Building design and application

  • 15 Pages
  • Published On: 28-11-2023

As Helyer (2015) `says, the position of reflection has become a fascinating subject among researchers and educators that highlights the importance of reflection and the creation of values or skills in the critical phase of student thought. The overarching reason for self-reflection, as indicated by Chen, Chavez, ON & Gunderson (2017), is the enhancement of student learning, where the student is inspired by his previous learnings and can relate knowledge to his own ideas. Students will gain academic advantage through self-reflection and explore new ideas for a better understanding of learning (Oduyemi et al.,2017). I have thought that writing a journal of reflections has helped me examine my learning process so that my learning strategies can be transformed. I met the issue of leadership during the groups’ discussions and the importance of guiding is one of the main drivers to an organization's performance. As Oviawe has identified, Uwameiye & Uddin (2017) encourages the growth and the development of different skills needed for good professional development in today's business world, emphasising the relevance of business dissertation help.

My experience of working as part of a team and as an individual

In order to strengthen leadership capabilities, dispute solving and future results, reflection of previous experience and work such as group work is an essential skill for all professionals. Recalling the group project undertaken during this six-month period, students were able to learn several practical skills in the construction field (Oduyemi et al., 2017). This paper would focus on my own role in this group operation and the group as a whole. It can be argued that our team worked well overall; nevertheless, it should have developed more successful delegation and operational abilities. This paper explores the dynamics, leadership style and vulnerability of the team and suggests potential changes in any upcoming projects.


Our group consisted of four members and all of them had a special task. Reflecting my position as a "key participant and group leader," it was because I wanted to do something for the group that I felt it that didn't fit my personality profile. Shen et al., (2017) notes that it is more likely to achieve beneficial outcomes to ensure a strong association between group behaviors and real-life personality characteristics. For me, maybe the most difficult part of my job with this group was to work efficiently to connect clearly and strongly with our team. Often I felt awkward negotiating with other team members who I felt were "own agenda" and who appeared unable to compromise. In retrospect, this was one of the toughest obstacles I faced (Oduyemi et al., 2017). However, over the amount of weeks we have been engaging in those groups, I have also built up my skills and trust in those sectors.

Working in groups allows people to accept aspects that are really hard for us to do personally. We tried to discuss some housing and design problems while we were in Dublin. We also heard about the laws and controls for the adaptation, reuse and usage of older buildings in this group. The development of the potential for more use and wears for functionally outdated buildings is identified as an adaptive reuse. The recycling of a building is ultimately an issue. The method is typically more than restaurant-related to historical preservation (Oduyemi et al., 2017). Rehabilitation is the act or the process of allowing the property to be used in a compatible manner by restoring, altering and adding while maintaining those sections or characteristics which convey its historical, cultural or architectural values (Volf et al ., 2018). An adaptive reuse attempts to identify alternative applications, rather than to maintain the present use of the building by updating or returning it to a certain age. A large piece of architecture should not have to be used in order to succeed (Singaravel et al., 2018). The definition is not limited from what it used to be, nor acknowledges tradition and structure as it is incorporated into a new intervention or reuse.

The adaptive reuse provides possible economic and social gains. There are economic benefits if the building is in good technical condition and readily converted to the current setup (Oduyemi et al., 2017). This have the opportunity for reduced infrastructure prices, lower purchase of land and less construction time depending on the scope of operation. Adaptive reuse has now become a renewable saving technique, an economic concern with respect to resource utilization. In addition to revitalizing a community, the socioeconomic gains of adaptive reuse are related to the past. Instead of seeking to remove the issues of an area by the removal of houses, construction gives a community a sense of location. Reuse-related physical revitalisation has a beneficial effect on the neighboring environment and also encourages improvements of nearby buildings. Städte need old houses, so that vigorous streets and communities without them possibly cannot expand. I do not mean old buildings, not old museum buildings, not old buildings in an outstanding and costly restoration condition, but good numbers of basic, common old buildings of low cost, including some of the old ones that run down (Zhang et al.,2020, April). Reuse can mean something unusual, specific and sometimes costly, according to Meex et al., (2018), and adaptation involves renovation, refurbishment or restoration work, which does not necessarately require change of uses. Rehabilitation includes retraining and rehabilitation of buildings and new buildings (Yang et al., 2018). The distinction is that a building is restored to the state it was originally designed, while modifications change a building to conform with existing requirements and codes. Although extending a building's useful life, renovation does not mean a shift of use (Mosalam et al., 2018). Adaptation is also a means of extending the utility lives and therefore the longevity of buildings by a mixture of improvement and conversion (Tian et al., 2018).

