The research of Allen, Porter and Angle (2016) has highlighted the fact that the Smith Review report has been indicative of the prevalence of the fact that the organizational culture, to which the BBC adheres to, had experienced significant transformations and changes and this could be further acknowledged from the close perusal of the different aspects of the internal organizational culture of BBC. This could be further understood to be the indications of the marked difference between the organizational culture of the BBC in the past in comparison with the organizational culture which is the predominant one at the concurrent times. The utilisation and understanding of the Cultural typology of Handy could be effective concerning the building of the most effective comprehension regarding the analysis of the organizational culture of the institution under consideration in the corresponding study. Alvesson and Sveningsson (2015) contends that the utilisation of the Cultural typology model could be recognized as one of the most fundamental benchmarks on which cultural structure of any business organisation such as BBC could be rested. For comprehensive insights into management dissertation help, such scholarly frameworks prove essential in analyzing organizational cultures effectively.
According to Brown Colville and Pye (2015), Power culture could be considered to be the cultural perspective which could permit only a constricted number of employees within any organisation to concentrate actual administrative power within their grasp. This power denotes the capability to formulate and implement decisions in the proper and direct manner. Clay-Williams and Braithwaite (2015) considers such numerically microscopic coterie of organisational administrative operatives to be the privileged class within the overall working structure of any organisation. Such authoritative individuals are also capable to exerting their power over the management of the responsibility of delegation of the task designations to various other employees who could be employed as their subordinates. Collins et al (2016) highlights the fact that such a category of organisational cultural perspective is completely devoid of any format of expression of the individual opinions and viewpoints by any of the subordinated employees. The factor of regimentation is a prime element regarding such a Power Culture format within any such organisation such as the BBC.
According to Costanza et al (2016) the cultural perspective of the task based approaches within the organisational structure could be comprehended in the manner of overt emphasis upon the performance development of different individuals as well as teams. As per the research of De Boeck, Dries and Meyers (2017) the organisational culture, which emphasises upon the significance of different team based working performances, does contribute in the process of development of formulation of appropriate and adequate teams so that organisational targets could be achieved with the emphasis completely upon the evolvement of the solutions for the problems which could be deemed to be critical for the organisation to resolve. De Vito et al (2018) had opined that such an organisational cultural context is always permissive of the employees or the task participants to utilise their talents to contribute in an equal manner within the organisational opportunities which could be derived from their respective workplace based responsibility management scenario. The emphasis is always on the accomplishment of the tasks which could be assigned to different teams of employees for the purpose of encouragement of the innovation management process within the overarching organisational perspective. According to Drogendijk and Holm (2015), the Role based cultural model utilisation at different organisations could be understood to be critical from a specific perspective. Harvey, Jas and Walshe (2015) has observed this perspective as the delegation of task and responsibility based roles to the appropriate employees and working personnel within the overall structural architecture of the business organisations where such cultural models could be utilised. In this context, according to the observations of the Hayes (2018) the emphasis is always firmly concentrated on the definite factors and characteristics of the employees to whom the role delegations could be attributed. According to Hunter (2018) in this context, the cultural models which the BBC had administered for the purpose of improvement of the organisational working culture, could be discerned as the organisational profit and benefit based Rational Goal Model as well as the 7s Model of Mckinsey. In this context, the policy of clan control, under the perspective of the Rational Goal Model, could be understood to be representative of the values which could be completely different and often a completely opposite prospect from that of the bureaucratic control model. The Rational Goal Model could be recognised in the manner of effective working prospects regarding the management of values, beliefs and individual perceptions which could lead towards better organisational goal achievement (Katou , 2015). The achievement of such goals in the most systematic approach could be considered to be the cornerstone for the utilisation of both the 7s Model of Mckinsey and the Rational Goal Model since the dual models have been time tested concerning the regulation and control as well as modification of the behaviours of the employees so that the organisational working integrity could be maintained through a systematic process. Motivation becomes one of the cornerstones for any organisation in this regard. Handy’s Motivation Theory could be thus utilised to motivate the employees of BBC in a more effective manner. According to the research of Bouncken, Brem and Kraus (2016) , the Model of Charles Handy