Quality Management For Organisational Excellence


Total quality management is a management approach for long term success through which the organisations can manage the operational activities for improving the performnace of the companies and ensure future success (Bastas, and Liyanage, 2018). The aim of the study is to analyse the elements of total quality management in providing better services to the customers so that the firms can retain the customers and strengthen their customer’s base which in turn provides a scope to the companies to secure future sustainable development. Total quality management is one of the effective strategic planning of the multinational corporate firs in managing their business operational activities efficiently to secure future sustainable development where the performnace of the companies can be enhanced and increasing capabilities of the companies in serving the customers is possible through total quality management. Through this study, it is posisbel to analyse the strategic planning of the company snowball engineering so that it is posisbel to understand the current position of the company as well as develop proper vision and values for the company through total quality management. The study also provides an opportunity to analyse the elements of total quality management as well as the benefits of total quality management so that it is possible to understand the advantages for the company snowball engineering in near future. Moreover, proper suggestions will be recommended for the organisation snowball engineering for achieving future success and meeting the vision of the organisation through developing effective strategic planning of total quality management. This analysis is essential for those seeking business dissertation help to understand the practical applications and benefits of total quality management in a real-world scenario.

Snowball Engineering

Snowball Engineering has been established in the year of 1980 in the North east of England by a young graduate engineer. The major products manufactured by the company Snowball Engineering is the automotive pressed parts which are supplied and distributed across the automotive assembly industry across the UK. The automotive industry needs proper quality of products and services so that the parts are manufactured and distributed by maintaining its quality and efficiency. Hereby, it needs proper technical skill and knowledge for producing the accurate manufacturing parts of the automotive industry and long-lasting products that can be distributed across the automotive assembly industry in the UK. In the recent era of globalisation, there is high growth of the engineering industry across the North East England which also provides a scope to the company Snowball Engineering o develop effective strategic planning for delivering high quality products and efficient services to the customers so that it can retain long run buyers in the automotive assembly industry of the UK. The product range achieve great respect and the company is efficient in strengthening their customer’s base by retaining more direct customers or the conglomerates for the quality automotive parts which are required for the manufacturing process of automotive products. This strategic business is very demanding in the market of the UK and the automotive industry of the UK is also competitive where the company Snowball Engineering needs to develop proper strategic management for total quality management.


Alternative radical strategy also needs to be developed for the future sustainability of the brand where it would be possible for the company Snowball Engineering to gain highly competitive advantage per the competitors of the firm operating in the automotive industry across the UK. Strong financial base, efficient engineers and proficient staff members as well as proper leadership style will be effective for the company Snowball Engineering to achieve future success by fulfilling their vision of becoming a reputed brand in the automotive industry. In 2019, the local planet of the company Snowball Engineering targets to expand the business and deliver more automotive engineering parts to Europe so that it can achieve high market share in the automotive industry. In this regard, in order to achieve this target, it is required for the company to develop proper strategic planning for Snowball Engineering so that the fi can expand tehri services and provide more quality products to the automotive industry across the Europe. The new market of the Europe is predicted to be expanded rapidly over the next three years and the company Snowball Engineering would like to expand tehri business activities and achieve high market share across the world. Global expansion is hereby the main aim of the company Snowball Engineering through which it focuses on making the business profitable business and improving brand reputation in the automotive industry. In this 21st century, the firm Snowball Engineering focuses at fulfilling the vision, energy and conscience for satisfying the customers, suppliers and the investors and creating values for them by providing hi8ghh return on their investment.


