Housing management is mainly related to managing the social housing by improving the sets of all the activities including producing and allocating the housing services from the existing social housing stock (Harriott, and Matthews, 2009). The demand and supply of housing is fluctuating a lot according to the perception of the customers, demand of the consumers and the market price for the housing (Richardson, 2010). The aim of the report is to analyse the management approach of the housing sector through which the managers and the leaders in the real estate industry try to control the operational activities and retain more long tern customers for the quality housing. Moreover, through this study, it is possible to analyse the system thinking model for understanding the lean system in the housing industry as well as acknowledging the efficiency of the housing sector where the leaders and the managers try to serve the customers in a better and unique way to strengthen their customer’s base in the housing sector where the managers can be successful in fulfilling the demand and expectations of the customers in long run. In addition to these, the study provides a scope to analyse the existing challenges in the housing management approach which need to be addressed so that in near future, proper recommendations can be made for mitigating the issue as it is necessary for the managers and the leaders to enhance their performnace and imporve efficiency to serve the customers in a unique way.
The housing management in the UK plays a crucial role in maintaining the demand of the customers on the UK market as well as supply of appropriate housing to the customers so that it is possible to meet their demand and expectations. In this regard, as per the market research, the housing price in the UK is increasing year to year due to high inflation which fails to meet the demand of the customers as most of the people cannot afford the housing due to the high price of it (Anderson and Sim, 2011). This is the main reason in the UK where the real estate market and the leaders and the managers cannot meet the customer’s expectation as the price for the housing as well as renting houses are high which cannot be afforded by most of the people living in the country. The leaders and the managers in the UK try to promote tenancy sustainment through community investment activities, where the government of the UK as well as the private housing sectors are contributing in the economy through developing houses in the country, so that it is easy to meet the demand of the customers in the market. Moreover, the approach of housing management includes developing strong relationship with the customers, for which the leaders and the managers in the real estate and also in the social housing sector aim to improve trust and loyalty among the customers, so that the issue of mistrust and misunderstanding can be avoided (Audit Commission, 2002). Additionally, the leaders and the managers try to cooperate with the customers and build strong communication through positive interaction with the customers, which in turn helps to gather feedback from the customers and acknowledge the actual needs and performances of the customers which helps to improve knowledge of the managers for serving the customers according to their expectations (Bramley, Munroe, and Pawson, 2004). The approach of housing management in the UK also includes tenant participation, housing allocation, reducing homelessness, maintenance of housing in the society, efficiency of resources such as electricity, managing rent collection and rent appears, repairs and maintenance, managing quality and monitoring the housing on a regular basis.
In addition to the above-mentioned approach of housing management in the UK, the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) Regulation Committee from 1st April 2012 take the responsibility to regulate the housing sector in the UK and develop appropriate strategic planning for the leaders and managers, so that it is possible to maintain quality standard of housing in the country and meet the customer’s expectations. On the other hand, Social housing includes low-cost rented housing, where the legacy and stock are owned by the social landlords, where the landlords try to build strong relationship with the customers for developing effective tenancy agreement and meet the customer’s expectations successfully in long run which is also another effective approach of housing management. In the UK, the social landlords as well as the managers in the private real estate organisations try to improve the quality standard of housing so that they can meet the customer’s requirements as well as enhance the economic standard of the country. Government policy of exchanging property as well as regulations for tenancy agreement are also effective to manage the operational activities of the housing sector in the UK (Cairncross, Clapham, and Goodlad, 1997). The board members on the governance body are also concerned about managing the customer’s standard by delivering quality housing, efficient services as well as enhancing tenant involvement and empowerment of the tenants in the decision-making practice which are also considered as the effective approaches of housing management in the UK. The regulatory intervention as well as guidance about the tenancy agreement as well as regulations of transferring the lands to other party are effective to manage the housing sector smoothly and proficiently with the approaches of providing proper environment, managing safety and security, providing proper water and electricity, managing tenancy agreement well and continuous monitoring of the housing.
