Evaluating Marketing for Organisational Growth


Marketing plays a crucial role in the performance of an organisation. The current report provides an assessment of the contribution of marketing in organisational performance. Along with it, the study evaluates the role of marketing in the development of the organisation. It demonstrates knowledge on some of the key concepts and principles in the operations of an enterprise and its environment. Besides, the study also shows elements of organisation management and leadership, finance, marketing and innovation in terms of global level. For those seeking further insights, marketing dissertation help can be invaluable. Aim of the report is to evaluate the traditional marketing methods used by Ruby Violet, an ice-cream store, operating in the UK. The study focuses on the SWOT analysis of the cited company, along with a thorough analysis of the ice cream market. Also, it demonstrates the key performance indicators to measure and evaluate the marketing functions of the cited company.

Market description

Ruby Violet, an ice cream parlour, was established in the year 2012. The small business offers high quality and varied range of ice creams. This outlet not only deals in ice creams but also provides ice cream chocolates, ice cream sandwiches, lollies and much more range of foodstuff (Velásquez-Cock, 2019). Growth of the ice cream industry in the UK is shown in the picture below.


Growth of the ice cream industry in the UK is increasing day by day. The growth of the ice cream industry is driven by the availability of the various types of flavoured ice cream. Consumers get worth of the money that they spend on buying the ice-creams (González-Cuello, 2018). Currently, the ice cream manufacturers are increasing their product range by including organic herbal fillings and exotic flavours to meet the changing demand of the consumer. Similarly, the cited company also seeks to meet the changing demand of the customer. It focuses on identifying the factors that affect satisfaction levels of the customers. In this regard, the firm gives attention to product innovation and hiring well-trained and experienced employees (Homayouni, 2018). Ruby Violet developed the product range for health-conscious customers who prefer low-calorie and low-fat ice creams.

SWOT Analysis

Ruby Violet, although has been operating in this market since a very long period, it has to understand that there is a large number of factors and forces affecting its management and operations. The company operates on a small scale. However, it serves a wide customer base; this is one of the major strengths of the firm. (Mohezar, 2017). The table of SWOT analysis of ice cream parlour has been presented below.

SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis


Ruby Violet needs to review and analyse its business objectives for the growth of the company. Constant analyses can have a significant impact on the overall operations of the business (Austin, 2019). The company can satisfy the clients and various other stakeholders by providing them with quality services. For further development and achieving its objectives, the company has to ensure that its employees are well directed and working towards the fulfilment of the customers’ demands. This eventually will increase and improve the performance level and help the organisation to be a sustainable company in the ice cream industry for long terms. There are some SMART objectives that the company should try to accomplish in upcoming one to two years.

Open two new outlets in the next two years.

Grow its market share by 2% in coming one year.

Introduce home delivery services in five to six months.


Key Performance Indicators

In order to achieve the targets and objectives set above, the company need to use certain types of performance indicators that will help to measure its performance and determine whether the set objectives are fulfilled or not (Toussaint, 2017). For opening two new outlets, Ruby Violet needs to develop the necessary infrastructure and obtain the capabilities or resources. However, the firm will have to make significant investments in developing such an infrastructure. If this step is successfully carried out, then the company can achieve its objectives (Akkermans, 2019). For increasing the market share by 2%, the company has to increase its market presence. For growing the market presence, company have to carry out a wide variety of tasks such as intensifying its marketing and promotional activities (Ahmed, 2017). These will help the firm to improve its image in the market and ensure that the goals are achieved to the highest possible extent. For achieving the objective, the organisation has to also improve its customer services and attract new customers by delivering products according to their needs and preference. For capturing a desirable market share, Ruby Violet can use the social media platform (Peral, 2017). The company can create its website and start delivering online services. For attracting customers, the company can add some special flavour that can attract people from all the age groups. For growing and develop the company, it can make ice creams for those people who prefer low calories. By practising this, the company can attract more customers and can quickly achieve the targeted goals (Kylili, 2016). Another key performance indicator is regularly updating its menu. It is essential for the Ruby Violet that it should keep updating its menu. This way it can attract customers, which then will enable the firm to become a market leader (Rogers, 2020). The company can add some new attractive offers to the menu according to the season. Generally, ice creams are sold in cups or cones, while these two items may seem unattractive to the customers after some time (Mourtzis, 2017). Therefore, the company can create some unique ideas and start presenting ice creams in some different ways such as, ice cream sandwich or small cone, or it may be an ice cream cake for attracting its customers.


