Competitor Analysis A Case Study Of Team Gb

A. Target audiences and their needs

The concept of Team GB is to attract the athletes and football lovers across the international countries and Team GB is the brand name, utilised by British Olympic Association since 1999. The brand name Team GB is efficient to attract the audiences worldwide. The target audiences are the athletes as well as game lovers and the brand aims at retaining the consumers across the international countries (Smith, Zhou and Green, 2017). The needs of the target audiences are to get proper games and other facilities, synchronised system at the place and security, where the audiences can enjoy the game safely. The services of the Team GB plays crucial, role in satisfying the audiences where they try to serve efficiently for fulfilling their needs by providing safe place, tickets and discounts for the Olympics games etc (Wheaton, and Thorpe, 2019). Additionally, organisations like British dissertation help support research on sports and branding, contributing to the academic understanding of such initiatives.


B. Profile of different target audiences

In order to target the audiences, it is necessary to identify the customer’s group, and the different categories to target the customers are age, gender, personal preferences. In this particular context, the Team GB is efficient to target the age group 18 years to 40 years as well as it targets both male and female to strengthen their customers base in long run. In order to build long term brand loyalty and value, the brand will target the teenagers and game lovers as well as athletes who prefer to watch the games under Olympics (MacRury, 2017). The target audiences are hereby the people, who love games and sport activities, as well as the athletes who are willing to watch the games under Olympics.

C. Motivations for influencing their consumption decision

It is necessary for Team GB to motivate the consumers through restrung their organisational activities and improving the infrastructure to manage the audiences across the international countries. the strategic planning of providing safe stadium, comfort ability of the sitting arrangement, fire exit and fire safety measures, discounts on the price of the tickets, limiting the exposure of the athletes and the audiences to the environmental elements are effective to encourage the audiences and influence their decision making behaviour in long run (Apostolopoulou et al., 2017). In addition to this, Team GB needs to promote the brand and develop suitable content for attracting the customers and retain them for long run. The athletes and the sport lovers are attracted towards the infrastructure, the place of the Olympics games and the ticket price and in this regard Team GB needs to restructure these factors for targeting audiences.

D. Setting a date and time for marketing objectives

For developing appropriate marketing planning and objectives, it is necessary to have proper data and timing so that the brand can work together and collaborate with all the stakeholders to develop appropriate decision of marketing (Moore, Raco, and Clifford, 2018). The marketing planning system needs to be collaborative practice, where the members in Team GB needs proper date and time to develop the tactics of promoting the vents. In this regard, the time is 12 o’ clock, where every member are available to participate in the meeting for developing appropriate marketing planning and the date is after two weeks, so that the management team can have the time to arrange the meeting and communicate the purpose of the meeting to all the stakeholders.

A. Setting marketing objectives

The marketing objectives of Team GB are,

  • To target the audiences across the international countries
  • To target the athletes and the sport lovers worldwide
  • To promote the events for strengthening their consumer base
  • To make the events successful

The objectives are SMART objective, where the objectives are specific, as the brand Team GB knows their objective of promoting the events and Olympic Games across the globe. The objectives are measurable, where the customer’s decision making behaviour and the sale volume of the tickets for the games under Olympics are the measuring factors to evaluate the success of Team GB (Hills, Heere and Walker, 2018). The objectives are also achievable as the brand has the capability to promote their activities and invest in marketing strategic planning for better performance. The objectives are also reliable and these can be achieved within the time span of six months.

B. Outlining the strategies of marketing plan

The strategies of promoting Team GB are such as,

  • Developing clear and concise content on the website of Team GB to promote the events and gaming activities.
  • To arrange social media campaign, as it is playing crucial role in sharing the information about Olympics games across the social communities worldwide.
  • Developing the online webpage of Team GB from where the athletes and the sport person can gather important information and they can maintain latest updates.
  • It is effective to create FaceBook post, which is great media to share the important messages related to Olympic games, place and ticket prices.

These marketing strategic planning are effective to target the audiences and promote the brand to influence the decision making behaviour of the audiences.

C. Ways to prepare group presentation

It is necessary for the members to present the topic and information as a group, where the group members need to be collaborative in order to complete the task. It is necessary for the members to improve communication and conduct in depth analysis on the particular topic. Conducting proper market research and secondary source analysis, it is possible to identify the information about target audiences and services of Team GB. This information are effective, where the group members need to utilise their evaluation and critical analytical skill to analyse the information and develop appropriate marketing planning to fulfil the SMART objective. For group presentation, the members need to be communicative through developing one to one conversation, arranging group meeting, sharing their experience and perception and joint decision making practice to fulfil the team objective.

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Reference List

  • Apostolopoulou, A., Branvold, S., Pearson, J.J. and Synowka, D.P., 2017. ThatsGold: sponsorship activation in the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics. Journal of Brand Strategy, 6(3), pp.263-280.
  • Hills, S., Heere, B. and Walker, M., 2018. The British Olympic football team. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.
  • MacRury, I., 2017. Branding the Games: Commercialism and the Olympic city. In Olympic Cities: 2012 and the Remaking of London (pp. 61-90). London: Routledge.
  • Moore, S., Raco, M. and Clifford, B., 2018. The 2012 Olympic Learning Legacy Agenda–the intentionalities of mobility for a new London model. Urban Geography, 39(2), pp.214-235.
  • Smith, N.L., Zhou, Y. and Green, B.C., 2017. Framing Paralympic Sport to Build Audience Interest: the effects of priming on visual attention, attitudes, and interest. In Contemporary Sport Marketing (pp. 179-195). Routledge.
  • Wheaton, B. and Thorpe, H., 2019. Action sport media consumption trends across generations: Exploring the Olympic audience and the impact of action sports inclusion. Communication & Sport, 7(4), pp.415-445.

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