The international approaches of housing management include allocation of housing, maintaining legislations, and anti-social behaviour through keeping record of the residents, developing multiagency team work with the cooperation of the government, developing proper agreement with proper fees and payment, sharing information, developing communication and relationship with the residents, which contribute in successful housing management and community care. The leaders and the managers in the real estate or privately-owned rented sector as well as social housing sector are concerned about managing the housing sector through improving effective strategic planning so that they can meet the expectations of the customers and fulfil their demand for quality housing. In this regard, the leaders and the managers try to improve knowledge and understanding in the housing sector and arrange effective training and development for the employees so that they become technologically skilled labour in the housing sector (CIH, 2013). The approaches to manage the employees and the staff members in the housing sector who can develop appropriate housing for the people living in the society is also effective to hire skilled workforce who can maintain the quality standard of housing. The managers try to build strong relationship with the labourers and provide them financial and non-monetary benefits to hem for encouraging their creativity and motivating them to perform better in the housing sector. Providing performnace related pay and rewards as well as high salary to the staff members are financial motivating factors for the staff to perform better and contribute positively for achieving the objective for the housing sector which is to provide quality housing to the population. Additionally, health and safety at workplace is one of the effective approaches of the managers in the housing sector, where the managers try to provide health and safety to the employees through taking security activities at the workplace, safety measures and providing insurance to the employees so that the employees can feel safe and secured working at the building construction sites (CIH, 2000). Hereby, managing the staff members is necessary as they are the main stakeholders for managing the customers by proving proper service and quality housing according to the needs and preferences of the customers.
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On the other hand, for managing the tenants, the landlord prefers licensing and tenancy agreement, so that they can develop proper agreement with the tenants for avoiding the problem of breach of contract. Moreover, partnership is important where the landlords and the managers in the privately-owned real estate firms prefer to build string relationship with the tenants or the customers who try to purchase housing apartments through direct interaction and developing open communication so that they can understand the actual needs and preferences of the tenants or the customers (Cole, et. al., 2001). Language gap need to be avoided and the landlords and the managers on the private firms in the real estate industry try to use local language and interact with the customers mostly in English, so that it is possible to enhance communication where the customers or the tenants also can express their actual housing neds, preferences and affordability to pay for the housing which are essential information for the landlords to make effective deal with the customers or the tenants (Cope, 1999). Hereby, for managing the housing sector, the most appropriate way is to collaborate between the managers, landlords and the tenants or the customers where through collaboration and positive interactions they can understand the perspectives of each other and make effective deal. Information sharing is another approach for housing management, where the landlord provides all the relevant information to the residents so that trust and loyalty can be built among them and it is posisbel for the managers to maintain the quality standard of housing. Moreover, safety and security management are necessary international approach for housing management through providing safety to the community and giving them suitable environment to live.
Maintenance of the property and inspections are also effective to manage the housing sector internationally where the managers and the leaders in the housing sector aim to serve the customer better housing in ling run. Continuous inspection, following health hand safety codes like CCTV surveillance area and other safety measures such as fire extinguisher and emergency windows or stairs are maintained properly by the managers or the landlords of the property and it is considered as effective informational approaches of housing management (Duncan, and Thomas, 2007). These are effective international approaches for the manager in the housing sector across the globe to maintain the property well and serve the customers successfully with proper maintenance of the quality standard of housing. Managing the finance for housing is also necessary where the managers or the landlords of the property are taking care of taxes, rent payments, mortgage payments, fees or fines and insurance so that it is possible to manage the regulatory framework and the legal rules of the property. These are the major approaches of the managers across the housing sectors around the globe through which the mangers or the leaders in the real estate as well as the landlords of the property try to manage the renting system or transfer of housing property to other party (Fleischmann, 2000). The international approaches of providing energy efficiency, maintenance and repairs of housing, safety and security as well as managing effective agreement, enhancing communication and maintaining the standard of housing are effective to provide quality housing and fulfil the requirements of the customers.
System thinking model is one of the effective ways to analyse the efficiency of the managers and the leaders in the housing sector where they try to analyse the present situation as well as develop appropriate strategic planning for managing the housing sectors internationally. In his regard, as per the system thinking model, there are four factors which need to be considered such as events, partners or the trend, underlying structure and mental models through which it is possible for the leaders and the managers to analyse the housing sector and enhance the lean management procedure for ensuring high performnace of the housing sector across the globe (Foord, and Simic, 2005). System thinking model provides an opportunity to the housing managers to monitor the system of management approaches as well as continuously improve the management approach through developing planning of managing the customers through providing quality housing, other facilities like electricity and water, giving suitable environment for healthy living, safety and security.
