Planning Careers And Employability

Evaluate the current developments in recruitment and the requirements for successful employability

Recruitment is for the benefit of the organisation. It needs a lot of expertise to select a potential candidate. This process is about finding an appropriate candidate and being induced to apply for a job in the organisation. Traditional recruitment agencies also recruit, where a Candidate has to reach out to some nearby recruitment agency where there will be a short interview before further process. There is a high competition for jobs for the graduates. The fresh graduates are applying for all the job opportunities open for them. There are 48 applications on an average for a graduate vacancy. The students and their parents are investing so much in the universities just to secure the students' future and to improve their employment prospects . For this burning market of job vacancy for the graduates the employers use higher criteria such as higher degree, and seeking msc dissertation help can provide an edge. Surprisingly there are more tests, skill activities, group discussion, and personal interviews where many bloom out but are not selected (Fotiadou, 2021). Most of the time these graduates with good employment skills are not selected because they don't have good academic qualifications. Nowadays an honours degree is not enough to be reliable and further studies are considered better for job opportunities. Many surveys have been conducted to understand the desired skills which are required for employment. In most of the cases skills of a graduate is valued more. Skills of a graduate attract more nowadays. That is a great change in the requirement process. Job opportunities are less but applicants are more so the criteria of selection has also increased. All good applicants with desired skills and qualifications go through several tests and activities to be selected. As the need is growing the competition is getting difficult. Employers look for Skills that will go beyond qualifications. A qualification will make oneself eligible for the job, the skills will shine and to be successful in all the roles skills are priority as it develops with time. Some jobs have specific skill requirements while some skills are soft skills which means some basic skill that is needed in all the types of jobs (Jackson and Tomlinson, 2020).


Soft skills are reviewed and marked upon more as other skills can be taught and these soft skills are much harder to teach until it comes from within. In many cases it has been noticed that the school dropouts/leavers have less of soft skills as school is the first step to these skills. Organisations spend a lot of money on training the staff, arranging seminars that too not for some job specific skills but the basic skills which all should have. Some of the employment skills are , willingness to be open to new challenges and learn new things, cooperating and understanding nature so as to work well with the other people, being trustworthy and dependable. Some other basic and desired skills for employability are known as "interpersonal skills" which include communication skills that are accurately transmitting and receiving of messages, that may be by speaking or by writing without creating any misunderstanding. Verbal communication is a key criteria, a good and fluent verbal communication enhances your personality. The words that we use are important.

Next is non-verbal communication that includes other things except words like body language, expression, tone of voice etc. Listening shows how well one interprets verbal and non verbal communication, including writing. To be a good team worker, to obey and make the team cooperate with each other, this is again a very big skill one should have to work with so many others in the organisation. These skills will be always needed as they are very basic and one will need them at least once in their career. A successful recruitment is when all the process of recruitment is sincerely followed (Kapadia, 2018). Another way of recruitment is "outsourcing", the outsourcing firms work as a helping hand to the organisation as they do the initial screening, that too according to the specific need of the organisation. In return the outsourcing firms charge from the organisation for their service. Nowadays there is a new process of recruitment as we have online platforms that play an important role and so online recruitment websites are platforms where the companies with vacancies post their need and type of candidate they are searching for and mainly graduates or people searching for job vacancy enroll themselves here and keep a track of that website. Earlier these websites were for free, now they charge for job postings and for the access they provide for searching resumes. Another way recruitment is employee leasing, it means hiring for temporary workers. The only key difference between this hiring and the production workers is permanency. A job profession profile has to have the following elements such as knowledge about the organisation, skills in database management, good oral and written communication. Then comes the personal profile, the input comes from various sources such as a job interview, resume, discussion with peers, a job application etc. A personal evaluation is performed in which an individual's qualification is estimated as the knowledge and other skill factors are required too, by following different specific charts of skills that will make oneself eligible for the organisation (Cooper et al. 2019).

