in appointing experienced and skilled personnel in the operational units. Skill check list management and competency assessment tests are also beneficial for checking competence of those setting up, operating, and maintaining plant, equipment, or machinery. On the other hand, online competency assessment through 360° assessment is hereby beneficial for the project managers to set up the project planning and complete it strategically.

2.5 Give reasons as to why competences of those setting up, operating, and maintaining plant, equipment or machinery should be checked.

Checking the competencies is the best way to recognize the skills and knowledge that they possess, and also it provides a scope to empower them for taking control of their career development. It is also helpful to motivate the employees and engage them with the project activities at the constriction sites, so that it would be possible to lead them, strategically towards achieving the project specifications. The more competencies that they acquire, the more valuable they will be to the organization where the project managers can ensure personal and professional development as well as enhance the performance of the team successfully in long run, so that they can work proficiently and contribute positively in meeting the project specifications.

3.2 Explain the various methods of implementing an effective system that can update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery as projects or operations progresses or changes occur.

Methods of implementing an effective system that can update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery as projects or operations progresses or changes occur might be done through procuring equipment that are in- line with the program as per the requirements. Moreover, the equipment that is no longer useful in a site should be removed immediately with the existing equipment being secured and stored in site locations. Inspections and supervisions are again important aspects that might be considered with the purpose of ensuring efficiency. Technological advancement with latest technology such as ICT and ERP are also beneficial for the project manager to implement the effective system that can update the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery as projects or operations progresses or changes occur.

3.3 Explain why a system for updating the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery is needed.

A system for updating the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery is needed in order to identify whether the plant, machinery and resources are fit for the purpose of operations and are working under good conditions for ensuring the safety and continuity of activities. For conducting the project activities in a systematic way as well as meeting the client needs and preferences, it is essential to develop project plan where the project managers can allocate the resources, identify the materials and equipment in order to complete the project strategically. Through updating the deployment and allocation of plant, equipment or machinery is needed, it is also beneficial to maintain time frame and utilise the allocated resources and machineries for completing the project by meeting all the specifications.

3.5 Describe ways of recommending alternatives to decision makers.

Gathering feedback from the experienced staff members at the project sites as well as in-depth research and analysis, it is possible to recommend some suitable suggestions to the decision makers of the project. On the other hand, the project managers also try to arrange conference and general meeting and focus on empowering the staff for gathering their perception and diverse decision so that the collaborative decision can be made and this practice further helps the project management team to give suggestions to the decision makers for making the best solution of the project so that the aim and objective of the project can be met in long run.

4.2 Explain the various methods of identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the use of plant, equipment, or machinery.

The various methods of identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the use of plant, equipment, or machinery can be done through a close observation on the types of operations that are conducted. Inspection on the type of operations and efficient reporting would allow in developing a clear cognition on the types of risks, uncertainties or hazards that might be encountered by the people while operating as per the strategic needs of the organization. Risk register and project log book maintenance are mandatory for identifying hazards and assessing risks arising from the use of plant, equipment, or machinery, where the risks factors, probability of the risk at the project sites and alternative solutions taken in mitigating he issues are registered in the risk register. Additionally, continuous monitoring and evaluation process are also crucial for identifying the hazards at the project sites.

4.3 Describe ways to implement measures to protect people and the environment.

The ways of implementing measures to protect people and the environment can be done through identification of different alternatives after reviewing the concerns. After the development of the alternatives, the management must take the initiative of consulting with experts and relevant stakeholders for identifying the most viable alternative. After the identification of the alternative, the tasks are delegated and the risk management procedures are implemented with the purpose of avoiding or resolving the hazards. Safety and security at the project sites are mandatory to provide secure workplace where the workers can feel safe to work efficiently. The project managers provide safety harness, alternative solution to mitigate the hazardous situation and implement CCTV cameras to work safely. Creating good environment with fire extinguishers and emergency exit are also beneficial to protect the employees and lead them strategically towards achieving the success.

5.2 Describe various methods of writing or approving method statements for the use of plant, equipment, or machinery.

The various methods of writing or approving method statements for the use of plant, equipment, or machinery are through daily and weekly inspections while reporting on the different factors that might affect the capability of the workforce to operate as per the project requirements. Computerised system and project log book management are also beneficial to write or for approving method statements for the use of plant, equipment, or machinery. The project managers also try to maintain daily operational activities through log book register so that it can keep the records of the operational activities successfully.

5.3 Explain the techniques that can be used to pass on information effectively.

The techniques that can be used to pass on information effectively might be considered as emails, site meetings, discussion sessions, weekly instruction and feedback sessions, notice boards and hand-outs. Sending email and maintaining the organisational motive board are the major activities through which the organisational head can share all the necessary information with the workers at the project sites. Additionally, the managers arrange the training and developmental programs at the project sites to convey necessary information and messages to the workers for better working practice. Weekly instruction providing and employee portal management are also beneficial to share the information and data strategically.

5.4 Explain how to ensure that plant, equipment, or machinery operations are supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation.

Conduction of inspection and monitoring while utilizing the instruction based sessions in order to guide the operations of the workforce would act as methods for ensuring that plant, equipment, or machinery operations are supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation. Close consultation with different experts and specialists would also allow an organization in ensuring that plant, equipment, or machinery operations are supervised and conducted in accordance with current legislation. As per the current legislations, it is possible to involve the specialists and arrange general meeting for supervising the whole process and in this regard close monitoring process through CCTV camera and project log book management are also helpful for the project manager to maintain the quality of the project.

5.6 Explain how to maintain effective records for the competence of supervisors, operators, and users.

Competency records of the people and the certifications are the primary records that might be used to identify the competence of supervisors, operators and users. Through digital database management system, it is possible to calculate and manage all the data and information related to the project. Additionally, the project managers can also maintain shared workspace and cloud computing system to maintain effective records for the competence of supervisors, operators, and users. Hereby, technological advancement is mandatory to maintain record keeping process and manage competencies. Project register log book and project management tools are also beneficial for conducting the project activities by maintaining the records of the data and information.

6.3 Explain ways of ensuring, and why is important that, plant, equipment or machinery is stored, serviced, and maintained in accordance with operational and statutory requirements.

Plant, equipment or machinery is stored, serviced should be maintained in accordance with operational and statutory requirements in order to reduce accidents and workplace hazards while increasing the chances of maintaining continuity of the project operations for development as per the success factors. For guiding and supporting the worker sand providing them adequate information and data to conduct their roles efficiently, it is essential to store all the records and maintain in accordance with operational and statutory requirements. On the other hand, it is helpful for maintaining project quality standard and develop creative strategic planning for meeting the project specification by increasing proficiency of the workers.

7.2 Explain the various methods of identifying learning needs of plant supervisors, operators, and users and how to compare with the needs of future projects or operations.

The 3600 feedback analysis is effective for analysing the learning needs of plant supervisors, operators, and users. The feedback gathering method is beneficial for the project management team to empower the workers and identify the needs of the workers for personal and professional developmental activities. Moreover, the project managers must arrange general meeting and conference for having one to one conversation with the workers engaged with the project, and it further helps to assess the learning needs of plant supervisors, operators, and users. Hereby, it provides a scope to the project managers to involve the workers and through employee assessment it is possible to analyse their learning needs so that it would be possible to arrange programs supporting plant supervisors, operators, and users.

7.3 Describe ways of obtaining information on ranges of learning activities.

Information on ranges of learning activities can be obtained through the training providers which would allow an organizational management in identifying the viable training courses that might be required by the workforce. Market research and feedback analysis are the major ways to gather information related to the project and learning activities. 360° assessment is mandatory to be conducted efficiently in order to analyse and gather vast range of information related to the project. On the other hand, participation of the staff in the general meeting and providing them equal opportunity to provide their feedback are also helpful for gathering information on the ranges of learning activities. The involvement of the research team of the project and operational head are also important to obtain information on ranges of learning activities.

7.4 Explain how the learning development for plant supervisors, operators and users can be arranged.

The project managers try to arrange conferences for sharing the information about resources, supervisors, users and others so that it is possible to support the workers for better performance management. The learning development for plant supervisors, operators and users can be arranged through assessing the training based needs and contacting different training providers in order to ensure the development and growth of operations.

8.2 Explain how to encourage those involved or affected by plant, equipment, or machinery operations to suggest safe improvements.

The health and safety legislation must be implemented in the project, where the project managers provide safety measures, harness and maintaining hygiene factors to protect the workers at the project sites. Continuous support to manage employee’s values and continuous monitoring process are effective to encourage the operational management team and project lanners to arrange plant, equipment, or machinery operations to suggest safe improvements.

8.3 Explain why encouragement is needed in suggesting improvements to plant, equipment or machinery operations.

Continuous motivation is required in suggesting improvements to plant, equipment or machinery operations, so that it is possible for the project managers to encourage employees creativity and lead the towards achieving the project specifications. For suggesting improvements to plant, equipment or machinery operations, it is also essential to develop strong team and encourage the workers so that they are motivated and show their innovation to work uniquely. The workers are also supported with adequate resources and information for continuous improvement so that the operations are conducted efficiently.

