Research Methodology Fundamentals


Any form of investigative research could be contemplated in the format of a definitive and methodical process which has to be followed specifically by any Researcher for the purpose of achievement of the research particularities such as the research aims and objectives in a systematic manner. Furthermore, the process of research is mostly consisted by the careful applications of different methods of collection and analysis of research data. The extended objectives are to infuse most extensive meaningfulness as well as relevance within the results which could be obtained in context of such research studies. The explanations regarding the impediments and constrictions, which could influence the progression of the research study, are also delved into by the subsequent research processes. In this context, it could be highlighted that fulfilment of the research purpose and the aims and objectives of the researches are prospective segments of different activities which require to be completed so that the overall task undertaking could become useful within a specified duration of time (Becker, 1998).According to Collis and Hussey (2003), the complete approach of research and evaluation of the topic selected for the research to focus on, ranging from the underpinnings of theoretical constructs to the accumulated data analysis, could be considered to be the core constituents of the actualities of research methodologies. This could be further explained from the perspective that research methodology could be understood to be the statement of the strategies through which the research objectives are intended to be achieved. This is contradictory to the most management perspectives where the actual implementation of the concepts and processes could only occurred after the formulations of theoretical abstractions could be completed. This is more prolifically identified as the measure of turnaround process of management. Under such management framework, it is always necessary that the formulation and utilisation of theoretical constructs and underpinnings of perceptual notions could only be completed once the field based studies on actual conditions could be determined and concluded with effective insights into the entire spectrum of probabilities and possibilities related to the research variables (Chakraborty and Dixit, 1992). Thus, it is more than necessary that the corresponding research study should undertake the proper academic observations to delineate the philosophical standpoint from which the entire research discourse could be formulated and the underlying criticalities could be addressed with efficient research effort investment into the complete task undertaking. Sekaran (2003) had outlined the definition of research in the form of direct association with the specific problem based scientific enquiry which has to be necessarily organised and systematic with the purpose of achievement of the specifically established academic objectives on the basis of collection of relevant data through application of scientific investigative efforts. The underlying logical underpinning of such efforts are mostly reflective of the undertaking of development of answers as well as solutions to the existing problems or shortcomings in the institutional research regarding any specific and relevant topic or issue.

To this effect, it could be understood that the research methodology could be utilised for the purpose of establishment of extensive sets of information and research guidelines which could be crucial and instrumental regarding the provisioning of the capability to the researchers of formulation of decisions which could be effective and appropriate from the perspective of resolving the research problems with the utmost efficacy. The research methodology is also essential for the purpose of properly conducting the research undertaking through the minimisation of the research impediments to the maximised extent. Thus it could be understood to that research methodology indicates the sum total of different procedures of planning for performing the research investigation in the most proper and accurate manner with the objective of achievement of the most valid as well as most authentic outcomes which could serve the achievement of the research aim.

Definition of Research Definition of Research Definition of Research

Saunders et al (2012) has constituted the integral and core constituents of research methodology in an overarching structure which resembles the architecture of an onion(Figure 3.1). This structure provides the accurate demonstration of the procedural thoughts associated with the research problem. The research problem is primarily placed at the centre of the structure formulated on the designs of concentric rings and there are various numbers of layers which are necessary to be negotiated with so that the research process could reach the positional centrality of the research onion. These consecutive layers are considered to be the aspects and attributes which reflect the most important research perspectives which specify the methodology which could be used within the realm of any particular research undertaking. According to Saunders et al (2009), the proper definition which could be attributed to that of the process of research strategy is comprehensible as the generalised plan of progression conceived and intended to be utilised by the researcher for the purpose of development of the most effective answers to the existing research question. On the other hand, the definition provided by the researcher Bryman(2008) to that of the process of research strategy, could be understood to be that of generalised orientation towards undertaking of specific as well as methodical research performance. In this context, the most complicated as well as the most critical aspect towards the completion of the research responsibilities could be understood to be the determination of the research client. The proper completion of this specific task could only be the process to ensure the process of collection as well as effective evaluation of the collected research data (Churchill, 1979). The rationale linkage in between the logical argument as well as that of the research theoretical constructs could be established through the consideration and evaluative assessment of an entire spectrum of research resources in a consistent manner (Bryman, 2008). To this effect, it could be identified that the corresponding chapter would be concentrating on the task of undertaking an effective overview of the processes through which the research could be undertaken and brought to completion and thus, would be highlighting research concept, research approach, research philosophy and research methods through which the collection , categorisation and analysis of the involved data could be undertaken so that the research could finally achieve the designation aim of the entire undertaking.

