The key characteristics of a project include presence of well-defined purpose to mention the goal in terms of performance requirement, cost and schedule; well-defined scope, presence of adequate amount of required resource, effective time management, risk identification and quality working standard. Moreover, the other characteristics in project include implementation of unique ideas in achieving goals, presence of temporary activities, project cut across organisational lines, unfamiliarity and others (Castillo et al. 2018). For students seeking guidance, seeking management dissertation help can provide valuable insights into navigating these complexities effectively.
The integration management in project management is collective processes needed to ensure that different elements of the project are effectively coordinated. The importance of integration management is that it allows the leaders of the project perform audits and assessment along with optimising resources and processes that allows reducing time and eliminate complication in executing the project. Moreover, integration management enhances the performance within a project by eliminating redundancies and establishing effective consistency at work. In project management settings, integration management is essential as it facilitates effective decision-making to determine ideas to be used in executing the project (Ejel, 2018).
The scope statement in a project informs that key deliverables of a project involving the major milestones, assumptions, high-level requirements and constraints. It also mentions the boundaries and classifies the deliverable to be required in the project (Pheng, 2018). The key role of work breakdown structure (WBS) in this statement is to lower complicated activities in the project. This is because it provides precise and concrete information to the project team to understand which tasks are to be accomplished when and under which deliverable so that enhanced cost, time and risk management are ensured (Sutrisna et al. 2018).
There are mainly two key approaches used in framing budget of a project which are top-down approach and bottom-up approach. In top-down approach, the senior management in the project frame a high-level budget for the accomplishment of the project plan. In this approach, after determining the top-level numbers the management distributes the amounts allocated to different departments for them to develop individual budget for accomplishing the project from their part (Kerzner, 2019). However, in bottom-up approach, the budgeting for the project initiates from individual departments where each manager of the department create a financial statement and send it to be approved to the senior management controlling the entire project (Stinnett-Donnelly et al. 2016).
The four types of project management risks include scope, resource, schedule and technology risk. The scope risk involves with identification of scope of the project, schedule risk is related with time management issues, resource risk is related to complication of presence of materials in accomplishing the project and technology risk includes the issues with identifying and implementing software and electrical equipment (Qazi et al. 2016). In order to manage schedule risk in project management, estimation of its wide variety is to be made and project managers are required to provide enough allowance for holidays along with breakdown of all nature of tasks with high duration. This is because it would influence the workers as per the schedule and complete the work in time without experiencing higher workload which may intend them to quit and avoid following of schedule (Bañuls et al. 2017). The technology risk is to be resolved in project management by the project manager by determining defects of each equipment to be used and eliminating them prior to initiation of the project. Moreover, effective knowledge regarding the way to maintain secured operation of technology in project management is to be known by the managers and workers which they are to implement at work to avoid the security risk with technology (Ghasemi et al. 2018).
In project management, the monitoring quality method is to be introduced by me to ensure the project is completed successfully. This is because monitoring assists to lead me as project manager know the how the indented results as planed are being achieved along with the changes in action required to ensure the determined goals of the project are successfully reached in the end. Moreover, monitoring would lead to understand perspective of stakeholders and the extent of accountability of the workers making the manager aware of the further process to be planned to ensure success of the project (Alaidaros and Omar, 2017).
Tasks | Precedence | Time |
Develop soundproof walls for controlling outside noise | A | 10-11 months |
Remodelling 25 new workplaces in the building | B | 12-17 months |
Installation of smart boards and interactive device | C | 18-22 months |
Installation of project management software | D | 23-24 months |
Project management is referred to the practice of leading a team at work to achieve goals and accomplish the success of specific criteria within specific time in a project (Meredith et al. 2017). In managing any project, the Project Life Cycle is to be followed to determine the systematic way in which work is to be managed for the success of the project. The project life cycle mentions five key stages to be followed which are initiation, planning, implementation, control and closing phase. In framing the current project, the project life cycle is to be followed so that a systematic approach can be taken in accomplishing the activities to ensure its success.
In initiation phase, the aim and objectives of the project are identified. This is because it provides clarified information regarding the goals to be achieved and intention of executing the project (Newton, 2016). The feasibility study is performed in the phase to investigate the viability and justification of executing the project (Ma et al. 2018).
The aim of the project is to refurbish the lecture and classroom at the University of Sunderland London Campus to the up-to-the-minute campus of learning.
The feasibility study regarding the project informs that it can be effectively accomplished as the project manager guiding the process has adequate knowledge and skills of ways to manage the budget for the project, allocate effective working team and arrange resources required. Moreover, during the execution of the project, no classes would be running making it an opportunity for the project manager to avoid barriers at work due to inappropriate intervention by students and others
During the planning phase, the strategies required to be implemented in success of the project are developed by discussion with experts and clients (Papke-Shields and Boyer-Wright, 2017). This is essential so that detailed activities, dependencies, tasks and timeframes are known in executing the project successfully.