had evolved four different categories of understanding regarding the organisational cultural perspectives. These four different cultural perspectives could be understood to be the Power Culture, Task Culture, Person Culture and finally, the Role Culture. According to Johnson and Szamosi (2018), Needs, Expectations and Results are the three fundamental factors on which the utilisation of such a theory could be based. These three factors could be utilised in tandem to determine the extent of motivation which could be necessitated by BBC employees. The organisational culture of BBC is oriented towards fostering of operational creativity and autonomy in terms of editorial publications. The ethical values of the BBC are comprised of the firm inclination towards maintaining of independence from government control. Thus the organisational culture of the BBC could be modified through assessment of the needs of individual employees to better delivery the improved working conditions for such human resource personnel. The organisational culture of BBC also enshrines the factor of impartiality in terms of editorial values. This could be further encouraged by the proper assessment of the expectations of the employees and of the subscription base such as the audiences of the BBC. Finally, the results of such assessments and the subsequent undertakings could be utilised by the BBC to bring together the core value components from diverging operational perspectives. The results would thus have to be conducive to the participatory method of collective effort to transcend the dichotomies which could exist within the BBC. The implementation of the new organisational cultural models at the BBC coincided with the taking charge by Valerie Hughes-D’Aeth, the new Human Resource director of the BBC. The specific organisational cultural model to which BBC previously subscribed to could be understood from the research perspective of Hislop, Bosua and Helms (2018) as the Bureaucratic model which could be considered to be similar to that of the Power Culture. However, Holck, Muhr and Villesèche (2016) have opined that this specific cultural model had been proved to be inadequate and not suitable for the purpose of utilisation at the organisational context under consideration.
The significance of the corporate culture which has been adopted within the BBC could be further considered to be indicative of the influences which have been imparted on the organisation through the scenarios of power and political developments of the United Kingdom. According to Konradt et al (2015), the political scenario of the United Kingdom has been responsible in shaping the organisational models of culture as well as the norms of culture which have been adopted by the BBC. The customisation of the existing cultural processes has been a direct outcome of the developments related to the occurrence of Brexit. Lee (2017) has asserted the effect of incorporation of such specific cultural models within the working systems of the BBC could be acknowledged from the overt emphasis on the necessity to fulfil the creativity requirements throughout the organisational working processes. The behaviour within the BBC had thus experienced considerable changes from the perspective of the realisation of the necessity to establish direct connections with those of the audience in a significant and verifiable manner. In this context, the introduction of the organisational culture by Jerry Timmings, according to Li et al (2015), had been instrumental in betterment as well as the progression of the ideas and intrapersonal as well as the interpersonal relationships within the working populace of the BBC. As per the observations of Mester et al (2018), the changes on the productive capacity of the organisation have been marked as well. The fundamental factors of organisational cultural changes coupled with the power influence and the political interferences within the overall administrative as well as operational policies of BBC have cumulatively contributed to the obtainment of differential prospects of behaviours of the company in a consistent manner.
According to Miner (2015), the utilisation of multipronged strategic approaches to include the elements from differential political structures within the power architecture of the BBC has finally resulted in the detrimental aspects the development of one vicious practice format within the company where individuals such as different officials have consistently abused and misused the authoritative and administrative power accorded to them. The adaptation of new working conditions has, however, according to Pettigrew (2014), significantly improved the productivity elements which could be further acknowledged from the newly formulated business policies which have been reflecting in the decisions of the BBC.
According to Rico et al (2017), the salient feature of motivation could be understood to be the simulation of the employees within any organisation for the purpose of the achievement of the goals of any business organisation.From the perspective of any organisation, the definition of motivation could be indicative of the process which could influence the complete performance scenario of the specific organisation involving the capability demonstration of all of the employees. This process is also inclusive of the particular efforts invested in such initiatives such as the increment in the desire of the working personnel to perform better through the definite impetus provided to them by their employer company and of the psychological drive which could be instilled within the employees through motivating them to accomplish greater goals and objectives on behalf of their employer company. The underlying logic is the improvement of productivity and success rate increment within the overall working architecture of the business organisations such as the BBC.