Concept of Research

As per the research observations of Smith and Dainty (1991), research could be stated as a careful and systematic examination or inquiry which could be performed for the purpose of uncovering new information and establishment of logical relationships between different strands of observations for the purpose of expansion and verification of the existing information towards any particular objective. These scholars are of the opinion that such relationships have to be properly investigated for the development of the necessary solutions of the problems. The proper completion of such a phase could ultimately lead towards the enhancement of the necessary reservoir of knowledge in a sustainable manner. This process is completely incumbent on the fact that the respective researcher has to be able to understand both the research framework as well as the hypothetical assumptions which are deliberately linked with the overall implications of knowledge. These two capabilities are essential for any researcher to outline the prospects of building better understanding of the shortcomings or weaknesses, if any, related with the research operations and the strengths or capabilities of the research process, in a credible manner. The progression of these phases could lead the researcher towards the effective culmination of the research process in form of the expected and coveted outcomes (Smith and Dainty, 1991). Ultimately, the objective of any researcher is to achieve the most extensive and potent measure of success regarding the outcome of the research process. According to Saunders et al. (2012), the process of organising the operations of realisation of the available research opportunities in the most effective as well as in a systematic manner could be the prime characteristic of any research process. The utilisation of such resources with the emphasis on the most specific and systematic employment of the most prolific methods concerning the gathering as well as evaluative analysis of the accumulated data for the ultimate purpose of addressing the problems of conducting the research in the most productive manner. The most coveted outcome of any research, as an irrefutable law of progression of development of the processes of assessment of any research problem, could be ascertained to be the increment of knowledge and understanding to an optimum extent. The two most significant factors which could be considered to be directly associated with that of the task of conducting any research process are to be comprehended in the manner of identification of the typology of research and the design through which the research could be undertaken and fulfilled in the most credible as well as authenticated manner. The determination of the research design is comparatively a task of greater complication since this involves the collection and analysis of the primary and secondary research data and this could require effort of critical intensity to be attempted by the researcher within a definite period of time (Churchill, 1979). The associated requirements delineate the specifics concerning the consideration and evaluation of the entire range of involved resources so that every rationale linkage could be established amongst the theoretical constructs and the research arguments such as the research objectives and thematic conclusions (Nachimas and Nachimas, 2008). As it had been constituted by Saunders et al. (2012), the structural model of the ‘Research Onion’, could be considered to be the most applicable model which could be employed for the objective of performance of the research in a conclusive manner. The primary and the most significant aspect of the research onion based research progression model could be outlined as the extensively clarified framework which could provide the researcher with the appropriate capabilities for the selection of the effective and advantageous strategies and research approaches which could be derived from the various layers associated with the Research Onion. The figure XXX could provide the most appropriate illustration regarding the different features associated with that of the Research Onion model.

