Motivating Your Sales Team

Salesforce Motivation

Sales are considered to be the toughest job owing to different rejections that are involved in attaining the sales target. The salesperson needs to be recruited and selected correctly for ensuring that there is a successful operation of the firm in a competitive market. To compete in the global market of the present times, most of the organisation are paying due attention to how the personnel are chosen for the organisation. It has been since numerous years, the issues associated with motivating the sales force has been quite frustrating the sales and marketing managers (Doyle & Shapiro, 1980).


Motivating the sales force for high performance

Motivation is one of the management tools that can be implemented to lead to effective and efficient performance levels of the workforce that shall improve gradual, steady growth in the organisation. There are different ways in which organisation can motivate employees for a higher level of performance. One of them has been through recognition and praise. Salesperson demands attention for their achievement and also praise for work they do which is considered as more than monetary gain. To motivate the salesperson, it is significant to offer proper working conditions that have an impact on the attitude towards the work. Although financial incentives are considered to be secondary to recognition and praise, it is considered to be a dominant motive because every salesperson needs to earn a decent living both for him and also his dependents (Doyle & Shapiro, 1980).

Objectives of sales training

One of the main objectives of the sales training has been to offer the salesperson with valuable skills to possess a positive impact over selling performances. Within a short period, sales training tries to teach and thus enhance the selling skills. This implies that the time for a new salesperson to attain satisfactory levels of productivity would minimise. Sales training tends to prepare the trainees to enhance the outputs quickly (Doyle & Shapiro, 1980). Without sales training, the newly recruited salesperson would not be capable of answering the question possessed by the customers that shall raise the level of their stress and minimise the morale.

There are six steps for sales training that has been mentioned below:

Identifying the training needs

This can be considered as the first step to create an effective training programme. Determination of the training needs implies identifying the weaknesses of prevailing and new employees that would have an impact on the performance of the employees negatively.

Setting sales training needs

Evaluation of the training needs can be considered as the beginning point of setting the objectives of training. The training objectives are created according to the types of products and services to sell, types of salesperson having training, kinds of customers that can be dealt with along with the environmental context that the salesperson shall face.

Deciding the training methods

After the company has agreed regarding the objectives of the training, it becomes essential to evolve adequate training approaches so that it can be fulfilled. When the training method is devised correctly, it also helps in comprehending the manners in which the training is supposed to be performed.

Designing the training programme

Designing of the training programme is considered to be one of the most essential steps for the success of the training. It becomes difficult to attain the advantages of the sales training methods in case there are any types of issues in the programmes (Chinedum & Et. Al., 2017).

Career cycle

It can be revealed that planning of the training programme tends to be headed by assessing the needs of training. It is essential for the newly recruited salesperson along with the employees who are working for it.

Evaluation of training effectiveness

If the person is not capable of assessing the training process, it becomes quite difficult to judge the efficiency of the program.

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Role of salesperson motivation

It can be revealed that the sales control system tends to possess a different impact over the salesperson’s practical as well as cognitive dimensions of I/E motivation. According to some of the researchers, activity control, as well as capability control, needs to possess a distinct impact over intrinsic motivation. Activity control tends to maintain a positive effect over recognition seeking, while capability control tends to possess a favorable effect with compensation seeking (Doyle & Shapiro, 1980).


Chinedum, O. & Et. Al., 2017. Improving Sales Force Performance Through Motivation: A Study Ofguinness Nigeria Plc And Mobile Telecommunications Networks (Mtn) Insouth-Eastern Nigeria. International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing (IJRFM). Vol. 7, No. 9.

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