Event management is the application of the project management to the development and creation of the large or small scale events such as festivals, conferences, seminars, job events, formal arties, weddings and business meetings (Darnell et al., 2018). There are different types of events where the event managers are playing crucial role to organise and plan the activities for developing a successful event. The report is effective to manage the event and choose the best event, where the event manager and the hired workforce can perform better for managing the events and fulfil the aim of the event successfully, especially when seeking business dissertation help. The study is helpful to develop effective marketing mix strategic planning for developing the event, where it is possible for the event managers to manage the strategies and develop it successfully to attract the audiences and engage them into the event. The study also provides a scope to identify the human resource management strategy and the roles and responsibilities of the hired staff in the event which are mandatory to provide clear job role and improve the performance of the event successfully. The event management planning also needs effective financial planning which is mandatory for developing the event activities and ensure high quality facilities and management in the event. The study is also effective to provide the financial planning of the event and the estimated cost to arrange the event The event is hosted at Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire, which is famous university and Metro bar is one of the known restaurant and bar which provides hospitality services to the audiences. The Metro bar is efficient to arrange different types of meetings, conference, quiz contest and live show at night in the venue, which is attractive for the audiences to take active part in the show and enjoy the activities during the event. The venue is also efficient to attract the audiences and there is proper management of safety and security of the audiences, who are engaged in the event (Juhaňák, Zounek and Rohlíková, 2019). This event is related to live quiz contest, named as “quiz night”, where the students and the professionals in the Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire, can participate and enjoy the quiz contest live. There is also another opportunity for the ex-students of the university, who have been passed out from the university and in this particular event, the interested person are also invited to take active part in the live quiz contest, where the event is arranged by the metro bar. This is one of the effective event shows which attract the audiences, ex-students and senior team members of the university, where all of them can participant and take active part in the quiz contest for achieving better prize and win the show. There is capacity of 200 people in the Metro Bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire.
Strategic marketing planning
Marketing strategic planning is important to develop the event in the venue where the event manager plays a crucial role in managing the event activities and arrange the activities strategically to attract the audiences and make the event successful. In this context the venue is Metro bar, Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire, which has 200 people capacity and the venue is attractive to retain the participants and make the event of live quiz contest successful. As per the marketing mix strategic planning, there are four factors which are product, price, promotion and place. Through analysing the marketing strategies of the event, it is possible for the event manager to develop creative tactics to manage the event and attract the audiences successfully.
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Product or service is important to design the event and in this regard, it is the responsibility of the event manager to develop appropriate strategic planning to arrange the event. In this regard, the event manager aims at maximising the quality of products and services at the event which are mandatory to attract the audiences and satisfy them. In this context, the event manager must focus on the decoration of the venue and the venue is metro bar which has attractive decoration and internal space which attract the audiences. The internal decoration and the security system of the Metro bar must be checked by the event manager so that the audiences can feel comfortable and participate in the quiz contest successfully. The main event is live quiz contest, where the participants must be handled efficiently and all of them must be provided fair chances and scope to take active part in the program. This is one of the effective and attractive event show, which further retains the students and the other participants in the quiz contest, the target audiences of the event are the present students and the students who have passed out from the university as well as there is quiz contest arranged for the teaching professionals and professors who can also take active initiatives to participate in the event. Hence, the quality of events can be maximised through such initiatives with fair opportunity and transparency. On the other hand, the decoration and the performance stage for the quiz must be developed efficiently by the event manager where the manager is responsible to check the audio visual system, IT infrastructure at the venue of Metro bar as well as the lighting and sound system so that every member are audible and visible from the main stage. On the other hand, the event manager is also responsible to maintain safety and security of the event where they need to implement the fire extinguisher and CCTV as well as manage the emergency exit doors in case of any hazardous situation (Chowdhoury et al., 2018). These are the major safety measures taken place at the venue, and it would be beneficial for the manager to maintain the quality of the event at Metro bar. Additionally, the Metro bar provides the caterer services for the audiences and there is capacity of 200 members in the bar. The timing of the bar is announced properly from 4 pm to 11 pm. From 4 to 7 pm, the venue set up is arranged and the quiz contest will be taken place and from 7 pm onwards till 11 pm, three will be catering services and bar counter services for the audiences who are present in the event. The staff members and the waitress are licensed and metro bar is one of the famous venues with their excellence caterer and bar services (Getz and Page, 2016). Hence, the event manager must arrange and monitor the set up by engaging the staff members and enhancing communication with them for better management of the event. Thus, both the products at the Metro bar which are mainly the caterer products for dinner and snacks items are delivered with proper hygiene maintenance and safety and the food items are also good in quality and quantity. On the other hand, the services during the quiz contest, fairness and equal opportunities are also beneficial to maximise the quality of the event.