The Research Onion

As per the different attributes associated with that of the model of Research Onion, the procedure of undertaking is slated to be initiated at the most peripheral layer and then, the research process has to continuously proceed through negotiation of different layers subsequently towards the centre of the model of the Research Onion since at the core of the aforementioned model, the identification of the set of techniques through which the collection and analysis of the data could be performed in the most effective manner to provide adequate, accurate and verifiable solutions to the research questions. In this context, the initial layer of the Research Onion model could be ascertained to be associated with that of research philosophy which could be effectively employed for the research process to progress further. The second layer is primarily associated with that of the concept of research approach which could be understood to be a logical extension from the Research Philosophy of the first layer. This directly emanates from that of the Research Philosophy as well. The process of the Research Design is completely focused upon through the delineation of the next three layers in the format of the choice of the Research Methodology, the Research Strategy or the set of such strategies and finally the selection of the involved time horizon which could be essential for the completion of the research process completely. To this effect, the research methodological preferences are generally highlighted in the form of multiple options of such methods which are conceived to be effective in their utilisation within the research process and the influence of both the Research Philosophy and the Research Approach could be considered to be the most vital concerning the shaping of the direction of the entire research undertaking to come to a definite and logical conclusion. Furthermore, the fourth layer of the Research Onion is associated with that of the considerations concerning the applicability of the appropriate Research Strategy. The fifth layer generally reflects the concentration of focus on the time horizons related with the deadlines of the research procedures prior to which the Researcher could plan to complete the research and investigation initiative. This is directly influenced through the applicability of the research questions completely and final layer of the Research Onion model is indicative of the data collection and analysis methods which could considered by the respective researcher to be effective to be adopted to the entire research and data collection and analysis process. Thus, it could be acknowledged that the most proficient methods of data collection could be completely incumbent upon the considerations of the previous operational layers as well as the research enquiries and questions which are mostly formulated to be parts of the entire research framework. To this effect, it could be deduced as a definitive argument that the concerned process of research which could be adopted by the respective researcher in this regard would be formulated on the basis of the Research Onion based Model, as it had been developed bySaunders et al. (2012). The most significant of the characteristics of such a model could be analysed as the extensively clarified framework of research which could empower the respective and concerned researcher to undertake the evaluation of the existing approaches and strategies which could be directly associated with the various layers of the research. As a continuum of this research delegation process discussion, the corresponding chapter would be indicative of the various measures and typologies of research which could be enunciated with greater effectiveness and detail.


