Management of Culture and Diversity in Globalisation of Businesses

  • 15 Pages
  • Published On: 1-12-2023

Global entrepreneurship sometimes can be stressful and hard to implement depending with the kind management the organization is running as the enterprise. This paper aims at exploring various global expansion strategies in the economic world, focusing on business dissertation help. In the recent years most, businesses have become competitive in the local environment hence the need to take it to international level where they experience more market opportunities (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). Some of the influences would be rise in competition, seeking green pastures and more market opportunities as well as exploration into the tourism global market. This paper bases on business expansion as a proactive tool in international busines growth, promotion and improvement of organization services. Cultural distance has implied the interactional factors between the two locations, hence breeding in the cultural mix that can impact the business (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). The Disneyfication of the Chinese culture led to significant alteration of business conditions in the Chinese market place. Some of the result the strategic plans should include the cultural diversity which in the recent research has a positive impact into various business (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). Various research methodologies including experimental techniques have been implied to give a detailed account of the plans that take place in globalization process, including the key methods of cultural diversity and the personal management experience by the human resource managers (Jonas, 2019, p 2). During the Covid-19 pandemic, however there has been a lot of changes in ways in the business experts have indulged themselves into the change program. The protocols that have changed the normal way of business operation including the limit in interactions has been greatly analysed in the context to globalization and entrepreneurship in the Disney Hong Kong. The paper also provides a plethoric discussion of various methods to managing personal characteristics in the human resource office that runs the global expansion for the organization. The originality of this paper also establishes the interplay between the cultural distance and the management strategies. Which then explores the cost and the effectiveness of the Disneyfication in Hong Kong.

Globalization at Hong Kong Disneyland

Globalization is a continuous business process that resources managers at organization utilize the systemic analysis of any available assets to have maximum production through expansion of their business (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). The business management looks at the infrastructure and the investment plans in the foreign land. This method of improving the business operation is acquainted with global development and the economic expansion. Theme park’s research has limited information. Therefore, it has implied the SERVQUAL model which then modified as THEMEQUAL model (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). This model quantifies the distance between the performance of the theme park and how it achieves the customer service and satisfactions. The organization specifically seeks how to move from the existing man power to the desired man power, The discussion is based on the purpose of the HRP schemes and examples that employed in most organization or maximize productions. Additionally, a detailed exploration and elaboration on the disadvantages that are encountered (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). The object of the globalization process is to make assessment of future personnel needs, control and management of other human resources management functions, elaborate on methods of coping with change, elaborate on the future investments perspectives that discusses on expansion and diversification plans of the business as well and the conformity of the business goals to the government guideline and requirements in the foreign nation (Abdullahi, 2017, 12). The relationship between the interested entry into the global market versus the cultural significance implicated in the process has been analysed quantitatively. The HRP team makes the plan to protect the weak sections of the business. Secondly, the HRP makes the strategy base on the missions, visions and the available resources. The Hong Kong Disneyland accounts for this paper because of its depth involvement in tourism over the years.

Investments and Adoption of the Business Strategy

The human resource project always focusses on building the company progress in production, therefore there several advantages of the schemes to the business. Some of these advantages include a better view of the business decision because it provides a second part analysis on the already structured projects (Abdullahi, 2017,12). The Disneyfication, therefore, is a process that should offers a cost-effective solution through minimum cost expenditure and improving. The human resource is able to utilize on improved utilization of the company’s assets to increase production. HRP makes it easier in coordination of the business affairs through a preliminary schemed worksheet. It highly reduces wastage of resources (Martinez-Vivar, 2018, 17). With a long-term plan project in the busines the company is able to initiate long-term plans hence gradual growth.

However, as much human resource in most cases is important and smooth sometimes it experiences some setbacks. These setbacks can be discussed as expensive planning and structuring of the plan because it need the company or organization to train the employees (Abdullahi, 2017, 14). The unpredictability of the resources to place the risks and potential loses on sight. In planning there is always the illusion of certainty that make the employee to make better of less good to the terms of the organization.

Objectives of the Training and Development Programs

The theme park are actually sites that provide the visitor with exciting experiences that are relatively different from normal life. Some of the considerable and applicable in theme park that I would set in Hong Kong on the theme park establishment will revolve around the enjoyment. Enjoyment is the main objective that will boost the project to attract more customers hence increasing productivity (Abdullahi, 2017,15). Ensure that is complete cycle in socialization and interaction between the user of the zone. This will be effective in increasing the confidence of the visitors and tourists. The other objectives in the establishment of the theme site will be based to the personality development and confidence. During the enjoyments and parks and recreational services the officer in charge can consider inclusiveness in the business. Interconnection between parks and related activities. The quality life that is provided by the organization. The last objective is steward ship which very important in effective management of the assets in disposition.