Key elements of total quality management

There are several key elements of the total quality management which contribute in firm’s success where the companies try to develop the elements for achieving future success. The major elements are ethics, integrity, quality, trust, training, teamwork, leadership, recognition and communication through which the organisations can ensure total quality management in near future. Maintaining business ethics and following proper guidelines is necessary through which it is possible for the companies to achieve success. Managing integrity is also necessary where the leaders and the managers of the business firms try to maintain honesty, morals values, fairness and adherences so that it can run the business activities efficiently. Maintaining transparency and accountability is necessary for building strong corporate relationship with all the stakeholders including the customers, employee, suppliers, distributors, government and social communities as a whole so that it is possible for managing total quality management. In addition to these, building trust and loyalty is necessary for managing total quality of the business, in which the leaders and managers need to maintain their commitment and build trust and loyalty among all the stakeholders who are engaged with the business (Muruganantham et al., 2018). Proper management of the communication is necessary for the companies through which it is easy for enhancing internal and external communication where the internal interaction between the employees engineers and other staff members and managers is necessary and apart from that the external communication between the customers suppliers, social communities and government is also necessary for managing total; quality of the business. The internal communication is effective for total quality management where the shared vision and goals and transfer of knowledge and technical skill will provide a scope to the employees to meet their responsibilities and contribute with their full potential for achieving future organisational success (Escrig-Tena et al., 2018). In addition to these, external communication is also necessary through which the suppliers and customers as well as government and social communities can interact with the firms which are necessary for gathering the information related to the market trend and customer’s preferences as well as communicate with the customers positively for fulfilling their needs and preferences of all the individuals. Hereby, communication is necessary for improving business activities and maintain the quality standard of the business where it provides an opportunity to the business to achieve success and meet the requirements for the customers which in turn helps to improve brand reputation and satisfaction level among the customers (Moschidis, Chatzipetrou, and Tsiotras, 2018). In addition to these, collaboration is another element of total quality management through which it is posisbel to enhance the working practice with team based work in which the leaders and the mangers can develop effective team and resolving the internal conflicts and cultural diversity at the workplace, this would be helpful for improving the quality of work and enhancing the organisational performnace as a whole. Teamwork is hereby necessary for

serving the customers with quality and improve the efficiency of the firms in sustaining in the business (Peljhan, and Marc, 2018). Additionally, providing training and develop program to all the staff members and the employees is another element through which the employees can gain knowledge and understanding as well as improve their technical skill for contributing positively in the organisational success. And serving the customers in a better and a unique manner. Through training program, it is also possible for the employees to share their views with each other and communicate positively for working as a team. Sharing each other’s experience ad working as a team are effective for total quality management (Li et al., 2018). Additionally, proper collaboration and communication will provide a scope to the employees to do their responsibilities efficiently and contribute in achieving future success of the organisation through ensuring total quality management. In addition to these, leadership style is one of the major elements in managing total quality of the organisations and in this regard the leaders need to be transparent and need to treat all the employees and other staff members fairly and equally which create proper organisational culture where it is possible for the organisation to develop an effective team and improve organisational performnace. Transformational leadership style is effective for total quality management where the leaders focus on encouraging the team members for working efficiently and collaboratively. Encouraging their creativity and innovation and motivating the team members with freedom to work, performnace related pay and bonus will be effective for managing quality of the organisation through which it is posisbel for the firms to serve better products and services to the customers in future. The leader also tries to empower the employees in the decision-making practice for developing trust and loyalty and raising the interest of the employees for making more innovative and creative decision and it would be beneficial for the organisation to enhance the overall performnace of the firm and achieve the future target (Kearney, 2018). Hereby involvement with the employees and recognition of high quality will be effective for contributing in total quality management where the firm is able to establish the business across the international border by maintaining its quality and proficiency. In addition to these, training program and managing internal conflicts and encouraging the employees for working as a team will also be effective for managing total quality of the organisation where the leaders and the managers can manage their employees and serve the customers uniquely with quality products efficient services (Lo, and Yeung, 2018). Moreover, continuous improvement of the performnace of the employees, quality assurance, managing the raw

materials for producing quality products and services as well as technological upgradation will also provide an opportunity to the organisation to ensure total quality management. Managing commitment to all the stakeholders, customer satisfaction, process thinking, total employee commitment, decision based facts and integrated system are the elements through which it is easy for the organisations to manage their quality and establish the brand proficiently which in turn helps to gain highly competitive advantage and expand the business across the international countries (Bajaj, Garg, and Sethi, 2018).

Importance of total quality management

There are several benefits of managing total quality of the firm so that it is possible for the company like Snowball Engineering to expand the business operational activities across the international borders. The major benefit is that minimisation of operational cost where through total quality management, the firms can reduce the cost of the business operation which provides a scope to reduce the overall cost of serving the customers. It in turn helps the organisations to maximise the profitability where the profit volume can be increased through minimising the cost of the business operational activities. In addition to these, communication can be enhanced where internal and external information can be managed well for the organisations (Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Barrales-Molina, and Kaynak, 2018). Proper communication further enhances the collaboration among the internal team members. Communication is also effective for the organisations to interact with the customers directly which in turn provides an opportunity to improve trust and loyalty among the customers and retain them for long run. The total quality management is also advantageous for the organisations where it is possible for the management team to improve involvement with the employees which is effective for building strong relationship and encourage the staff members for enhancing the organisational performnace, hereby, through total quality management it is also possible to enhance the organisational performnace as a whole in which the companies can meet the customer’s expectations and satisfy them by creating values for them. Additionally, through total quality management it is easy to improve financial performnace where the return on investment and share price of the organisational shares can be increased well in long run (Wang, Chou, and Lai, 2019). Improved quality can also be another advantage for the organisations where through the total quality management the organisations can deliver high quality products and efficient services to all the customers in long run which is effective for strengthening the customer’s vase for