As per the observations of Sahito and Vaisanen (2017), the study of motivation, as a determinant of human behaviour, could be categorised within two specific groups. These could be understood to be the Content Theory as well as the Process Theory.
The most significant aspect associated with that of the Content Theory could be understood to be the ability of the individual working personnel to formulate decisions, direct working processes and sustain the most effective professional behaviour. The primary emphasis is upon two definite elements which could be understood to be the realisation of the individual necessities of different individual working personnel and then to come up with effective solutions for the same. The initiatives to satisfy the individual requirements and expectations of all of the employees under consideration and to develop the most effective process through which the identification of such necessities could be completed in the most successful as well as in the most effective manner, constitute the core components of the content based theories. One significant aspect in this regard is identifiable from the fact that the individual necessities pertaining to the performance of any working individual is not similar with others and such necessities do not emerge in a deterministic pattern. Thus, as has been observed by Schippers, West and Dawson (2015), the utilisation of proper rewards and incentives could lead to the optimisation of the working proficiency of employees of such organisations such as the BBC.
The categorisation of the entire work processes could be envisaged and the managerial personnel are required to undertake specific efforts to serve any of the categories or multiple of them in a simultaneous manner.
The initial category could be identified as the Theory X and the managerial personnel are required to undertake specific management approach based on the theme of domination of the work processes form the perspective of several assumptions. These assumptions could be identified in the manner of, as per the research of Unger-Aviram and Erez (2016), as multiplicity of different dimensions of the human nature.
The first of these assumptions could be outlined in the manner that the human nature is intrinsic concerning the propensity to avoid burden of work under any circumstance. The next one of the assumptions could be highlighted from the perspective that it is always necessary to coarse or punish and control as well as direct the majority of the work forces so that the employees could be made to put in the most adequate measure of effort into their task management and performance.
The next of the assumptions could be underlined as that the average measures of employees are generally inclined towards working under specific directions and avoidance of responsibilities is the primary feature of their behaviour. According to Young and Ghoshal (2016), McGregor had emphasised upon the necessities of the working force personnel to be provided critical guidance to weed out any misinterpretation of the managerial instructions and the application of this specific theoretical construct has been based on such research observations.
According to Yuan et al (2016), Theory Y could be comprehended to be completely opposite to that of the Theory X and the underlying assumptions could be comprehended as also of multifarious in nature. The first one amongst these could be outlined as undertaking of burdensome of work could be considered to be similar to that of other activities such as rest or play and work is also considered to be a natural outcome of human endeavours. The next assumption is reflective of the supposition that threat or punishment or even coercion could be never the catalyst of enhancement of the work capability and productivity extent which could be associated with the workforce personnel. This could be further acknowledged from the perspective of Schlesinger (2014), that working professionals are greater inclined towards utilisation and exercising of self-regulatory control as well as self-direction for the purpose of achievement of the objectives which they could be assigned to.
The third assumption is deliberative of the supposition that the capabilities of learning on part of individual employees and professionals are completely incumbent upon the conditionalities to which they could be subjected to. This leads to the realisation, according to Li et al (2015), that within most of the large business organisations such as those of the BBC, the proper utilisation of the capabilities of every employee could never be made possible due to work process management and human resource handling difficulties and shortcomings in the administrative set ups.
According to Mester et al (2018), the Theory Y could be considered to be responsible to meet the necessities related to both the organisations as well as the organisational employees. It is therefore an improvement on the credentials of Theory X where the Deficiency based necessities highlighted at the Theory of Maslow could have been realised and addressed. On the other hand, the Theory Y could as well meet the development based needs of the each of the individual employees of BBC.
The description and the analysis of the theoretical constructs are provided by the Process theories and these involve the deliberations of the procedures which could be utilised to sustain, direct, guide and motivate the employees.
These theories are able to explain the reinforcement and motivation institution of the behaviour of the employees. The research observations of B.F. Skinner could be frequently associated with those of the theoretical constructs of reinforcements. The emphasis and underlying rationale and assumptions could be understood to be the supposition that human behaviour is directly influenced by the consequences of deliberate activities. The consequences could be alluded to by these theoretical constructs as Operants (Yuan et al. 2016).
