Exploring Personal and Professional Development

1. Summary of learning

Personal and professional development criteria throughout the module are associated with the reflecting account of my learning and personal development plan. I have come across my style of leadership and management. I am also engaged in emotional intelligence and self-awareness. The changes that have been introduced throughout the lives of a person are important to be indulged. The effectiveness of a person in emotional well-being and managing all types of conflict is important. Different objectives need to be covered using personal development. The discussion is supported using Daniel Goleman's theory as well as Gibbs's reflective models. I was using a certain amount of skills that cover relationship effectiveness with people. To deal with personal and professional practices people might engage in different practices such as an increase in behavioral competency. A complete development plan is organized as per the regulatory management of concepts here, focusing on HRM dissertation help.

Throughout the model, my understanding is overpowered and emotional intelligence is encouraged. I have come across deficiencies in the management of the team and secure management of expenditure. I find that working in teams requires the experiences of self-learning and possession. There are rigorous assignments involved in extracting the best personality in myself. Self-learning is encouraged as there are several learning options available to become prominent professional security. I have a lack of potential when it comes to time management. Now, with the use of monitoring services the progress and achievement of each individual are measured. I have a lack of encouragement in terms of professional quality improvisation. I can become sustainable with an improved analysis of myself using tools of personal development. It might be either a simple psychometric test or following a learning model. The infusion of technical components is essential in terms of managing self-learning and understanding. The further derivations are division in terms of gaining attention and quality expedition.


2. Relationship with myself

I am quite reserved and I do not prefer to communicate much with people. I need to change this quality and improve it. The learning factors and emotional intelligence is associated with my professional development. I have planned my day-to-day activities accordingly. The example is associated with the creation of emotional intelligence development. For example, thinking and observing other people use a certain level of emotional intelligence in their teaching style can be explained. I need to focus more on the development of objectives and the creation of an important delivery module. Let me focus on the following:

Concrete experience: While I was studying, the module I found that time management is one of the most important aspects of being successful. A person needs to become successful throughout their lifetime. According to Coetzee (2018), there are several time constraints applicable in between the management of effective personal and professional development. Managing personal and professional life is important. The time taken in the management of personal and professional components is necessary while there is self-actualization created. It is observed with schedule management and communication with different personalities from different backgrounds. I once went to a professional summit and I was not able to communicate with higher authorities and professionals. There are multiplicative options available on how the relationship is being managed between different people. I find this appropriate to enroll myself in the componential development of videos on YouTube and learning from textbooks.

Abstract conceptualization: Abstract conceptualization is engaged within a practice of professional development for people and manages the different divisions of communication with people. Limitations are not observed within a system of availability and resource engagement. Searching different online resources and collaboration with people that are working on personal development is seen. I have a lack of encouragement in terms of professional quality improvisation. I can become sustainable with an improved analysis of myself using tools of personal development (Bridgstock, Grant-Iramu, and McAlpine, 2019). It might be either a simple psychometric test or following a learning model. I try to emerge in the development concepts of my research capability. I came across the development of language in a certain sector. Research paper development and communication are interrelated. Without appropriate communication skills, there is practically no use of research ethics. Research components are essentially managed through interviews and surveys with different people.

Reflective observation: I have come across a Daniel model that gives illustrations on how the process of personal development is extraordinarily managed. I have seen the people operating on different modules of sustainable development. I have gone through the reflective accounts and journals of getting success over a limited period. There is a lack of evidence in real-time success management. In my case, I am more of a reserved person and do not communicate without any reason. Reflective models are effectively being practiced through improvisation of necessary components in a people's life. I am sure that continuous self-learning listening and developing competency to strive in the market can help me achieve success.

Active Experimentation: Active experimentation is applicable within statistical analysis and improvisation of concepts. A complete development plan is organized as per the regulatory management of concepts. Doing and possessing the appropriate evaluative concepts is assimilating to watch and think (McKenzie, Coldwell-Neilson, and Palmer, 2018). Diverging components like looking at things in a complete differential way is important. People perform in different aspects and modules. There is a limited period associated with profit generation. Cultural interests are seen as per the componential benefits of an organization. There are logical discussions allotted for a person to compensate and understand the wide range of responsibilities. People are attached to technical issues and many of them are finding applications of data. Accommodation of learning style has to be hands-on rather than relying on intuition. The experiential learning cycle is associated with an engagement of life goals.