In food marketing, aspects such as segmentation, positioning, branding, customer research and market entry strategy, are highly relevant (Lerman, 2019). At present scenario, new techniques and process will increase the opportunity to the food marketers. For increasing the market chain of ice creams, the cited company can use the value chain for capturing the market share. For developing the market share of ice cream, Ruby Violet should focus on the segmentation of the market and use advanced technology for promoting its business (Johnston, 2019). The cited company has to perform functions and strategies like brand positioning. The cited business makes sure about the target audience’s preference before it will make any move. The company have to use the strategy of the packaging of its products. The company can design its basic yet unique logo which can help in attracting the target customers. Sometimes the logo can have a substantial impact on the business. So Ruby Violet should introduce some cups and cones that will be different and will show its logo (Rogers, 2020). The company can also focus on the advertisement function and develop better materials such as posters or digital ads that eventually will help in increasing its sales and help to achieve the set objectives. The company should start its email marketing. It is quick and easy to send; the company only needs a list of its potential customers. For grabbing the attention of the customers and keep them engaged, the company can send e-mails on a daily basis that consists of discounts, new arrives, or many more exciting offers. To attract customers to the new outlet, the company can organise events such as a launch party. This way the marketing function can be carried out effectively, and also help in attracting the customers. This will help in increasing brand awareness, along with creating a positive image within the market. The company also provide festive and seasonal offers to the customers without organising any event. By using these tactics and strategies, the company can earn more profits and build a strong image in the society. Customers will get attracted by the company’s offers and services. It will provide a competitive advantage and attain a desirable market share.

Demographics, Consumption Patterns and segmentation

The ice cream market is highly fragmented due to the presence of many large as well as small scale manufactures. Most of the industry players are diversifying and enlarging their volumes base by implementing strategic production (Martins, 2017). The cited company has to understand the current market and predict the future trend. Proper understanding of future trend will help the organisation to increase its sales. It will also help the company in opening new outlets in appropriate locations where people can easily visit the outlets. Demographic and consumption pattern of the consumer also affects the sale of ice creams because every consumer has different taste and preferences. So the company has to use strategies like customer research and invest on R&D, for a proper understanding of taste and preference of the customers (Wang & Simon , 2019). For attracting more customers and expanding business, Ruby Violet has to ensure that their outlets are located in the areas where customers are fond of such desserts. There are some customers who are health conscious and do not consume ice creams because of health issues. For attracting such customers, the company will have to prepare low calorie ice creams. This will fulfil the need for such customers, thereby helping the organisation to increase its sales (Peštek, 2018). Also, the company has to map the customer needs and preference according to the age group. The company can increase its sales by introducing more flavours for the kids. It is because children are more enthusiastic about ice creams. Elder and youngsters mostly consume the chocolate flavour, so the company can add or club chocolate flavour with another flavour. Although there are several companies who are providing ice creams, Ruby Violet have to create a niche in the market. Herein the company can provide new and unique flavour for the customers (Martins, 2017).

7P’s of Marketing Mix

Marketing will be an essential element for the company because the success of the firm to a great extent is dependent on this process. Since the ice cream market is very competitive, the role of a well-developed plan that consists of elements of the marketing mix will be crucial. From these, Ruby Violet will get the outline for the market or promote its brand to fulfil the desired objectives (Kaushik, 2018). The marketing mix helps the company to reach out to the maximum number of customers and thereby helps the company to achieve the organisational goals. Below is the discussion is on 7P’s of the marketing mix that the company should follow.

Products: The products should be produced according to the consumers’ want. It should fulfil the consumers’ expectations and should provide value for money (Saidani, 2019). The company should make its products as per the consumers’ demands and tastes. Because in the context of ice creams and other such food products, if the company does not make products according to the taste, it may not be able to increase its sales and ultimately it will not capture the target market. The company is operating on a small level, so the company has to identify the changing demand of the consumer.

Place: The customers should be able to search and find the product in a quick manner and be able to buy it quickly as well. For increasing sales of the ice creams company have to open its outlets where customers get convenience and can get ice creams easily (Rampal, 2018). The location or place of the outlet also decides the sales and growth of the company. Along with this, the company can use e-commerce where it can create more convenience for the consumers. They will get their products on their doorsteps. This will increase the sales of the products and eventually, the company can able to earn more profit.