As per the model mentioned above, the managers and the leaders in the housing sector internationally aim to analyse the sector, where it has been seen that the customer’s prefers quality housing at affordable price as per their convenient and in this regard, the managers try to maintain the quality of housing through the approaches of housing management. Changing demands of the customers as per their requirements as well as market trend for housing need to be analysed by the leaders and the managers of the housing sector through which they can acknowledge the actual needs of the customers and their preferences. Underlying the structures for developing housing construction as well as management procedure are effective for the housing sector to maintain the quality standard of housing which can meet the expectations of the customers successfully by delivering quality housing apartments to the consumers as per their needs and preferences (Hills, 2014). Mental model is the fourth part of the system thinking where the leaders in the housing sector try to create values for the customers by providing quality housing at affordable price so that the consumers can afford it successfully and meet their expectations of them. In the housing sector, the system thinking model is known as lean system which is implemented by the leaders in the housing sector across the international real estate markets where the aim of the leaders is to improve the service quality and gain efficiency to deliver quality housing (Pawson, and Mullins, 2003).
The lean system in this regard is effective for the housing sector for successful improvement of efficiency so that the leaders and the managers can serve the customers in a better and unique way which is also effective for the managers to meet the expectations of the customers. As per the lean model or the system thinking model, the service providers in the housing sector aim to ensure highest quality housing, lowest cost and the shortage lead time so that they can meet the expectations of the customers. Hereby, as per the system thinking model, the leaders and the managers aim that it is necessary to implement Just In time approach in the housing sector for delivering the property to the land owners or the customers at effective time (Reeves, 2013).
In this context, the strategy of Just in Time is one of the effective ways to ensure proper timely activities, scheduled work, and leading the employees and other staff members successfully (Richardson et al., 2014). Timely work, transfer of raw material and efficiency of the workforce are contributing factors in the housing sector where the leaders try to provide quality housing as per the needs and preferences of the customers or the tenants. Involvement is another factor in the lean system or the system thinking model, where the managers and the leaders in the housing sector aim to improve engagement with all the stakeholders including the employees, staff members engineers, technicians, shareholders, property holders or land owners, government body, local authority, social communities and the suppliers of the raw material where cooperation with the stakeholders is important to improve the operational activities where all the members try to work collaboratively to meet the aim of maintaining the quality standard of housing (Seal, 2006). In this context, team work, quality leadership, enhancing communication and improving cooperation among the stakeholders and continuous motivation are effective approaches to increase involvement and conduct the operational activities of the housing sector successfully. Through system thinking model, the managers are efficient in developing effective team for managing the customers, hiring skilled workforce as well as communicate with the customers so that effective agreement can be developed, and it is possible for the managers to provide quality housing and other facilities to the customers.
The leaders are also concerned about the work floor maintenance and managing the equipment and tools at the construction sites of the housing sector for managing safety and security. As per the system thinking model, the leaders also analyse that, in the recent era of globalisation and digitalisation, people are concerned about environmental issue such as pollution, greenhouse gas emission and waste and in this context, the managers in the housing sector across the globe try to reduce waste through transferring them to the landfills, continuous improvement through technological upgradation and increasing use of renewable resources in developing the construction of the property. Hereby, the system thinking model, or the lean system is effective in the housing sector for measuring performnace and providing an opportunity to the managers to enhance their performnace for maintaining the standard of housing across the globe and meet the customer’s demand effectively as well through delivering quality housing at affordable price (Sinn, 2010). Through the system thinking model, it is possible for the housing managers to develop the process and approaches for managing the housing, maintain the essential variables for managing the housing apartments for the customers and develop proper planning for managing the quality standard of housing so that the customers can fulfil their expectations.