9.2 Describe the various methods of ensuring that plant, equipment, or machinery not needed is returned or removed.

Various methods of ensuring that plant, equipment, or machinery not needed is returned or removed can be done through inspection and keeping records of the plant, equipment, or machinery that are not being used. The site manager must off hire the plant, equipment, or machinery that are no longer needed and stored safely.

9.3 Give reasons why plant, equipment or machinery should be returned or removed when not required.

Plant, equipment or machinery should be returned or removed when not required in order to ensure that the workplace is safe and avoid workplace accidents and reduce the costs of operations in the project. In order to maintain safety and security at the project sites, the resources that are not required, must be removed from the organisation. Additionally, removing the plant, equipment or machinery should be returned or removed when not required is also effective to manage the project activities efficiently and maintain the project quality successfully. Removal of unnecessary equipment also provides a scope to have clear project sites and guide the workers to work under safe workplace.

1.4 Explain how operational plans and quantities can be analysed to assess what materials will be required.

Operational plans and quantities can be analysed through thorough inspection in the site while keeping record of the equipment that would require for the conduction of different areas of operations. The assessment of the materials required would be drawn from the project related information while guiding the attributes of the operations towards meeting the goals. The operational plan and quantities must be analysed through data analysis method and evaluation where the engineers and architects are involved with the whole process for acknowledging the project requirement so that they would be able to analyse the quantities of the raw materials to complete the project. The project specifications and operational activities are also necessary to be analysed through maintaining log book and project management software to restore the data and calculate the quantities of the raw materials through online calculations process.

1.5 Explain methods that can calculate delivery and lead times for supplies of materials and why they should be calculated.

Methods that can calculate delivery and lead times for supplies of materials would be specifically based on the assessment of the project information, evaluation of the schedule and the identification of the resources that would be required in the project in every stage of operations. Moreover, identifying the delivery and lead times would allow in reducing the instances of schedule overruns while maintaining systematic and continuity of operations. The time management process and log book maintenance are hereby beneficial to calculate delivery and lead times for supplies of materials and additionally the Enterprise Resource planning software must be implemented in the organisation to track the suppliers and develop strong supply chain for successful management of the supply and delivery of the raw materials.

1.6 Give reasons why it is necessary to analyse operational plans and quantities to assess what materials will be required.

It is necessary to analyse operational plans and quantities to assess what materials will be required in order to reduce the costs of operations of a project as per the organizational needs. Operational head focus on conducting the project planning by incorporating the operational activities that are necessary which further provides a scope to the operational management team to acknowledge the resources and raw materials are mandatory for the project. The quantities and quality of the raw materials are also arranged and reported by the operational managers and hence it is necessary to analyse the operational plans and quantities to assess what materials will be required for completing the project successfully.

1.7 Explains ways that delivery schedules can be developed.

The delivery schedules can be developed through a clear identification of the stages that are involved in the project work program and the time that might be required by each activity for completion. The identification of the entire time required for every activity in a project would allow in devising delivery schedules. Implementation of Enterprise Resource planning software in the workplace is mandatory for maintaining the delivery schedule and also the GPS software is also beneficial for tracking the delivery system and maintaining the supply chain efficiently. Hence, technical innovation and strong supply chain management by communication and cooperation, it is possible to develop delivery schedule.

1.8 Give reasons why delivery schedules and traffic management are required.

Delivery schedules and traffic management are required in order to identify the priority of the clients and allocating time and budget for every activity under the schedule of a project timeline. On the other hand, traffic management supports an organization in empowering the capability of addressing the client priorities. In order to maintain the commitment towards the stakeholders engaged, it is essential for the project management team to maintain delivery schedules and traffic management. Through ensuring delivery schedules and traffic management, it is also possible to handle the activities of the project and deliver the products or services to the customers within effective time which further meet the expectations of the clients in long run. The brand values are also improved through such management of delivery schedules and traffic management.

2.2 Explain ways that opportunities for standardising supplies of materials can be identified.

Opportunities for standardising supplies of materials might be identified through inspection on the mostly used resources, listing and recording the same and maintaining availability of the resources in order to maintain the continuity of the business operations in accordance with the changing needs and requirements of the customers. Listing the day to day operational activities and keeping the records efficiently through daily updates are the important strategic planning to identify the opportunities for standardising supplies of materials, where the suppliers and project management team are able to interact with each other and share the upcoming scope for standardising supplies of materials so that it would be possible to standardise the materials and create diverse ways to conduct the project activities creatively.

2.3 Explain how standardisation of materials can assist projects.

Standardization of the materials can assist projects through reduction in the costs of operations in the different levels of the timeline while ensuring that the continuity of operations are maintained in order to guide the project towards meeting the intended outcome. Through material standardization, the project management team can focus on producing maximum variety of products from the minimum variety of materials, parts, tools and processes and thus it can be stated that the material standardisation assist the project to meet its specifications and meet its aim and objectives. The team also can maintain the quality of the project and enhance creativity and technical innovation through the material standardisation process and it further provides a scope to minimise the cost of the project and increase various ways to conduct the project activities strategically.

2.4 Give reasons why opportunities for material standardisation should be considered.

In order to meet the specifications of the project and complete the project within the specific time and allocated budget, the project management team focuses on the opportunities for the material standardisation that are important in the project. It is also beneficial to improve the efficacy of the working activities and meet the project aim and objectives strategically and on the other hand, through maintaining the material standardisation, the project management team can ensure the quality standard of the project. Hence, it is essential for the project team to maintain material standardisation and arrange the resources to complete the project activities within effective time in order to meet the expectations of the stakeholders and business clients.

3.3 Explain methods of checking delivery schedules and with users so that material needs are identified.

The methods of checking delivery schedules is specifically based on the inspection on the progress of work and the work programmes while correlating with the schedules that are being defined by the business or the project managers in order to ensure identification of the deadline that might be required for the project completion. The estimation of the project completion deadline would allow in developing an idea on the delivery schedules that might be devised by the site managers as per the needs of the clients. Again, upholding efficient communication with the users would allow a site manager in developing an idea on the material requirements.

3.4 Describe ways that can ensure appropriate orders are prepared.

The ways through which appropriate orders can be prepared are specifically based on continuous communication with the clients while identifying the areas of their priorities. It has been observed that the identification of the client priorities allows an organization or a project team in developing processes and using resources that would be suitable for addressing the requirements of the clients. Record keeping process and acknowledging the requirements of the clients are mandatory for preparing the orders in order to meet the expectations and fulfil the project specifications. The use of latest technology and organisational data base management system are also beneficial for ensuring appropriate orders in the system.

3.5 Give reasons why checks must be made to ensure appropriate orders are prepared.

Checking and inspection must be made in order to reduce the quality issues in the propositions while addressing the specifications made by the clients. The activity would allow a project team in increasing the efficiency or utility of the propositions while addressing the quality issues. In order to meet the expectations and project needs, it is essential to make the checks effective for ensuring that the orders are prepared well. The project management team is able to maintain the checks through record keeping process and continuous monitoring for maintaining the project activities in a systematic way and meet the project specifications within the specified time and allocated budget.

4.3 Explain methods and techniques of conducting negotiations and meetings with suppliers and users to ensure supply requirements are agreed.

Methods and techniques of conducting negotiations can be done through emails, telephonic calls, site meetings and face to face conversations. The negotiation with the suppliers and users would allow the organization in encouraging their active involvement in the project development process while ensuring the growth and efficiency of the operations. Enhancing internal communication and developing win-win situation are mandatory for further negotiation at the project sites with the suppliers and users to ensure supply requirements. Moreover, asking for advice, good behaviour, positive interactions and empathy towards others are also essential for developing good negotiation skill in order to attend the meeting and develop collaborative strategic decision for the project to ensure supply requirements. Hereby, negotiation is mandatory for the project managers to maintain supply chain and improve the quality of the project in long run by sourcing the quality raw materials within effective time.

4.4 List and describe the factors and issues that determine and affect supply requirements.

The factors and issues that determine and affect supply requirements are based on aspects like the sources of procuring the materials, transport methods, material quality and suitability of the resources in the different areas of project operations, the cost of the materials and transportation expenses. The transport condition is playing crucial role in sullying the raw materials required for the project within effective time. Additionally, the quality of material is important factor that affect the supply requirements where it is the responsibility of the suppliers to provide best quality material for the project in order to maintain trust and goodwill. The external factors such a political stability, economic growth and social developmental are also crucial affecting the supply chain management where the suppliers focus on economic growth and stable political situation to source the raw materials of the project.

