Religion and ethics

‘Situation ethics provide the best approach to sexual ethics.’ Discuss.

Situation ethics focuses on the situation which leads to interests off the individuals and love and justice may permit the breaking of traditional moral rules surrounding sex (Cowling and Reynolds, 2017). It will seek to pragmatic approach to homosexual sex setting aside fixed morale truths in order to consider the situation by ensuring sexual ethics. Fletcher’s six propositions are effective to understand the sexual ethics which includes,

Love is intrinsically good

love is the goal of the act that justifies any means to achieve that goal

love decides on each situation as it arises without a set of laws to guide it

love is the major ruling norm in moral decision-making and replaces all laws

Love and justice are considered as same, which is distributed

love wills the neighbour’s good regardless of whether the neighbour is liked or not


These are the major rules of sexual ethics, where the situation is important for love. On the other hand, pragmatism refers to making the decisions based on the experience rather than theory and on the other hand relativism indicates the process of making decision based on the absolute laws of Christian ethics relative (Heckert, 2018). Positivism leads to making decision on the basis of the reality and belief the importance of love and thus it focuses on the personal belief and situation in the sexual ethics. Personalise recognises the person rather than any laws and other factors, hence the person is the centre of this approach (Heckert, 2018). Hence, situation ethics is the best way to make justice for the person, who belief in love and understand the importance of love in their lives (Plantinga, 2018). It depends on the situation and individual decision for their love. Sexual ethics has to adapt rapidly to the times and this is fully addressed by pragmatism, and it is based on the experience including the changes over time regarding homosexuality and same-sex relationships (Heckert, 2018). The practice of situation ethics including the principles further helps to identify the issues of sexual ethics, for example assessing the implications and consequences of extramarital sex. Hence, the situation ethics support the sexual ethical approach, where the situation is important and the importance of love and relationship are also essential to make decision. For more insights into sexual ethics within philosophy, consider exploring our offerings in philosophy dissertation help..

2. To what extent do the weaknesses of natural law outweigh its strengths?

Natural law is the theory in ethics and philosophy that focuses on discussing the human beings possesses intrinsic values that govern our reasoning and behaviour. It is based upon the universal ethics and principles to develop good the rules of right and wrong that are inherent in people and also not created by the society or court judges. It is absolutist and deontological that provides clear rules and regulations (Crowe, 2019). For example, abortion is wrong as it breaks the primary precept to reproduce. It is also based on the human abilities to reason and does not rely on the unpredictable consequences and emotions (Crowe, 2019). It is hereby accepted universally through universal laws and rules. The natural law can be applied to all the people across the societies and it creates a link between the creator and the creation with a specific purpose (Crowe, 2019). It simply follows the ideal and universal human nature that all the human being need to do to strive towards this state. However, there are several weaknesses which are such as natural laws fail to consider the situation of the people finding them in and the consequences of an action, it is not applicable in practical life and not all the people do their moral choices (Koterski, 2020). As per the natural law, the perspectives are preservation of life, ordering of society, worship of God, education of children, and reproduction, however, not all the people agree to the same. Moral acts resulting from the secondary precepts meet the requirements of having a good intention resulting in a good exterior act (Koterski, 2020). Major weakness is that it is artificially imposed on the universe and human life to provide order and design depending on the reliability of the human reason, whereas the human reason is unreliable and imperfect.

Natural law concept is significant for common experience and sciences and the major strengths are logical and rational, so that the person can make rational decision to live a healthy life. As per the natural law principle, they promote the common good through the ordering of society and the education of children (Sison, 2018). Adaptability through the use of secondary precepts and the doctrine of double effect is also beneficial to follow the ethics as well as it shares the strengths of absolutist and deontological ethics for the clear statement about good, bad, right and wrong. The Doctrine of Double Effect enables the followers of Natural Law to use reason to inform moral action. The theological virtues including faith, hope, and charity can be maximised under the natural law principles (Sison, 2018). Additionally, it is reliable as it is absolute and the cardinal virtues are also maximised including prudence, justice and temperance. It is universal to make fair decision and improve good society in future where the morals is based on majority of the people that they follow the rational and ethics of natural law. However, the existing weakness of the natural law outweighs its strengths due to improvable concept of telos.

