Flexible Work's Impact on Motivation

1.0 Introduction

The main motive of this research proposal is to analyze the impact of flexible working on staff motivation in the public health sector taking into consideration the NHS of the UK. In this study, the background of the study will be described along with the aim, objective and question of this research. The reason for this study will also be discussed. The literature review of this proposal will give emphasis on the relationship between flexibility and staff’s motivation, impacts of flexible work schedules on employees and also the impacts of flexible work schedules on the motivation of the staffs working in NHS, UK. Research methodology will be described in this proposal and Gantt chart from September to January will also be designed.

1.1 Background of the research

Over the past few decades, there have been drastic changes in both social and demographic sectors along with the rise in new technology. It has become very difficult for the UK labor market to make a balance in between flexible working and work-life balance. Reformation of the schedules of working and making a balance in between work and personal life is one of the rising problems in the United Kingdom (Jennifer & Jean, 2009). The flexible working arrangement practices have led to making a balance in between responsibility towards the job and towards home. Previous research has acknowledged that flexible hours of working contribute to increased satisfaction of the job, employee’s engagement and motivation (Jones & Jones, E., 2011). Thus, the organization should review the welfare of the staffs to enhance the motivation of the employees towards their vision and mission (Cushway, 2009). It had been analyzed that staffs get higher benefits due to the implementation of flexible working hours as it reduces the possibility of absenteeism, improvises the moral of staffs, enhances the motivation of staffs at work. as a result, the implementation of the schedules of flexible working hours in the UK in both private and public sectors have contributed to balance in the responsibility of job and family (Jennifer & Jean, 2009). The flexible working hours possess overtime leaves, part-time, shift work and flextime, and long term leaves. It is also stated that working time here refers to the flexibility degree, equity of gender, diversity in a time of working and structure to negotiate. The implementation of negotiation structure and diversity in working time could help the employees in an effective manner (Jones & Jones, 2011). It has been pointed out that most of the women employees in the national health service of the UK are facing higher difficulties in order to balance the work along with their family life. It had been analyzed that the performance of the employees is very poor due to ineffective working schedules which are demotivating them in higher context (Cushway,2009). Thus, it is important for the private as well as public organization to analyze the impact of the flexible work timing on employee’s motivation to enhance their performance.


1.2 Aims of the research

The aim of this research proposal is to analyze the impact of flexible working on staff motivation in the public health sector taking the case of NHS of UK.”

1.3 Objective of the research

The Objective of this research proposal are as follows:

To review the relationship between flexible working environment and employee’s motivation

To analyze the impact of the flexible working on staffs

To analyze the influence of the flexible working on the motivation of the staffs working in the NHS of UK

1.4 Question of the research

The question of this research is as follows:

What is the relationship between flexible working and staff’s motivation?

What is the influence of the flexible working on the motivation of the staffs working in National Health Services (NHS) of UK?

1.5 Reason for the study

Different business possesses a different work environment but the usage of flexible work arrangement (FWA) could enable the business organization to enhance the competition and acts as a competitive advantage. This arrangement is highly effective for the personal needs of employees. In fact, flexible scheduling is taken as an essential factor by the employees. However, it is analyzed that a larger number of organization doesn’t make the usage of flexible working schedules and thus, face lots of difficulties linked with employees. This research paper is thus important as it will review the relationship between the flexible working and employee’s motivation. Moreover, the reason for this study is also to acknowledge the impact of flexible working on the motivation of the staffs working in the National Health Services of the UK.

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Relationship between flexible working environment and employee’s motivation

It has been stated by McNall, Masuda & Nicklin (2010) that larger number of employees likes to work in flexible timings as there is a larger number of activities which is executed by people alongside their work. Flexible working assists the employers in meeting the alternative needs of the customers and staffs (McNall, Masuda & Nicklin, 2010). In the world of globalization with advancement in technology and competitive environment, it becomes very difficult for the employees to follow the traditional pattern of work schedules. The traditional work schedules create increased stress level which also has its influence on the health of employees and their behavior also gets changed. It is stated by Jennifer & Jean (2009) that effects of flexible work timing influence the morale and motivational levels of employees and females are found to be more requesting for flexible work timing as it helps them to take after both household work and job. Shepard, Clifton, and Kruse (2006) mention that flexible work timing makes an employee to make a balance with his personal life and work life. This minimizes their stress level and feels very good regarding their organization due to its caring nature and method. This enhances the degree of motivation in a greater extends. It is discussed by Jones & Jones (2011) that flexible timing permits the employees to work as per their comfort level and thus, allow them to get control over life and increase their productivity level. This, in turn, helps in enhancing the employee’s motivational level. Shepard, Clifton, and Kruse (2006) have stated that most of the employees have a higher commitment and are motivated towards their work when greater flexibility is provided in flexible work timing. He also states that the morale of the employees is higher when they work in flexible timing. The employee’s morale is termed as related directly with the motivational level. Thus, he stated that employees are motivated when his/her morale is boosted greatly. Cushway (2009) have expressed that there is a direct relationship between employee’s motivation and flexible work timing.