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Personal and Professional Development.

My relationship with myself contains self-esteem and actualization. I create self-awareness by taking personality tests that are available online. I find myself to be more focused on work with clarifying the components of learning. It is also essential to deal with conflict as the communication skills are based on that only. The rising awareness helps in identifying any potential defects in me. This could be in terms of communication, team management, research paper design, or time management (Bridgstock, Grant-Iramu, and McAlpine, 2019).

3. Relationship with others

The development of social skills is essential as communication and interaction goals need to be managed with peers. While conducting an interview or survey it becomes easier to organize relevant data. Preparing for organizational development is important while facing job interviews. I was reluctant towards answering the questions of the interviewer while I had to perform for the tests essentially. Identifying intrapersonal skills enables one's thoughts and emotions to be indulged.

In a real-life case study, in my case, being introverted had created problems in social interaction. Social skills for a person's development require to be cherished. I was unable to provide evidence requiring a situation given by the social influencer in that seminar. I was given a scenario, to analyze, whether the men and women both are getting an equal opportunity or not as well. I was pretty unsure about the answer as I did not have much idea regarding this. This ensures that I need to focus more on the aspects of general knowledge and improve the quality of analysis. In this my relationship with the social influencers asking different questions, there were issues likes lack of exercise and lack of foundation. I was unable to find words on being asked upon. I was stammering and struggling to get enough information. Furthermore when I started talking the audience was not even interested. Clarity of teams associated with empathy that play connecting steps of insight development. In my case, the skills that need to be indulged in social interpretations are:

Engaging with others

Starting with small ways for interaction

Asking open-ended questions (Bridgstock, Grant-Iramuand, McAlpine, 2019)

Observing coworkers social skill

Practicing eye contact

Keeping up with current events and complementing each other

Developing listening skills

The skills that I can engage in for change management is are:

Change in quality and communication modules applicable

Behavioral analysis and identifying priorities

Learning government policies on employment and regulatory analysis of steps

Keeping updated with information

Making plans and admitting own mistakes

Taking ownership of deeds and developing interests in teamwork

Starting a conversation with an anecdote and maintaining eye contact to catch the audience attention

The body language and attractiveness of my communication skill has been improved. N numbers of information development are practiced. To ensure that I gather maximum information, I indulge in individual management of a person's attitude. I try to start with the topic that the audience wants to listen to. From my previous experiences of not being able to answer appropriately, I have improved more. Quality of relationships with professional people is associated with providing undivided attention while listening to each other, Opening up the mind to absorb more information widely. Reminding people on the aspects of care is important. Checking personal agendas and ensuring that one meets them is also essential. Developing empathy for allowing the management of essentials is important. The toxicity of a relationship is harming the conversation even before it gets started. A personal development plan helps in flourishing the life goals and develop competency in this world.

The changes made while dealing with conflicts are identified as:

Conflict avoidance

Making accommodation

Compromising with issues

Handling a single issue at one time

Timely execution of process

I sometimes find myself not being able to compete in the current market. The dealing of conflicts within a team is adequately found out as I prefer to become a team player usually. Not as a team player I have to go through several challenges such as team communication mismatch and team non-effectiveness. Team members need to understand basic conflict resolution skills (Smith et al. 2018). Drawing up a plan of wider team management and effectiveness is essential for the team members and me. I identify myself as a self-starter. The conflict resolution activities highly depend on a person’s ability to:

Manage stress quickly while remaining alert and calm in any situation

Being aware and respecting differences is important (Bridgstock, Grant-Iramu, and McAlpine, 2019)

Paying attention to the feelings expressed as per speaking other people’s words is seen

Controlling emotions and behavior is essential

Evaluations of options and documenting agreement are expected to be done

Agreeing on contingencies, monitoring as well as psychometric evaluation can manage conflict

Understanding peoples’ interest levels and clarifying the problem level is important

SMART development plan

: SMART objectives : SMART objectives : SMART objectives : SMART objectives : SMART objectives

