Pursuing a Passion for Photography

I am Fatma Saad and I have started studying Creative Media Technology at the Leeds Beckett University form which I will be graduating this year. I have already unlocked my creativity in digital media and has gained different skills in the following two years. I have learned about 3D principles, graphic designing, website development, interactive media design, video post-production and portraiture. I have also developed my skills in 3D animation and modelling, photography, coding websites, productive effective designs and producing short films. I have a passion for photography from high school and therefore I learned regarding the way to take photos and improve my skills in the photography classes. In 2013, I was lucky to have bought my personal camera and initiate to photograph all the things that meet the eye. I was also involved in studying photography tips to improve my skills in photography. I have already photographed everything and have found that I enjoy portrait, food, street and studio photography. I wish to continue in this field to develop my photography carer.

Why do I enjoy photography?

As soon as this question popped in my mind, I thought about how I never get tired to pick my camera up and go to work to live it as a passion as well as reality. However, this does not really answer the question regarding the reason behind I enjoy photography. Thus, I thought going behind to the beginning and explain in details the reason behind I enjoy photography. I became serious about taking photography as my first hobby and passion when I bought my first digital point and shoot camera that is a Canon SD200. In the past, before I bought this camera I used to casually photograph my friends, nature and others by using my Canon AE-1. However, as I got into the digital world it opened my eyes to the immense possibilities I can apply to make a good photograph. I could use the camera that easily fit into my pocket helping me to take anywhere and click unlimited photos of my friends and nature that was not available to be done while using the film camera. I remember how I used to get fascinated with the photographs I clicked related to nature. I remember I would view the macro image of a single flower and watch the way the pollens are delicately spread over the flower as well as other details that usually remained unnoticed. I also remember I would look zoom the images of rocks to understand the facts that make it sparkle. All of these experiences were interesting, new and pho-worthy for me. I enjoyed photography at this time because I could understand the delicate and minute features of nature and surroundings through my photographs that make it so beautiful. I eventually bought a Nikon D40 which was my first DSLR and developed the knowledge that I could now use wide number of lens and accessories to make my photographs more enhancing and definitive. However, my experience with using D40 did not turn out well so I upgraded to D90. As a changed my camera, new lens, filters, flashes and other additional equipment required with it became the items that I need to have in my closet.


The change in the camera gear led me branch out from nature and develop my concentration to photograph everyday details of people. I still remember the amount of fun and satisfaction I had while photographing people with others. This is because now I was able to capture moments, emotions, expressions, everyday activities of people that reflect the way everyday life goes on for different nature of individuals. The experiences were so enchanting for me that by the time I knew that in future my photographs are going to mainly include people and their activities. I should frankly mention that till now I feel love towards photography because it offers me the scope to work with people and capture their delicate emotions and moments so that they can relive those through the photograph at any time. Thus, my small camera that could easily fit in the pocket got changed with various lens and equipment that could take an entire room to store. At present, I own photography business and breath as well as live with photography on each day. The best thing about all this is that I enjoy photography because it has offered me the opportunity to click all the details of moments which could be relived through my works. I also enjoy it because it has allowed me to capture my personal moments with friends, people and nature help me never to forget any special moments whatever be the condition comes. I enjoy photography as it has led me to develop love with light as well as helped me to see the world with new eyes every day.

When someone looks at your photos, what do you want them to take away from it? What are you trying to communicate?

I wish to provoke inspiration and thoughts through my photographs and wish the viewer to think in depth regarding any image even though that are glancing it. In regard to my landscape photographs, I wish the viewers to take away the knowledge about the delicate details that make the nature so beautiful which they require to help being restored without causing any harm while going to the place. I think that my photographs would be an inspiration for many to take their camera and click to understand their surroundings in a more effective and detailed manner. I also try to communicate the feelings of the people I have clicked through the photographs to others but I leave the way for them regarding the way they are going to interpret them.

What is it that you love about photography?

There are so many things regarding photography that I can barely mention which perspective that I love most about it. My love extends from the feelings that I have while capturing photographs to exploring places that was only possible because my camera took me there. I love photography because it offers me the platform to show everyday things in a creative way as well as helps me to capture time through photos that could be relived again and again that has the ability to create positive thoughts in the minds of the people. I also love it because through photography I hope that I can inspire people to visit new places and view things from different perspectives that bring unusual and enchanting experiences for them.

What has photography done for you?

Photography has offered me the opportunity to connect with nature as well as people in life that was, either way, would not have been possible in my life. This is evident as I would have never forced myself to see places, travel the world and explore dynamic places without the camera and my love for photography. Photography has itself brought for me personal reward that I can cherish for life. I constantly make me view the world around me from various perspective and eyes that is hard to imagine if I have lived a normal life without photography.

Do you try to be conceptual or do you prefer to show the feeling behind a photo?