Types of Research

According to Saunders et al. (2012), the primary categories and typologies of research process could be considered to be three in number, such as the Exploratory, Descriptive and Explanatory. These three categories are primarily associated with the delineation of the aims and the objectives which are related with the research process to provide the Researcher with the capability to have the necessary in-depth knowledge and information regarding the possible methods of structuring the research tasks and responsibilities in a systematic manner. Exploratory Researchcouldbecharacterized as an important method to find and accumulate effective as well as detailed and informative knowledge regarding the subjective research topic under consideration through the process of open inquiries (Saunders et al, 2012). This kind of research could be directed through conducting personalised interviews with personnel who could be integrally associated with the research subject,through the review of available literatureand the undertaking of interviews of the focused groups to gather as much quantitative information as possible. This is generally dependent and incumbent on the nature of data based information which could be derived from the members. Moreover, this kind of research could illuminate and also furnish extensive as well as considerately comprehensive and exhaustively detailed information regarding the current circumstances to build better understanding regarding the issues and formulate better action plans for more exact examinations in future. As have been indicated by Collis and Hussey (2003), the exploratory research could be considered to be more eligible for effective utilisation for subjective measures. This kind of research is additionally used to produce speculations from an examination or develop and explore theories, thoughts and examples. The fundamental favourable position of exploratory research is the adaptability and capacity of it to adjust to any form of change. Then again, Descriptive Research looks to answer inquiries on the nature, identification and the number of data sources which could be utilised and proceeds to depict in full detail a circumstance or set of conditions which could dictate the general circumstances of the entire research. This sort of research gives an exact profile of individuals, occasions or circumstances. It involves and encompasses the study examinations which illuminate the nature of the status of an extensive variety of research metric parameters and could as well address the necessity to additionally undertake the requirement of study and clarify why specific phenomenon could be detected to be in existence concerning the research hypotheses (Saunders et al., 2012). Factual or quantitative procedures are every recurrently utilized in descriptive research to gather and analyse as well as summarise the available information with the plan to give a review of the different qualities which could be in existence within a research phenomenon and this excludes the process of providing any sufficient effort of undertaking in depth study to outline the rationale of existence of such phenomenon (De Vaus, 2001, Saunders et al., 2012).Chapman and McNeil (2005) have consistently outlined the fact that Descriptive Research deliberately focuses on the necessity to answer inquiries on the nature and identity as well as the numerical strength of research sources which could be availed in this regard. This could as well portrays in detail the involved circumstances or set of conditions. This sort of research gives an exact profile of individuals, occasions or circumstances. It includes the examination which advises about the status of an extensive variety of indicative social elements and then addresses the additional requirements regarding the conduct of the investigation into the actual reason of why such specific phenomenon could be in existence in the first place (Saunders et al., 2012).Apart from this, the statistically measurable or quantitative strategies could be applied to the descriptive research to gather and encapsulate the information. This is the direct indication towards an outline of the different attributes that exists within any specific phenomenon and could not exemplify or outline the actual rationale for the existence of such a phenomenon at the first place (De Vaus, 2001). In any case, this kind of research can provide ample assistance as well as facilitation to conduct exploratory and illustrative research (Saunders et al., 2012).As per the research of Collis and hussy (2003) Explanatory Research could utilise qualitative and quantitative strategies keeping in mind the end goal to research and clarify the reasons and the processes through which any specific and dynamic phenomenon could be either under existence or could have taken place previously. Saunders et al., (2012) specify that the motivation behind explanatory research is to clarify the circumstance in view of determination and envisaging the extent of spontaneous and integrative relationships which could be in existence between the research variables through the proper academic and practical research performance of any specific topic under consideration. In spite of such factors, it is by default a considerably difficult undertaking to specifically differentiate and establish the particularities associated with Explanatory ResearchwithDescriptive Research as it strives to develop specific answers to the existing research questions as well as attempts to provide accurate depiction regarding the clarifications involved. For the purpose of undertaking of proper and effective elucidation DeVaus (2001) has expressed that the clarification is utilized to outline the exact causality and the rationale of the phenomenon in existence so as to propose arrangements which could be utilised as solution, while the depiction just gives an outline of any such occurrence. From a definitive perspective, the Explanatory Research is utilized to clarify the connections between factors in a circumstance or within any research issue.The corresponding research examination centres around structural construction related projects through the utilisation of lean reasoning and thinking processes since the impediments influencing the utilisation of lean reasoning and thinking are considered to be extensive as well a problematic. To this effect, the motivation behind this research examination is to build up a structure on the execution of Lean Construction (LC) in the(UKICI). The expectation that this system would enhance the existing knowledge and comprehension of individuals as well as those who are at the helm of the policy formulation processes at the authoritative levels, regarding lean reasoning and thinking based planning execution concerning the effects such a process has on construction project performance, is a constant one. Accordingly, this research examination undertaking is perceived within both the Exploratory and Explanatory research. The corresponding section of this study investigation would be evaluating the rationale of the research undertaking which could be conceived as the primary layer associated with that of the Research Onion as it could be derived from the format portrayed by Saunders et al. (2012). The subsequent section of the research undertaking would be taking under discussion the theories under which this research evaluation would be supported.

Research Philosophy

As had been indicated by Saunders et al., (2012), the specific terminology of Research Philosophy is oriented towards the delineation of the actual nature and the advancement of both the existing knowledge base as well as the associated learning process. The scholars and researchers additionally expressed that the Research Philosophy, employed and adopted by the researchers could be identified as well as associated with the presumptions of the scholars and the individual researchers regarding the manner through whichthey perceive the actualities related with the circumstances of the world as well as the particularities related with the nature of truth itself. Apart from this, these presumptions could as well outline the specificities that influence the manner through which the Researchers could contemplate the procedure of research and could as well reinforce and bolster the systematic research mechanism. This could as well involve the multifarious and even diverging strategies which could be selected by the Researcher as components of that research study and conclusion analysis. Easterby-Smith et al., (2008) have provided credence to the perception that there are three primary reasons which could be considered to be the causality of the significance of understanding the efficacy of the research in the proper selection of the research and analysis methodologies as well as the associated procedures. These reasons could be outlined as:

The Research philosophy could be understood to be the process to provide clarification regarding the involved Research Design so that the optimum measure of simplification could be provided to the research process of data collection and subsequent analysis The applicability and the non-worth of any of the employed research Designs are generally established by the Research Philosophy for the benefit of the Researcher The application of Research Philosophy could be further beneficial for the Researcher who could be devoid of any previous research and investigation experience since the Research Philosophy could credibly assist the most inexperienced researcher to undertake effective delineation of the applicability and utility of the available Research Designs.

