Marketing Principles for Hills Vineyard


The principles of marketing has been mainly noticed as a suitable way of promoting products and services as well as ensuring about how a brand gets well identified in a market. At the same time, it has been well acknowledged that most of the marketing principles have been well studied for a business promotion as well as establishment. The report has been well based on the case scenario of Hills Vineyard, which is a wine manufacturing company located in England, Hampshire. It explores all about marketing principles and components and strategies that are associated with branding and promoting this brand for increasing sale in the prime location of London.

Section 1

a. Marketing Planning Process and its components and its importance

To start a business, time and resources are the most important elements required. In other words, creation of effective business needs a well-developed marketing strategy, in accordance with all the components of marketing such as customer demand, prices, market analysis and more (McDonald, 2016). In this regard, effective marketing plan should focus on the broader elements of marketing such as analysis of the market, goals for the business, development and implementation of the strategy. According to the scenario, vineyard has a good grip in the local market, and now, because of a famous national newspaper is getting recognition all over the country. For the vineyards, to get secured in the market, need to propose the right marketing plan including all the elements of marketing.

Marketing Components Whatsapp

Market Analysis

Research is the most essential element of a marketing plan and is also referred to as the backbone of the plan. The process involved the collection and analysis of all the data, like who the consumer is, what consumers are looking for, what is the demand pattern and the seasonality. Along with consumer knowledge (Gneezy, 2017), the information about the competitors in the market is essential, the standards set in the market in terms of product quality and price. Vineyards need to understand the sale pattern. The competitors, present in the marketplace, will surely be affected by the Vineyards, so they have to be prepared for it. As the vineyard wants to compete with the champagne of France, they need to keep up with good products and variations to attract customers.

Identification of Target Audience

The marketing plan starts with the customers, their demands and needs. Once the consumers are identified it becomes manageable to deliver the product right (Gogoi, 2020). For this, they should create levels of segmentation in the market that will help the vineyards to reach the audience and satisfy them


Positioning the brand is an essential element, as it helps the firm to reach out and communicate with the audience (Gogoi, 2020). For this, the hills need to develop a compelling strategy and positioning should be appropriate, like on high street, or near malls, where people can easily reach.

Competitive analysis

A business should know about its competitors, and its products are different and received by the consumers. The price range set by them and the segment of the market they aim (Arora et al, 2020). All the knowledge about the competitors will help the vineyards to understand their place in the market and develop their strategies accordingly. The firm also needs to look for the suppliers and also have back up so that they always have sufficient supply to maintain the supply chain.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing strategy for an organization is the path to achieve the goals. It should be well developed and placed so that the customers find it attractive (Gneezy, 2017). The firm should view the entire market and analyze these different tactics it can out forward. The vineyards used social media, set up a stall or even had tourists visit them.


Budget is the component that will gel to track all the expense and the profit and is one of the key elements in the marketing plan (Gneezy, 2017). The Hills should plan a monthly schedule, about what they are to spend and also set limits for different sections, marketing, advertising and production. This way the firm can track all the ways outs.


Metrics help to understand the performance of the employees and the effects of the strategies taken up by the firms. Some of the metrics that should be taken care of are a possible risk, suppliers, implementation of the resources (Gogoi, 2020). Vineyards can have test programs to review the results of the implementations made. The programs that have benefited the firms can be repeated and the ones not bringing up business should be changed.

b) Analysis of PESTLE

Macro-environmental Analysis PESTLE Analysis PESTLE Analysis

C). Outlining of marketing mix contribution

Marketing Mix of 4Ps

The marketing and mix or the 4Ps of marketing are the different kinds of choices one has to make to run the business successfully (Arab, 2018). The 4Ps of marketing, namely, are Product, Price, Promotion and Place. For a business to achieve its goal, all these elements should be applied suitably. For the Hills Vineyards, the product is the wine, which should fulfill the customer's demand. As they are targeting the lower and middle section, they should bring up variants at the cheaper range. The price should be kept according to the standards set by the government and the competitors but suffice enough to attract people. For promotion, the Hills can take the help of social media such as Facebook and Instagram or have a website. The vineyards should try to get a place to put a small outlet where people will notice them.

