Work related stress in the UK


Stress is one of the serious concerns in the society, as the individuals are suffering from different stress factors and the numbers of individuals suffering from stress is increasing rapidly in the recent pandemic era (Hatch et al., 2018). The aim of the report is to analyse the recent complex issue of stress among the individuals and develop effective decision to mitigate such issue. It is crucial for the doctors and social workers to conduct in-depth survey for analysing the causes and effects of stress, so that important suggestions can be recommended in order to protect the individuals mainly the Z generations, where most of the people are suffering from stress due to several reason including unemployment, family pressure, mental and physical illness etc. (Chandola et al., 2019). For further insights, students seeking healthcare dissertation help can explore comprehensive strategies and case studies to understand stress management in healthcare settings.


Existing issues in the UK

In the recent era of globalisation, stress is the major issue in the society where the stress factors have been seen among the individuals. Almost all the individuals in Z generation are suffering from different stress in their life. Due to this pandemic situation, the individuals become stresses and are suffering from depression from diverse issues that affects a healthy lifestyle for which the quality of life of the citizens is deteriorating over the period of time. It directly affects the mental and physical health condition of the individuals. It is important to analyse the existing issue and recommend alternative solutions to protect the individual and support them to stay healthy (Foy et al., 2019). As per the findings, the main stress factor is related to work related stress, and it becomes serious when it spirals out of control and affects a person on a long-term basis, and this can lead to a range of serious health conditions (Hatch et al., 2018). Younger generations have several issues in leading a normal life including lack of job opportunities, unemployment and personal problems etc. which increases the chance of getting depressed per time. The mental and physical health of such individuals suffering stress are also deteriorating over time, as their morale in life become hampered they are not willing to lead a normal and healthy life.

Stress in the UK

As per the survey in the UK, there are different stress factors for which the people are suffering in leading a normal and healthy life. Mainly the younger generations, Generation Z in particular reported often feeling stressed a lot for diverse reason. 79% individuals are suffering from work related stress in the recent COVID 19 situation. As per the survey result, the major stress factors are work related stress, relationship stress, monetary stress family stress health stress and others. The individuals about 79% also reveal that, they are suffering from work related stress which has direct effects on the lifestyle and wellbeing of the people in the society (Statista, 2021). 48% individuals are suffering from family stress and health related stress factors are also there in the society which is about 45%. Additionally, financial stress often follows the majority of the British population that is about 60%. Moreover, 35% respondents reveal that there is relationship stress (Statista, 2021).

Stress among the people

In 2020, there is an increase in stress-related absences as compared to 2019 in a survey of UK organisations. Furthermore, 60% of respondents frequently feel monetary stress, while 48% experienced family stress (Hatch et al., 2018). Hence, there are diverse reasons for which the people feel depressed. It is hereby important to evaluate the reasons of such stress and develop alternative solution to provide suitable environment, where the individuals can mitigate their stress level and lead a normal and healthy life (Statista, 2021).

Causes of the issue

There are several stress factors, for which the individuals are suffering from depression, low self-esteem and anxiety. It is important to explore the actual causes of stress among the young generations in the UK. In 2020, there is an increase in stress-related absences in the workplace as compared to 2019 in a survey of UK organisations ad this indicates that the people are not satisfied with their job position and activities in the company (Foy et al., 2019). 38% of women and 35% of men agreed that the work relayed politics further raise the stress level among the staff members, where the employees are not sure about the internal politics at the workplace that they can cope up with. They also have fear to communicate and feel stressed to work with others due to internal politics and lack of job security (Hatch et al., 2018). Hence, most of the individuals are suffering from work related stress and the major causes are,

Excessive pressure at the workplace from the senior management team

Sales work related stress

Customer’s service related stress

Lack of job security

Poor management

Work related politics

38% of women and 35% of men revealed that, most common cause of stress at work is work-related politics. 30% of both men and women also stated that there is excessive work pressure where the people cannot manage such pressure in the workplace and this raise depression among the young generations (Shevlinet al., 2020). Additionally, the cause of workplace related stress is excessive pressure of the senior management team, mainly in the sales department and customer service management department where most of the organisations hired employees in sales and customer service department on the target basis job (Ravalier, 2019). The customer’s needs and preferences are changing daily and it becomes difficult for the employees to handle the clients by acknowledging their actual requirements. Thus, it is difficult for the young generations to manage the work politics in the organisation as well as maintain work life balance, for which there is no such job security and safety in the workplace (Ravalier, 2019).