There are three fundamental presumptions which could be considered to be significant methods of clarification and research investigation of through which the proper research insights could be garnered. These could be understood as; Ontological, Epistemological and Axiological research assumptions. This philosophical rationality concerns the nature and advancement of information (Saunders et al., 2012). As have been indicated by Easterby-Smith et al. (2002), a comprehension of philosophical issues is basic to enable researchers to recognize, establish the clarification and constitute the research framework which could be appropriate from every perspective. Creswell (2009) had opined that assessing the distinctive philosophical viewpoints and presumptions is imperative and must be completed at the initial commencement phase of the research processandthe most well acknowledged research philosophicalperspectives are Cosmology (what information and knowledge could be considered to be), Epistemology (the manner through which everyone could come to know of these) and Axiology (the values, if any, which could be related to such occurrences). The research examination approach and the systematic research techniquesare inherently difficult to utilisewithin the prevailing philosophical vacuum, as this would render the research philosophy and the research strategy without any methodological contextual basis. It could thus be observed that a procedure is much more than simply the collectivisation of these aspects and it is normally formulated on the basis of some philosophical underpinnings. Apart from this, it could be considered to be only a technique which could be similar to a formula (Creswell (2009). Research philosophical reasoning is primarily associated with the notional perceptions about the suppositions which a researcher could conveys to the general discourse of any specific research undertaking. In spite of the fact that there be theoretical obfuscation of such facts, the two principle conventions of methods of research philosophical insights can be marked as Positivism and Social Constructivism (Collis and Hussey, 2003; Easterby-Smith et al, 2003).While positivists contend that the world exists remotely and its properties ought to be estimated through objectivised techniques, social constructionists purportedly demonstrate the view that reality could never be merely considered to be objectives or external influences. On the contrary, it could be contrived as a socially developed phenomenon and is generally in the possession of considerably greater significance by individuals (Easterby-Smith et al, 2003). Creswell (2009) has also stated that philosophical reasoning could be constituted around five different presumptions which are Ontological, Epistemological, Axiological, Explanatory and Methodological ones, to be exactly identified. It could further be observed that the Ontological, Epistemological and Axiological notional suppositions could shape the philosophical position of any research examination, Explanatory, Rhetorical and Methodological propositions remain incumbent upon the utilised communicative methods and language of the research discourse progression which could be marked as the most vital characteristics of the concerned research processes.


