Mixed Methods Methodology


While undertaking a research, consideration on the type of the data needed to evaluate and attain the stipulated objectives and aims determines the direction of the research. “Looking at something from several different points gives a more accurate view of it” (Neuman, 2000, p. 521). Two popular research methods are qualitative and quantitative. The former regards phenomena that cannot be measured such as understanding of behaviour or fundamental aspects of research problems, whereas the latter is informed by the measureable quantities such as numbers, percentage, or proportions that takes statistical forms. For all the students who are seeking guidance in their academic pursuits, particularly in the area of quantitative dissertation help, understanding all these methodologies is critical for effective design and analysis. However, as pointed out by Leech and Onwuegbuzie (2009), a study can incorporate both methods. A mixed method design in research is an approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative methods. According to Creswell (2009):


“It is an approach to inquiry that combines or associates both qualitative and quantitative form of research. It involves philosophical assumptions, the use of qualitative and quantitative approaches, and the mixing of both approaches in a study” (p.4).

There are clear differences between quantitative and qualitative methods. In quantitative research, a deductive process is followed. Herein numerical data is gathered and analysed using statistical tools and methods to produce results that are more formal. In qualitative research, as Johnson & Christensen (2004) put it, qualitative data forms a basis on which the inductive approach can be used. Research can be conducted within a small group of participants for in-depth information, and data is analysed by evaluating and synthesising words and topics. However, in this research, the mixed methods refer to quantitative and qualitative data analysis, which provides a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the phenomena and confirmation of results (Creswell & Clark, 2007). This was chosen to provide a deeper insight into the objective of research and contribute to a more comprehensive conclusion based on the available evidence (Sammons & Teddlie, 2010, p. 116).

Green et al. (1989) present five purposes for the adoption of mixed methods research - triangulation, integration, development, initiation, and expansion. This thesis seeks to triangulate the results derived from data collected through student and tutor questionnaires with data collected from teacher interviews. However, it is worth noting that quantitative and qualitative data analyses have strengths and weaknesses. One of the main strengths highlighted by Biesta (2010) is that the use of triangulation techniques provides a deeper understanding of phenomena. In fact, “triangulation ultimately fortifies and enriches a study’s conclusions, making them more acceptable to advocates of both qualitative and quantitative methods” (Oliver-Hoyo & Allen, 2006. p. 43).

However, the use of mixed methods also brings certain disadvantages, such as the need for large-scale data collection. It takes a long time to analyse both text and digital data. Moreover, it requires that the researcher be well-versed in both quantitative and qualitative forms of research (Criswell, 2009).

The mixed methodology was selected for use in this research because it provides a systematic consolidation of qualitative and quantitative data analysis. It also provides better results through triangulation compared to research based on individual methods (Karsenti, 2009). One of the reasons for selecting a mixed methods approach for this research was to enhance the validity of the results. This was done by confirming and contrasting data sources for comparing the qualitative and quantitative results of the same phenomenon (Hammond & Wellington, 2012).

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Data collection

It was interesting that the participants in the pilot study and the main study showed positive perceptions of the use of SM as e-learning tools. While tutors in the pilot study and the main study had different perceptions of the use of SoMeLT, the majority of the sample was hesitant and opposed the idea of ​​using these tools for learning. Therefore, it was necessary for to understand the reasons for these perceptions. This necessitated the use of another tool - semi-structured interviews, with ten tutors to investigate their perceptions in-depth and their views on the use of SoMeLT. This helped to obtain triangulation and to identify the truth behind the refusal of most tutors involved in this research to use SoMeLT.


Leech, N.L. and Onwuegbuzie, A.J., 2009. A typology of mixed methods research designs. Quality & quantity, 43(2), pp.265-275.

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