4.5 Explain how goodwill and trust can be maintained with suppliers and users.

Clear and transparent communication between the stakeholders would allow an organization or a project team in improving the aspects of goodwill and trust among the suppliers and users. Continuous cooperation and communication must be there in the project management team, where the manager can develop good bonding and corporate relationship with the suppliers. Moreover, continuous motivation through providing high return on their investment and rewards to each supplier can lead to maintaining goodwill and trust with the suppliers of the project. On the other hand, for developing trust with the users of the project, it is essential to meet the project specifications and fulfil the requirements of the clients by providing quality project.

4.6 Explain how formal and informal meetings with suppliers and users can be conducted.

Formal and informal meetings with suppliers and users can be conducted through the utilization of site meetings, meetings conducted in the supplier’s place, taking meeting minutes and distributed among the stakeholders for future reference and telephonic conversations which would allow an organization or a project team in empowering the degree of operations. Formal meetings are arranged through announcement, developing conferences with exact date and time and providing email to the suppliers for their active participation. The informal meeting can also be develop in the workplace by involving the suppliers through direct face to face communication and enhancing telephonic conversation for sharing adequate information and data. Hence, both the formal and informal meetings must be arranged to engage the suppliers and lead them strategically towards achieving the project aim.

5.5 Explain how systems, that cover all necessary factors to monitor the delivery schedules, can be implemented.

Systems that cover all necessary factors to monitor the delivery schedules can be implemented through checking the deliveries and schedules by the site managers and the contractors while keeping the records up to date. Review of the project specifications and maintaining the deliverables are hereby beneficial ton implemented the strategic changes as well as the project manager tries to develop good organisational infrastructure and technological base for implementing latest strategic planning. The factors are necessity to be implemented through continuous cooperation and communication among the team members and it further provides a scope to the organisational head to lead the employees towards achieving the project aim innovatively.

5.6 Explain how systems that can monitor the performance of suppliers against the agreed supply requirements can be implemented.

ICT framework and continuous data base management system are helpful to monitor the performance of the suppliers as well as recently the organisation adopts the Enterprise Resource planning system to create integrated software for monitoring the performance of each suppliers and their operations in providing raw materials to the organisation within effective time. Hence, the technological innovation as well as digitalisation of the organisation is helpful for the project managers to monitor the performance of the suppliers engaged with the project. Deliveries of the proposition or the project outcomes must be taken into consideration while checking for quality, suitability and damage that might occur. The records must be kept up to date while avoiding delays in the delivery process in order to maintain the efficiency of the business operations.

5.7 Describe how identified improvements to delivery schedules can be recorded.

Identified improvements to delivery schedules can be recorded through continuous inspections and reporting via emails or other modes of communication which would allow in improving the scope of understanding the hazards and designing strategic interventions in order to reduce the challenges. The project management team is efficient to maintain digital database and password protected computerised system in the organisation for keeping the record of the important data and information in order to avoid the issue of data breach and hacking. Identified improvements to delivery schedules are also recorded through monitoring the day to day operations and storing the important data in the organisational computerised and log book.

5.8 Give reasons why the delivery schedule and performance of suppliers should be monitored.

The delivery schedule and performance of the suppliers should be monitored in order to ensure the continuity of operations in the projects while operating as per the quality standards. The inspection and monitoring over the activities of the suppliers would allow in ensuring that the project activities are completed in time with the availability of the resources by the suppliers while addressing the client requirements and deadlines. In order to develop smooth supply chain and distribution network, the delivery system must be monitored by reviewing the day to day operations. The operational head is also efficient to control the supply chain activities and make availability of the adequate resources for the construction project through continuous monitoring process so that the issue of resource shortage can be managed strategically. The delivery schedule monitoring and performance review are also beneficial to retain the suppliers and develop strong team to support the project activities by sullying quality raw materials within specific time.

6.3 Explain methods that can identify problems with supply and supply requirements, how they can be recorded and what actions can be taken to resolve them.

For identifying the problems related to the supply and supply requirements, it is essential to involve the suppliers and distributors of the raw materials in the project sites, so that they can share their perception about the project and cooperate with the project managers to analyse the project requirements. In addition to this, supervision and monitoring the data to day activities further help to identify the problem with the supply and supply requirements and these data and specific information are stored through the digital database management system and organisational personal database where data authenticity and validity must be maintained well. Further actions relate to supply and supply requirements must be developed to mitigate the existing issues and develop strong supply chain management to supply the raw materials required for the project.

6.4 Explain how the delivery schedule can be modified to minimise disruption to the programme.

Delivery schedule can be modified to minimise disruption to the programme through contacting the suppliers and making the same aware of the different changes in the delivery schedules. The aspect would allow an organization or a project team in reducing the instances of disruptions in the overall work process and empowering timely deliveries as per the schedule requirements. For further modifications, the time management software must be utilised by the project manager which further provides a scope to the operational head to reschedule the working activities as per the project specifications. Moreover, for minimising the disruption and increasing efficiency of the workers, it is mandatory to modify the delivery schedule for better understanding and strategic planning by regenerating the project planning and internal programs so that each task can be handled within effective time and allocated resources.

7.3 Explain ways that can identify changes likely to result in over or under supply.

Ways through which changes might be identified that are likely to result in over or under supply are specifically based on the duration that is provided between each supply of material, the identification of the different material that requires to be supplied and the availability of the materials in the markets. Information on the different above mentioned factors can be accessed through different industry reports and contacts with the suppliers which would allow an organization or a project team in developing cognition on the changes that might likely affect over or under supply. Site plan and architectures must be reviewed and supervised by involving the quality supervisor team and engineers at the project site in order to identify the strategic changes required for completing the project efficiently through sourcing the materials.

7.4 Explain how to modify delivery schedules that minimises disruption to the programme.

Modification of the delivery schedules can be made through changes in the timescale of the work process as per the project needs. Working process must be monitored as well as the participation and performance of the staff at the project sites is necessary to be evaluated in order to modify the time schedules of the project. The changes in the timescale with a thorough inspection on the progress made in the work process would allow in improving the scope of understanding the relevant alterations that might be made in order to minimize disruption to the programme. Alternative Gantt chart and time management software are necessary to be implemented at the project sites in order to modify the schedule and restructure the project activities through reallocation of the resources and increasing the overall capability of the firm.

1.3 Explain how suitable organisational and communication systems can be identified for projects.

Reviewing the organisational resources and capabilities is important for identifying suitable communication system and organisational structure to maintain the workplace procedure. The supervisor must focus on the quality standard management system as well as supervise the internal resources and availability of the resources in order to maintain the organisational systems. Moreover, the IT infrastructure must be reviewed for analysing firm’s capability in enhancing communication through digitalisation of the business. Suitable organisational and communication systems can be identified for projects through an assessment of the project data while designing different means of communication through established channels and networks which would allow in in improving the scope of the communication systems in a project. Hence, the practices are beneficial of the project manager to develop social network and utilise latest technology for interacting with the stakeholders engaged with the project and also enhance internal and external communication for conducting the project programs strategically under suitable organisational system.

2.3 Explain ways that systems, compatible with those used by clients, customers or their representatives and supply chains, can be established and introduced.

Communication systems that are being used by clients, customers or their representatives and supply chains can be established and introduced through making research on their preferences and priorities while designing multiple channels of communication media. The development of multiple channels based communication would allow a project team in empowering their capabilities on networking while guiding the project as per the strategic needs and requirements of the users, customers or the suppliers. ICT implementation and continuous digital database management system are also beneficial to share the system which is compatible with the business clients, customers and other stakeholder who are engaged with the project. The general meeting and business conferences are also important to be developed in the organisation for sharing important information and establish appropriate system for completing the project aim.

2.4 Explains methods of establish communication and organisational systems that will enable clear effective management, administrative and operational controls.

Methods of establishing efficient communication and organisational systems that would enable clear effective management, administrative and operational controls can be done through online hosting systems or cloud computing activities which would allow an organization or a project team in making the information available to the most relevant stakeholders. Moreover, the organization or the project teams must take the initiative of developing security checks while securing the confidential information in order to reduce instances related to data thefts. Continuous monitoring and inspections are likely to improve the scope of the projects while addressing the communication based needs of the stakeholders.

2.5 Give reasons why communication and organisational systems, that will be compatible and provide control, are needed.

Communication and organisational systems that will be compatible are needed in order to ensure that the information is distributed among all the relevant stakeholders and empowering their active participation in the different operational activities of the projects. On the other hand, the control activities are required in order to ensure that the information is secured and the risks are avoided related to data thefts which might affect the brand image of the business.

3.4 Describe ways that accurate and unambiguous information about people’s roles and responsibilities, the project and the organisational structure can be produced.

Accurate and unambiguous information about people’s roles and responsibilities can be maintained through the organizational structure while defining the different roles and responsibilities that are bestowed upon the stakeholders. Clarity of understanding on the roles and responsibilities would allow an organization in developing the scope of the projects while ensuring the active participation of all the stakeholders in the organizational operations. In depth analysis about the organisational data, project information and specifications are also beneficial to developing accurate and unambiguous information for the people to instruct them and lead them with effective organisational structure and project programs. Hence, the project managers focus on leading the people efficiently towards achieving the project aim through developing accurate information and instructing them as well.

