Comparison of Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis Methods in Research

  • 02 Pages
  • Published On: 19-12-2023

Learning Reflection

From the qualitative and quantitative data analysis, data is categorized into numeral data, categorical data, and descriptive data. Quantitative data is numeral, and analysis is conducted through the use of statistics and diagrams, making it a crucial element of any data analysis dissertation help. On contrast, qualitative data is non- numeral information that is analyzed through the use of conceptualization. Data analysis includes the use of appropriate statistics based on the data sets. Besides, qualitative analysis data includes transcribed audio-recorded data, self-memo and reflective diary. Besides, qualitative data analysis includes categorizing of meaning and data includes included examination of literature data. Some data analysis software includes IBM SPSS and NVivo. Looking at the philosophy of research and research design, the research approach includes deductive and inductive approach. Other method includes deducting a hypothesis, modifying theory, testing the operational hypothesis. Deductive hypothesis includes scientific principles and collecting quantitative data.


On the other hand, the inductive process includes gaining an understanding of the meaning of human events. Research designs include mono methods, including quantitative study and qualitative study. Similarly, there are multiple methods which include mixed methods. More importantly, I have learned that, while preparing for research, one should prepare a research proposal and examine literature. Literature is reviewed through systematic review, systematic database, systematic review and electronic databases. Other critical parts of research include background information and a reference list.

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From week three, the literature review is a critical summary of existing material related to the study area. It is among the most significant part of the research and includes reviewing relevant previous knowledge on the topic. The literate review creates a gap in the area of study. Moreover, the session examines article, websites and other publications. Therefore while looking at literate review, it is critical to investigate the weakness and strength of the literature. There are various essential issues of the literature review that include the specific area being examined; this area also needs to be broken down to study particular topic areas. The idea from previous research should be connected. Also, the study area should be linked to theories and approaches in the area of study. Lastly, after establishing gaps in previous literate, one should create a research gap for the current research.

Analysing the data needs a research study that also deals with the references. To cover a topic be it any field or area, it requires a proper investigation. The outcome then delivered leads to uniqueness and transparency, when a dissertation is drafted the outline is based on how deep the study is made, also while maintaining the pattern and guidelines issued by the academic. For a student when dealing with the academic degree, it is mandatory to script an assignment essay regarding the field they are involved in. The literature review help has supported many students while attempting the dissertation process as we know that it is not easy to get cover with this process.

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