Project management is the systematic process of planning executing monitoring evaluating and accomplishing a project. Project manager has many responsibilities such as maintaining effective communication within team setting team roles, create schedule and administering project progress. Therefore, the project manager must use the right tools and techniques to perform all the tasks of related to maintain and effective project management. The most important challenges that a project manager deals is to achieve the specific goals by conducting the successful accomplishing of the project. This evaluation report will evaluate a project for launching a non-funded start-up of a social enterprise. First this project management report will discuss the project overview in which the teamwork and aspects crucial for business dissertation help. Effective project management process, measuring changes, team structure, conflict management, risk assessment, professional ethics and the leadership and management of the project plan will be discussed. Then this report will present the suitable conclusion and recommendation which will provide a new insight to the project manager of this start up project regarding how to improve the project management strategies to better achieves the goals.
Project management is the systematic process of planning, executing, initialising, evaluating and accomplishing a task for achieving specific objectives or goals (Kerzne, 2017). This evaluation report will evaluate a project for launching a social enterprise. This social enterprise targets socially excluded women and children to support them with better education, skill development training and career opportunities thereby empowering them. This evaluation report will evaluate the ways in the project manager will plan, executive and implement the project planning for establishing the social enterprise. First this project management report will discuss the project overview in which the teamwork, effective project management process, measuring changes, team structure, conflict management, risk assessment, professional ethics and the leadership and management of the project plan will be discussed. Then this report will present the suitable conclusion and recommendation which will provide a new insight to the project manager of this start up project regarding how to improve the project management strategies to better achieve the goals.
This project aims to launch a non-funded start-up of the social enterprise that will work for deprived as well as socially excluded children and women. This project management process will plan, execute, evaluate and accomplish this project thereby establishing the non-funded start-up thereby contributing their effort to the empowerment of women and children.
Specific: to launch an un-funded start-up version of a social enterprise
Measured: the success of this project plan can be measured by analysing the efficiency of employees of this social enterprise to meet social needs of clients
Attainable: this project will attain a strong connectivity with its target people (deprived women and children) and implement effective strategies to meet their needs
Realistic: this project is highly realistic as it will enable the employees of this start up to maintain a trustworthy and healthy relation with the community people by promoting high level of community welfare.
Time bound: this project will last for 4-9 weeks.
Under this time-period the project manager will set proper project pa for conducting this project of launching social enterprise then execute and evaluate this project, conduct budget management and resources allocation stakeholder analysis, risk analysis , team management and accomplishment of the project (Padalkar and Gopinath, 2016).
Scope of the project
This project of launching a social enterprise will enable the project manager and the start-up team to determine and meet the social needs of the socially exceeded women and children (Banihashemi et al. 2017).
This project has high scope for the project team to maintain a healthy relation with potential investors and social organisational that will make a huge promotion for this social enterprise.
This project of launching this social enterprise will enable the project manager to understand and determine (Padalkar and Gopinath, 2016)
This project will improve the skill and professional knowledge of the project manager and the entire start-up team on regarding how to manage and accomplish a project
This project will provide the opportunity to the entire start-up team to determine the own personal and professional strength and weakness that is important for them to shape their professional skill
There are some risk that are associated with this project which are as follows:
The cost of managing this project that can put the project manager and the entire start-up team into trouble for maintaining continuous fund flow to this project (Banihashemi et al. 2017)
Team conflict or mist management within team can make projects manger to do not receives the proper support and contribution from the start-up team members which can interfere with achieving the project goals.
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Lack of cooperation from the external and internal stakeholders can pose constraints on achieving the project goal.
Some other possible risk are:
Project base risks.
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Teamwork is fundamental in successful accomplishing of a project (Meredith et al. 2017). Project manager must work synergistically with all the team members thereby allowing the team members to present their decision and views regarding how to work on the project. In this project of launching the social enterprise, the project manager work with a the start-up team which enables the project manager to performing al the task o project management by conducting collaborative decision with team members. By working within the team the project manager of this project work on the following aspects:
Project initiation:
Requirement analysis and designing of the project
Identifying the risk associated with the project
Conduct effective risk management
Setting communication plan:
Budget allocation
Stakeholder analysis
Implementation of the project
While carrying a project management, the project manager must ensure that the right tools and techniques are used evaluating, executing and accomplishing the project (Rasnacis and Berzisa, 2017). In this project of launching a social enterprise, some important digital tools are used which are as follows:
Digital marketing tools
Design tools Content marketing tools Email marketing tools Analytics toolsDifferent project management tools of software that the project manager of this project has used as follows
Budget management is one of the most important aspects of the project management plan, under which the realistic and relevant budget plan is created (Heagney, 2016). For this project, the estimated total budget is £ 97,000. While creating this budgetary plan, the project manager has conducted a discussion with the line manger and all the team members of the project. The budget allocation is the teamwork, under which all the team members of this project are allowed to present their valuable views and opinion regarding allocating budget of each individual segment for starting this social enterprise. In this project of establishing a social enterprise, the project manager has conducted an official meeting with line manage, operation executives and all start-up team members to conduct thorough research on the cost analysis of different resources and set the justified cost for each segment.