3.5 Explain methods that allow for the circulation of information about people’s roles and responsibilities, and the project and organisational structure, to people and organisations that have an interest.

Methods that allow for the circulation of information about people’s roles and responsibilities, or the project and organisational structure are done through site meetings, hand-outs, notice boards, instruction sessions, briefings and face to face communication. Employee’s portal management is one of the effective ways to identify different departments and roles of the staff members as per their designation at the project sites. The project manager also tries to share the organisational data base about roles and responsibilities of the employees with them to have clear ideas and motivate them to perform efficiently. On the other hand, instruction sharing through ICT, face to face communication and group discussion are also beneficial for the manager to lead the staff members by circulating the information about people’s roles and responsibilities, and the project and organisational structure, to people and organisations that have an interest.

3.6 Give reasons why information on people’s roles and responsibilities is important to people and organisations that have an interest.

Information on people’s roles and responsibilities is important to people and organisations that have an interest as it creates a trustworthiness while ensuring transparency of communication and networking capabilities that empowers the collaborative functioning of the stakeholders with the different other organizations or people having an interest. Through the induction process, the project manager tries to share all the necessary information and data with the employees at the project sites, where the individual roles and team responsibilities are the main part so that the staff members can acknowledge their contributing factors and improve their performance accordingly. In order to encourage the individuals at the project sites, support them with strategic planning and provide continuous guidance to them, the project managers try to share individual roles and responsibilities with the people.

4.3 List and describe who would likely to be included when establishing communication methods for projects.

There are several stakeholders who are engaged with the project and the project manager must provide equal scope to take active part in the project and share adequate feedback for developing further strategic planning. the site management teams, health and safety advisory boards, the business clients, contractors and sub-contractors, architects, emergency service providers, suppliers and the buyers are likely to be involved when establishing communication methods for projects. The inclusion of the above mentioned stakeholders would be allowing the organization in improving the scope of developing collaborative practices among the stakeholders while ensuring that the project operates as per the shifting needs of the end users of the outcomes of the projects correlates with the objectives or scope of the same.

4.4 Explain ways that methods of communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving information, between people and organisations that have an interest and appropriate to the needs of the project, can be established.

Ways that methods of communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving information, between people and organisations are through site meetings, telephonic conversations, emails, hand-outs and notice boards. Organisational notice board management with day to day operational information upload are effective for enhancing communication and reporting activities. Additionally, face to face conversation at the project sites and general meeting in the workplace are mandatory for communication and recording the data and information strategically. Moreover, the organisational operational head arranges training programs and conferences at the project site in order to engage the stakeholders and enhance internal communication for gathering adequate data and information and analyse it for further project specifications. ICT is also important to be implemented for enhancing communication and managing the information through an integrated system.

4.5 Explain why methods of communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving information between interested people and organisations should be established.

Methods of communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving information between interested people and organisations should be established in order to win over their trust and developing efficiently collaborative processes that would be crucial towards the growth and development of the project parameters as per the shifting needs. the major benefits of the methods of communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving information between interested people and organisations to be established are such as enhancing internal communication, developing partnership working practice at the project sites, developing good team work, increasing the efficacy of the staff members in the project as well as maximising the quality standard of the project so that the project manager can complete the construction with appropriate design, specifications and aim.

5.4 Explain methods that can monitor the communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving of information.

Methods that can monitor the communicating, reporting, recording, and retrieving of information are through call recordings, meetings minutes and feedback sessions which would allow in developing an idea on the concerns and resolving the same as per the project priorities. CCTV camera implementation and hiring floor manager are crucial for monitoring the reporting, recording and retrieving process. The technicians are also playing crucial role in managing the project activities with in depth evaluation and strategic analysis. The ICT infrastructure as well as continuous supervisions is also beneficial for monitoring the communication methods, reporting techniques and recording the data and information strategically.

5.5 Explain how break-downs in communication and organisational systems can be identified.

Break-downs in communication and organisational systems can be identified through insufficiency of communication between stakeholders, the lack of awareness or knowledge among the relevant teams and groups of people involved in the project operations and the delays in the work process that is identified while comparing the work schedules with the real time project operations. The breakdown of the project can also be identified through strategic analysis and in depth evaluation of the organisational activities, where the project management team is efficient to intervene in the system and communicate the project plan with other colleagues. Quality supervision in this regard is also important for reviewing the breakdown of the project activities.

5.6 Describe how breakdowns in communication and organisational systems can be investigated and explain why they should be investigated.

Breakdowns in communication and organisational systems can be investigated through reporting and record keeping the different instances of breakdowns while identifying the root cause of the concerns. The identification of the root cause of the concerns related to breakdowns in communication and organisational systems would allow an organizational management in developing strategic interventions in order to resolve the issues while empowering efficient communication without any disruptions through a range of media channels. The risk register planning and contingency plan is also beneficial for further investigation where the project management team try to focus on several breakdowns of the project in communication and organisational system. Clear understanding about the project activities as well as providing training and developmental programs is also fruitful to investigate the project activities and ensure that the project specifications can be met through conducting the organisational activities in a systematic manner.

5.7 Explain actions that can be taken to restore effective communication and organisational systems.

The actions can be restored through password protected computerised system in order to have effective internal communication and develop organisational system successfully. The stakeholders must be engaged with the project activities with equal empowerment as well as their opinion must be gathered for choosing the best possible strategies for conducting the project successfully. The major actions that can be taken to restore effective communication and organisational systems are through meeting with different stakeholders and developing different communication platforms as per the priorities in order to ensure that communication channels would support in restoring interactions. The businesses and project teams might also take the initiative of developing, introducing and establishing different platforms in order to ensure efficient communication among the stakeholders. Hence, the actions can also be restored through digital database management system as well as business conferences to develop strong team work with effective involvement of the project stakeholders.

6.4 Explain how possible improvements to methods of communicating and organisational systems can be identified.

Possible improvements to methods of communicating and organisational systems can be identified through regular site meetings, feedback sessions and briefing sessions which would support in identifying the areas of concerns about the communication process and the manner in which the same might be eradicated as per the needs of the project or the business. The project manager is responsible to improve communication and organise the internal system through ICT infrastructure by ensuring the involvement of the engineers, architects and site planners, who are experienced in handling the project activities. Moreover, the general meeting and conferences must be arranged at the project site in order to understand other perception and explore new alternative solutions for possible improvements.

6.5 Give reasons why established systems should be improved.

For continuous improvement and adopting new strategic changes it is necessary to establish new systems and on the other hand, the project managers focus on implementing new technology and strategies for further innovation and creativity which influence them to adopt new system that should be established for further improvements. Established systems should be improved in order to increase the efficiency of operations of the workforce while addressing the different project centred requirements. The improvements in the established organizational systems are necessary in order to empower the degree of operations while guiding the business or the project towards achieving their objective or strategic outcomes. For managing the project programs, reallocating resources, cost effective ways and increasing overall efficiency of the firm, it is necessary to establish new strategic system for improvement.

7.4 Explain how meetings should be managed that ensures objectives are met.

Meetings should be managed that ensures objectives are met through keeping meeting minutes and empowering clarity of communication and information transmission. The aspects would allow an organization or a project team in empowering the knowledge and skills of the relevant stakeholders while encouraging their active participation in the different areas of the project life cycle. Equal opportunities for the colleagues and stakeholders in the meeting are mandatory and the project manager must ensure that they can get the scope of sharing their knowledge and perception in making effective decision. Moreover, meeting audit and monitoring process about the participation of the stakeholders are also beneficial for managing the objectives of the project and ensuring that the specified aim of the project are met efficiently.

7.5 Describe the different types of meetings that can be undertaken with stakeholders and colleagues.

The different types of meetings that can be undertaken with stakeholders and colleagues are formal and informal meetings, toolbox talks, inductions, face to face conversations, and telephonic communication or interactions. Induction planning is one of the effective meetings where the project managers can share the organisational goal, project specifications and individual’s roles in the organisation. Additionally, the problem solving meeting and decision making practice in the organisational are also advantageous for understanding effective activities by effective involvement of the stakeholders and the business clients. The information sharing meeting and face to face conversation are considered to be appropriate meetings in the workplace for sharing the adequate resources and information in the workplace as well as developing strategic planning by enhancing innovation and creativity.

8.3 Explain methods that ensure actions are completed following meetings and the objectives are met.

The major method that might be used by a site inspector or a manager for ensuring actions are completed following meetings and the objectives are met are done through reviewing the agenda or meeting minutes of the previous meetings in the current meeting while identifying the flaws and drawbacks that the teams has suffered while meeting their targets or KPIs that were identified in the previous meeting sessions in the activities that are undertaken in the projects. Feedback gathering activities are important through staff empowerment and open communication, where the staff members and other stakeholders can share their perception and ensure that the actions are completed following meetings and the project objective are met through strategic planning. It is also important to develop group discussion for understanding others opinion and encourage diverse strategies from the participants to meet the project outcomes.