4. Assess the view that Kantian ethics does not help with practical moral decision-making.

Kantian ethics refers to a deontological ethical theory developed by German philosopher Immanuel Kant, and it focuses on the notion that, "It is impossible to think of anything at all in the world, or indeed even beyond it, that could be considered good without limitation except a good will". Hence, the duty of individual is necessary to be maintained, irrespective of the outcome of the activities of the human being (Walker and McMillan, 2021). People have to do their duty to do the right things, irrespective of the bad outcome and adverse results. According to Kant, it would be wrong to tell a lie in order to save a friend from a murderer. As per the Kantian ethics, the set of moral principles are applied to all the human being regardless of the context or situation (Scharding, 2019). Kant calls the principles Categorical Imperatives, which are defined by their morality and level of freedom. Kant ethics provides a deontological, objective and absolutist approach to moral decision making behaviour which must be based on the particular reason. Acting morally and fulfilling own duty is mandatory as per the theory irrespective of the further consequences (Scharding, 2019). Hence, it can be argued that, Kant ethical principles may not the best way to develop ethical or rational decisions making practice in the organisation (Walker and McMillan, 2021).

Kantian ethics is absolutist and cannot adapt to changing times and circumstances over the period of time (Donaldson, 2017). In order to develop practical moral decision making practice, it is important for the decision maker to be practical and change their decision over time as per the situation and context (Scharding, 2019). However, Kant ethics focuses on fulfilling the duty and maintain the ethics of working activities, rather than the duty which would be the best strategy to achieve higher. Kantian decision making practice rejects other factor such as empathy, love and sympathy which are essential facts in the practical decision making practice (Walker and McMillan, 2021). Kantian ethic does not rely on the changed strategies and this further fail to develop rational decision as per the current situation. On the other hand, some agree to the Kant ethics as the dependence of Kantian ethics on reason gives it the clarity and coherence required in practical moral decision-making (Donaldson, 2017). The individual duty in the practice decision making is also important and it is supported by Kant ethical code. Kantian ethics provide a framework which is both helpful and logical in practical moral decision-making, and the three formulations are formula of law of nature, end in itself and formula of kingdom of ends (Donaldson, 2017). Hence, by being deontological, objective and absolutist in its approach to practical moral decision-making, Kantian ethics avoids reliance on unpredictable consequences, however, it becomes important to analyse the future consequences and situation so that rationale decision making practice can be developed.

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Reference List

Cowling, M. and Reynolds, P. eds., 2017. Making sense of sexual consent. London: Routledge.

Crowe, J., 2019. Natural law and the nature of law. London: Cambridge University Press.

Donaldson, C.M., 2017. Using Kantian ethics in medical ethics education. Medical Science Educator, 27(4), pp.841-845.

Heckert, J., 2018. Sexuality/identity/politics. In Changing anarchism. London: Manchester University Press.

Koterski, J.W., 2020. The Cambridge Companion to Natural Law Ethics. Edited by Tom Angier. International Philosophical Quarterly, 60(4), pp.498-500.

Plantinga, C., 2018. Screen Stories: Emotion and the Ethics of Engagement. London: Oxford University Press.

Scharding, T., 2019. Individual actions and corporate moral responsibility: A (reconstituted) Kantian approach. Journal of Business Ethics, 154(4), pp.929-942.

Sison, A.J.G., 2018. Virtue ethics and natural law responses to human rights quandaries in business. Business and Human Rights Journal, 3(2), pp.211-232.

Walker, S. and McMillan, J., 2021. Ethical Concepts in Clinical Decision-Making and Ethics Teaching. In The History and Bioethics of Medical Education (pp. 130-146). London: Routledge.

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