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The price of the tickets for the quiz contest and the event is £100 where the participants can take active part in the venue. The venue is attractive where the event manager hired the venue at £620 per night and there is other cost of arranging the event for which the price for the participants is effective and fruitful for the respondents who are interested to join the event. The price must be effective and comfortable for the audiences and it is necessary to manage the participants and retain them for the event to be successful (Martin et al., 2018). The price is effective and all the services, complimentary food and drinks, quiz and other facilities at the place are included and it is effective price for the audiences to take active part in the event.
For placing the event, it is mandatory to arrange the venue efficiently as the event place is playing a major role to manage the audiences. It should be an open space with emergency exit and the many doors to entre in to the place. The venue must be effective where there is transportation system available for the audiences (Klopfenstein and Bogliolo, 2017). The venue to arrange this quiz contest is Metro bar, situated at Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire. The decoration of the venue must be arranged by the event manager for successful placing of the event and in this regard, the event manager is also responsible for managing the safety and security of the venue and the event manager at Metro Bar must focus on arranging the guard and the bouncers for the bar counters to manage safety and security for the audiences. On the other hand, the CCTV cameras are in good place and there is maintenance of fire extinguisher and emergency exit for better management of the event venue. These are mandatory for placing the event strategically and for the audiences to access the venue through easy transportation system.
Promotional activities are mandatory for the event manager to promote the events and share authentic information and data related to the event. In this context, it is also necessary for the event manager to arrange the event and promote it efficiently in the university campus in order to attract the audiences and motivate them to perform the contest for better opportunities in both the personal and professional career in future (Thomas, and Weiss, EntIT Software LLC, 2019). For promoting the events, the event manager needs to send personal email to the students and the senior management team of the university in order to share the information and attract them. The social media promotional activities are mandatory where the event manager must utilise the social media platform such as FaceBook, YouTube and Instagram as well as Blogs for promoting the live quiz event in the university. These are beneficial for the event manager to set up the event and retain the audiences for better performance and future career opportunities (Berners, 2018). The event managers must share the prizes and offers for future career which are arranged for the students and the winners. These information and data as well as the venue guidelines are shared through developing creative content and in this regard the content marketing is also beneficial for promoting the events and attracting the audiences for better management. In this regard, there is capacity of 200 members at Metro bar and it is essential for the manager to share the information that there is first come first opportunity for the audiences. Apart from that, it is mandatory to promote the event through the university website to attract the students and professor for the event.
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It is important to manage the human resource of the event at the Metro Bar, situated at Luton Campus, University of Bedfordshire. The host of the event focuses on hiring the staff members who have crucial role in the event for making it successful within effective time.
Senior event planner:
The event manager must recruit the senior event planner to arrange the event efficiently by maintaining logistics operation, technical activities at the venue, internal decoration and arrangement as well as managing safety and security of the participants.
Technical manager:
The manager in the technical team is responsible to manage the crew members and staff in the venue and ensure the technology is advanced and efficient to handle the event by maintaining the IT infrastructure, free WI-FI system at the venue, efficient audio visual system at the place and other communication mode such as Walky-talkies.