E- recruitment is a brilliant use of technology and optimum utilisation of technology for the recruitment process. The recruitment process takes place by the use of WORLD WIDE WEB, the internet has provided technology a great helping hand . Potential job seekers send their resume to the organisation through email. This process saves a lot of money and energy as there are no intermediates in between. Instead of a pile of applications on the table the recruiter can just put some filters for the job vacancy post and qualified candidates apply for the same and the employer can simply scan out the best and reply to the potential person right there. These recruitment takes place at special recruitment websites or may be by the job portals of the company itself. It's just that the hiring can take place with more simplicity and a good economic manner with some good advertising for the post . The company's own website provides an easier way to handle for the job seeker. The new way of recruitment process is E - recruitment or online recruitment. The other round can also be applied like the employees upload their CV in the job vacancy portals and they are drawn by the employers of the organisation that have put up ads (Haszeri and Rodzalan, 2021). As everything has both advantages as well as disadvantages. Here also we have that with this process of recruitment. Both advantages and disadvantages. As we all know it has a lot of advantages as it lowers the cost of the organisation, as posting online is Easier than printing it in the newspaper or hand layouts. It improves the efficiency of the recruitment process.It takes less time in recruitment. Online recruitment has no time bound as such it gives 24*7 access to the online collection of resumes. It also makes it easier for the recruiter as it automatically selects the potential candidates as there is a given filter to the required qualification and skills of the organisation. The online portals for jobs also provide data about the compensation offered to the competitors, it helps the HR for making decisions for the salary and promotions. Whereas these advantages are really beneficial but there are some disadvantages too such as in many places there is no or low internet penetration making it difficult for the people to apply for their desired job or may be known about online recruitment those who belong from such places . Online recruitment is a good process but organisations cannot only depend on this method. In India, organisations still prefer face to face interaction rather than having an online recruitment. Everything has pros and cons and when pros are more than cons then that means most of the people are aware of the process and have found it beneficial whereas some people have faced some or the other issue so they dislike the process.

Walk in interview is an old way of recruitment and this method is about personally going to the human resource department and talking and writing and performing activities, giving tests and then getting selected after numerous checks. The applicants apply through forms in the vacant posts. The company posts advertisements in the newspaper for the vacancies. Another method of recruitment which is streaming nowadays is "internships." In this process there is employment during the summers and companies select fresh talents before graduation and give them training. These interns are trained and then hired later by the company (Donald et al. 2019) . This method is beneficial for the company as they can mould fresh talents as per their own requirement. Selecting an employee for the company is a tough and tedious job as one has to select a potential candidate for the job vacancy. A company run by the workers of the organisation. People with good skills, qualification and all required quality fitting with the requirement of the organisation. A good team will make up to the organisational goal easily as there will be cooperation and coordination.

Articulate a personal development plan to strengthen and evidence your capabilities and demonstrate what you have to offer employers through different phases of the application and selection process

Professional growth is all about self development and adding new skills and experience. This will be regarding the current development or the future self development. Personal development will boost the Professional development. So to grow in the career first personality development is very much required. Nowadays in schools and colleges this subject is added for the development of a student from a very basic level so that later in future they don't face any problem during their job. Personality development is a subject at colleges and is well prioritized as after graduating most of the students apply for a job and they need the basic personality that will qualify them for the job. Professional development is not only about earning money and having a good qualification, it is about avoiding any blocks in your career and having a good reputation as well. A good candidate must not only excel in his/her career but excel in life too. The employee should have honesty and integrity in him or her so that when he or she is asked anything regarding the job or their own self they should answer with honesty also he or she must have problem solving abilities as there will be many problems in a company which they can overcome easily. The candidate must be ambitious so that the employer hires the candidate. He or she must have good speaking skills so that they can impress the employer with their communication skills because communication is main in any job or in life as well (Healy et al. 2020). As it showcases your ability to converse with people and to show how extroverted you are. The candidate must have flexibility so that he or she is comfortable to work according to the company. The candidate also must have innovative ideas in his or her job role as they can innovate new ideas of working and outshine in the whole lot. Open to new ideas makes you different. They must have a positive attitude towards work as an employee who has a positive attitude in the work they do has a great impression in front of others. Also one's positive impact can improve the energy of the whole team . Positivity makes you different, that may be any situation but if he or she is positive toward his or her work then people around will also be happy. He or she must be motivated towards the work and goal of the organisation. An employer sees how much a candidate is motivated and has the ability to motivate others, this is a key skill one must have to have a good environment. Motivating people to do good will enhance your own character. Committed employees are more dedicated both in their professional and their personal life. A goal oriented person or a Candidate is more appreciable because he or she will be more concerned towards achieving the company goal and that will make him or her stand out of the queue. These types of candidates are always looked upon. Confidence, this is the key. As any person with little knowledge or little skills can also overcome an interview as confidence covers it all. When he or she is confident enough then there's a Different glow in the face which hides the rest. Confidence not only boosts up one's own ability but to manage tasks as well (Brown et al. 2019). This skill helps to convince managers and workers. Confidence makes you adapt in a new role and new environment. It brushes up the old skills and improves the fluency to speak in front of everyone. This will make a person succeed in the task in personal life too. Reliability is another key as it will ensure that the job will be done and the task will be done at its best. A reliable candidate comes to work at time. Shows up at all the work related issues and activities. The requirement in the work setting is teamwork. Communication skills , tolerance, patience and dedication is the requirement for a successful collaboration. When ensuring that one will be a positive addition to the current team, being a team player is very crucial. A good team player is someone who is committed to their success and also the success of their team. Also one who is a problem solver and can face any strong problem very easily. A good team player should always be flexible with all the changes and must be respectful and supportive to other workers of the team. Independence is the key to success in personal as well as professional life. It gives you the vision and freedom to do whatever you want. One should be able to work independently as it increases the ability of them to work in a team as well as organisations are generally heavily team orientated (Thambar, 2018). By being independent in work, trust of the manager and the team member are involved as they expect that one will complete the task individually. An independent employee should have management skills so that he or she can develop time in order to complete a work and also should stay focused on his or her job role and should have the ability to edit their own work and criticize the work as well. This will make you more unique and you stand out from the group. Leadership, to move a company forward he or she must have a strong leadership skill. Leadership requires a lot of courage and confidence. A leader is someone who will lead the team to a good objective. A leader is always seen at fault when anything goes wrong so he or she must be goal oriented and very independent too. As in a leader is someone whom everybody follows, he or she must be all rounder and have a very good communication skill. So that the other group members can understand what the leader is trying to communicate. A leader exhibits the character of inspiring others. A leader can give feedback in a constructive way, a leader has a strong skill of understanding and identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the team (Andrewartha and Harvey, 2017). A leader should have the empathy that is to understand others' problems by making it his or her own problem and getting a solution to it by placing him or her in their place. A leader's biggest advantage is that he or she can easily promote himself. A person having leadership traits gives others someone to look up to that increases motivating power.