Practicing compatibility is essential. A conversation ongoing for generating profitability is important. Some coworkers might find compliments offensive. It is hence required to identify the procedures that leave an impact on behavioral analysis. My objectives are quite clearer as a person needs to analyze the perspectives that incorporate moral support and involvement of sustainability for individuals. I find this interesting, as there are lesser numbers of negatively active components seen in a person’s life. As explained by Bridgstock, Grant-Iramu, and McAlpine, (2019), team development needs to occur more often, therefore I can manage conflicts between the performers. One of the underlying needs for defining the problem is associated with generalizing gender-neutral work. Stopping gender biases and asking for the success rates of gender specification of a person is important. Problem solving by giving multiple assistance is associated with the factors of monitoring needs. Involved parties need to take action on the process of conflict resolution and team building. Dealing with anger and reporting sexual assaults is important. Development of personal lifestyles is associated with:

Improved self-awareness

Building employability perspectives

Building and renewing identity and self-esteem

Improving skills and learning the new ones

Improving a career and developing talents and strengths

Planning of relevant, positive, and effective life choices

Making the dreams come true

In my case, I am eager to discuss one objective that is objective 2, which comprises of following points as\

Improvement on basic greetings kills

To motivate their self and organizing the teamwork and communication

Making the speech useful

Elimination of gender bias

The application of reflective models is essential as it is moved forward in a fully pledged way. Professional development associates with making the speech useful. According to Bridgstock, (2019), monitoring of components is essential in terms of professional competency development. The development criteria are evaluated using statistical components of personal development. Organization records are managed via the sustainability of components and identifying one particular objective. My progress is monitored using a method called a psychometric test. I try to engage in activities that will help in a better understanding of myself. In this case, I have to take tests and am myself based on my ability (Hildebrand, 2018). I am capable of monitoring my growth using a Gantt chart where I have listed my daily routine. All routines are subject to be completed within a particular date. Moreover, I participate in group discussions for managing team-building capabilities. I try to accommodate teams and discuss the improvement of professional practices.

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5. Conclusion

solutions. Starting from research management to communication development I have come a long way. I need to engage in different management practices. The statistical analysis of my management skills can be explained in terms of preferred choices of learning. Referencing from different sources and modules is also important. A complete analysis is made upon the completion of milestones. My learning is associated with professional development. I am capable of team building and team management after going through multiple stages of development. I am getting indulged in communication development and authorized component analysis. The formative assessments are accompanying the people with different disability management. The efforts put by me are in full potential and effective life choices are taken into consideration. Skills applicable are in planning autonomous and full potential management. Limitless room for growth is observed by using a curriculum that is professional development friendly. In most cases, fulfillment can never come from chasing people's dreams. The relationship with higher authority and leaders is impacting the lifestyles of people. Self-management comes at a good cost and it is important to manage the perspectives of learning. A complete authorization of systems is indulged in professional development. Analytical tools are ideal in terms of commitment management. Recognition of the identity of people is associated with professional development. In most cases, the liabilities and reflective practices are not appropriately channelized. The uses of r reflective modules are important for training and development in a short span. "A theoretical framework is then provided, including a description of course content, methodology, and assessment, and finally the experience is assessed by noting strengths and weaknesses detected in the process".

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Exploring Motivation in the Workplace.

6. References


Bridgstock, R., 2019. Employability and career development learning through social media: Exploring the potential of LinkedIn. In Challenging future practice possibilities (pp. 143-152). Brill Sense.

Bridgstock, R., Grant-Iramu, M. and McAlpine, A., 2019. Integrating Career Development Learning into the Curriculum: Collaboration with the Careers Service for Employability. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 10(1), pp.56-72.

Coetzee, M., 2018. Career development and organizational support. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management.

Hildebrand, J., 2018. Bridging the gap: A training module in personal and professional development. Routledge.

McKenzie, S., Coldwell-Neilson, J. and Palmer, S., 2018. Understanding the career development and employability of information technology students. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.

Smith, M., Bell, K., Bennett, D. and McAlpine, A., 2018. Employability in a global context: Evolving policy and practice in employability, work integrated learning, and career development learning

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