2.2 Impact of the flexible working on staffs

It is also reviewed that flexible working has a positive impact on health and wellbeing as it minimizes stress and stress-related illness, lesser chances of sickness and also have improved balance in work-life. This flexibility brings satisfaction in the life of people which thus enhances their motivation towards work. it is stated by Michie and Sheehan (2005) that flexible work schedules have both positive and negative effects on the life of employees. The flexibility has been found to meet the personal and family needs. There is an incontrovertible benefit of flexible working as it assists in better productivity, wellbeing, and engagements. Flexibility is strength for the leaders as it strengthens teams (Michie and Sheehan, 2005). When there is formalized flexibility prevailing in an organization then there are higher chances to achieve results. It has been analyzed that sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues, fatigue, and other health issues have been associated with the shift works. There is a higher pressure which is being experienced by the employees who works in traditional working schedules but flexible working schedules help in giving control over the time schedules and working environment. Time wise Solution (2018) states that flexibility work schedule helps the people to work on those environments which makes them feel fresh and enjoy them. On the contrary, Russell, Connell, and McGinnity (2009) say that flexible work schedules do not always give an advantage to employees as it can also have a negative impact too. It can sometimes bring issues in the relationship and might also lead to making the employees work all the time. The flexibility could be problematic at the time of teamwork as each of the team members might have different flexible times. It is thus stated by Russell, Connell, and McGinnity (2009) that flexible work arrangement could achieve success when there is effective communication in between employees and managers and when they respect the needs, responsibilities, and obligations of both individuals and organization. The working flexibility could only achieve success when there is a good relationship between managers and employees (Russell, Connell and McGinnity, 2009).

2.3 Influence of the flexible working on the motivation of the staffs working in NHS of UK

The staff crisis is one of the emerging issues in the NHS organization in the UK where a greater number of staffs are leaving their jobs due to a problem in balancing the work-life. As per NHS jobs and trust’s policies, flexible working is termed as most required for the people who have younger children or for the one who has other caring responsibilities towards their home (Timewise Solution, 2018). It has been analyzed that 9 in 10 workers of the UK wants to work flexibly. It has been shown from NHS exit data that 56,000 people have left the NHS since 2011 due to an imbalance in work-life. However, NHS is improving its process so as to eradicate the issues of flexibility. NHS has started making designs for flexibility and refined the suit for each individual’s needs. It has been analyzed by Timewise Solution (2018) that flexibility is very important so as to motivate the employees and enhance the productivity of the organization.


H0: There is an effect of flexible working hours on employee’s motivation

H1: There are no effects of Flexible working hours on employee’s motivation

3.0 Research Methodology

Research is a process of investigation which is accomplished in order to generate the facts regarding the topic and establish a knowledge regarding the topic of research. Likewise, research methodology plays an important role in the research study which offers a systematic review to the researcher regarding the theories and also helps in determining the accurate outputs of the research questions. This chapter of research methodology will possess sections which include research methods, research philosophy, research approach, and data collection methods. Moreover, research limitation and research ethics will also be discussed in this chapter.

3.1 Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is an essential element in a research study which assists in expanding the knowledge. It is very important to select appropriate research philosophy as it assists in selecting research approaches, data collection techniques and also research methods. Research philosophy is of two types namely positivism and Interpretivism. Positivism philosophy deals with the scientific analysis of the issues in combination with quantitative research whereas interpretivism philosophy is a non-scientific method which is performed in order to sacrifice the reliability to achieve the validity in combination with qualitative research method. This research will use positivism as it will give more focus on the scientific analysis of the issues taking the assistance of quantitative research.

3.2 Research Approach

Research approach assists the researchers in data collection and also in the analysis of data. Inductive approach and deductive approach are two types of research design where inductive approach focuses on already published data whereas deductive approach analyzes the new data and information. This research study will utilize deductive approach where newer data and information will be analyzed.