Interpersonal communication skills are a higher level of professionalism. Communication skills should be good for the employee so that he can transmit and receive messages accurately so that other people can understand everything without any misunderstanding. Communication skill is the ability to interpret non verbal communication patterns. A good communicator is also a good listener. An extremely good communication or speaker is someone who actively listens and fully comprehends what one is saying and then responds to it appropriately.

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Employees should have emotional intelligence so that they can manage their emotions and use them positively to achieve the desired outcome. Employees should have the skill of conflict resolution because this skill is basically required to resolve disagreements in positive ways.Employee should be good at problem solving as well as taking proper decisions. skills help the employee to work effectively with others to identify, define and solve their problems (Fotiadou, 2021). The employee should be confident in himself so that everyone sees you and understands that you have the ability to pull through whatever situation comes in your way. Self awareness Helps you to recognize strengths and weaknesses of a candidate. The greater he or she can develop self awareness the greater one can showcase his or her own skills which he or she has gained since long back. Self awareness makes you understand your role on the team. It makes you learn from your mistakes and understand the mistakes. It helps learn from feedback . As employees can focus on their areas related to the business they hire employees they trust . Traits like honesty and accountability include integrity. It also means that one is honest about their preferences and capabilities and is confident too to deal with upcoming tasks. Transparency shapes a company's culture and success as it is important in the workplace (Kapadia, 2018). One can easily develop strategies when the team members know what to expect and how much to expect and that will lead to success in the department. Integrity plays a major role in success. It is one of the stairs on which a candidate should step in order succeed in life and in careers. When an employee develops integrity in himself or herself that person is honest about their progress in their work. Also they are ethical in all the business practices and aware of core values which demonstrate them regularly. And all the decisions made by the employee are based on honesty and integrity.

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Andrewartha, L. and Harvey, A., 2017. Employability and student equity in higher education: The role of university careers services. Australian Journal of Career Development, 26(2), pp.71-80.

Brown, J.L., Healy, M., Lexis, L. and Julien, B.L., 2019. Connectedness learning in the life sciences: LinkedIn as an assessment task for employability and career exploration. In Higher Education and the Future of Graduate Employability. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Cooper, A., Robertson, B. and Grund, S., How to develop career cartographies: embedding innovative online careers and employability learning through collaborative co-creative design with students and employers. Employability: breaking the mould, p.105.

Donald, W.E., Baruch, Y. and Ashleigh, M.J., 2019. Striving for sustainable graduate careers: Conceptualization via career ecosystems and the new psychological contract. Career Development International.

Fotiadou, M., 2021. “We are here to help you”: understanding the role of careers and employability services in UK universities. Text & Talk, 41(3), pp.287-307.

Haszeri, N.A.N. and Rodzalan, S.A., 2021. Career Planning and Employability: Secondary School Students Perceptions. Research in Management of Technology and Business, 2(1), pp.75-90.

Healy, M., Hammer, S. and McIlveen, P., 2020. Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research: a citation network analysis. Studies in Higher Education, pp.1-13.

Jackson, D. and Tomlinson, M., 2020. Investigating the relationship between career planning, proactivity and employability perceptions among higher education students in uncertain labour market conditions. Higher education, pp.1-21.

Kapadia, R., 2018. Assessing the impact of a flexible delivery of Careers & Employability Service Provision by Conducting Career Exploration Studies of Students.

Thambar, N., 2018. Contested boundaries of professional expertise in HE careers and employability services. In Graduate Careers in Context (pp. 153-164). Routledge.

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