Integrated Digital Marketing Strategies

  • 12 Pages
  • Published On: 20-11-2023


The research would bring into light the integrated digital marketing strategies of the Dark woods coffees. The Victorian textile mills were set off by the Dark Woods Coffees in the 18th century with the forte of producing grade coffees which acquired upstanding and more noticeable savor compared to that of the cheaper materialistic coffees. The company focuses on the dedication to bring out the best coffee that anyone can guarantee at any cost ( 2020). If you are seeking marketing dissertation help, exploring the integrated digital strategies of Dark Woods Coffees could provide valuable insights.

Further, it focuses on the micro and the macro market environment of the Dark Woods Coffees. It would further bring out the potential market segment of the organization. The company plan to target each segment through technological marketing and communication mediums. The detailed study of the outlines and the critical evaluation of the digital marketing communication mediums and the ways to improve it is given in a detailed way. Finally a reflection of the main skills that can be obtained from the module is also discussed.

An analysis of Dark Woods Coffee’s macro and micro market environment

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According to Ward.(2016), every business is ostentatious by countless factors and it is a true fact that no business can stand and operate all of its own. In a wider note it has been seen that environment can be divided into two classifications likely the micro economics and the macro economics. The first category impacts the service of the specific business alone whereas the latter one carries out the working of all the surviving business organizations out there. The two classifications may be dissimilar but both are indispensable to comprehend.

Ward (2020), rightly opined one has to be well acquainted with the business environment and surroundings in a particular sequence to be able to trail and apprehend how numerous elements influence one’s company. For the Dark Woods Coffees the micro environment has played a well planned role as the organization opened their first mill in the West Yorkshire Pennies circumambient by substantial meadows, dry stone walls and earliest forests. However the macro environment for the organization is too effective and hardworking which together brings out a perfect blend and makes the Dark Woods the best coffee seller and thus earned 13 Great Taste Awards in the present year. The workers of the organization give their dedications and very best to carefully roast to manufacture an assemblage of flavors to be acceptable to an expansive style and flavor, which makes Dark Woods a famous brand name (Nixon.2017). In fact, the level of effort of all the level of workers starting from the farm workers to the coffee distributors count a lot for the target achievement of this organization.

Micro Environment

The factors of the Micro environment involve the consumers, suppliers, resellers, competitors, the general public whereas the macro economics includes the enumeration forces, mechanical factors, habitual and corporeal forces, parliamentary and legal forces lastly the cultural and the social forces. However; the organization is further thinking of new innovative ways to spread their extension more broadly. According to Voorhees et al.(2017),the journey of the trust between the company and the customer had been earned with dedication and commitment.

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The SWOT Analysis (strength, weakness, opportunities and threat) has always been useful in comprehending of both the micro and macro environment factors. The strength and the weakness is controlled by the company keeping in mind the potential that the company can put to strengthen their output and minimize the weakness, however the opportunities and the threats are not under control of the company so they have to be prepared to face them (Leeds, 2020).

Dark Woods Coffee’s potential market segments

According to Frost et al. (2019), the Dark Woods have earned their demand by their quality products and their commitments. It takes a lot of pain and hard work of countless hours by the workers just to pack a small bag of coffee with delicacy and get it delivered to their customers. The consumers get happy to receive the bag and get the coffee to enjoy an aroma of flavors.


The Dark Woods coffees focus on their customer age, gender and income and the brand uses the methods and procedures to focus assets into a defined category within the market.

The larger number of coffee are bought either straight from the producers or by following the long buying procedures from the grounds and the specialty consignor which increases the desire for buying in the customers.


According to Moldavska and Welo (2017), the organization keeps focus on sustainability to maintain its production process. The potential market segments of the renowned company includes many bundled services that are required to meet the customers desires and demands like the observation programme, earmarked reactions of the consumers, dedicated on call assistance to the consumers to know the doubts and queries, product training to the sellers, personalized overview templates, and ingression from niche to the business to business focusing.

Another point of focus that is required in selection of the market research services includes the observation transactions where the customers’ needs and desires are taken account of and acted accordingly. Then the strategy of the tracker management is taken into account where tracking of the coffees selling and the request of the demands are registered.


The survey programming method includes the observation how the sales growth is continuing and the ways by which this sustainability can be maintained (, 2020). Then it comes to the survey of reporting, which finally bring out the result of the whole undertaken survey system revealing the needs, requirements, betterment processes and the initiatives that are to be taken in mere future to bring development in the whole market system of the coffee organization.