The Expectancy model based theoretical construct generally emphasises upon the similarities of the performances and the outcomes of any endeavour. The emphasis is always on the behavioural aspects which could be demonstrated by the individual personnel such as the employees of the BBC. Miner (2015) states that this theory is specifically oriented towards providing the individual with the space to decide the acceptability of any task and the value of the outcomes as well as the desirability of the outcomes as well.
The Process theoretical constructs are also inclusive of the Behavioural Model and the Organizational Behaviour Modification model and these emphasize upon the specific approach based on scientific considerations regarding the topic under consideration. The objective is to make the most effective as well as positive contribution regarding the development of better understanding of the organisational as well as employee behaviour.
The conferences which had been held in the previous years had contributed to the empowering of the employees of the BBC to put in their grievances concerning the bullying and harassment which they had to endure at the hands of the respective management teams. Such harassment measures had been extensive and precluded any possibility of the employees being managed properly by the management. According to Pettigrew (2014), such revelations outlined the fact that the requirement of qualified and capable team leaders is relatively high and the numbers concerning the availability of such leaders are comparatively smaller. The extensive range of the responsibilities associated with that of the BBC and the large size are the primary detriment to the proper management of motivational aspects and employee efficiency retention within the entire organisational scenario. As per the observations of Rico et al (2017), the previously observed bureaucratic management process as well as improperly managed teamwork within the BBC ensured that efficient results could not be generated within the organisational perspective. This shortcoming had to be addressed in earnestness. In terms of the application of the theoretical constructs at the working levels of BBC, according to Drogendijk and Holm (2015), the initial emphasis has to be based on the processing of the content of narratives, while applying the content theory. Furthermore, the team based capacity enhancement at BBC would have to be developed to include the empirical research processes to evaluate the extent of working memory which the general audience could be utilising to formulate their understanding regarding the presented content. On the levels of individual capacity formulation, the BBC has to concentrate upon impact of individual programs on the general organisational progression processes. On the other hand, the viewer and program characteristics are necessary to be analysed through the operational process theory (Young and Ghoshal, 2016),. This could be further delineated within the context of the BBC in terms of the influence the content of the company could be having on the cognitive abilities of the viewers and structure as well as the conflict between the explicit and the inferred information which BBC could be putting out through team based efforts. The individual and team based capacities could be thus modified to suit the recommendations which could be derived from such results. Both of the theoretical constructs, in the measures of Content theories and Process theories, could lead to the facilitation of the methods through which the empowering of the employees of BBC to enhance their internal communication, address the trust deficit measures in this context and finally to instil the necessary confidence measures within them could be achieved. Individual goal achievement is the basic functionality in this regard. The Content theory is specific in the supposition that the employees have to be managed in the form of consistent fulfilment of their necessities as well as the prioritisation of the health and safety measures including the rewarding and incentivisation processes. According to Sahito and Vaisanen (2017), this could lead towards the consummate formulation of motivation amongst the employees in a consistent manner for the long term basis. Furthermore, Schippers, West and Dawson (2015) have opined the fact that the employees could be kept at a higher measure of motivation through the utilisation of consistent and adequate monetary rewards and bonuses on a periodical basis. This could lead towards the extraction of greater efficacious performance from the employees of BBC. Thus, Unger-Aviram and Erez (2016) has stated that the necessary emphasis has to be concentrated on the prospect of team work improvement and sensitisation of the employees that importance of working in an effective manner within the structure of working teams could add to their career development within the organisation of BBC.
Proper visibility of better management undertaking, acknowledgment of effective performance and collaborative coherence within the working processes, demonstrated by the employees and the company administration could impart significant effect over the conduct of the working personnel. According to Bouncken, Brem and Kraus (2016), this guarantees better profitability to the extent to which the overall organisational working process performance could be concerned regarding the BBC. One of the objectives of BBC is that the organization invests particular efforts in the process of bringing together the working personnel from various cultures to cooperate in their working environment. With the ultimate objective to accomplish this intention and the other policy based objectives, the organization of BBC generally could opt to utilise the most effective as well as diverse motivational theoretical construct such as the utilization of the Two Factor Theory or the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. With the assistance of these speculations, the organization will have the capacity to furnish the workers with various ways to deal with different contingencies as well as to undertake different opportunities of career progression. The effective coordination amongst the different working personnel could be understood to be another benefit which could stem from such efforts.