8.4 Describe ways evaluating the effectiveness of meetings.

Meetings effectiveness is evaluated through the KPIs that meets the performance standards and through the collection of feedbacks from the relevant audiences or the participants of the meetings. Continuous monitoring process and the individual performance reviews are also considered as effective ways to evaluate the benefits of the meeting in the organisation. Moreover, open communication and one to open discussion are also crucial to share information and evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting in the workplace. Attendance and agenda as well as action items and survey and feedback forms are effective ways to evaluate the success factors in the meeting so that the mangers can lead the workers towards achieving the project outcomes.

1.3 Explain ways that relevant survey information can be obtained.

The site managers and contractors try to cooperate with each other for better management and obtaining the survey information so that the project activities can be developed well. The data and survey information is shared through the digital database system in the recent technical era and additionally, the site meeting, genera meeting with the senior management team and company website are important to share the survey data. Through these techniques, it is possible to enhance internal communication where the site managers can share the survey information with the management team for developing further creative decision to conduct the project proficiently.

1.4 Explain how survey information can be checked to ensure it is up to date and accurate.

The digital database system must be updated on daily basis and it is important to supervise the whole system with the day to day operations. Survey information can be checked through assessing and evaluating the dates on which they are issued, identifying the physical attributes that were considered in the survey and contacting or interacting with the site manager or engineer on the authenticity of the survey that was conducted in the site. The activities are checked and ensure that it is accurate after continuous checking and monitoring. Continuous monitoring process is hereby essential for checking the survey information so that day to day updates can be uploaded on the computerised system and guides the workers with adequate resources and instruction to complete the project tasks.

1.5 Explain how problems with survey information can be resolved and why problems need to be resolved.

The problems in the survey information must be mitigated to work peacefully and develop strong team work to achieve the project aim. In order to resolve any disputes and maximise the quality of the project activities, it is essential to mitigate the existing problems and the major strategies to eradicate the issues are conducting clear survey, fathering authentic information and valid data and utilise technology to store the data securely. Data manipulation and data breach must be mitigated in order to ensure the data safety and the existing problems related to survey information can be mitigated through digital database management system by considering the authentic data. In any case, if the survey data is incorrect, the project might encounter several disruptions while operating as per the strategic objectives for which it was initiated, resulting to deviation from the outcome.

2.3 Describe factors which determine dimensional control information.

In order to control he dimensions of the information, it is essential to utilise systematic working process and create good project planning. Authentic data management system and digital database are crucial for information handling and it is the role of the project managers to focus on survey information, control points of the survey and project planning in order to maintain the information. Factors that determine dimensional control information are survey information, control points of the survey, project data and plans that are being devised by the organization or the project teams in order to empower the degree of operations while guiding the project activities or the work process towards meeting the intended outcomes.

2.4 Explain how information on project work can be correlated with dimensional control information.

The utilization of efficient project information would allow an organization in improving the degree of operations while addressing the project parameters. The information related to the project can be correlated with different dimensional control system through the ICT framework where the Information and communication system develop integrated way to enhance communication among the workers and managers who are engaged with the project. Additionally, project developmental planning and email are also utilised for enhancing cooperation and communication where the information and adequate data are communicated with others for better project management. Shared database system and digital database management are also supportive functions to interpret the information and correlated it with the project activities for completing the tasks strategically.

2.5 Explain methods that can interpret information on project work which is relevant to dimensional control information.

The project drawings and data would provide most of the dimensional control information and identification of the specifications of the clients while developing the project based operations would be useful in ensuring that information has been interpreted efficiently on the basis of project work. Additionally, the workers try to integrate the information on the project sites through continuous cooperation and drawings for developing creative project planning. For interpreting the information at the construction project sites, it is mandatory to utilise organisational notice board and share the latest information through daily updates. Site plan management and on-the job training programs also provide a scope to interpret the information on the project work and involve the workers for better understanding and increasing their efficacy to support the project initiatives.

2.6 Give reasons why information on project work, which is relevant to dimensional control information, needs to be correlated and interpreted.

In order to manage different project activities, control the points and set the project activities efficiently, it is essential to integrate and correlate the information relevant to the dimensional control information. The site managers and staff members try to cooperate with each other for inter-relating the data that further provides a scope to enhance the quality standard of work and maximise the initiatives creatively. Therefore, information on project work assists in developing insights on the dimensional control while empowering the projects towards achieving the goals for which the same has been initiated.

3.4 Describe possible causes of variations between specified and actual site dimensions.

The variations are the alternative scopes of working in the construction projects and there are different variations between the specified and actual site dimensions die to changes in scale of the project, budget analysis and finance. The capability of the project can be varied as per the specified and actual site dimensions where the whole project plan can be changed accordingly. The variations between of specified and actual site dimensions might affect the capability of an organization or a project team in complying with the project requirements and thereby deviations in the project outcome might occur. Unpredictable process outputs, fluctuations and shifts from the occurred outcomes and other local actions are the causes of variations for which the project managers are concerned about analysing the variations between specified and actual site dimensions and mitigate the issue of variations through contingency planning.

3.5 Explain how variations between the specified and the actual site dimensions can be identified.

Through continuous inspection in the project site, it is possible to analyse the actual and specified dimensions and the project managers must focus on the variations on the sites in order to progress in the project systematically. On the other hand, the general meeting and continuous supervision of the project are also beneficial to identify the variations in the projects and hence the communication between the technicians, engineers and contractors of the project must be there so that they can find the dimensions and analyse the variations between the specified and actual dimensions. Variations between the specified and the actual site dimensions can be identified through site inspections, assessment of the specified project plans, site meetings and communication between the engineers and contractors.

3.6 Explain ways of recording variations between the specified and the actual site dimensions.

Recording the variations between specified and actual step dimensions are crucial in order to progress in the project with systematic planning and in this regard the major record keeping techniques are calculations of the specified project plan, scaling, use of original site planning and same scale activity measurement. The use of the same scale between the specified project plan and the site would allow in identifying the variation effectively and hence calculations must be clear and accurate in order to identify the existing variations. The architecture mapping and log book management are also beneficial to maintain the variations between the specified and actual set dimensions and it provides an opportunity to the project managers to maintain the record the variations and develop contingency planning for completing the project strategically.

4.3 List and describe typical types of set reference points.

The reference point is prominent, easily located points in the terrain used to define a location of another point which is also located as baseline of the survey. The major purpose of the reference point is to provide horizontal locations to re-establish primary control points along the baseline of survey and the Key points and guide markers are set out to ensure accurate building takes place. For example, the ground markers, wooden pegs and stakes are considered as reference point to design the building systematically. Target reference point, limit reference point and trigger reference point are different types of reference point at the construction projects where the project management team try to meet the project objective by reallocating the resources and increasing firm’s capabilities.

4.4 Explain how to accurately set and clearly identify reference points from set reference points.

Accurate setting out and following the project planning and cite are mandatory in order to accurately set and clearly identify reference points from set reference points. It is important for the engineers to set the reference point on the basis of the construction site, baseline, site planning and building design in order to progress in the project strategically. The organisational data base management and hiring the engineers at the project sites are important to set the reference point and additionally, it is also fruitful for the project manager to involve the architects and site lanner to maintain the reference point and remove other barriers to conduct the project activities strategically.

4.5 Explain methods that can protect reference points from movement and removal.

It is important to protect the reference point from the movement and removal in order to maintain project quality and manage the programs at the project sites efficiently. It is the role of the project management team to maintain the reference points by following the project design and architectures so that the staff members and workers at the site can handle the organisational activities and complete the tasks efficiently within the allocated budget and time. The methods of developing and implementing strategic planning as well as allocating the resources and hiring experienced staff at the sites are beneficial to maintain reference point.

5.2 Describe the elements of monitoring systems.

The monitoring system in the construction projects is mandatory for analysing the quality of the project and efficacy of the workers to work on the basis of the project activities. In this context, the monitoring system is based on the security check up as well as analysing the quality of survey materials, continuous supervision on the progress of the staff and site contractors as well as effective assessment of the working conditions. These are important for meeting the project aim and objectives by continuous monitoring and supervisions process. The major elements of monitoring systems are specifically based on the inspections and security checks on the survey materials, assessing the working conditions and the progress made by the team members while contributing towards meeting the project objectives and monitoring over the supply of equipment in close calibration with the requirements in completing each stage in the project work plan.

5.3 Explain how monitoring systems can be developed.

Defending the project aim and objectives as well as sharing the activities to the staff and other stakeholders engaged with the construction project. Selecting the key performance indicators and day to day performance reviews are mandatory to be evaluated. Workplace inspection and feedback management system are also considered as an effective monitoring process for conducting the project activities successfully. Record keeping process and reporting also provide a scope to create good monitoring process for better project management planning. The ways in which monitoring systems can be developed are through conduction of inspection and feedback collection sessions, establishment of a QA systems and steady reporting along with record keeping with the purpose of ensuring the efficiency of the operations on site.