We have discovered that it is necessary to consider the distinction between adaptive reuse and regeneration. Although rebuild or maintain a building to its original state is a matter of project, adaptive reuse literally adjusts the function of a design to accommodate the needs of the modern customer (Geyer & Singaravel, 2018). However, some adaptive reuse projects require the restructuring of the façade of the building or of portions of the interior to look as in the past. Old buildings also exhibit esthetics, which contemporary buildings cannot afford (Chen et al ., 2019). These systems, constructed while skilled labour is inexpensive, are also more detailed than they are today. Sculpted stone, columns and capital, intricate masonry, voulted seals and wood carving are all decorative features - all of these items can be prohibitively costly today (Azar et al., 2020). Adaptive reuse o (Oduyemi et al., 2017)f these frameworks helps a construction, by integrating these elements into the new system, to preserve more of its character and aesthetics (Wahab et al., 2018).

We have arguably been able to claim through group discussions that the key consideration in the decision to adapt the existing building is costs. Budgets are still in place, whether the owner is private or public. If the real purpose is to renovate a historical landmark (when restaurants will cost more than a new building), adaptive reuse must be the cheaper alternative or renovation would be helpful. Fortunately, there can be many cost advantages to reusing an older structure, such as lower establishment costs. In comparison, demolition is minimal, land procurement is typically less costly and many of the utilities and services needed are already connected and will only need modernization, if not all (Haruna et al.,2020). There are also more benefits since the structure already exists (i.e. materials and their corresponding erection costs have already been accounted for in the structure).

Tax credit is another financial bonus in adaptive reuse ventures (if the project is historic in nature). A 20 percent tax credit is given under the federal historical recovery tax credit scheme for the applicable framework. There could be extra state tax credits from place to place. A number of conditions must be followed to apply for such a loan. Next, the property must be a National Park Service accredited historical (NPS). In addition, it must be used and done in good time for an income-producing function and the necessary costs owed to the NPS must be charged. More specifically, however, the owners must stick to the stringent recovery standards defined by the Interior Secretary. Whatever the historical nature of the project, planning standards are another essential factor early in the process. In order to make the planned use of the system appropriate, municipal zoning codes must be investigated. It is much better to answer a zoning amendment request early in the process. The study of environmental issues during this process is also important.

Via the group discussions, we also saw that when designing adaptive buildings is required, standards need to be followed. As laid out in the Dublin guidelines, reasonable improvements can be made to the distinguishing features of a house. Its historical character is restored, with as much as possible retaining the original material (Ascione et al., 2019). Additions that establish a conjectured or incorrect historical history should not be created, while additions made over the entire life of the building should be maintained. Construction components should be restored instead of replaced as far as possible (Cavalliere et al., 2018) . If an object is not repairable, the alternative must be the same in appearance and material as the source. In addition, during the recovery period, houses and their surroundings must not be affected. This include the use of extreme surface treatments, harmful archeological resources, or irreversible connectivity processes. To build a new work, like an extension, it is to be separated from the old but also retaining the architectural characteristics and size of the original construction.

Issues of leadership skills and assess your strengths and weaknesses

In my experience, reflecting on the information can be a mechanism that empowers one to evaluate the situation, take actions, take action and revisit the knowledge. The role of leaders today is critical to an organization's first profitable production. However, according to Li et al ., (2019), one must be able to lead both personally and professionally. Also with ample leadership skills, the appropriate leadership style continues to be developed and trained while preparing students to become effective leaders in the future. There are various types of leadership styles according to the experience, which defines the consistency and management of each leader. I assume managers should learn in organisations themselves to cope with the global workforce. As Feng, Lu, & Wang, 2019) indicates, management will benefit from their immediate working environment by on-the-job learning opportunities that have a direct impact on their reflective skills. On the other side, leaders are still willing to exchange experience. In the future, I still want to be a pioneer in my future job, and I want to build my way for greater construction and change. With my company expertise and experience, I learned that studying and developing a knowledge base would help the company make choices and improve the entire organization scenario. As there is no clear meaning for the idea of leadership, leaders are individuals whose expertise and experience can mess up the situation. Azzouz et al., (2017) says that leaders must have the skills to communicate, to compromise, to follow a versatile mindset, progressive ideas, decision-making capacity, leadership skills and courage to meet new challenges. I assume that leaders can either improve their talents through practicing inside the organisation, or have integrated management talent.