An explanation of the plan to target each segment through digital marketing communications mediums

In accordance with Kingsnorth.(2019), digital marketing communications need to be taken care of by making plans of how to improve each segment. Dark Woods coffee has been famous for its roasted and blending philosophy the four main segments of the coffee are the roasted, soluble, ready to drink and the specialty coffee. Technology inclusion is a must to enlarge the business strategies that are needed in the future perspective of the organization. The roasted coffee that is presented by the dark woods presents the crow tree that gives the pleasure to their customer to enjoy a perfect blend ground coffee. Lee et al.(2018), rightly opined that the digitalized marketing communication can bring forth many new ideas and innovations of the way that the business can expand.

Improving the Google map registering:

The organization would be reachable to the customers. The detailed study of the availability of the coffee shops, stores is to be properly updated to reach the customers in time and need.

  • Visual branding: social media should have the visual branding of what the organization presents and serves their customer to attract many new customers at a go (Belanche et al.2019). People believe what they see in their own eye and this digital way of bringing the whole work in focus can allure and charm the customers and an urge to be served would definitely grow in them.
  • Social media contest: Putting up contests in social media can also bring many developments in the sale (Belanche et al.2019). It's a good way of building a strong relation with the online audiences and at present days spectators keep going with the online trend and love to follow all in social media.
  • Audience engagement: the audience engagement through certain contests is a very advantageous way to focus on the sale of the product successfully. The feedback of the customers and feelings in social media pays a lot in the development process (Alalwan.2018). Giving attention to the customer's way of thinking and working accordingly can help the organization to go through a long way. The audience engagement should be encouraged if the company wants to bloom fast.
  • Social media advertising: Nowadays customers rely on social networking the most and to catch hold of the customers. The social media advertising is a tool to attract the customer and present the services and the facilities that the dark woods coffees bring for the consumers. Advertising in Face book and Instagram would be effective tool to get spread over a large area within no time (Belanche et al.2019). However to catch hold of the market through digitized medium the organization has to have a detailed study of the market strategies and the requirements.

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An outline and critical evaluation of chosen digital marketing communications mediums

According to Lin et al (2019), with the blessings of the technologies for marketing through digital communications medium come few adverse effects also. The organization has to keep a keen eye on the matter with social media advertising. The digitized marketing is flourishing and spreading like fire as the numbers of users are growing in numbers each days

Making a tenacious brand image can be strenuous:

As the online advertising attracts a lot of viewers of the brand however; if the proper branding of any organization is done then it becomes very difficult to stay strong among the other brands. Proper short but detailed information attracts the viewers to the brand.

Difficult to rub off the previous mistakes:

The customers and the audience of the social media are very active so the company before putting up any marketing advertisement should be particular about the facts and the facets that they are revealing about the company’s products. As influenced by Tarvis and Aronson.(2020), the viewers never forget any mistakes done, and nevertheless how good products a company sells the mistakes of the past is never erased.

Problematic to measure the profit:

It is rather useless to advertise in social media unless measurement of the profit through the advertisement can be done on analysis. As per Bruns (2019), it has been opined that being persistent on social media requires a lot of scrutinized study. As to what can be done to increase the sale and what could be improved likewise however if the analysis done is not correct then it may fall adversely on the profit making criteria.

Count on the employees for the brand portrayal:

Russell and Brannan.(2016) commented that it is as well important for the organization to depend on the employees for the brand portrayal as the viewers also focus on the employees who work for the brand and then judge the quality of the product. However it is equally important to monitor the employees’ personal social media along with the company advertisement to minimize the negative impact on the profit making of the company.

Becoming unduly contingent on social media:

It is a true fact that social media reaches thousand viewers at a time bringing positive impact on the sale and advertising of the organization however; this also brings out a bitter fact that unduly getting dependent on social media can dig a big ditch for the organization (Cialdini, 2016). These factors are to be kept in mind before using the digital marketing communication mediums.

A reflection of the main skills that I have developed from this module

According to Abraham and Scaria (2017), reflection of the communication skills, the emotional intelligence, leadership, delegation and above all the teamwork are portrayed in the research. Without these skills the whole function of the Dark Woods coffees goes in vain. The development of the communicative skills that build up the strong bond between the company and the customers are equally important for the good going of the company.

On the other hand, emotional intelligence of the customer can be analyzed by taking the survey to enhance a business, which is viewable (Lim, 2017). In this respect, it can be recognized by me that the team works and dedication of the workers and all those who are equally important in the organization can work hand in hand to develop and enhance the business globally.

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The whole study reflects the way Dark Woods work and the methods that it uses to reach its customers. In other words, the magnificent service that it provides to attract and satisfy the consumers is evident. The analysis of the Dark Woods Coffees micro and macro market are thrown light in-depth. Further, the plans and the strategies of the digitized marketing communication that the organization uses to boost its sale are also discussed. Therefore, evaluations of the digital marketing mediums are discussed with the reflection skills that have been well learned acknowledged during the whole research where, it shows realizing self analysis is an important concern of an individual for future scope of development.


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