Event Operations Manager:
The event manager also hires the operation manager who is responsible to manage the staff, catering system, logistics operation to make the event successful.
Quiz Planner:
Quiz planner’s role in this event is to arrange the quiz contest, choose the questions efficiently as well as manage the prize distribution successfully.
Quiz host:
The host of the quiz must be selected efficiently as he or she will play crucial role to interact with the audiences and arrange the quiz efficiently with appropriate question and answers.
The internal staff and crew members are playing important role in managing the event efficiently and in this regard, it is mandatory to recruit them to manage the audiences and make the quiz contest fair and successful by providing equal opportunity to the participants (Antchak, Ziakas and Getz, 2019).
The efficient and licensed waitress must be hired and recruited in the event for arranging the event and helping the audiences to feel comfortable and have their dinner.
Bouncers and gate security:
The event manager will hire the security force and the bouncer to manage the bar counters and the food counters where the audiences feel safe and secured to have their dinner.
Caterer service team:
Catering service team must be hired to maintain the quality of food and services provided to each participant.
Marketing planner:
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The role of the marketing planner is to strategies the promotional activities, where the social media promotion, sending emails and updating the website of the university with the latest information about the event which includes the cost per person in the event, the timing and duration of the event, the capacity of Metro bar as well as facilities at the venue Metro Bar. The information related to the facilities, catering services, the subjects of the quiz that will be taken place as well as the ethical strategies of arranging the event are mentioned through the promotional activities, where the audiences can be attracted and make decision of participating in the event (Liang, Fortinet Inc, 2020).
Financial planning
Financial planning is necessary for the event to be arranged efficiently and the cost structure provides a scope to the event manage to set up the event by arranging the capital investment analyse breakeven point. As per the financial plan and break even analysis, the estimated cost of arranging the event is £13430, and the price for the tickets of the participants is £100 and there is 200 member of capacity. It has been estimated that, total revenue of the events would be £20000 and the net profit would be £6570. For the break even analysis, the event manager must sell the tickets to at least 135 people for fulfilling the cost of the event.
Conclusion and recommendations
The event is expected to be successful through effective human resource management and financial planning. The above mentioned marketing mix strategic planning would also be beneficial to attract the audiences and provide the opportunities on the basis of first come first services as well as hiring the efficient staff members are success factors to make the event efficient and manage the audiences successfully. It is recommended that, the event manager must improve internal communication and partnership working practice to handle all the staff and crew members, catering service providers and waitress to manage the audiences and handle the live quiz contest proficiently.
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Reference List
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Berners, P., 2018. The Practical Guide to Managing Event Venues. London: Routledge.
Chowdhoury, M., Ali, S., Shaon, M., Mollah, A.S., Dhore, M., Abdullahi, O. and Mashruf, M., 2018. University Event Management Calendar.
Darnell, S.S., Lenchner, J., Sow, D.M., Wayua, C. and Weldemariam, K., International Business Machines Corp, 2018. Managing lifelong learner events on a blockchain. U.S. Patent Application 15/605,126.
Getz, D. and Page, S.J., 2016. Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events. London: Routledge.
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Klopfenstein, L.C. and Bogliolo, A., 2017. The quiz-master bot: a persistent augmented quiz delivered through online messaging. INTED2017 Proceedings, pp.9806-9811
Liang, D., Fortinet Inc, 2020. Security information and event management. U.S. Patent 10,616,258.
Martin, S.M., Casey, I.J.R., Etesse, C. and Damici, J., Scriyb LLC, 2018. System and method for event management in an online virtual learning environment with integrated real-learning augmentation and cyber workforce optimization. U.S. Patent Application 15/813,922.
Thomas, J.D. and Weiss, J.L., EntIT Software LLC, 2019. Automated event management. U.S. Patent 10,404,551.
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