I prefer to show feelings through my photographs and make the viewer attempt develop a personal image from the photograph that may provoke them to respond in a different way apart from their usual lifestyle.

What are your 3 tips for others who want to become inspiring photographers?

The first tip that I wish to recommend is that before picking up a camera any person requires thinking the nature of shots they are expecting. They are to write down the ideas if possible regarding what kinds of picture they actually wish to click. I usually make points before I go on to shoot at any place or people because that way it helps me to keep in mind the things I wish to capture at the place or while interacting with people.

The second tip is that I would recommend people to master the operational features of their camera. This is because having knowledge regarding the way each aspect of the camera they have can be used makes the individual be aware of the possible ways the camera can be set to capture the moment or place at its best in the photograph. The third recommendation is that you need to go out and shoot and not think of having a perfect capture for the first time. This is because as one develops experience from mistakes it leads to their victory. Therefore, individual require picking their camera and pushing themselves to shoot continuously as well as try out new things for mastering all techniques.

Have you received negative feedback from your work? What did you do about it?

It is quite surprising but until now I have not received any negative feedback regarding my work. However, there was some constructive criticism but there was nothing negative in nature. In case I receive negative feedback, I would like to identify the facts that are to be improved so that in future such negative traits are avoided and are not visible through my photographs so that everyone can enjoy my work.

Where did you learn to take photos?

At first, I learned regarding the way to take photos in a photography class arranged during my junior years in high school. The class made me so much interested in photography that I immediately hooked to the passion of taking photographs and decided to purchase some camera equipment to take pictures of many things that I found interesting. Since the time I have self-taught with picking tips regarding the way to click better pictures from different eminent and professional photographs by interacting and watching their pictures. At present, whatever I know about photography has been the result of trial and error process and now I push myself to learn more about the world of photography.

If you could have the gift of a great photographer who would it be and why?

I wish to have the gift of creative mind and skills of photography from Ravi Vora. This is because all his works have constantly made me think every time how such delicate details and creativity can be captured with so much efficiency by him. I have seen him as a best and wish to have his incredible gift.

What is next for you?

At present, I am experiencing a sudden rise in increased work pressure in photography. I am also working on developing my personal website to showcase my work, monitoring different social media and working for assembling my portfolio.

1. Why do I love photography?

There are innumerable reasons as to why I love photography out which of the reason is that photography makes life look small when it is overwhelmed through one's eyes. In many instances, life would face daunting situation such as capturing life fewer bodies in the war zone. However, it is the task of the photographer to capture the devastating surroundings so that the dead do not die in vain and the world can understand from the picture the ugliness spread around the world. I also love photography because it allows one to capture and show how life is beautiful and the way it can be found in minute places around the world. I love it because it is the task of the photographer to capture moments can make them eternal as all the things in life are not always present in the same way as it is now. I love photography because it helps to capture history that can be preserved for future generations to watch, enjoy and understand as they wish. Thus, photographs can be window to travel back and forth in time to understand the way changes have happened around the world. I also love it because it helps to build self-esteem as well as helps to change views of the world regarding age-old negative perspectives. I love photography because it helps to capture the inside beauty and emotions of individual can is not usually reflected or are missed to be noticed by others. Thus, photography is essential as it helps to focus and inform what is usually missed by common eyes but is important to view and understand.

2. How does photography have an impact on my life?

Photography has a great impact on my life to make me happier and productive. This is because while I click photographs I have to travel to places and interact with others and the environment along with clicking pictures make me relive my stress. Photography has helped me to deal with idleness by making me feel being at work all time whenever I hold my camera to click pictures. Photography has made me open my eyes as well as mind to see the world in a different way each day. This is because to click photographs one has to think of different angles, perspectives and other aspects to develop a new picture each time. Photography has impacted me to become creative in nature as it has unlocked my mind to see things from different dimensions. It has helped me socialise as it is one of mode through which I meet new people each day. This is because to photograph subjects like people I had to interact with them to make them show their true emotions so that the true essence of them is captured in the pictures. Thus, it creates platform for me to talk and interact making me socialise. Photography has also impacted on my life by making me able to capture time and special moments that can be relived each day. This has also added to my happiness as I can revisit all the happy moments whenever I want to help me to create a new meaning of life.

3. Why did I choose to work in the field of photography in the future after I graduate?

After my graduation, I choose to work in the field of photography because I from the very early age have a passion for it. It is evident from the instance when after getting access to photography class in the junior years in the high school I instantly targeted to click photographs with my father’s camera and later mine. I also selected the field because it helps one to showcase their creativity. This is evident as to click a good photograph one has to use their brain and imagination to understand from which angle and perspective the image is to be clicked so that the true meaning and situation can be understood from the capture. I also chose it because it offered me the ability to express myself as through my photographs I can bring forth my thoughts and feelings. Since I always had a spree for travelling, I took photography after graduation as it is one of the ways which could make me able to explore new places as well as assist me to make money by selling pictures that I capture to people who could not travel to those places. From the professional perspective, I chose this field because it ensures freedom to work as I am the boss here who makes my own time. It also ensures job security because even though other jobs go down people would always have the wish to capture and record their special moments. Moreover, this profession offers me work satisfaction because it is done by me out of passion rather than the zeal to make money.

