Methodology and Approach to the research

  • 04 Pages
  • Published On: 07-12-2023

How to sustain the quality of higher education in an environment where a vaccine has yet to be found and economies are still reeling?

Individual role contributed to attaining the research

Individual role and responsibilities are effective to conduct the research efficiently where the major aim of the team is to perform collaboratively and identify authentic sources of information and data related to the research. The individual is efficient to conduct research and in-depth evaluation which further provide a scope to acknowledge the important information and data related to the COVID 19, which is the main focus of the study. The researcher tries to identify the impacts of such pandemic where there is increasing numbers of death rate due to the infection spread, as well as the individuals are instructed to maintain social distancing and lock down for mitigating the issue of infection spread. For those who are seeking healthcare dissertation help, understanding the role of individual researchers along with the collaborative effort within a team is critical for effectively addressing the challenges that are posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The role of the researcher in this is effective to support others and develop the research through die nth analysis and evaluation. In this research, the researcher will choose the deductive approach which is related to gathering vast range of research, theories and concepts for in depth evaluation to draw ultimate conclusion.


Moreover, as per the data collection method, the secondary data collection method has been chosen by the researcher to identify valid and relevant information and data for further analysis and evaluation. The research skill and critical analysis skill of the researcher are hereby important for conducting secondary research, where gathering vast range of information and data related to the researcher is mandatory for the researcher. The researcher tries to utilise their research skill and collect authentic information for better analysis and evaluation. Moreover, the contribution of the researcher in the research analysis and evaluation is useful to complete the study and in this regard, the problem solving and decision making skill set of the researcher are important, where the researchers try to identify the issues in the recent era of COVID 19, as well as analyse its impacts on education and training program (Brammer and Clark, 2020). Moreover, the skills set and knowledge of the researcher will be helpful to develop suggested recommendations for the organisation to create good online training and coursework to support the students and enhance quality of education.

Current innovation capabilities

The organisation UCLAN is efficient to provide safe and secure environment to the teaching professionals and students for online educational programs. The institution is financially stable with strong teaching staff base, and these are considered as major strengths of the educational institution where it is possible for the UCLAN to enhance technological innovation and creativity of the organisation to develop good online educational programs to support quality education on long run. The major weaknesses of the organisation are lack of student participation in developing inclusive learning coursework through online activities, poor innovative process and lack of parent involvement. The organisation has the capability to mitigate the weaknesses and involve all the stakeholders with the organisational activities for developing good online educational training and developmental programs for the students to ensure quality education (Jena, 2020). The major stakeholders engaged with UCLAN are the teaching professionals, experienced staff, students, parents, shareholders and investors in the educational programs, government and educational board. Strong stakeholder’s base is also effective for the institution to develop inclusive online learning programs to support the students in such a pandemic era through developing IT or Information Technology infrastructure and enhancing technical innovation.

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In the recent pandemic era, there is high death rate due to community spread of COVID 19 (Aristovnik et al., 2020). It has adverse impacts on different industries, service sector including retail, manufacturing, hospitality, education and health care (Azevedo et al., 2020). The education sector is hampered highly due to lock down and social distancing, where the students face difficulties to attend educational coursework which leads to poor academic performance, job loss and year loss. Hence, the aim of the research is to develop innovative online educational framework to support the students with training and developmental programs. For tackling this challenge, the research would provide innovative suggestions, where the organisation would be able to develop online educational programs to support knowledge and skill enhancement among the students. This has crucial impacts on near future, as the online educational program would be helpful for enhancing quality of higher education and improve personal and professional skill set of the students, so that they would be able to get good job as per their knowledge and experience. Hence, the research focuses on developing inclusive learning through online learning and developmental. Program for supporting the students across the social communities, where the individuals can participate in the educational coursework and improve their knowledge and skill set.

Reference List

Aristovnik, A., Keržič, D., Ravšelj, D., Tomaževič, N. and Umek, L., 2020. Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students: A global perspective. Sustainability, 12(20), p.8438.

Azevedo, J.P., Hasan, A., Goldemberg, D., Iqbal, S.A. and Geven, K., 2020. Simulating the potential impacts of COVID-19 school closures on schooling and learning outcomes: A set of global estimates. The World Bank.

Brammer, S. and Clark, T., 2020. COVID‐19 and management education: Reflections on challenges, opportunities, and potential futures. British journal of Management, 31(3), p.453.

Jena, P.K., 2020. Impact of pandemic COVID-19 on education in India. International Journal of Current Research (IJCR), 12.

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