Marketing Planning Process Importance

Section 1 – Marketing Environment and Planning Process

a. Components of the Marketing Planning Process and its importance

For a business to be successful in the market, the first step is to develop a marketing plan. For developing a good marketing plan, components of marketing should be taken in a glance, such as a consumer behavior, marketing management, pricing and so on. Marketing Planning consists of broader elements namely Strategic Analysis, Setting of goals, developing a strategy, Implementation of the Strategy or Marketing mix and Review of performance. Hills Vineyards, is situated in the Chilterns Area, Britain. The business is well known in the local market and has caught the attention of some retailers in the country's market. Now, for the vineyard to get a greater acknowledgement in the marketplace, they need to develop and implement the planning for marketing with the components as follows. If you need assistance in structuring your marketing strategies effectively, consider seeking marketing dissertation help to enhance your approach.


Market Analysis

Analysis of the market is an essential part of the planning. It has been collection of data that the organization has received from the market, which is about consumers and what their preferences are. Abraben et al. (2017), stated that the elements that should be considered are market dynamics, the pattern of the demand and the seasonality. The sale pattern and the standards set by competitors in the marketplace should be also considered. For Hill Vineyards, the competitors in the market will have a great impact, as they are established in the UK market. The major competitors for Hill Vineyards are Langham, Giffords, Rodington.

Setting Goals

The goal the firm wants to achieve through the process is an important element. The goals can be distinguished from as financial and customer goals. As influenced by Fiore et al. (2017), it has focused that financial goals help to focus on the sales, the revenue that is collected or the profits made by the firm. Besides, the goal that are related to the customers are a bit difficult to measure, this includes customer satisfaction, earning new customers, providing with new variations, employee management. For a business to go a long way, customer satisfaction should be the top priority.

Developing a Strategy

The accomplishment of goals depends on the strategy chosen and the strategy helps to create a competitive advantage in the market. In accordance with Porter's five force analysis, the vineyard needs to have knowledge about the existing competitors in the market and what are the possible new entrants (Simanungkalit, 2018). They need to have the suppliers backed up as suppliers have the power of bargain. Moreover, the company has to compete with the champagne of France, they need to work on innovation and bring up better and organically produced wine. The customer bargain power is somehow limited in this industry, as they will be provided with quality and branding. Hence, in all the references, the Hills need to work in their innovation that will surpass them from other competitors in the market.

Implementation of the strategy

Implementation of the proposed strategy can be costly and also requires human resources. The main components of the marketing mix are product policy, pricing, distribution and communication (Fiore et al. 2017). The budgets estimated for the marketing should be divided into these elements accordingly.

Performance review

The essential role in marketing planning is the performance review that helps to keep a check on how the elements are helpful in achieving the goal (Abraben, 2017). The shortcomings can be detected before with the right implementation, the team's work can be regulated and optimized from time to time. In any situation, if margins of profits are not met from the end of marketers, it would need to rely on further measures that can be taken ahead accordingly. Hence, it would find a better option of delivering it to the market as well.

Components of Marketing

b) PESTEL Analysis for the concerned organization

The wine industry in the scenario is primarily focused on the prosperous population of society. In the UK, wine is for the one who can afford delicacy. For a better understanding of the market, it is important for the vineyard to implement the PESTEL model in its strategy that would help them to see all the aspects and take the required actions (Song et al, 2017). In accordance with the pestle analysis, there are various that can factors that can affect the vineyard.


C). Outline of the Marketing mix and its contribution

Marketing mix can be simply defined as putting the right product in the right place at the right price, at the right time. It sounds simple, but to do so the strategy should be executed appropriately. The marketing mix can be executed in the simplest manner throughout the 4Ps of marketing: Price, Product, Promotion and Place.

In this scenario (Blut,et al, 2018), the product should meet the consumer's needs or demand. As the target audience is primarily the middle and lower section, the branding of the product has to be set up. The promotion ads should be put in the market along with the competitors, through online ways, so as to reach a maximum audience. The price should be set up at a standard to be in line with the competitors and per with the market. Along with inline promoting, physical positioning should be implemented in the market, where all sections of people visit, like malls, so that people can come up to the shop and see the product. According to research, vineyards can use prototypes for the objective and then evaluate them in their businesses. Vineyards need to have a clear and better objective than their competitors in order to prosper in the market.