Scope Planning | The scope planning is referred to the process in which the outcomes, outputs, and deliverables of the project are identified. This is important so that actions within the project can be prioritised in enhanced manner which in turn ensures saving money and time. The lack of scope planning leads to hindered identification and validation of actions to be performed in successfully accomplishing the project (Derenskaya, 2018)
Resource Planning | The resource planning is referred to process in which the human and non-human resources required to accomplish the tasks within a project are identified (Marier-Bienvenue et al. 2017). The lack of resource planning in project management creates hindrance at work as needed materials in accomplishing the activities of the projects are unavailable leading to waste time, energy and finances (Issa and Tu, 2017).
Physical Resource required in the project:
Communication Planning |
The communication planning in project management informs the way valuable data are to be interacted with the external and internal stakeholders related to the project (Bütschi, 2018). The lack of effective communication planning leads to hindered sharing of ideas and tasks between workers, making them unable to ensure the smooth execution of the project. Further, lack of effective interaction with the external stakeholders leads the project manager unable to make enhanced decisions towards applying changes in the project as well as the managers unable to determine the aspects to be involved in the project for effective satisfaction of the stakeholders at the end of the project (Butt et al. 2016). The online communication methods are to be used in the project for interaction with stakeholders. This is because it allows instant and timely exchange of messages through videos, voice and written format within facing any location barriers or need of physical presence of individuals (Yang et al. 2020). The communication methods to be used in the project includes:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Risk Planning |
In project management, risk planning is referred to the process of determining, prioritising and managing safety issues or risk (Urbański et al. 2019). The lack of risk planning leads to unplanned loss and damage of resources and properties during the project that in turn leads to additional cost along with delay in time and miss of deadline in executing the projects (Heagney, 2016). It collaboratively leads to dissatisfaction among clients and negative work environment. The risks identified to be faced in the project are as follows:
Quality Planning |
The quality planning is referred to the documents that inform specific standards of practices and resources to be followed within the project for its effective and successful execution (Tallenti et al. 2019).
Cost Planning |
The cost planning is referred to development of budget for the project to demarcate the finances to be used in accomplishing different deliverables in the project (Idowu and Lam, 2019). The cost planning or budget in this project is to be developed in top-down approach in which the initial budget is to be framed by the senior project manager and the funds are to be accordingly distributed for each team or department involved in accomplishing the project.
Time Planning |
The deadline for the project deliverables are as follows:
In implementation phase, the project plan is introduced and work activities are accordingly performed. During this phase, effective control and communication are required to ensure adjustments are accordingly made if needed for successful accomplishment of the project (Audzeyeva and Hudson, 2016). In this project, the project status report and weekly meeting with the employees by the project manager is made to determine the success of implementation of the project. This is because it allowed the project manager to determine progress or decline in the operation of activities to be accomplished for which the project plan is been developed.
The control phase in project management is the one in which monitoring of performance of the project and employees involved in the project are done. This is because it is going to inform the positive and negative aspects in the ongoing project along with aware project manager of the changes to be made so that unnecessary barriers do not hinder the progress of the project (Sunder, 2016). In order to monitor and control the implemented project plan, survey is to be performed by the project manager. In the survey technique, 75 employees who are working for the Sun-Project 20X20 are to be involved out of 150 total employees through probability sampling method. This is because it would help to select sample for assessment of project implementation who represent the whole population of workers in the project allowing generalisation of the results (Kivilä et al. 2017). The use of close-ended questionnaires is to be done for gathering information from the sample.
The survey to determine status report of implementation of the project plan informs that increased number of employees is supporting that the use of the plan is effectively made to ensure successful accomplishment of Sun-Project 20X20. This is evident as 36% of employees agree that the project management plan is effectively implemented to ensure developing the up-to-the-minute learning environment. Further, 26% strongly agree whereas only 16% disagree and 13% strongly disagree that the project management plan for Sun-Project 20X20 is not successfully implemented to frame the demanded nature of contemporary learning workspace in the university. This indicates that the project management plan is appropriately developed and effectively followed by the employees to ensure project success. The data reveals that 29% agree and 26% strongly agree that the determined project management plan is successful to implement sound-proof walls in the environment whereas only 20% disagreed to the fact. Thus, it indicates that the project manager is able to control noise intervention to be faced by the learning environment in the University out of DLR train commute by the side of the building
The gathered data also informs that 32% agree and 29% strongly agree that smart boards and interactive devices are effectively implemented at the workspaces in the University following the project management plan. However, only 13% strongly disagreed and 18% disagreed that the smart boards and interactive devices are still not effectively installed in supporting contemporary learning in the environment. Therefore, it informs that the project plan is appropriately implemented in meeting the objectives of setting a contemporary learning workspace in the university. The survey informs that 30% which is highest agree to install Basecamp as the project management software in the process for the students to be used later. This is an enhanced decision because it is one of the simplest project management tool to be used that allows integration of data from different third-party tools for synchronization and backup of data regarding the project (Herman, 2019).
In closing phase of the project management, the emphasis is on calculating the efficiency of meeting the final deliverables to the customers, releasing project resources, making project documentation and announcing project closure (Meredith et al. 2017). In the current project, in the closing phase the project manager led the client review the entire refurbished environment to mention if any further changes are to be made. After this, the closure documentation is reviewed and signed by the client. The project manager then announced the closure of the project and developed documentation of the project to be stored for future use.