Following is the budget management chart that is created after discussing and consulting with the entire team:
Stakeholders are persons, groups or individuals who have interest in an enterprise or an organisation (Rasnacis and Berzisa, 2017). There are two major types of statehoods such as internal and external stakeholders. In this project major stakeholders includes multidisciplinary team member which have different skill, designation and roles in this project. In this stakeholder analysis, the project manger works with all the start-up team members in teams of defining and discussing the roles and contribution of each stakeholder to open up this social enterprise. Through the proper management and identification of stakeholders the project manager of this project will be able to achieve the project success. The project manager has done the following stakeholders analysis, which will assist the project team members to understand the contribution and roles of each stakeholder:
Here the projects manager has used tithe balanced Score Card for measuring the success and changes in the project. As mentioned by Adiga (2019), balance scope card is the modern project management tool that is used by project managers to evaluate the changes and track the progress of the project. by using this balanced score card, the project manager has conducted task-prioritisation by tracking their needs and requirement of this project, analysing the changes in the project and evaluating the usefulness of techniques that are used for management of this project.
This above-mentioned balance scope card helps the project to understand and track the progress financial needs, project lifecycle and contribution of the stakeholders as we as the target group for achieving the project objectives. This balanced score card is used by the project manager of this project to administer and monitor the success of the strategies that are used in this project.
In this project, the project manager has used the following conflict management strategies for overcoming the risk of team conflict:
During conducting this project, the project manager ensure that all the team members are free from any kind of partiality and favour (Kerzner, 2019). Each team members and stakeholders of this project are treated with proper dignity and respect irrespective of their designation and roles. The project anger also ensured that all information regarding this project is stored and manger by authorised person thereby avoiding the risk of data hacking.
From the above-mentioned discussion it can concluded that, project management is the systematic process of planning executing monitoring evaluating and accomplishing a project. Project manager has many responsibilities such as maintaining effective communication within team setting team roles, create schedule and administering project progress. Therefore, the project manager must use the right tools and techniques to perform all the tasks of related to maintain and effective project management.
Self-reflection is the systematic process of determining own strength and weakness thereby promoting own professional development. In this reflection I will use the Gibb’s Reflective Cycle (1988) for discussing how the Mental Wealth Module that I have studied in UEL have helped me to promote my educational and professional development (Markkanen et al. 2020). By using this Gibb’s Reflective Cycle, I will reflect on my learning and professional development by using six different stages such as description, feeling, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan.
While studying the Mental Health Model, initially I have faced some difficulties in understanding assignment topics. I also face difficulties in understanding the notes that my lecturers gave me in the class during discussing different topics. However, I discuss this issue with my class teachers and peers which have helped me a lot in understanding the clear concept on topics. They also have supported me to choose the right online database system for searching for the right research papers on the Mental Health model to grab an in-depth subjective knowledge ((Tawanwongsri and Phenwan, 2019)). During the study of Mental Wealth module I use to join different teams of students in which I have been involved in the discussing regarding the topic. However, due to poor communication and interactive skill I cannot conduct a clear and meaningful discussion with my team member and lecturers regarding this topic. However my team members, lectures and teachers have assisted me to improve my communication skill by involving me in group discussion and regular academic conference.
I feel that during studying the Mental Health model, I need to be more interactive and communicative which could assist me to make faster development of my academic and professional skill. I also feel that, I need to show my passion and interest in using different digital tools and technologies while conducting academic research. As mentioned by Wain (2017) while reflecting on own personal and professional earning, students must evaluate the feeling regarding the moment they experienced at past. After the completion of this study I realise that, while using different digital tools for retrieving relevant research papers on any topic, I must develop good knowledge on the benefits and application of different online database tools I searching for relevant research papers on different topic. I also feel that, I need to work more on developing my research skill while studying the Mental Wealth module, as this would improve my ability to understand the strategies and process are used to conduct an effective research study. I realise that, during the study I need to be more extrovert and smart by using self-management skill which would enable me to control my emotion and weakness during working in any academic project.