Blaikie (1993) has portrayed the fundamental significance as well as the definition of metaphysics as the scientific study related with the existence of elements and this further could be developed through the depiction of the entire spectrum of occurrences which is encompassed by the social sciences. This could be envisaged to be further applicable in the form of the conceptual perception of the actualities of material existence and the associated appearance of such tangible materials. Apart from this, the associative elements could be identified as the constituent units of each tangible element and finally, the measure and nature of the interaction between such constituent units. To put it in a definitive manner, Ontology puts forward the general perception (regardless of whether these are related to the assumptive cases or nothing but primary presumptions) regarding the idea of the actual nature of reality and, particularly, whether the assumptions related to the existence of such materials could be a verifiable truth or could it actually be nothing more than an emotional or subjective reality which could be nothing but a figment of imaginative psyche of the human beings. Ontology is delineative of the concerns of the perceptions related with the actual nature of any phenomenon which could be in existence or could have occurred and the ideas related with reality which a researcher could find deserving to be contemplated (Artisan, 2002). Objectivism and Subjectivism could be considered to be the differing concepts which profoundly influence the issues related with that of Ontology.Objectivismprimarily concentrates the research focus on the social phenomena as external occurrences which emerge from certain criticalities of situations and which are mostly impervious to human control completely (Bryman, 2008). Objectivism could be determined to be a subunit of Ontology and this firmly advocates the academic perception that the social phenomena as well as entities could remain in an autonomous mode from that of the external as well as peripheral social influences. This could be further evaluated from the extremities of the academic perception that the laws related to physics are mostly immune to any form of human existence. The patternwhich could be identified in this regard could be envisaged as has been outlined by the natural scheme of existential dynamism or through the predetermination of a definite cycle which could be mandatory for the social operational elements to adhere and conform to for the purpose of preserving the natural balance. As per Saunders et al (2009) Objectivism is generally reflective of the perception that such assumptive cycles or specific structures exist could be generalised into a formative application, from the perceptual perspective. On the contrary Subjectivism could be considered to be oriented towards the perception that the social phenomena and material existence are invariably influenced consistently through the activity of social factors (Saunders et al., 2012). Subjectivism could be analysed to have generated from social phenomena and associated dynamics from the discernments and subsequent activities of social factorsand it signifies the comprehension of the majoritarian meanings and values which people in general associate with the various social occurrences (Saunders et al, 2009) and on the grounds that, social factors and the individuals associated with the same continue to interact and interface with each other and with their conditionalities as well and this does lead to the persistent development and evolution of the social phenomena. These phenomena are nothing but direct reflections and immediate impressionsof the generalised interpretations which the socially active personnel and individuals generally undertake regarding the effect of the phenomena and the situations which delineate them. As indicated by Saunders et al (2009), not exclusively do socially active individuals and actions endeavour to translate their circumstances, they additionally attempt to understand such circumstances as well.Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) have utilised both the usual examples which could be derived from regularised experiences and from those of the examples which are available on the social levels. The later could be better discovered at the point of interaction of the social factors with the various implications of the dynamics of social sciences which could be more accurately illustrated through the examination of relative progression of such factors under consideration within a definitive social backdrop where multiple social actors could be involved. In this context, the concerned scholars generally utilize the case of a working environment report through the encouragement of inquiry to outline whethersuch environments could portray what could actually be the implications of the occurrences as well as undertaking the investigation whether the same could be nothing but the figment of imagination of the creator.Furthermore, the scholars have endeavoured to highlight the complications as well as the intricacies which could outline the features which are integral to the social phenomena. Such phenomena could be considered in the form of cultures, control mechanisms and power and whether these truly exist or are these just hallucinations. This process additionally extend the social discourse concerning the process through which individuals and collective groupsdecideto envision the concept of truth as well as formulate their perceptions regarding the existence of such social factors through formulation of direct understanding (subjectivism). This process is also significant in the measure since this could establish the general perspective of delving into the question of whether such realities are most independent from the influence of the social individuals who are integrally associated with the same (objectivism).The process of Ontological positioning could constitute the necessity regarding the determination of the positioning through which the Researcher has to formulate the decision concerning whether the apparent reality could be considered to be objective enough as well as if it could have originated externally or such a perception of reality could be a social construct completely which could be better examined through the evaluation of the perceptions which emanate from the human individuals who are integrally associated with such phenomena of perceived reality(Collis and Hussey, 2003). Such specific Ontological assumptions could be identified as Realistic (Johnson and Duberly, 2000) and as Idealism or Relativism (Gummesson, 1991). Subsequently various profoundly developed and socially embedded Ontological presumptions have come into existence. These generally influence the human view on the genuineness of social occurrences and whether the attributes of existence could be related to the presence of arrangement of certain relative aspects over the other. In case that these fundamental assumptions are not distinguished or considered in a credible manner, the social Researcher could be misdirected regarding specificities of the various aspects related to the research inquest or even regarding particularities of social phenomena, since they are verifiably expected, underestimated and in this manner not subjected to questioning, thought or discourse. As a direct outcome of this, Ontological philosophy could be understood to be completely oriented towards the evaluation of the attributes and nature of reality from every possibly conceivable conceptual perspective.The Ontological presumptionscould investigate research interests regarding the actualities of knowledge and information and the particularities related with the perceptions associated with the nature of reality. Besides, it convinces scholars to make a few inquiries about the responsibility to remain committed to particular perspectives regarding the manner through which the social world performs. This rationality is accepted from two viewpoints which are Objectivism and Subjectivism (Saunders et al., 2012).The endeavour of this research exploration is to constitute the most effective operational structure for the utilisation of Lean Construction in the UK Infrastructure Construction Industry. Keeping in mind the research objective to construct a framework which could be suitable for this purpose, the contributions of project stakeholders and individual members in this context are absolutely required with the comprehension of the effect of the application of lean construction on the performance of construction projects. From a clarified perspective, this procedure indicates distinctive responses of socially involved individuals as well as stakeholders which outline the nature of the Subjective perspectives of them concerning the topic under consideration. Besides, activities of stakeholders and socially involved individuals in the format of socially constructed groups could be presumed to be noteworthy and ought to be considered. By considering research questions and the determined factors, it very well may be discerned that the Ontological elements regarding the research processes could be oriented to a greater extent towards Subjectivism.