Section 2: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning

A.UK Based Customers looking to buy Hills Wine online

According to an online review, UK-based customers are more likely to drink less alcohol or comparatively prefer to have credential elements in the wine packaging system as well as like to go with more sustainable value of the wines (Briggs, 2020). In this regard, bulk wine if imported from other countries is mostly having lower quality, which are measured for the purpose of checking its conservation quality and process that is shipped from a long time.

However, in respect to that Hills Vineyard need to look into this concern in the market even during the time of doing online marketing as well as its delivery process throughout the life. In such case, the firm needs to have concentration on its key area of online registration process through development of their own website as well as providing all checking systems within online mode as well (Parboteeah et al. 2016). Looking into this scenario, customers need to be engaged in proper for the purpose of having better recognition about the quality of purchasing a wine in a proper way.

On the other hand, the UK-based customers having greater demand of wines has to be connected and channelized through the medium of this online process or else with social media platform communication as well (Castellini and Samoggia, 2018). This would be profitable market for Vineyard at this moment so that it can be attained with respect to the major areas of business. Hence, it has been acknowledged that based on the key facts and concerns, marketing activities that will be conducted by the company would be based on the B2C process using active channel.

b. Identification of B2C target market

Segmentation and Targeting

Depending on the overall analysis of the customers, it can be acknowledged that most of the customers from UK-based market belong to the wine demand at this moment have their expectation towards online purchase and they need to be psychographic as well as demographic in nature (Do and Vu, 2020). This is only due to the fact that for enhancing the brand value of the Hills Vineyard, it would be able to find its customers from the end of certain customers having these tastes for the purpose of having them attracted to the middle-class category.

Other than this, it has been recognized from the market analysis that majority of wine production has been integral part of higher middle class or premium people in the UK life style in the families having regular occasions for business (Briggs, 2020). These are the category of segmentation are in higher demand of wines and from online process of ordering or booking directly to deliver it at door steps.


The positioning of Hills Vineyard needs to be at commercial location in England with its outlets as well as an E-commerce tie up for exploring its brand portfolio to the customers (Fiore et al. 2017). Moreover, in this respect of the wine production itself; there have been major areas of concern as well as value-based production that need to be included here for developing it to the end of creation and innovation purpose. In other words, the demand and supply of wine in the UK-based market needs to be strengthened well while the customers demand can be fulfilled at the time of emergency. Hence, based on this priority level, the brand can be able to grow well along with its core valuable substances of green production.

C.Meaning of the term positioning and suggestion for Vineyard Tour to be positioned in the consumer market

The term positioning has been considered as a suitable form of production stability in a particular market itself (Mora, 2016). In other words, having a greater demand of Hills Vineyard can be able to get its position in the UK commercial location so that it can be able to find a key way out in receiving major prospects in high demand. At the same time, it can be suggested to the brand name that if it is looking for major growth prospects as well as service qualities, it may have its positioning in the area where people have regular visiting for get together and have business location for meeting purposes as well.

Other than this respect, it has been well acknowledged that growing demand of this organic value of the Wine brand like Hills Vineyard would increase its wider demand in the entire UK and other European regions as well for recognition (Chrobak et al. 2017). Therefore, having direct association with E-commerce channels would be right option for this company to raise its demand further in the market as well. Hence, this could be once again a good attempt for increasing the value in front of the wine customers as well.

Moreover, it can also be suggested to Hills Vineyard to have some better possibility to grow well in the market as well as find some better other options other than social media platforms for its promotion purposes as well.

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Section 3 – Marketing Mix Analysis

Marketing is a domain that is evolving with time, and many companies who cannot cope up with the process find themselves left behind in the market. The best way of understanding the evolution of marketing is to accept the 7Ps of the marketing mix. According to theorists (Ndofirepi et al. 2020), a marketing mix is a tool that helps the business to define the product offered to the customers.

Marketing Mix of 7Ps Marketing Mix of 7Ps proposition Marketing Mix of 7Ps proposition
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Mora, P., 2016. Wine Positioning. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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