5.4 Give reasons why monitoring systems should be developed.

The monitoring systems should be developed in order to ensure that the continuity of operations are undertaken in a project site while also assessing the quality of outcomes in order to evaluate the success factors of the projects. The monitoring systems in an organization supports in developing the systematic processes which supports in addressing the shifting needs of the clients and guide a project towards meeting its objectives where effective resource allocation and utilisation can be possible. The workers also can improve their performance and increase proficiency in conducting the project initiatives. The project can be completed within effective time and allocated budget through continuous monitoring system.

6.3 Explain how typical measuring and recording equipment used to establish dimensional control is used maintained.

Maintaining the dimensional accuracy of works and determining the reference point are critical to work on the construction site. Continuous monitoring and site planning are beneficial to keep the records for the equipment which are utilised for establishing the dimensional control system. Hence, it is typical to measure and controls the record keeping process for establishing dimension. The computerised data base system and cloud computing is the major system to maintain the equipment used for establishing the dimensional control in the project, where the project management team is able to maintain data base and develop strategic planning to complete the project successfully.

6.4 Give reasons why specific measuring and recording equipment should be selected for given projects.

Specific measuring and recording equipment should be selected for given projects in order to maintain systematic functions of the project and create good project planning with involvement of the engineers and technicians. In order to ensure successful completion of the project with building design and site plan, it is essential to choose specific measurement and record keeping process so that the issue of data breach and misinterpretation of the gathered survey data can be mitigated. Through selecting good record keeping process and measurement techniques, it is possible to identify key performance indicators and maintain the quality of work to meet the project aim.

7.3 Explain the methods and procedures that can be used to record and store dimensional control information which may be of later use.

Digital database management system is one of the best ways to keep the records and store it fir further use in the project. The contractors and cite managers also need to utilise cloud computing system for storing the data and information so that they can utilise the gathered data for further project initiation. The organisational own database and password protected computerised system; it is possible to maintain the records successfully. The company database system and the password protected system are beneficial to keep the data secured and maintain sate safety in the organisation. Moreover, the organisational head try to maintain organisational ICT system and research department efficiently for maintaining the data and information successfully.

1.2 List and describe the factors that determine quantities and cost data.

The factors that determine quantities and cost data are project specifications, planning, requirements, environmental concerns, the supply costs, labour expenses, plants and machinery. For the construction projects, the material cost also depends on the environment and climate change as well as demand for the material in the market. Inflation factor, the price of the raw materials and its availability in the market are also crucial factors that quantities the cost structure of the project. Labour wage rate and the country’s economic condition are also important factors that determine the budget of the project. The project specifications, requirements of the clients as well as design of the project are also crucial factors to determine the quantities and on the other hand, the variable costs such as raw materials and other administrative expenses must be considered to analyse the cost structure of the project.

1.3 Explain how appropriate project quantities and cost control systems, which will provide early warnings of problems, can be implemented.

For appropriate project quantities and cost control systems, it is necessary to develop good process, create the project activities, estimating the cost structure budgetary analysis and financing, so that the managers and contractors can quantify the costs and reduce the overall expenditure to arrange the adequate investment amount for the project. The time frame and budgetary analysis are mandatory for appropriate project quantities and cost control systems, where the project manager aims at analysing the existing issues, increasing the economies of scale of the project and utilising quality raw materials at lower cost. The engineers and architects at the project sites develops project quantities and cost effective ways through analysing the project specification, arranging the resources and increasing the economies of scale so that the reject can be completed within the allocated time and budget.

2.3 Explain methods that allows for quantities and cost data to be collected and recorded for the project and the resources used.

Through day to day monitoring process and data gathering technique, it is possible to collect authentic data and information for the project. The major methods that allows for quantities and cost data to be collected and recorded for the project and the resources used can be done through quantifying the works and breaking down the plant, equipment and labour allowances or costs. Cost register must be handled well in order to include important information related to different expenditure activities, quantifying the costs and breaking down all the fixed and variable cost structures in the project. It further helps to gather and record authentic data related to cost and analyse the data for choosing the best way to complete the project successfully. It has been observed that breaking down each of the costs in the different level of project operations allows an organization in developing a clear idea on the areas of operations and the manner in which every activity might be channelized in order to ensure that the project achieves the objectives

2.4 Explain how to ensure that data is passed on to the people responsible in time for them to use it.

Through diverse medium of communication, it is possible to transfer the important data among the workers in the project sites, so that the staff members can access the adequate information and relevant data for working efficiently. In this context, the contractors and project angers utilise email and company notice board for sharing the important information. Moreover, the transmission of important data among the relevant groups of stakeholders allows an organization in ensuring that the operations are facilitated as per the specifications that are made by the clients. The job responsibility briefing, induction process and workplace training programs are also beneficial to share the data with the responsible people in the workplace. The transmission of important data among the relevant groups of stakeholders allows an organization in ensuring that the operations are facilitated as per the specifications that are made by the clients.

3.3 Explain how to ensure that correct work values, quantities and cost data are prepared.

For ensuring correct work values, quantities and cost data, it is necessary to develop a strong team with involvement of the stakeholders including the suppliers, managers, workers, distributors and contractors, in order to manage the project activities successfully. The practice of scheduling, budgeting, inspection of the project activities, meeting, reports, record keeping and continuous monitoring process are beneficial for maximise the values of the work and also maintain the cost structure while conducting the project. Hence, continuous reporting and keeping the records up to date are crucial for maximising project values white the employees and contractors are able to review the data trend and cost activities for adopting the best cost controlling techniques and run the project proficiently.

4.3 Explain methods that can ensure that accurate quantities and cost data is presented in a format which will help people responsible to make decisions.

The collected data related to cost structure and quantities can be represented through tabular forms and excel sheets which are beneficial for the management team to critically analyse the cost of the project activities and develop alternative solutions to meet the project aim. The collected information is represented with different variables and accurate quantity to help the people for working proficiently and utilise the data trend for completing the project in a cost effective way. The method would allow in improving the scope of the project while ensuring that accurate quantities and cost data is presented. The management or the site managers and contractors must take the initiative of presenting the collected information in the form of reports while passing the same on to the quantity surveyor for analysis.

5.3 Explain how to ensure that variations and trends in quantities and cost data are identified, quantified, and costed.

Project specifications, identifying different expenditure activities and communicating the cost structure with other management team members are the ways to analyse the cost trend and variations in quantities. The cost data are identified and structured well in order to develop the best decision where the cost updates with digital database further helps to develop further specifications for choosing the best cost structure for the project, so that the project manager can minimise the experience and complete the tasks in a cost effective manner. The cost updates on the existing records based on the specifications made by the clients would be useful for the companies in empowering their evaluation capability of the costs that might be required in the projects.

5.4 Give reasons why trends in cost and quantities and cost data need to be quantified.

In order to gather clear insight about the cost structure and expenditures in the project, it is necessary to analyse the trend of costs and quantifies the cost structure for generating profitability in the firm. The project management team aim at completing the project in a cost effective way in order to maximise the profitability and thus they try to quantify the cost structure and analyse the trends in order to develop alternative solutions for completing the project proficiently within the allocated budget. Moreover, if the trend tends to reappear in any case of the project the data would be useful as a reference towards ensuring efficient decisions while guiding the project towards meeting its strategic objectives.

6.3 Explain how to ensure that variations in cost data are investigated and explain why variations in cost data need to be investigated.

The variations of cost data must be investigated in order to identify several cost structure of the project where the project managers would be able to evaluate the expenditure and choose the best planning for successful completion of the project. Through maintaining digital database management system, comparing the costs of the project, including the additional expenditure and actual cost of the projects, it is possible to consider variations in cost data and investigate it for better decision making behaviour. The project managers aim to reduce the cost structure in order to arrange the investment amounts and create innovative activities for conducting the project successfully. The identification of the variations in the cost data between actual and projected till date allows an organization in developing an idea on the increase or decrease in the costs that are being incurred while the project is running and thereby assuming the further costs that might be required for completion of the later stages of the project activity.

6.4 Explain methods and techniques of agreeing and implementing appropriate corrective actions with people responsible which will restore costs and expenditure to budget.

It is important to arrange technical training and developmental programs to adopt new changes in the project where the project managers must support each staff and guide them with adequate information and organisational resources for implementing the corrective actions for restoring the costs and expenditure to the budget. Additionally, the methods and techniques of agreeing and implementing appropriate corrective actions with people responsible are implemented through holding meetings with the responsible people while identifying and discussing on the different interventions through which the costs can be reduced and put the entire project into track. Hence, the methods of implementing new strategies in the project will provide a scope to minimise the cost and complete the projects successfully.

6.5 Give reasons why appropriate corrective action with the people responsible, in order to restore costs and expenditure to budget, needs to be agreed and implemented.