Take a deeper dive intoProcess Management in Construction with our additional resources.
Alaidaros, H. and Omar, M., 2017. Software project management approaches for monitoring work-in-progress: A review. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(15), pp.3851-3857.
Bañuls, V.A., López, C., Turoff, M. and Tejedor, F., 2017. Predicting the impact of multiple risks on project performance: A scenario-based approach. Project Management Journal, 48(5), pp.95-114.
Castillo, T., Alarcon, L.F. and Pellicer, E., 2018. Influence of organizational characteristics on construction project performance using corporate social networks. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(4), pp.1-9.
Ejel, A.T., 2018. Impact of Integration Management on Construction Project Management Performance (Oil Refining Company). International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(3.5), pp.40-42.
Ghasemi, F., Sari, M.H.M., Yousefi, V., Falsafi, R. and Tamošaitienė, J., 2018. Project portfolio risk identification and analysis, considering project risk interactions and using Bayesian networks. Sustainability, 10(5), p.1609.
Kerzner, H., 2019. Using the project management maturity model: strategic planning for project management. John Wiley & Sons.
Pheng, L.S., 2018. Project Scope Management. In Project Management for the Built Environment (pp. 63-77). Springer, Singapore.
Qazi, A., Quigley, J., Dickson, A. and Kirytopoulos, K., 2016. Project Complexity and Risk Management (ProCRiM): Towards modelling project complexity driven risk paths in construction projects. International journal of project management, 34(7), pp.1183-1198.
Stinnett-Donnelly, J.M., Stevens, P.G. and Hood, V.L., 2016. Developing a high value care programme from the bottom up: a programme of faculty-resident improvement projects targeting harmful or unnecessary care. BMJ Qual Saf, 25(11), pp.901-908.
Sutrisna, M., Ramanayaka, C.D. and Goulding, J.S., 2018. Developing work breakdown structure matrix for managing offsite construction projects. Architectural engineering and design management, 14(5), pp.381-397.
Audzeyeva, A. and Hudson, R., 2016. How to get the most from a business intelligence application during the post implementation phase? Deep structure transformation at a UK retail bank. European Journal of Information Systems, 25(1), pp.29-46.
Bütschi, G., 2018. Communication Planning. The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication, pp.1-11.
Butt, A., Naaranoja, M. and Savolainen, J., 2016. Project change stakeholder communication. International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), pp.1579-1595.
Derenskaya, Y., 2018. Project scope management process. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 4(1), pp.118-125.
Heagney, J., 2016. Fundamentals of project management. Amacom.
Herman, A., 2019. Project Management with Basecamp and Google Apps. Macalester.
Idowu, O.S. and Lam, K.C., 2019. Web-based application for predesign cost planning of vertical building envelopes. Automation in Construction, 106, p.102909.
Issa, S. and Tu, Y., 2017. Integrated multi-resource planning and scheduling in engineering project. Journal of Project Management, 2(1), pp.11-26.
Kivilä, J., Martinsuo, M. and Vuorinen, L., 2017. Sustainable project management through project control in infrastructure projects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(6), pp.1167-1183.
Leung, M.Y., Liang, Q. and Olomolaiye, P., 2016. Impact of job stressors and stress on the safety behavior and accidents of construction workers. Journal of Management in Engineering, 32(1), p.04015019.
cle project management. Journal of Management in Engineering, 34(6), p.05018011.Ma, X., Xiong, F., Olawumi, T.O., Dong, N. and Chan, A.P., 2018. Conceptual framework and roadmap approach for integrating BIM into lifecy
Marier-Bienvenue, T., Pellerin, R. and Cassivi, L., 2017. Project planning and control in social and solidarity economy organizations: a literature review. Procedia computer science, 121, pp.692-698.
Meredith, J.R., Mantel Jr, S.J. and Shafer, S.M., 2017. Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons.
Newton, R., 2016. Project Management Step by Step: How to plan and manage a highly successful project. Pearson UK.
Papke-Shields, K.E. and Boyer-Wright, K.M., 2017. Strategic planning characteristics applied to project management. International Journal of Project Management, 35(2), pp.169-179.
Sunder M, V., 2016. Lean six sigma project management–a stakeholder management perspective. The TQM Journal, 28(1), pp.132-150.
Tallentire, V.R., Harley, C.A. and Watson, S., 2019. Quality planning for impactful improvement: a mixed methods review. BMJ open quality, 8(4), p.e000724.
Tonchia, S., 2018. Project time management. In Industrial project management (pp. 117-129). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Urbański, M., Haque, A.U. and Oino, I., 2019. The moderating role of risk management in project planning and project success: evidence from construction businesses of Pakistan and the UK. Engineering Management in Production and Services, 11(1), pp.23-35.
Yang, Y., Brosch, G., Yang, B. and Cadden, T., 2020. Dissemination and communication of lessons learned for a project-based business with the application of information technology: a case study with Siemens. Production Planning & Control, 31(4), pp.273-286.
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