securing future sustainable development. Hereby, total quality management is effective for securing sustainable development in near future in which the companies can imporve their operational activities as well as efficiency of the employee of achieving the pe-specified organisational goals (Imran et al., 2018). For example, the organisation Snowball Engineering can improve international communication for understanding market trend and managing the employees which in turn helps the fir to fulfil the aim of the company which is to expand the business in the Europe. In addition to these, through total quality management it is also posisbel for the Snowball Engineering to improve financial performnace and ensure good organisational culture and management where the staff and employees can collaborate with each other and develop an effective team for working cooperatively to achieve future success. Moreover, the company Snowball Engineering can promote continuous improvement of the operational activities as well as innovation and creativity through total quality management. Enhancing customer’s satisfaction and improving trust and loyalty among the customers can also be posisbel for the organisation Snowball Engineering through total quality management where they would be beneficial in retaining new clients and customers in the new international automotive market in the Europe.

Conclusion and recommendations

It can be concluded that, total quality management is beneficial for the organisation Snowball Engineering for maximising the profitability and sales volume of the firm as well as meeting the actual aim of the organisation to expand the business operational activities in the Europe so that the firm can gain highly competitive advantage over other competitive affirms operating in the automotive industry of the Europe. Through managing total quality of the firm, the company can ensure the quality of the products and efficiency of their services which in turn helps the firm to manage the customers worldwide and satisfy them by delivering quality automotive pressed parts which are required by the customers and other business clients in the automotive industry. Total quality management is hereby beneficial for the Snowball Engineering for expanding the business to Europe and gain high market share by strengthening their customers base which can be posisbel through communication and collaboration as well as delivering high quality products at competitive price. The recommendations for the Snowball organisations are such as,

The company needs to improve communication through implementing Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT) where all the employees across different manufacturing plants of the organisation can interact with each other and share important information with each other. Sharing information with the engineers and cooperative team development activities are required in the organisation so that the team members can collaborate for maximising the organisational excellence. Through enhancing communication, the company can improve trust and loyalty among the customers and for this, the company Snowball Engineering needs to develop effective company’s own website through which the customers can interact with the organisational representatives for meeting their requirements in 24*7. Hereby the 24*7 service need to be managed well by the engineers and the technicians for meeting the preferences and needs of the clients. In addition to these, implementing the GPS system, and developing a mobile application for managing the clients with proper status of the products is necessary through which the suppliers and the distributors can communicate with the customers and deliver quality products to the right place and within appropriate time. In this regard, through the application, the customers also can track their orders and identify the actual delivery date. Developing proper leadership style is necessary for encouraging the employees so that the employees can be motivated and show more innovation and creativity for meeting the organisational aims and objectives. In this regard implementing the Health and Safety at workplace and Employment rules and legislation improves trust and loyalty among the employee’s the leader of the Snowball Engineers need to ensure that the leader maximises the wellbeing of the employees. Restructuring the salary and bonus as well as providing performnace related pay is necessary for the leader to manage the employees at the new market place in Europe for retaining them and motivating them for better performnace. For expanding the business sin the new international place, it is necessary to develop the manufacturing plant wit latest updated technology as well as arrange effective training and development program for the employees and the engineers who can

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improve their knowledge and technical skill for producing quality automotive pressed parts and deliver the product to the right customers. Integrated workplace should be developed by the Snowball Engineer in which the leader need to maintain transparency and accountability for managing the staff and improving trust and loyalty among them so that proper involvement can be built and they can retain the efficient staff members in long run for successful expansion of the business in Europe. Continuous improvement of the products and services in the company Snowball Engineer is also necessary, where the leader and the managers of the manufacturing plants of the organisation need to empower all the employees in the organisational decision making practice so that they can involve with the organisational decision and provide proper strategic innovation and creativity for improving quality of the organisational products and services. Process thinking and customers satisfaction need to be ensured by the organisation where showing honesty and treating all the customers fairly is necessary and cooperation will be effective for communicating with the clients and improve trust and loyalty. This further helps in strengthen the customers base and gain highly competitive advantage in the new automotive industry of the Europe.

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Reference List

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