Impact of the complex problem on employees and their organisations

There are serious effects of such work related stress on the human being mainly Z generations, which affects the standard of living of the individuals. As per the research, 14.7 billion U.S. dollars of healthcare expenditure per year in the UK is related to work related stress, where the people are suffering rom physical and mental illness. Mental illness is serious among the individuals such as severe depression, eating disorder, anxiety disorder, addiction towards drug and alcohol and suicidal tendency that may ruin one’s life (Ravalier, 2019). On the other hand, there is increasing inpatient admissions as a result of stress-related conditions, which cost the UK healthcare sector almost 10 billion U.S dollars. 68.9 million GP appointments and 5.5 million inpatient admissions are taken place in the UK due to stress rated symptoms. Most common physical symptom to manifest from stress-related illness in the UK was chest pain, which was responsible for over 943 thousand hospital admissions (Shevlinet al., 2020). Hence, both physical health and mental health of the individuals are affected for such stress and as per the finding; the major stress is related to workplace and job. The death rate of such stress related issues is also increasing over the period of time where the young generations have the chance of heart attack and other serious mental illness including depression, anxiety disorders and suicidal tendency (Statista, 2021).

PESTLE analysis

PESTLE analysis PESTLE analysis

Alternative solutions to work-related stress

In the recent pandemic era, the Z generations are suffering mostly from the work related stress and it is the responsibility of the policy makers and the corporate leader to strategize the overall country employment rules and planning to handle the employees (Foy et al., 2019). Providing continuous support, developing corporate governance, with trust and harmony among the team, managing transparency and accountability at the workplace and creating friendly atmosphere to perform better would be possible solutions to manage the employees and ensure work life balance so that the work related stress can be mitigated (Shevlin et al., 2020). Additionally, it is mandatory to provide job security so that they can manage their stress and work efficiently to meet personal needs and preferences. The managers and leaders must design structured salary and incentives to meet the employee’s personal requirements.

Suggested decision to solve the complex problem

The suggested decisions of mitigating the complex problem are,

Building trust and continuous cooperation for making the job done within effective time

Corporate leader must take the initiatives to create values for the staff though providing performance related pay and incentives

There would be structured salary and employment contract for ensuring job security

The leaders must reduce workplace politics by enhancing transparency and accountability

Work life balance through developing friendly atmosphere social gathering continuous support from the senior managers, freedom to work in the company and enhancing communication are important

Implementing the decision to solve the complex problem

Implementing the decision to solve the complex problem Implementing the decision to solve the complex problem

Success indicators to measure the effectiveness of decision

The success indicators for measuring the impacts of the decision are such as,

Increasing job satisfaction and employment opportunities in the UK

Decreasing the cost of treatment and improving mental health among the individuals

Ensuring work life balance in the workplace through employees value creation

Maximising employees efficiency and productivity

Economic growth and social development in the UK

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The individuals suffer from work related stress due to lack of employment rules and poor management in the workplace. In the recent pandemic situation, there is job loss, excessive work pressure for which it is not possible for the staff to handle work life balance. The strategy of developing employment rules and maintaining good corporate governance would the best practice to tackle the complex issue of work related stress in the society and support the Z generations to stay healthy and earn more by being predictive and creative.

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Reference List

Ajayi, S.O., Jones, W. and Unuigbe, M., 2019. Occupational stress management for UK construction professionals: Understanding the causes and strategies for improvement. Journal of engineering, design and technology.

Brewin, C.R., Miller, J.K., Soffia, M., Peart, A. and Burchell, B., 2020. Posttraumatic stress disorder and complex posttraumatic stress disorder in UK police officers. Psychological medicine, pp.1-9.

Chandola, T., Booker, C.L., Kumari, M. and Benzeval, M., 2019. Are flexible work arrangements associated with lower levels of chronic stress-related biomarkers? A study of 6025 employees in the UK household longitudinal study. Sociology, 53(4), pp.779-799.

Foy, T., Dwyer, R.J., Nafarrete, R., Hammoud, M.S.S. and Rockett, P., 2019. Managing job performance, social support and work-life conflict to reduce workplace stress. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Hatch, R., Young, D., Barber, V., Griffiths, J., Harrison, D.A. and Watkinson, P., 2018. Anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder after critical illness: a UK-wide prospective cohort study. Critical care, 22(1), pp.1-13.

Ravalier, J.M., 2019. Psycho-social working conditions and stress in UK social workers. The British Journal of Social Work, 49(2), pp.371-390.

Shevlin, M., McBride, O., Murphy, J., Miller, J.G., Hartman, T.K., Levita, L., Mason, L., Martinez, A.P., McKay, R., Stocks, T.V. and Bennett, K.M., 2020. Anxiety, depression, traumatic stress and COVID-19-related anxiety in the UK general population during the COVID-19 pandemic. BJPsych Open, 6(6).

Statista, 2021. Most common types of stress experienced in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2020. [Online] Available at: [Accessed on 28 October 2021].

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