The development process of them park is based on proper location and minding about the stake holders who will be involved in the business. This section of the paper separates that objectives and identifies the influence of objectives in the development process. On the onset of the structure in which the development is based the questions that are mostly ask is that will we be able to deliver to expectations? The development happens in series of steps including;

Site planning. This is the first step in the paperwork development of theme park. The topic bases on the land and the availability of the land, a strong consideration is noted to stakeholders and when considering this the budget is very essential. Also, on the site the discretion of some entitlements including the height, noise and other restriction either from government or other natural occurrences such as weather and other climatic factors.

The intellectual property. This IP credential are very critical in some proves the attraction of the concept of the big idea in the development of the site that has been identified.

Public and private partnership. The theme of this agenda is to identify the development of the theme pack the private and the public partnership should more life to the institution designed. Some of the example of the influx of people and their selection could include like to access the roadways, the transportation system available and other utilities (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8).

Team alignment is the final project of developments. This means that the team is secured and ready to take of the operations. The team include architects, operators and designers project managers unveil themselves at this level and enhance effective operations.

Tourism and Management

In recent years several technological advancements have graced the business world. The tourism, visitor, and crowd control sectors have not been left out. Monitoring the numbers, controlling overcrowding, maintaining peace in the groups such large crowds and offering the best quality services to tourists despite the fact that they simultaneously exhaust the available resources hence making the group and the available facilities crowded (Malhotra & Majehrzak, 2016). The significant part of these strategies is maintaining the continuality and counter current flow of events. Some mechanisms can be employed to seal the crowd's endangering actions, at the same time, not hurt the crowd. Maintaining people in the crowd simply means diffusing the surge and wrong motives possessed by ill-wishing groups of individuals that may be present in the squad. However, not all the people in the crowd could be harmful (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). Sometimes the unrest is mobilized and initiated by external forces. Examples of crowds may be churches, school students, sporting events, music concerts, political rallies, missions, sociocultural events, and other business events such as partying crowds (Malhotra & Majehrzak, 2016). Several methods can be used to control crowds. This is because crowds, unlike tourism and visitors they are more in numbers and always look more precarious yet dangerous to handle. In mentioning, tight security protocols are fundamental, secondly fencing the area expected to load the crowd would be very important in maintaining the crowd, making advance plans, and having a risk team assessment. Lastly, having an emergence plan is vital to ensuring safety and security.

Characteristics of Managers and Visitors

Variable that looks at one market variable at a time. Age as a single variable is categorized into seniors who are over 45, 50, or 65 years. Baby boomers are born between 1945-1964, implications for future tourism and the youth travel under the age of 35 (Malhotra & Majehrzak, 2016). Nationality, being able to recognize nationality groups by giving out the physical differences between the tourists, is crucial in management. Gender, the tourism sector can help either favours men or women in airlines and lounge rooms depending on the particular place or area's customs. Combining variables, there is a need to integrate tourist characteristics because there is an interaction between the individual variables, which changes the analysis.

Introduction to Visitors and Crowd Behaviours

Visitors and crowd management revolves around two areas. It first studies the individual behaviours associated in tourism and leisure, and then it moves to deal with crowd and mass behavior (Dahlandra, Jeppesen & Piezenka, 2019). The individual-level concentrates on single personnel and their significance. Individual behavior consists of several expressions that distinguish it from the crowd and mass behavior. A crowd comprises several bases that include size, density, shared purpose, identity, and constrained space. The size should always be ten and above. The density that is said to be safe stands at 47 people per 10sq meter, and 40/10 if moving (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). Crowd types are characterized by emotional level or intensity, common purpose, level of external surveillance control, organization and leadership, etc. Examples of the crowd types include: Ambulatory crowd, refers to walking crowd that exit or enters a venue. Expressive crowd, a celebrating crowd. The limited moving crowd, a crowd that is stuck and trapped in space (Dahlandra, Jeppesen & Piezenka, 2019). Demonstrator crowd, a crowd whose specific aim is to protest. Spectator crowd, watching an event or a show. Rioting/hostile crowd ignores official instructions.

Sustainability Through Technology Development

Technology, experience, and sustainability are the subject themes of visitors and crowd management. The technology involves the type of digital materials such as cameras the tourist will select to experience and report the journey's outcome (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). Experience, it is affected by tourists' interest, perceptions, and motivations. The experience involves a set of activities that the tourist take part in under their conditions. Sustainability, tourists are expected to respect the culture, environment, and people of the destination they are exploring. Sustainability involves genuinely interacting with people's local culture (Manente, 2018, October).