4. What is the future of photography as a business and career?

The future of photography as a business is vast but challenging and competitive. This is because unlike the previous times when few photographers exist at the present many people are getting into photography business as it has become lucrative in nature. The business is vast in the aspect that many people are hiring professional photographers at the present for the simplest occasions and events to capture the moments and emotions. Moreover, the rise of digital marketing has made it compulsory to avail photographers to capture images of products in a realistic way so that the customers by merely watching the images can understand the quality of the products and be able to decide to purchase them. Thus, this has made the photography business to be vast in nature in future where the photographers through their talent are going to help companies develop their best self in the digital world. The future of photography as a career is even though highly appropriate but it is also challenging. This is because in the world of instant photography where devices like smart phones are available among people they think less of availing photographers to capture moments for them. Thus, photography as a career has to overcome the hindrances to make people understand the need of photographers for them. However, the career in the future is appropriate in the sense that people who wish to document their life would be hiring photographers so that moments can be captured and stored as history for the further future generation to understand how they evolved.

5. What do I do to develop my skills in photography?

In order to develop my skills in photography, I observe photographs of various eminent professional photographers to understand the way they have been able to click such amazing pictures. I also read various updated books about photography to identify the updated skills and camera gear I require to avail to make my photos be able to capture the right emotions and time. I also participate in workshops arranged by rewarded professional photographers to understand from them the way various weaknesses to be resolved that I have to develop my skills in photography to be the best in the profession. Further, the workshop offers me practical knowledge about the way certain complex camera features are to be managed that helps me to develop my skills in using my camera to capture better images and execute improved photography. I practice all the techniques that I learn from books by clicking raw images so that I can have practical knowledge about the way improved skills are to be applied to capture improved photographs. I also try to develop my skills in photography by asking for feedback from the professionals as well as other individuals. This is because the feedbacks help me to understand my mistakes in composing which are to be improved to be better in profession.

6. Why did I use “Adobe Spark” to build my portfolio and show my photography work?

One reason for using Adobe Spark as the application to build my portfolio and showcase my photography skills and work is that it allows using beautiful typography for my portfolio development. This is because the application offers variety of free professionally designed and creative fonts to be used on different occasions to showcase my pictures to attract clients. I chose it because it helps me to add true images in the right manner without compromising on the sizes or pixel in framing the portfolio. This helps me to showcase my work in the right manner through my portfolio to the public. In Adobe Spark, there is wide number of different layouts, fonts, colours and others that can be used as per need for photos to be added in the portfolio to present them in an attractive way. I also chose Adobe Spark because it offers a platform where my portfolio can be watched by various individuals all over the world. This is evident as the application allows the portfolio to be shared everywhere in any social platform or media. This would help me to impress my friends and clients around the world as well as help me to get work. Moreover, the application can be accessed from mobile as well as computer via internet thus it can be used to make changes to my portfolio whenever I want and wherever I want.

7. What programs do I use to edit the photos and why?

My first preference is to use Adobe Lightroom in editing my photos as it helps me to add any number of layers on the photographs to look them appealing. Moreover, it offers me the opportunity to cancel any layer and modify them at any time. The application is used as it offers me opportunity to detect face on photos to organize them effectively without much hindrance. The application has brush as well as gradient illuminators which allow me to smooth transition between two different colours present on the images to make many features of the picture vibrant as per my wish. I also use Skylum Luminar to edit many of my photos especially because of the AI slider that automatically and correctly fixes each thing such as clarity, brightness, toning and others on the pictures. Moreover, the exclusive filters present in Luminar application such as the sunray filter which helps to add realistic sun rays to the photographs wherever required in the landscape images and others, Orton filter to add blurs to the pictures and many others. Lastly, I use the Adobe Photoshop editor which is trusted editor since I have been clicking photos. I prefer it to be used because it offers a sophisticated touch to the features of the picture which helps me to make the photographs catchier in nature. Further, the 3D design functionality and professional editing tools with wide number of professional layers to be added on the photographs have led me prefer to use it to edit my photographs.