The various categories of teams, which are generally utilised within the entire working structural architecture of the BBC, could be identified to be four in number. These could be acknowledged as the Functional teams, the Problem solving teams, the Project teams and the Virtual teams.
This could be identified to be congregational unit of the employees who could be striving for the purpose of achievement of a commonality of objectives. Within that of the BBC, the employees could be understood to be working towards the achievement of similar objectives. Such objectives are generally shared amongst the entire working populaces. The operational capacities of individual employees are primarily more recognisable from the perspective of the Functional team formats (Schlesinger, 2014).
These groups in the organization of BBC are moving in the direction of similar objectives however their work is distinctive as various diverging categories of tasks could be provided to the working personnel. These assignments depend on the issues that are emerging in the organization, therefore the primary focal point of these working personnel is to determine the different issues which are could be existent within the operational functionalities of the overall organisational structure.
Such formats of teams could be acknowledged in the form of a specific group of personnel who could have previously belonged to different and often diverging groups as well as functionalities where they could have been assigned to handle various types of projects which could have been undertaken by the BBC previously. The administrative hierarchy of the BBC again could then partition the resultantly formulated group into sub groups, which could then be assigned the different elements of the task.
The modes of communication which are utilised in between these virtual team members, could be identified as the email, FAX and the Voice Over Internet Protocol as well as through the direct chatting methods employed by various social networking sites. Video conferencing could be identified to be another of these remote communication methods. These, in a conjugative manner, foster better communication amongst the virtual team members. These working teams are critical inside the BBC regarding the effect that the organization can obtain greater improvement of ideas and better level of work as the working personnel will work productively even in troublesome conditions when they could be directed by the team structure. All these group structures are utilized in BBC with the objective that the application of the teams
could be utilised in the most effective manner. It encourages the BBC to develop the business perspectives and then to further improve upon the different advantages which could be identified.
Within the BBC, the effectiveness of the teams could be identified in the manner of description of the various team based operational theories which could be utilised for the purpose of the improvement of the business prospects of the organisation under consideration. According to Brown Colville and Pye (2015), one of such theoretical constructs could be understood to be the Group Development Theory of Tuckman. The following is the delineation of the various stages of the development of teams which have been put forward under the ambit of the theory of Tuckman.
In BBC, the utilization of Tuckman hypothesis is very pervasive as the formulation of the team member groups could be the initial aspect in this regard and this could as well be envisaged to be the first developmental phase for the theoretical construct of Tuckman. This initial phase leads to the subsequent phases within the entire organisational working order since at the Forming stage, the employees of BBC generally encounter the necessity to adhere to the objective to consistently undertake their responsibilities to formulate their position within the organisation association. This finding of the place in the work environment depends on the extent of the workload as well as the assessment of the task requirements and demand scenarios regarding the task specifications (De Vito et al. 2018).
This could be considered to be the second stage of the theory of Tuckman has been under application at the working scenarios of the BBC. At this specific stage, the various members of the different teams within the BBC could continue to challenge as well as cooperate with each other for the purpose of development of the most effective team spirit amongst them. Competition amongst the team members as well as the team leaders could be identified as well during this phase concerning the differing perspectives on various topics under consideration which could be closely associated with those of the structural elements as well as the components of the team. The success achievement of the teams could depend upon the determination of the exactitudes of such procedures in an earnest manner.
This phase could be delineated as the format of the specificities through which the team members proceed towards the cultivation of the team discipline. This process could be defined in the format of a specific phase where the theory of Tuckman suggests that members of the working teams could embark upon the acquisition of the necessary information through specific and methodical approaches with utilisation of various regulation institution and through the application of particular processes which could expedite the development of the team building effort considerably.