Appropriate corrective action with the people responsible is important in order to restore costs and expenditure to budget and this further helps to reduce instant cost and also minimise the overall cost of the project. The project managers and contractors are also efficient to take corrective actions in order to improve project activities and meet the needs and preferences of the business clients. The other reasons of taking alternative corrective action with the people responsible are such as maximising quality of the project, improving the activities of the project, increasing the efficacy of the workers to meet the project aim. The overall business efficacy and firms capability are also maximised through taking corrective actions.

7.3 Explain how opportunities for cost savings can be identified.

Opportunities for cost savings can be identified through discussion with different specialists, engineers, designers and contractors while contacting with the suppliers and consulting with different project management experts. The project managers develop alternative solutions in the project for identifying the cost saving approach. Moreover, maintaining economies of scale in the system as well as negotiation, consultancy services, engagement of the experts and technicians are also beneficial to choose the cost effective way to achieve the future success. Demand for casting, cross discipline collaboration and operational efficacy are also other ways to choose the best alternative solutions to minimise the cost of the project.

7.4 Explain how systems and processes which will assist in the identification of opportunities for cost savings, can be developed and recommended to the people responsible.

The process of identifying the opportunities for cost saving practice in the organisation depends on the data collection method and analysing practice, where the managers can identify the best solution to reduce the cost in order to maximise economies of scale. Reducing at large volume, hiring the experienced workers at effective salary system as well as identifying good production material at lower cost are beneficial to choose the best opportunities of cost saving practice in order to run the production and manufacturing system efficiently. Alternative course of actions like waste reduction or purchase of the prioritized equipment while curtailing the purchase of a wider range of non- prioritized equipment is efficient towards cutting costs in a project. Alternative course of actions like waste reduction or purchase of the prioritized equipment while curtailing the purchase of a wider range of non- prioritized equipment is efficient towards cutting costs in a project.

7.5 Give reasons why systems and processes, which identify opportunities for cost savings, need to be developed and recommended to people responsible.

The major reasons for the systems and processes, which identify opportunities for cost savings, need to be developed and recommended to people responsible are to maximise the quality of the working activities in the organisation, ensuring completion of the project in a cost effective way, maximising employees efficacy to perform better and increasing firm’s profitability in long run. Hence, cost saving must be done in every project in order to reduce the instances of cost overrides which might terminate a project in the half way of completion and it further helps the project managers to arrange adequate investment for successful completion of the project. Cost saving must be done in every project in order to reduce the instances of cost overrides which might terminate a project in the half way of completion.

7.6 Describe methods that can recommend opportunities for cost savings to people responsible.

Recommending the opportunities for cost savings to people responsible is possible through in depth data analysis and evaluation, where the mangers can identify the previous records and choose the best possible way for reducing the cost of the operations. Consultation of the business and negotiation process are considered as the best way to recommend cost saving practices in the workplace, where the managers aim to maximising proficiency of the employees by working effectively at lower cost. It will be beneficial to eradicate the extra expenses and maximise the organisational profitability in long run. The methods that might recommend opportunities for cost savings to people responsible are through the assessment of the previous data records on similar projects undertaken by businesses, consultation with the experts in project management fields and site inspection reports which would allow in gaining an idea on the abnormal costs while designing processes in order to curtail the same.

1.3 Explain ways of promoting the value of making improvements from feedback received from information sources.

Promoting the value of making improvements from feedback received from information sources is crucial in the organisational workplace and the project managers and senior team leader focus on empowering each staff in the workplace to enhance the practice of changed initiatives for further improvement. The managers also try to engage different stakeholders of the business with the operational activities in order to create good team work and influence the process of completing the project successfully. Through individual empowerment, continuous motivation and guidance with adequate organisational resources as well as sharing the project aim and company vision with the staff, it is possible to promote the value of making improvement through feedback gathering practice. Ways of promoting the value of making improvements from feedback received from information sources are done through empowering the active participation of the different responsible stakeholders in the feedback delivery process and influencing their inputs in the improvement strategies.

1.4 Explain methods that can encourage the collection of feedback from information sources.

Encouraging the collection of different feedback from diverse information sources can be possible under suitable corporate culture, where the managers promotes integrity and respect for all the staff, managing equality and diversity and encouraging employees skill and creativity to perform better. Moreover, a reward and recognition scheme in efficient feedback delivery might turn out to be fruitful towards encouraging the people to provide with their feedbacks on the different areas of operations. The opportunity for personal and professional skill development, as well as partnership working practice and team collaboration further encourage the collection of feedback from diverse information sources.

1.5 Give reasons why the collection of feedback from information sources should be encouraged.

The collection of the feedback from different information source should be encouraged for analysing the core concern of the project and evaluating the problems so that the management team would be able to gather vast range of data and raise the need for further improvement. The data collection from feedback system will be helpful to maintain continuity of the operations and it also improves the quality of the project where the management team and staff members are able to handle the project activities and utilise the resources for completing the project successfully. Moreover, it enhances the skills set and abilities of the employees and project managers in the organisation to work proficiently and meet the project outcome. Collection of feedback from information sources should be encouraged in order to identify the core areas of the concerns that are being encountered by the stakeholders while operating in their respective job posts. It would also allow an organization or a project manager in maintaining the continuity of operations of a project while retaining an inclusionary approach and encourage the active participation of the stakeholders in the different developmental functions.

2.3 Explain ways that ensures that feedback from information sources is obtained using various methods and other sources.

The feedbacks must be reviewed and documented for future reference where it would be possible for the managers to take effective decision which are collaborative so that each member can participate in the organisational decision making practice. Effective documentation and empowerment of the staff further ensure that the feedback from information source is relevant and authentic to be utilised for organisational decision making behaviour. The activity would allow the management or the site managers in implementing the feedbacks into practice in order to develop efficient functioning as per the strategic project requirements.

2.4 Explain methods that allows for the investigation and assessing of feedback from information sources using various methods and other sources.

Through continuous monitoring and data base management system, it is possible to investigate and assess the feedback successfully. The information sources must be investigated for maintaining validity and reliability of the data and information that are useful for further decision making practice in the organisation. The methods that allows for the investigation and assessing of feedback from information sources might be conducted through nomination of a staff member from each of the project teams while providing the same with the responsibility of reviewing their team’s feedbacks and suggestions while reporting to the management on the different assessments that are made by the same on the basis of the feedbacks.

2.5 Give reasons why feedback from information sources needs to be investigated and assessed.

The feedback from information sources needs to be investigated and assessed in order to identify the authenticity of the data as inappropriate feedback data might affect the project perimeters and affect the decision making capabilities of the management. Additionally, it is important to investigate the adequate data and information for analysing the existing issues, improving the project quality and choosing the best solution for achieving the organisational goal. Feedback investigation is hereby beneficial to manage the project and create good strategic planning for further improvement and completing the project successfully with creativity and technical innovation. For maintaining the project quality and ensuring the project specifications, it is essential for the project manager to investigate the information and assess it for better decisions making methods.

3.3 Explain ways that recommendations for improvements can be made from feedback received.

The recommendations for improvements can be made from the feedback received through a clear assessment of the feedback, identification of the root cause of the concerns, creation of alternatives and identifying the most viable alternative solution that is suitable towards resolving the concern. Hence, it is a systematic way to identify the feedback, analyse the existing issues and develop collaborative decision in order to make alternative solutions for the system improvement. It is also essential to manage the feedback and identify the best possible solutions to achieve the organisational aim and project objectives. Continuous engagement of the staff, encouraging diverse decision from the workers at the projects, data gathering and analysis for better evaluation as well as making the best solutions are the major steps to make recommendations for completing the project successfully.

3.4 Explain how recommendations for improvements from feedback can be justified to decision-makers.

For the recommendations made from feedback to be justified, it is essential to analyse the feedback and choose the best possible option for further improvement. It is the role of the project manager and team leader to choose the best decision for further improvement. For the decision to be justified, the project manager must review the performance of the team and analyse the impacts of the new decision after taking the changed initiatives. Additionally, evaluating the decision and identifying the resisting concerns must be developed so that it would be possible for the manager to analyse the success of choosing the changed initiatives in future. If the results of taking the decision are fruitful, it would be continued; otherwise the new alternative decision will be chosen by the project manager.

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3.5 Give reasons why recommendations for improvements from feedback should be made and justified to decision-makers.

Feedback is considered as an effective practice of identifying alternative ways and perception of the employees which further provides a scope to the management team to take good decision for further improvement. Hence, the recommended suggestions must be shared from the feedback so that alternative solution can be developed by ensuring creativity and technical innovation. Hence, the project managers try to focus on feedback analysis for recommending alternative solutions to make the best decisions. It is hereby beneficial for the decision makers to create collaborative decision and ensure creativity and innovation. In order to enhance the creativity and technological innovation, it is essential to make improvements made from the feedback and additionally, the project management team focus on strategic change to have cost cutting method by ensuring the project quality and efficiently to meet the specifications of the project.