Price: Product should be representing the value for money. This does not necessarily mean that all the products have to be low priced, but the products should have real and actual worth. Customers should feel that they are getting value for their money. Therefore Ruby Violet has to maintain its pricing. It would be beneficial for the company (SADEGHI, 2016). It is because when the company is charging reasonable prices, the customer will buy and consume the ice-creams. When the customers get satisfied by the quality and realise the product is giving value for money, then they will buy ice-creams from the same store in the future. This will increase profitability and create customers.

Promotion: This is one of the most vital elements because this element helps the company to promote its brand locally. If the company has to increase its sales and capture more market, the promotional techniques will defiantly help the company (Febriansyah, 2019). The company can use several techniques like sales promotions; personal selling or the company can use social media. A social platform can be a key communicational tool in the present scenario. By the use of a social media company can attract youth and children. Different promotional techniques can help the organisation to increase brand awareness and promote its company.

People: The people are referred from the staff of the company. Staff considered as the main asset for any businesses and these assets have a significant role in the growth and development of the company (Gladka & Victoria , 2019). The Ruby Violet is a small company, and it has compactable staff, but then also the owner of the company makes sure that staff members are working effectively and collaboratively. The members of the company have the spirit to take initiation for providing a positive customer experience. Effective staff will provide a competitive advantage to the company. For making their members more effective and want to get an optimistic outcome, then the company has to recruit the right person and train its staff to develop their skills.

Process: Process of the company refers to delivering the products and the services to the customers. If the company does not have a sequential process of working it may not able to complete its work on time as well does not able to achieve the desired goals (Rampal, 2018). It is significant for every organisation to follow proper serial of work so that the company can able to achieve what it wants. The proper process of work saves time and money by increasing efficiency and helps in acquiring profitable outcomes. Ruby Violet has to create a process from which they provide excellent services to the customers.

Physical evidence: Physical evidence generally refers to anything or everything from which customers see at the time of interacting with the company. Similarly, Ruby Violet also creates something which makes the unique identity of the company (Rampal, 2018). The company can be design its interior differently as compare to other ice cream shops. It may create a logo which makes different from other shops. Along with that, the physical evidence also refers to the staff of the company how they dress and in what manner they provide services to the customers. The company can keep its physical evidence effective so that the company can build its brand and increase their sales.

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From the above discussion, it can be concluded that Ruby Violet is a growing company. SWOT analysis revealed that the company should map its strength and try to overcome its weaknesses. Further, the company should also try to grab the opportunities and create strategies for eliminating and reducing the threat from other companies of ice creams. It should create strategies for acquiring desirable goals. Along with that, for increasing its sales by 2%, cited organisation can use 7P’s marketing mix strategy. By following it, the organisation can create larger customer base.


Based on the above study, it can be recommended for Ruby Violet that it should use traditional forms of marketing for increasing its sales and make a strong customer base. This will enable the company to capture market area. The main agenda for providing the recommendation for the company is because there are many companies which are dealing in ice cream business, so, it is difficult to reach to the customers. Thus, use of conventional marketing techniques will help the company. Further, for reaching and satisfying the customers, company should innovate its products and market them as healthy food products.

Continue your journey with our comprehensive guide to Social Media’s Influence on Marketing .

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Kylili, A. (2016). Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) approach in buildings renovation for the sustainability of the built environment: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 906-915.

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Mohezar, S. (2017). Malaysian Islamic medical tourism market: a SWOT analysis. Journal of Islamic Marketing.

Mourtzis, D. (2017). Lean rules extraction methodology for lean PSS design via key performance indicators monitoring. Journal of manufacturing systems, 233-243.

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Saidani, B. (2019). Marketing Mix-7ps: The Effect on Customer Satisfaction. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB), 72-86.

Toussaint, N. D. (2017). Introduction of renal key performance indicators associated with increased uptake of peritoneal dialysis in a publicly funded health service. Peritoneal Dialysis International, 198-204.

Wang, O., & Simon , S. (2019). Consumer adoption of sustainable shellfish in China: Effects of psychological factors and segmentation. Journal of cleaner production, 966-975.

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