This could be comprehended to be the ultimate stage of the entire theoretical framework of Tuckman where the members of the working teams commence effective collaboration regarding the completion of the tasks and constitute the team relationships in a credible manner. This leads to the maintenance of the synchronisation of the team dynamics within the entire BBC. In a similar manner, the effect of this theoretical construct could be identified as a definitive perspective regarding the impartation of the impact which this could have on the general execution of the tasks and assignments by the working personnel. Clay-Williams and Braithwaite (2015) has opined that corresponding influences would be visible in the task and assignment administration services of the organization. Apart from these, the improvement of communication within the working teams and advancement in the performance scenario of the workers could be definite benefits in this regard. These adjustments and subsequent changes within the working conditions will be more viable in enhancing the collaboration between the various segments of the organization of BBC. The proper utilization of the Tuckman theoretical hypothesis could assist the BBC to build up a successful team management structure as the as the working personnel could be provided better guidance and directions. The utilization of this theory will be compelling as the colleagues will examine the circumstances and the administrators or the leaders of the teams will lead the working teams towards the application of betterments of procedures. This would, as per the observations of Collins et al (2016), benefit the organisation of BBC in an according manner through the highlighting of the best possible processes through which the teams could be lead to success achievement.
Path goal theory can be characterized as the theoretical hypothesis which includes the specifications regarding the style and behaviour of the team and process leaders. The proper utilisation of this theoretical construct could enable the employees to find the most conducive working environment for the purpose of achievement of the objectives of the organisation under consideration. This theoretical construct is deliberate in the selection of the proper behavioural aspects of the leadership elements so that the necessities of the employees could be fulfilled. The utilisation of this specific theory is congruent with the effects of the Goal Setting Theory as well and the emphasis is always on the situational leadership model development as well as the improvement of the performances of the teams. According to De Boeck, Dries and Meyers (2017), the theory of Situational Leadership is comprised of four different leadership styles.
This specific style comprises of the leadership elements attempting to provide the evolved ideas as well as the perceptual messages to the employees for them to grasp the underlying logic and vision and then to introduce the same within their fields of operations.
The participation based leadership style is oriented towards the permitting of the subordinates and team members to provide their opinions and perceptions and to encourage them to contribute in the decision formulation process.
This form of leadership style comprises of the complete independence and authority provision to the involved team members and organisational subordinates to formulate the necessary business policies and decisions in the appropriate manner.
The utilization of Path Goal Theory within the BBC demonstrates that the proper execution of the responsibilities of the task group based teams is imperative for a business association such as that of the BBC. The underlying rational of this could be comprehended in the manner that the BBC utilizes the Path Goal Theory which depends on the conduct of the working personnel and the organisational working conditions which could exist within the BBC. With the assistance of this hypothesis in the organisation, the accomplishment of the objectives of the BBC could be achieved. The fundamental objective of such sort of information is the addition in the motivational aspects of the BBC working personnel, the empowerment as well as the satisfaction of the such working personnel so that the productivity increment could be undertaken for the benefit of the organisation in terms of growth Costanza et al (2016).
The primary barriers which inhibit the operational efficacy management on part of the employees of the BBC could be understood from the research perspective of Harvey, Jas and Walshe (2015) to be those of the improper application of the teamwork theory as well as the shortcomings related to the management of the performance of the existing teams. It could be deemed essential on part of the company management of any organisation to resolve the issues at the very early phase and to maintain the employee loyalty to an utmost measure possible. In adequacy in the qualitative management process of teams as well as lesser than necessary numbers of capable team leaders are two primary barriers which could be recognised in this respect. Other minor barriers are to be acknowledged in the manner of improper feedback mechanism concerning the customers, shortcomings in the overall communication structure of the BBC, deficiency in the organisational working culture and improper environment of work which could exist within the organisational fold at the BBC.
In the light of the above investigation, it tends to be expressed that hierarchical methodology and administration have a huge effect over the authoritative culture and any authoritative culture that emphasises upon the motivations of the working personnel and enhancing their commitment could end up being beneficial for the organisational hierarchical achievement. It is seen that with the utilization of various motivational theoretical constructs within any organisation of the BBC could be effective in accomplishment of the goals of the organization by impacting the working personnel in terms of their innovative performance enhancement.
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