Principles of Effective Time Management


Effective time management means planning and organising time for each specific activity in order to complete the task before deadline. When it comes to deal with today’s fast paced business framework, effective time management is important to enhance organisational productivity and raise its international reputation. Corporate time management is paramount to implement the basic marketing principles in the business framework, which assist the marketers to deal with any business environment. This presentation is going to shed light on the key principles of effective time management in business and role of professional manager in order to dealing with the overall time management process. Moreover, this presentation will also highlight the basic principles of relevant business management theories regarding time management in business for describing the way in which marketers and staffs can organise and plan the task based on the allocated time for completing them before the deadline. The study is going to represent self-evaluating by discussing the reflective content on the effective time management in academic activity that assist learner to gain proper skill and knowledge in maintaining the proper time management process.

Key principles in effective time management and ride of professional manager:

For maintaining effective time, management in business professional manager needs to implement the basic principles in their business framework (Benda and Fairbanks, 2017). There are core principles that the professional managers need to implement in the business framework in managing the time in well-organised manner for dealing with everyday business activities as well as to achieve the business target, which are as follows:


Having clear vision:

Professional managers need to be clear about their vision and mission that will assist them to understand what they want to achieve (Bhagwat et al. 2016)

Clear vision would assist managers to plan perfect time management process for conducting relevant marketing strategies

Doing one thing at a time

They need to evaluate the criteria and needs of the specific task in that particular time and then go to another task Defining the limits: Best way for effective time management is defining the limits of individual business operation (Chapman et al. 2017). This process will assists professional mangers to plan each task in such a manner that they would easily be done within time. Professional mangers are responsible to assist staffs in meeting the task criteria in limited time. This process will enhance the creativity of staffs in achieving the work target before the deadline.

Setting measurable goals:

Professional managers are obliged to have clear-cut goals, which is the paramount to effective time management process (Dabell, 2018). This process will assist the mangers to measure the success of business operation and track the progress towards completing each goal.

Prioritising task:

For managing the time in well-organised manner, professional managers need set the priority task. By prioritising task, managers can allocate proper time for the most important tasks that are needed to complete early (Hedman and Almström, 2017). This process will assist the business to complete day-to-day task within the allocated time.

Different theories are there in terms of managing time in well-organised manner to deal with the priorities in business operation.

Pickle Jar Theory:

This theory is based on fact that, professional manager needs to train staffs regarding the way of choosing and dealing with each task in consecutive manner for meeting the every day deadline (Lehdonvirta, 2018). Based on this theoretical perspective, professional managers need to execute the easier tasks first and then deal with tough task. This process will assist mangers to make their interest in doing different task in well-organised manner. There are conflicts regarding theoretical perspective regarding way of dealing with different tasks. As stead by Motola et al. (2015) sometimes the process of dealing with easier first can reduce the self-confidence of eth staffs in executing the challenging task. Sometimes they prefer to deal with only the easier task rather than dealing with tough tasks.

Maslow Theory:

It is another time management theory, which can be applied in the business perspectives. Based on this theoretical concept, professional managers need to provide importance to time management in meeting the day-to-day business needs (Vajapeyam et al. 2016). They need to integrate their spirits, skill and efficiency in dealing with complex task by allocating proper time. This theory assists professional managers to understand the each need, differentiating them and setting the proper time limits in order to get each work done in well-organised manner.

Stephen Covey’s time management theory:

This principle is based on the fact that, important responsibilities leads to the achievement of the goal

Urgent task requires the immediate attention, which is linked to the ability of staffs in achieving the task criteria in allocated time

are different aspects that the mangers need to understand while managing time in effective manner: Deal with important deadline task by providing high attention within limited time (Posenato et al. 2018) Allocate time for long term strategizing and developing the professional skill through dealing with challenging task Professional managers need to minimize or eliminate task which do not have contribution to organisational outputs

Analysis of the theories in effective time management in business:

Based on the aforementioned theories, it can be stated that effective time management contributes to the organisational development and productivity (Vajapeyam et al. 2016). By analysing, the theoretical perspective it can be stated that, time management process is important for dealing with priority task in well-organised manner. Based on the Maslow Theory and Stephen Covey’s time management theory, it can stated that, professional manager need to set time for each measurable goal which will assist staffs to conduct clear cut strategies for meeting each goal. Although Pickle Jar Theory is criticised by different people as it deals with controversial way of performing task, it can also be implemented into business for completing the priority task (Lehdonvirta, 2018). Based on the theoretical perspective of Pickle Jar Theory, professional manger need to understand allocate sufficient time for priority task to complete them as per the deadlines.


Effective time management process is paramount to develop the strength and skill in dealing with academic activities. Being a student, I have used following time management techniques, which not only develop my understanding but also raise my decision-making and problem solving skill. The time management techniques that I have used are:

  • I always focus on eliminating distraction, which assists me in avoiding, or eliminating the objects as well as tasks that distract my attention from study
  • Distracting task or objects: Difficult equations, critical contents of books, phone, music and vibration
  • I have set the priority goals and allocated the proper time to deal with tasks
  • Timetable is formed for making to-do-list, which will deal with the daily academic activities
  • Developing my efficiency level for completing priority assignment within the deadline
  • Increasing my decision making ability and problem solving skill in well-organised manner
  • Enhance my skill to understand the criteria of each assignment and question within the given time
  • Enhancing my self-confidence to deal with any critical task in well organised manner and complete it within given time
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Based on the aforementioned discussion, can be concluded that, effective time management is important in both the personal and professional field. In business, time-management is important for priority goal setting, eliminating distractions, avoiding the task that does not have any contribution to the organisational output and meeting day-to-day task criteria. Moreover, effective time management process assists the marketers to plan realistic business goals for delivering high quality product and satisfied service. The self-evaluation process also concludes that, time-management process assist individual to maintain perfect routine on every basis to execute each task one by one accordingly. Moreover, time management process assist individual to enhance their self-confidence in dealing with different task.

Reference list:

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