Successful leadership begins with self-consciousness, which ensures that leaders can consider their strengths and shortcomings, as Oviawe, Uwameiye, & Uddin, (2017) have indicated. In my view it is usually not possible to teach students higher professionalism to build a culture of appreciation for me and for those who work with me. There are many beneficial initiatives and workshops alongside the learning of skills, but they can only be effective if successfully enforced. A leader must be integral in assessing the meaning of his actions and deeds. In future, as I consider myself to be the boss, I want to become more transparent and develop a sense of faith among my peers and subalterns to ensure they achieve the organizational objectives. As a leader I have encountered many people throughout the whole journey, some because of my shortcomings and some because I did not inspire and encourage my team. Time is indeed a major challenge and planning of the mission for members of the group. The team members' attitudes became another weakness in the group, so I was unable to control any of them.


The crucial role played by good communication within the simulation and the opportunity to focus on it personally is also important. Oviawe, Uwameiye, & Uddin, (2017) , Feng, Lu, & Wang, 2019) and Haruna et al.,2020 all say efficient team dynamic interactions are important. Research (Azzouz et al., (2017); Haruna et al.,2020) also reinforces this, and suggests that team members ought to participate in open discussion and have transparent goals. In reflecting about my communication style, there seemed to be a "clear and thoughtful thinker and communicator," Our group has shared information in the majority of cases and can be argued that most of us have attained priorities by constructive dialogue, common understanding and cohesive cooperation. In brief, we should agree that, during this simulation and after evaluation, our team has successfully coordinated, thereby clearly helping us accomplish our ultimate objectives. Being part of the group makes me learn to navigate and to contribute collectively to group conversations with all group members. I was also able to lean on how the group members would maintain discipline.

Challenges I overcame

The challenges of leadership are the greatest enemy for a project to go forward. Besides regular issues in start-ups – payroll, expanded workloads and downsides – a group will easily dissolve leadership obstacles. They come in several ways—from personal deficiencies to holding staff and team leaders alienated. I find that the most remedies for leadership problems are simple contact within your group and good relationships. This extends to the management level, up to a group member in the lower tier.

Lessons learnt for the future

The group presented us with an ability to rectify problems that could hinder results. 'It displays bravery, dedication and persistence to better oneself' (Haruna et al.,2020). Therefore it can be said that successful delegation and balancing time appeared to hamper us to consider some of the problems that this simulation placed on our team and how we could overcome them. Our team also found that delegating assignments to team members was also challenging. Often because of overlapping plans, workloads and other obligations. For me it has become a major difficulty in our team and we should have "reflected" on how to assign responsibilities more effectively and simply. Azzouz et al., (2017) suggests that delegation will save time significantly when doing group activities, and this should we have considered further, because we often have forgotten to take the real abilities or shortcomings of the people in our team into account.

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Furthermore, it appeared that our time management concepts have encountered several difficulties. Back, we argued with people who came for planned sessions, had their corporate operations immediately, and our staff could not devote adequate time to finish assignments successfully. Both these were big obstacles both for me and the rest of the team. Perhaps, to focus on this, we need "Each team contributor's commitment to be a key driver of change" (Oduyemi et al., 2017). Having encountered these problems and to give them critical attention, we might suggest that our team should make the scheduling of operations more practical, decide explicitly who was accountable and ensure that we would meet the simulation objectives successfully in a reasonable period. It was a good lesson for me, and I shall make sure that enough time and preparation are properly taken into account in group events in the future. As the Group Leader I did a decent job as I learned important qualifications to become a good team leader and the ideal skills I would need during the tour. I agree that I was the group leader. I had been studying the qualities I needed to be an effective team member, such as the good communicating method, transparency, inspiration, problem solving, being honest and polite and able to delegate and solid management skills. Once we arrived back to London Neroyan and I decided to work on the assignment together, we then distributed the assignment sections between us. Neroyon was assigned to complete the procurement route, market analysis and introduction and I was agreed to complete the sections planning consideration, site and building survey and the conclusion.


In conclusion, it can be argued that a great deal was gained, witnessed and faced to focus on my position during the group project. Commenting on the dynamics of the team as well as on scholarly literature, which supported the learning in this semester, a new collection of information and understanding can be argued for. Furthermore, it was necessary to become a reflective professional and that these insights would lead not only to the enhancement of the results but also to the growth of disciplinary awareness.


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