4.3 Explain methods that can allow the summary of changes and improvements made from feedback received.

The summary of changes for further improvement gathered from feedback can be managed well through digital data base management system, where it is essential to gather the feedback and strengthen the whole system for further improvement. It is important to gather different feedback from the staff and the participants in the workplace and allow the changes through group discussion and collaborative decision making practice. The changes are also maintained through sharing the information and data with all the staff and empower them for strategic implementation. Empowerment of the staff members and workers at the project as well as continuous communication with them and guidance are beneficial for implementing the strategic changes to ensure continuous improvements made from the feedback received. It is also important for the project management team to lead the workers by meeting their needs and preferences and ensuring rewards and incentives for encouraging their creativity and motivating them to perform better.

4.4 Describe how the adoption of changes and improvements from feedback can be promoted.

It is important to promote the changed initiatives gathered from feedback activities through arranging group discussion and general meeting, where each member is being empowered in the system for change. Moreover, the organisational vision and project initiatives are shared with all the members so that they can acknowledge the need for adopting changes and also cooperate with the project managers. Additionally, continuous guidance and support the team members with adequate organisational resources and technology further help the project manager for adopting new changes in the system, for further improvement. Through internal communication and group discussion, the project managers try to communicate with the people responsible in the project where it is possible to share the changed initiatives and information relate to the urgency of change and latest innovation at the project site.

1.4 Describe the different techniques that can be used to promote benefits of learning to individuals and groups.

Notice boards and hand-outs might be used as mediums for making the responsible people aware of their assigned job activities which are crucial towards ensuring the continuity of operations in the project. For promoting the benefits of the learning and developmental activities for the individuals and group members, it is necessity to utilise the company notice board, toolbox texts and online sessions, so that the workers can understand the importance of training programs in the company. It further helps to engage the employees and motivate them to take active part in the training and learning activities for successful knowledge gain and skill enhancement. Organisational notice board and website are mandatory to be maintained well in order to share the adequate information and promote the benefits of learning and developmental opportunities for the individuals in the workplace.

1.5 Explain the procedures and methods that should be used to give fair, regular and useful feedback to teams and individuals.

General meeting is one of the effective way to provide fair, useful and regular feedback to the team and individuals in the workplace and in this regard Daily meetings and weekly instruction or feedback sessions are essential towards ensuring that fair, regular and useful feedback are being provided to the teams and individuals. The organisational notice board must be updated with latest news on a daily basis and additionally, the important information must be shared through email in order to give fair and regular feedback to the team members of the organisations. In this regard the project manager and contractors try to maintain email and official notice board of the company in order to maintain fair and useful feedback. Moreover, emails and other notices might act as a convenient means of communication while making the people aware of the different areas of operations.

2.3 Explain the methods and techniques of working effectively with teams and individuals in order to identify and prioritise learning needs.

Specification of the goals and the activities would be allowing the organizational management in developing efficient personal development activities for ensuring the skill upgrades and experience of the workers where the trainer and managers must share the organisational visions with the employees for motivating them and leading them successfully. On the other hand, the management of an organization must carry out staff appraisals and develop reward and recognition schemes with the purpose of encouraging and motivating the workforce. Creating good corporate culture with involvement of the workers, maintaining equality and diversity as well as managing integrity in the workplace are also beneficial for working effectively with teams and individuals in order to identify and prioritise learning needs.

2.4 Outline possible ways of obtaining information from a range of learning activities.

Collection of feedbacks from relevant people and the training providing organizations on the learning and development activities would allow an organizational management in obtaining information from a range of learning activities. Employee feedback management through open discussion as well as handling employee workplace portal are mandatory for obtaining the information from a range of learning activities. Additionally, day to day assessment and continuous monitoring process are also important to access all the necessary information related to the training and developmental programs. Moreover, the trainers try to review the participation of the staff and share the adequate information and data for maximising the quality of learning and developmental activities.

3.2 Explain methods and techniques of discussing and agree development needs with team members.

Discussion sessions with the team members are efficient methods that might be utilized by the site managers in order to discuss and agree development needs with team members, so that the employees can interact with the project manager and contractors for sharing the developmental needs. There are also email and ICT or Information and Communication Technology, through which the workers can interact with the senior management team for discussing about the developmental needs. On the other hand, attending general meeting and arranging interactive training programs are also the best solution for discussing the developmental needs in the team. General meeting must be arranged in the workplace for ensuring good internal communication and cooperation, where the project managers can discuss and agree the developmental needs with the team members. Hence, the cooperation and internal communication are essential where the management team focus on developing partnership working practice in order to interact with the people responsible in the project for analysing the developmental needs.

4.3 Explain procedures that could be implemented to allow support and assistance for team members who are undertaking learning activities.

For supporting the assistance for the team members who are undertaking the learning activities in the organisation, the project manager and trainer try to develop good training program and arrange adequate organisational resources to support their learning activities. Efficient learning and developmental activities with online training, induction process and on the job training are beneficial to assist the employees for getter understanding and gaining knowledge for working efficiently. It further improves personal competencies where the project managers try to guide the participants with organisational resources and develop good coursework for maximising their performance. Moreover, site managers might also take the initiative of identifying the flaws in the individuals while empowering the same to go through efficient learning and development activities in order to improve their personal competencies.

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4.4 Describe the types and ways of identifying obstacles to learning for both individuals and teams.

Obstacles to learning for both individuals and teams can be identified efficiently through monitoring and quality supervision, so that the trainer and team leader can guide the employees. One to one communication is mandatory for identifying the obstacles and additionally, the performance reviews and monitoring process are effective to acknowledge the existing issues in the training and developmental programs. The learning activities are necessary to be reviewed and supervised where the participation of the staff members must be monitored well for identifying their issues and developing alternative strategy to educate the participations. Continuous monitoring and supervision are mandatory to identify the existing obstacles in the workplace for ensuring individual learning among the teams. Additionally, feedback gathering method and interactions with the workers at the project sites are also beneficial to identify the obstacles to learning where the project managers can acknowledge the existing issues and barriers related to the project.

4.5 Explain how obstacles to learning for individuals and teams can be removed.

The obstacles to learning for individuals and teams can be removed through designing the interactive training and developmental programs with arrangements of the training rooms and organisational resources so that the team leader and trainer can guide and support the team members with fruitful training and developmental program. Moreover, shared learning activities and online training courses can reduce the obstacles in training programs and additionally, interactive training program can mitigate the existing barriers and make the training successful for enhancing skill set and knowledge of the employees. Technical assistance and continuous cooperation are hereby essential for removing the existing obstacles so that the project managers can support and guide the learners with adequate resources. It is important to arrange on-the job training and developmental programs for supporting the workers at the project sites, so that they can learn from gaining experience and improve their capabilities by removing all the barriers to individual learning.

5.3 Explain how to plan and implement evaluations on learning activities undertaken by team members.

Regular meetings and appraisal programs are the important ways to evaluate the learning and developmental activities in the team where the team leaders can evaluate the performance of the team members. Moreover, the use of the training matrix can be helpful towards identifying the progress that is being made by the team members through the learning and development program. It is hereby important to develop performance review and feedback giving process so that the trainer can evaluate the performance of the team members. Active participation in the training program and continuous communication are also beneficial for evaluating learning activities of the staff. Regular appraisal meetings might be conducted within the teams while reviewing the performance, knowledge, skills and achievements that are made by the team members in order to plan and implement evaluations on learning activities undertaken by team members.

5.4 Describe methods that can measure desired outcomes from learning activities, and ways to ensure that they have been achieved.

In order to measure the desired outcomes, it is essential to identify the information and evaluate it for better understanding. For further evaluation, the performance reviews and feedback activities must be designed so that the trainer can acknowledge the skill set and abilities of the staff in the workplace. On the other hand, the activities of day to day monitoring and employee assessment are also beneficial to measure the desired outcome and where the digital database management system with adequate information and data are also relevant. In this process, the major performance indicators are such as employee productivity, organisational performance, overall efficacy of the firm and capabilities. The activity would allow in measuring the desired outcomes from learning activities. On the other hand, the comparison of the data with that of the training objectives and KPIs would allow in evaluating the success factors of the training program.

6.2 Explain the procedures that are or can be used to update development plans with team members.

For updating the developmental plans with the team members, it is necessary to arrange training programs with proper engagement of the team members in the workplace, so that they can participate actively in the developmental planning and acknowledge the recent changes in the plan. Additionally, notice board of the company must be handled and up to date with latest information so that the team members can follow the developmental planning. The appraisal meetings and the weekly progress discussions must be conducted with the purpose of making the team members aware of the recent changes in the priorities. The procedures which might be used to update development plans with team members are through the providence of training plans and matrix for each of the participants in the training program. The appraisal meetings and the weekly progress discussions must be conducted with the purpose of making the team members aware of the recent changes in the priorities.

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