Employee Management and Customer Satisfaction at McDonald's Corporation

Market audit: McDonald's Corporation

McDonald's Corporation is an American fast food company, established in the year of 1940 and the organisation is successful to expand their business through export, franchisee and direct company establishment across the world (McDonald’s, 2021a). Total numbers of people working in the firm are more than 210000, where the employees are efficient to serve the customers with the best quality products and efficient services for satisfying the clients and retaining them for long run. Hence, the company is successful to manage their strong employee’s base in order to improve their service for meeting the client needs and preferences.


The major products that the company provides to the customers are such as hamburgers, pancakes, breakfast, coffee, wraps, salads, milkshakes, soft drinks, French fries, desert and different reparation of children, which are tasty and in good quality to satisfy the clients. The organisation is efficient to expand their business across the globe and generate revenue by retaining the old and new customers for their quality products. The revenue generated in 2019 was more than US $ 21.076 billion and the company is successful to maximise its profitability (McDonald’s, 2021b).

The organisation McDonald's is successful to regain their position in the global fast food industry where due to such pandemic situation; there was decrease in sales and profit volume of the company due to lock down, social distancing and other government regulations. The company is efficient to promote their brand to regain their market share in the global fast food industry and retain the customers in long run. The loyal and strong customers base is one of the key performance indicators of McDonald's and the brand is proficient to manage their customers by providing the best quality and diverse food items as per their needs and personal preferences (McDonald’s, 2021c).

As per the market trend, in 2016, there was US $ 540 billion revenue generated in the global fast food industry and it is growing over the period of time. The market trend towards having fast food and ready to eat meals, the demand of the customers is increasing and it further helps the firms operating in the fast food industry to generate revenue and maximise the yearly profit (McDonald’s, 2021c).

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McDonald’s in this regard is successful to generate revenue and maximise their market size by 21.4%. The company is efficient to manage the customers across the international markets and there is strong brand image of the company in the global fast food industry. The company is hereby successful to gain high competitive advantage as compared to other competitive firms operating in the global food industry such as KFC, Burger King, Subway, Domino’s pizza and Starbucks. There is large market share of McDonald’s which further provides a scope to the organisation to create good brand image and promote the firm internationally with its quality food menu and diverse options for snacks and breakfast (McDonald’s, 2021d). Hence, the firm has strong brand image with efficient employee’s base to retain the clients worldwide and meet the organisational aim.

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Reference List

  • McDonald’s, 2021a. Who we are. [online] Available at: https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/our-company/who-we-are.html [Accessed on 21 July 2021].
  • McDonald’s, 2021b. Stock information. [online] Available at: https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/investors/stock-information.html [Accessed on 21 July 2021].
  • McDonald’s, 2021c. Annual report 2019. [online] Available at: https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/gwscorp/nfl/investor-relations-content/annual-reports/2019
  • McDonald’s, 2021d. Annual report 2020. [online] Available at: https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/content/dam/gwscorp/assets/investors/financial-information/annual-reports

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