Section 2

a. Overall Marketing Segmentation for UK-based customers

Considering the scenario above, it has been acknowledged that Hills vineyard need to have its customers from commercial market as well as from areas that are mostly popular for fashion streets and suitable wine sale (Botero et al. 2019). In this regard, it needs to target the below segmentation of customers:


The demographic customer segmentation mainly falls in the category of people that is differentiated on the basis of family background, occupation and income and status (Radovanović et al. 2017). In association with wine habit is concerned, most of the customer belongs to UK, are usually in a habit of drinking wine during occasions as well as having it in the form of party and frolic situations. In this respect, if Hills Vineyard is having particular options of promoting wine in the UK-based market, it needs to take some serious initiatives in respect of delivering wine directly to the B2C customers through E-commerce as well as through website promotion. This segmentation of customer need to be targeted for its high level of demand especially that belongs to family having middle-class status and standard income who prefers to taste wine once in every festivals.


Psychographic category on the other hand, is another option that needs to be targeted as well, as the customer under this category needs to be judged on the basis of their specific psychology of demand (Gogoi, 2020). It has been generally concerned about major sentiments and a brand’s quality that generally goes with the concern of psychographic customers in the market. For example, customers having some major dislikes or likes for particular reasons such as organic values, special flavored tastes are one common type of substance that can be available. Other than this, it cannot be finalized that based on marketers’ tastes or preferences, as it would be able to be found within the limits of natural production process as well.

b. Identification of B2C target market, as per characteristics

Based on the UK-based on the characteristics above, it can be recognized that the customers for Hills Vineyard would be primarily the above said segmentation that is mainly the demographic, as they would prefer mostly in respect of their income status and status of family business and occupation. On the other hand, behavioral characteristics may not be considered in case of promoting wine, as the product comes in a category that is mainly associated with the nature and life styles of customers as well (Botero et al. 2019). In relation to Hills Vineyard, it has been recognized that most of its benefits sought and lifestyle would be received from the end of tourists as well as local wine lovers as well. At the same time, some students or office going people that belong to the demographic segments would be well promoted and attracted for the brand identification (Baird et al. 2018). At the same time, it has also been well identified that Hills Vineyard need to implement natural extract for its wine production so that customer may not be able to find any drawbacks in the drink and it needs to be well aware about green packaging system as well.

c. Positioning place:

The term has been defined as a suitable form of managing a brand in a particular market. In this regard, it deals with exclusive form of controlling and having direct selling promotion in the market to the customers’ end so that it can be revealed with exclusive consumer loyalty and brand value (Wahyuni, 2020). In case of Hills Vineyard, it has been found that major attributes and concerns are all about positioning the brand in a prime location in London city so that tourists would be at least able to identify it better and have some idea and brand knowledge. The firm needs to be positioned in physical outlet as well as in E-commerce site that are chargeable for premium customers and free for normal customers along with a discount benefit in a good package. At the same time, it can be forwarded with the additional features like online subscription options (Baird et al. 2018). This could be applicable as well as profitable for the brand’s promotion in the market directly. Moreover, its positioning place can also be selected to be within the customers’ knowledge that would not only add value to the customers also it may add some good feedback analysis generator so that it can have some good return. This can be well identified with the proportion of the demand in the market and its product delivery at the same time as well.

Section 3

Marketing Mix of 7Ps

Marketing is the primary element of a business or organization to accomplish the goals of financial and customer satisfaction (Loo, and Leung, 2018). It is essential to any firm either or small to develop and implement the right marketing mix strategy in order to satisfy the business. The marketing mix consists of 7P







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Therefore, based on the overview of the marketing principles and strategies above, it has been well found that Hills Vineyard is an established wine brand in England. However, it has been suggested to have some well advanced form of marketing tools and techniques that is more aligned with strategies of principles applicable for Hills Vineyard as well. In this concern, an active initiative taken for the purpose of having good schemes for wine customers can be effective in the form of good value return.

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