There are several challenges in the housing sector management for which the leaders or the landlords face problem in maintaining their property successfully and the challenges are such as affordability, choice, mobility, security and the condition, for which the landlords and the leaders in the real estate fail to manage their customers or the tenants in the housing sectors across the globe. Security is one of the main challenging factors where the private rented accommodation is dominated by lack of long-term security, and little protection for which the customers do not feel safe to stay and develop the tenancy agreement with the landlords or the tenants (Thomas, 2000). In addition to these, choice of the customers is another factor where the leaders or the landlords in the private and social housing sector fail to meet the expectations of the customers due to high price of the housing, low capacity and quality standard of the property. Property damage and unexpected maintenance is another issue in housing management for which the operational cost becomes higher for the managers in the housing industry. These are the main challenges for which the private and social housing sector fail to strengthen their customer’s base in long run. Apart from that, lack of communication and non-cooperation are other two challenges for which there arise the problem in the housing management. High cost of the housing across the international real estate market is also another issue where both the private and social housing sector fail to retain the customers due to high price of the property, financial worries, unemployment and inflation in the country which make the customers to delay the purchase decision of the housing sector or taking the property at rental basis. Hereby, lack of affordability of the customers is another issue for which the housing managers face difficulties in finalise the purchase of housing and managing proper agreement with the customers.
Choice and condition of housing in both privately owned property or the social housing estate where lack of inspection and monitoring and poor maintenance make the quality of houses worst and this further lead to worst situation for the customers where the tenants or the customers do not want to make the decision of purchasing or renting house. The employees and staff members in the housing sectors, both the private and social housing fail to monitor the property through daily inspection, and this deteriorates the quality standard of housing (Thornhill, 2011). Quality depends on investing more on the housing, lack of investment and poor inspection make the quality worst which is a serious challenge in the housing sector where the landlords fail to maintain the quality of the housing or the property for which they fail to satisfy the customers. Lack of understanding between the landlords and the tenants is another challenge where they fail to communicate and interact with each other which is another serious challenge in the housing sector across the globe. The above-mentioned issues are serious for which the landlords fail to create values for their customers due to high price, low quality of housing, lack of efficient services provided to the customers and lack of maintenance of safety and security at the housing complex for which the customers cannot meet their expectations.
There is high demand in the housing sector across the globe, but due to high price, inflation, low quality of housing, poor management, lack of safety and security measure, low performnace of the staff members and lack of inspections, the lad owners or the landlords in both privately owned and the social housing sector fail to meet the market demand and the expectations of the customers. It is necessary for the managers or the landlords to manage the housing sector with improving safety and security, proper monitoring of the performnace of the staff, proper inspection, maintaining affordability of housing through minimising the price of the housing and lean system. Through system thing process or lean management, the housing sector can imporve their capability an invest on more resources and technology to enhance their performnace and deliver quality housing to the customers at affordable price.
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CIH, 2013. New Approaches to Tenant Insight – Practice Briefing, Coventry, Chartered Institute of Housing.
Cole, et. al., 2001. Social Engineering or Consumer Choice? Re-thinking housing allocations. Coventry: CIH/JRF
Cope, H., 1999. Housing Associations – the policy and practice of registered social landlords. Basingstoke: Macmillan
Duncan, P., and Thomas, S., 2007. Successful Neighbourhoods: A good practice guide. Coventry: CIH/Housing Corporation
Fleischmann, P., 2000. Nowhere to go: increasing choice and control within supported housing for homeless people with mental health problems. London: Single Homeless Project
Foord, M., and Simic, P., 2005. Housing, Community Care and Supported Housing. Coventry: CIH
Hanley, L., 2007. Estates – An Intimate History. London: Granta Books
Harriott, S. and Matthews, L., 2009. Introducing Affordable Housing. Coventry: CIH
Hills, J., 2014. Good Times, Bad Times: the Welfare Myth of Them and Us. Bristol: Policy Press
Pawson, H., and Mullins, D., 2003. Changing Places: housing association policy and practice on nominations and lettings. Bristol: Policy Press
Pearl, M., 1997. Social housing Management a critical appraisal of housing practice. Basingstoke: Macmillan
Reeves, P., 2013. Affordable and Social housing Policy and Practice. London: Routledge
Richardson, J., 2010. Housing and the Customer: Understanding Needs and Delivering Services. Coventry: CIH.
Richardson, J., Barker, L., Furness, J., and Simpson, M., 2014. Frontline Futures: New era, changing role for housing officers. CIH & Wheatley Group
Seal, M., 2006. Understanding and Responding to Homeless Experiences, Identities and Cultures. Regis: Russell house
Thomas, R., 2000. Striking the Right Balance – the role of housing associations in building successful communities. Cardiff: CIH
Thornhill, J., 2011. Delivering services to lesbian, gay and transgender customers. Coventry: CIH
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