3.3 Research Methods

Research method plays a very essential role in analyzing the effectiveness of the study. Qualitative research method and Quantitative research method are the two types of research methods. Numerical data is used in the quantitative research method whereas the qualitative method is used for non-numerical data. Additionally, the quantitative research method is non-subjective in nature and generally tests the hypothesis whereas qualitative data are subjective in nature and are Interpretivist in nature. Since, the aim of this research is to analyze the impact of working flexibility on staff’s motivation of NHS, UK. Non-Subjective data will be collected in order to gather findings in the research study. Thus, the quantitative research method will be used which is a good option for the research study.

3.4 Data Collection Method

Data collection is the process where all the data and information related to the study will be analyzed. There are two types of data collection namely primary and secondary data collection. Primary data is the collection of first-hand data which is collected directly from the source whereas secondary data is already gathered data. Some of the sources of secondary data are journals, articles, books, and educational websites. This research study will collect primary data by survey methods and will collect secondary data by the means of journals, books, etc.

3.5 Data sampling and sampling method used

Data Sampling is a statistical analysis technique which is being used in order to review, manipulate and also evaluate the points to acknowledge the trends and pattern in the larger data set which is being examined. Probability and non-probability are the types of data sampling method where probability is an approach which uses random number to ensure that there is no correlation in between the chosen points for the sample wherein nonprobability sampling is an approach in which a data sample is analyzed and extracted based on judgement of the analyst/ since, this research will make the usage of quantitative survey so nom-probability sampling method will be used where larger number of participants will be selected and there judgement will be considered and analyzed.

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3.6 Data Analysis

Data analysis is an important part of a research study where collected data from different sources will be analyzed and findings are made for the reliability and validity of the research data. SPSS, correlation, and regression along with descriptive statistics will be used in order to examine the collected data. This analysis of data will help the researchers in generating new knowledge by evaluating the present data.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration is vital in acknowledging the authenticity and efficiency of the research process. Ethical review is carried in all the proposed research which is made by the students. It is very important for the student to review the ethnicity of the project with the help of BES faculty ethics requirement. It is not necessary that respondents should only be motivated to bring useful data for surveys but it is equally important to achieve authentic and valid data for the findings of the research. The secondary data which is used in this research will be reliable and authentic and none of the information is controlled or changed in this study. Primary data will also be collected ethically without hampering human resources. Different measures have been utilized in order to make this study of research ethical and reliable. Every data will be properly reviewed in this research study which increases the reliability and authenticity of the study.

3.8 Research Challenges

This research had various challenges which slowdowns the conduction of the research study. It is obvious to state that every study has some limitation associated with it but more difficult arises while figuring it out. Researchers have to face lots of issues due to the limitation of research. It is encountered that most of the sites and sources are highly paid which increases the cost amount. Time constraints and accuracy is also the limitation of this research study. Moreover, the application of survey method in practice also resulted in facing lots of challenges such as distribution of question, collection and evaluation.

Take a deeper dive into Understanding Project Planning Essentials with our additional resources.

Cushway, B., 2009. Flexible Working Practices: The Controversy and Evidence. Policy and Practice in European Human Resource Management. London.

Jennifer, T., & Jean, G., 2009. Organizational approaches to flexible working: Perspectives of equality and diversity managers in the UK. Equal Opportunities International, Vol. No. 28, No. 8, pp. 671.

Jones, K., & Jones, E., 2011. Flexible Working Practices in the UK: Gender and Management Perspectives. Journal of Women in Society, Vol. No. 2, pp. 1-8.

McNall, L. A., Masuda, A. D., & Nicklin, J. M., 2010. Flexible Work Arrangements, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work-to-Family Enrichment. The Journal of Psychology, Vol. No. 144, No. 1, pp. 61-81.

Michie, J. and Sheehan, M., 2005. Business strategy, human resources, labor market flexibility and competitive advantage. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. No. 16, No. 3, pp. 445- 464.

Russell, H., Connell, P.J. and McGinnity, F., 2009. “The impact of flexible working arrangements on work–life conflict and work pressure in Ireland”. Gender Work and Organization, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 73–97.

Shepard, E., Clifton, T. and Kruse, D., 2006. ‘Flexible work hours and productivity: Some evidence from the pharmaceutical industry’. Industrial Relations, Vol.35, No. 1, pp.123-39.

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