Physical Issues in People (Individuals and Groups)

In a setting where we have different people with outstanding characteristics that are influential in the interaction process, individual background is a core item in tourist guidance (Dahlandra, Jeppesen & Piezenka, 2019). This background information can be categorized in factors. There are factors that are highly influential to tourist management. And such include their background analysis. Analysis of their culture in etic and the emic that engages their views. These events are engaged in identifying as well as including the coolest ways of welcoming and moderating tourists. When the tourists are around, their behavior can easily be identified on how they are behaving and hence camouflage your ways to find the ways that re best fit. Other physical characteristics that can be used to harmonize tourists include the study that is carried out in the areas of their interest such are the beaches, mountain hikes among other tourist's attraction sites and in this field, labelling concerning the temperatures are done and precisely to indicate hot and relaxed atmospheres (Martella, Conrado & Vermeeren, 2017). Also, the altitude of the place. These dimensions are taken in aid to prepare the individual visiting the place to have utterly smooth transition between where he or she was and this new and temporary place. For example, the importance of this action in cold areas will alert the tourists to equip themselves with heavy clothing materials to avoid interruption as they spend their vocational trip.

Diseases and disease infection are also included in the alert document which helps to safeguard the health of the tourist (Jin, Hun & Kavan,2016). The tourist or visitor can take prophylactic medication and other chemotherapy drugs in order to reduce susceptibility of the disease infection in the region. some of the diseases include malaria, dengue fever among others. Also, a swift and complex analysis is driven out to prepare the tourist on the tropical against the temperate climates which are influential in the existence of people in the place (Dahlandra, Jeppesen & Piezenka, 2019). Tourist involved in wild travel and sightseeing programs are supposed to be adequately prepared for dangers that are accompanied in the bush plus addition the attack from animals. It may also involve sea and ocean tourists.

Decision Making, Behavior and Heuristics

A tourist is mainly influenced by the destination of the trip more than the other incentives that are normally involved on the way. These factors help in decision making, the choice of behavior reasoned actioned and planned behavior and heuristics (Nelson, et. Al, 2019, p8). These actions are identified in studying the pull factors that mainly involve attraction of people to the destinations or the engagement or the experience they had earlier. These activities included they may include cultural activities, sports or any fancy events. Heuristic are the solution and methods involve in solving any problems that are as a result of the destination selection and decision making (Sharma, Bhondekar, Shukla & Ghanshyam, 2018). Some of the potent characteristics can be approached in levels and they include the destination characteristics, the definition and description images of the place and activities, the communicating of the destination properties and building the models of destination options.

Precisely, the destination characteristics include the facilities available in the place, the activities in the place and the particular settings. These properties are more of physical related. However, there are social activities that are noted by the service offered by the tourist manager against the correspondence of the tourists and visitors. The physical attributes are activities that present a response to the concerns to why the tourist or visitor went in to the place. The other activities such as facility for example are supposed to be features of the objects and organs in place such as toilets.

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In conclusion the management of any tourist Centre could be very significant in enabling its globalization program. Tourists on-site experiences can be managed through mapping orientation, managing the density levels of crowd, and giving the interpretation of the site experience. Mapping orientation is branched into cognitive maps and assessing spatial behavior. Cognitive maps consist of five elements: paths, edges, nodes, landmarks and districts. Long queues are major issues in the tourist industry, Hong Kong is one of the most airport that is heavily crowded. On site information are provided to tourist in the form of signs and brochures. has been evident in the research that it’s possible to maintain a peaceful crowd as well as harmonizing rioting or violent crowds. However, it's very crucial to note that a bitter crowd is a precarious crowd as well. So, it's only safe when the crowd you're controlling is in harmony and satiety. It makes it easier. On the matter of tourist and visitors it very necessary to consult widely on the preferences of the individual of groups in order to make it more fan. Because different countries and culture have different ways of preserving cultures. The ideal intention of a vacation to a tourist in specific is the fan and entertainment that makes them embrace and appreciate the managerial services or not. A happy client will attract more customers in the business department. The models that have been kept in use to maintain a steadfast interaction with tourists as well keeping first hand safety and wellbeing is very important in helping them gain confidence. The physical issues that could influence the tourist travels and the modes of communication are all important in executing successful crowd, visitors and tourist management and control. Social properties are more of the effective apparatus in controlling crowd and tourist management because they involve a more personal interaction with the management services. It is also important to appreciate how important technology is to the industry of tourism, where one has less physical interaction with the management. The use of online booking of tickets rooms etc. In crowd management it can be involved in advertisements including the use of websites and social media platforms. It is sufficed to say that technology is part of the harmonious influences in crowd and tourist management.

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