The world needs all kinds of minds

  • 02 Pages
  • Published On: 16-11-2023

1. Important Message

Autistic spectrum is a common phenomenon among the individuals and there are all kinds of minds among the people where they think differently and explore ne alternatives through picture, visual thinking and innovative mindset. The autistic mind focuses on pictures rather than letters. The normal brain ignores the details while the autistic brain focuses on more in depth details. Watching movies and crucial thinking process are fruitful to think differently and explore more ideas. Visual thing is hereby major factor for career designing livestock facilities. Virtual reality and computer system are also contributing factors for increasing visual activities and it further improves the mindset and the individuals are trying to think differently for exploring more innovative solutions. The visual thinking is important and fruitful for exploring new design, but the autistic mind is more creative and explores innovative ways. Like visual thinkers, there are pattern thinkers, music and math minds. Visual thinking also provides great insights into the animals where they have sensory based thinking process like smell, sounds etc.


7 Dimensions of Applied Behaviour Analysis

2. Important Message

The seven dimensions of the applied analysis are such as analytics technological generality, effective, behavioural, conceptual system and applied. For applied behaviour, it is mandatory to apply the learning and development with the social life and communities. The observable and measurable behaviour is also on major dimension where the individual can develop applied mindset by reviewing the behavioural analysis.

Effective is another dimension in the Applied Behaviour Analysis where the actions must be developed properly through enhancing communication and collaboration. Behavioural activities are socially significant where it is also possible to develop applied behavioural mindset among the learners through monitoring the progress, intervening in the activities in daily lives and ensuring consistent activities.

3. Important topic for further explanation

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For further evaluation, it is mandatory to discuss about the latest technology to general use the concept and improve understanding among the learners. Technology is helpful to create computer program, where the learners can learn and improve their activities efficiently through utilising the technology, the programming is suitable for all the learners where they are able to manage their activities and develop the mindset through continuous learning and development process. Effective written of the program is suitable for the learner to review the activities and improve their capabilities further. The procedures are clearly developed through the program and in the recent years technology plays a crucial role to enhance the learning and developmental activities contributing in enhancing applied behaviour analysis.

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