8. What camera do I use for my photography work and why?

I presently started to use Nikkon Z6 camera for my professional photography along with using various other filters, lens and others as per need. The first reason for using this camera is that it is mirrorless which means that it is lighter and compact in nature and is better to capture video. I also use it because the camera has full-frame CMOS feature which allows me to capture more light in darker environments. Further, this feature of it allows me to record more tonal ranges within highlights as well as shadows while clicking pictures. The camera also offers me to have greater control over the depth of field of any picture. The camera offer resolution of 24.5 MP which helps to ensure greater clarity to details captured in the picture while they are printed. The 273-point AF feature of the camera offers me the ability to execute highly accurate focusing to click picture and with this much focus, I could cover 84% of the shooting area. Since I am an existing Nikkon user, the FTZ adapter in the camera is going to allow me to use my existing F mount lens.

9. What are your planned adventures with your camera?

I love travelling that the first adventure that I wish to fulfil with my camera is to go to Machu Picchu in Peru which is located eight thousand feet above the sea level. I wish to do some astrophotography here to capture stunning images of the Milky Way. I also wish to go on an adventure with my camera to Egypt where I am going to capture the lives of the people in the area as well as the famous Pyramids of Giza. I wish to go to Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats at Bolivia where I can click landscapes without the interference of any people. I then wish to go on an adventure at Reed Flute Cave in China to photograph the rock interior of the cave as well as take pictures of the lake where surreal mirror reflection of the majestic place falls on the water.

10. Why do I love taking portrait, studio photography, street photography, landscape photography and food photography?

I love portrait photography because it offers me the opportunity to interact and connect to wide variety of people of different nature in society. Since I am an extrovert thus it becomes quite easy for me to interact with people for capturing their emotions and feelings in an appropriate way through my work. I also love it because it helps me to capture and showcase beautiful features and minute details of the faces of different people that make them apart from one another. I love studio photography because it offers me to set different circumstances at the same place to capture moments of different nature. Moreover, in studio, I can set up my artificial lighting in such a way so that any definitive feature of any person can be clicked with great clarity. Further, studios avoid unnecessary interferences often faced while photographing subjects in the natural environment. Thus, I can have peace of mind while working due to which I love studio photography. I love street photography because it offers me different attractive as well as natural backdrop for photos which can be used to click pictures with models that would look realistic. I also like it because clicking photographs at street is challenging as often we face intrusion from people walking along the streets which have to be strategically avoided so that a proper photograph is developed.

I love commercial photography because it helps me to collaborate with a lot of people who are very interesting and talented at times. In this genre of photography, the motive of clicking the photographs is creating visual communication which means that from a single photograph an entire story can be told. As per me, it is a quite challenging task which makes me love it more as in this genre it is just more than clicking a single picture. In commercial photography, a photographer has to face many problems and love this because of the fact that I can use my brain to plan in resolving the problems to get over them to execute my work. Moreover, it offers me the opportunity to travel abroad and shoot international events which lead me to understand various places and cultures making me fall in love with this nature of photography. I love to take landscape photographs because it helps me to get close to nature to understand the delicate interwoven aspects that made the enchanting and beautiful landscapes. I also love it because offers me the opportunity to explore new areas. This nature of photography helps me to see the world through the same eyes in different aspects each time due to which I have fallen in love it. The shooting of landscapes is like a therapeutic mediation for me as the more I get close to nature to capture its enhancing natural features my anxiety and worries goes off.

I love food photography because it helps me know about different nature of food available and made by different cultural people to meet their hunger. Moreover, I love it because right photographs of food help me to let others perceive the delicacy and taste of food in their minds just by watching the pictures.

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11. Discuss copyrights, when I will use my photography for commercial what should I do about copyright?

Copyrights of the photographs in the professional field are important so that no other individuals can illegally use the hard captured images by the photographers in an inappropriate manner or for free. In case the pictures are captured for self-promotion, the photographers require adding their logo on the pictures to showcase that the rights to copy the picture lies with them. Any individual before using such self-promoted pictures others than the photographer himself/herself need to take permission from the owner of the photograph to use them by clarifying the need of use. When someone wishes to buy any photographers work, in relation to copyright issues the photographer could ask the buyer to not transfer his/her work to another person or organization without their permission. This is to be done and arranged in writing and the picture to be sold must have the signature of the photographer at the end. In relation to use of the photograph for commercial purpose, the photographer requires to make the organization sign a document where the copyright clauses are mentioned that the commercial buyer requires meeting while using the photograph and violating the terms would lead them to lose the authority to legally use the photograph for their own purpose.

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12. I do studio photography so I take photos of a model, discuss model release form

In studio photography, the model release form is must to be signed to avoid rise of any issues during the shoot. The model release form is the document that helps to form a legal contract between the photographer and the model defining where the photographs and the way the pictures are to be used along with the basis of remuneration to the given to the model. It helps to protect the model as well as photographer to avoid disputes provided each of the parties follows the norms signed. The model and photographer while developing the form need to understand that even though the initial right of the photograph is vested to the photographer but the model has right to legally prevent the publication of any image in any account. All the statements made in the model release form are to be developed in good faith.

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