The entire process of studying Mental Wealth Module is highly informative to me that improve my professional skill, knowledge and understanding. During this study I have developed a good understanding on different digital tools which I can use in conducting academic research. During this module, I have developed clear understanding on how different online database system are applied in retrieving the relevant research papers on any research topic. As mentioned by Ardian et al. (2019), during self-reflection, the self-evaluation is important which enables a person to analyse the good and bad aspect of their past experience. During this Mental Wealth module, I learn how to work within team, to use different digital tools to maintain an effective connection with team members.
Another good aspect of this module is it is helpful to improve my research and academic skill. While studying this module I have gathered good knowledge of academic research and its application in the practice. This study enables me to grab an in-depth understanding and clear knowledge on how academic research can be conducted by using the systematic process such as developing research aims and objectives, data search, literature review, data findings and analysis (Mulder, 2018). During studying this module I have developed clear understanding on different types of research on different topic. I have developed clear knowledge primary and secondary research study and their applications.
This Mental Wealth module is also effectives to improve my communication and interactive skill which enables me to maintain a good relation with m team members (Hussein, 2018). While working in different team during the study on this Mental Wealth Module I gain the opportunity to develop both the verbal and written communication skill. Both the verbal and written communication are the important aspect in academic research. During this module I have also gained the opportunity in develop teamwork skill. I have worked in different team while studying this modes which enables me to adapt myself with any team.
This module also enables me to develop my personality by developing self-management skill. Throughout this module, I have learned how to control own emotion and behaviour while working with different team members. I have also developed positive approach and behaviour that will enables me to maintain a healthy and positives relation with my colleagues.
Along with all these positive aspects of this module there are also some negative experiences that I have gained during studying this module. The unhealthy competition within team pose barrier on my smooth learning and development (O'Grady et al. 2021). The opinion mismatches, disagreement and conflict among team members not only impacts on the team goals but also interfere with how to interact with the tea members. However I am able to overcome this team conflict by using by creating proper interaction with team. This team conflict although crated negative vibes within team, it makes me to learn how the team conflict can be managed by using effective and clear communication with team members. While experiencing this team conflict I have also learned how to use the self-management and teamwork skill in managing healthy relation with tam members.
By analysing the good and bad aspect of the Mental Wealth Module, I can say that the overall module is highly effectives to me that not only promote my professional development but also it makes positive changes in my behaviour and activities (Fathelrahman, 2019). The communication and interactive skill that I have developed during this module will help me in my professional life to maintain a healthy connection with my colleagues and subordinates I future workplace. Moreover, the written communication that I have developed during this module will also improves my skill in forming reports, work schedule and document in future professional field (Pieper et al. 2021). The research skill that I have developed will improve my ability to conduct a thorough research on any topic thereby collecting the in-depot information on that topic. I can also use this research ad academic skill in near future to conduct an evidence based study on any project or topic in my workplace. The self-management skill and the self-confidence that I develop during studying the Mental Wealth Module will enable me to make positive control on my approaches, behaviour and activities in professional field putting the best performance in the task. During this module I have learned how to maintain positive mind-set during working, which will enable me to keep an optimistic and positive approach I my future workplace.
Moreover, I can also say that despite there are some negative experiences that I have received during this module these experiences also enable me to improve my professional knowledge. While dealing with team conflict I have developed the conflict manganese skill that will assist me in my future workplace to overcome the risk of team conflict within multidisciplinary team. While dealing with huge pressure one of as assignment during this module, I have also developed the task delegation and task prioritisation skill, which will assist me in professional field to accomplish all task within deadlines.
From the above-mentioned reflection it can be concluded that, this reflection enables me to determine my strength and areas of improvement which I consider to promote my professional development.
Under this action plan, I will develop my written communication, non-verbal communication skill, decision making skill and conflict management skill. For improving the written and nonverbal communication skill I will attend classes in my university and also write different assignment on different topic. For developing the decision making and critical thinking skill, I will be involved in in challenging task such as writing report son critical topic independently. I will also involve myself in group-discussion with my peers to get their advice regarding improving critical thinking and decision making skill.
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