The nature of Epistemology is fundamentally considerate of the development of the most appropriate methods through which the actual nature of the natural world could be comprehended. The Epistemological perceptions and interests are thus closely co-ordinated with and augmented by Ontological considerations regarding the constituents of reality(Easterby-Smith, et al., 2008).Ontology further delves into the considerations regarding the actualities of knowledge and information and the sources as well as the limitations which could properly specify the extent and periphery of knowledge generation possibilities which are currently in existence in the modern social world(Eriksson and Kovalainen, 2008).Eriksson and Kovalainen (2008) proceed to talk about how epistemology characterizes the process through which learning and information based knowledge control could be undertaken as well as the methods through which information and knowledge could be generated. Epistemology could be comprehended as the subjective extension of the overarching structure of philosophy and it fundamentally considers the questions related to the constituents of knowledge which could be socially acceptable within the academic spectrum(Saunders et al, 2007)..It is additionally depicted as a method for comprehending and clarifying the obtainment of information and knowledge and the manner in which one could arrive at such knowledge (Crotty, 1998). From a simplified perspective, the core tenet of Epistemology is related with the determination of the point of origination as well as the probable sources of information and knowledge, involving the efforts and inquiry of the Researcher under consideration. Epistemology is a branch of rationality concerning what constitutes satisfactory learning in a field of study. In basic words, epistemology is about the beginning and the wellsprings of information, and all the more vitally from the scientist's perspective. Blaikie (1993) has depicted Epistemology in the manner of a scientific theoretical construct regarding the methodical study approach concerning the basis of knowledge formulation. This orientation is further expanded into an arrangement of cases or presumptions about the manners through which it could be made conceivable to garner knowledge and information concerning the element of reality and the social world. The associated information could be further acknowledged in the format of determination of the answers to the questions such as gaining the perceptions of knowledge through what could be in existence and the process through which acquisition of learning could be completed. This process could culminate through the envisioning of the procedure through which the gained information could be satisfactorily accepted into the category of knowledge and then utilised to formulate the basis of the criteria through which further learning and perception building could be undertaken by both the individuals and groups which are associated to such social discourses. Chia (2002) has established the nature of Epistemology in the manner of the process and the methods through which acquisition of knowledge could be consistently undertaken within a pre-specified framework. Necessarily, this information and garnered knowledge have to be verifiable as well as reliable and authentic completely. Apart from this, the scholar has also opined that the core constituents of Epistemology are also indicative of the standardised methods through which the formulation of knowledge could be identified. Hatch and Cunliffe (2006) have also undertaken the summarisation of Epistemology in the format of ascertaining the possibility of utilisation of different parameters of learning through which maximised information and knowledge could be obtained and learnt. The scholars also have considered to provide greater details on the perception of the actual sources of knowledge and the evaluation of the procedures through which verifiable information and knowledge could be generated. Furthermore, the criteria through which the distinguishing between the effective and ineffective information and knowledge is also specified by Epistemology and this also extends into the assessment of the probable answers regarding the questions associated with the representation and depiction of such knowledge categories. Ultimately, the scholars have also specified the element of inter-dependence regarding the subjective notions of Epistemology and Ontology. This could be further depicted in the format of the methods through which these two philosophies could influence, compliment as well as depend upon one another. Distinctive Epistemologies operate regarding divergent thematic constructs to highlight these issues and also specify the status of information from multiple research perspectives (Artisan, 2002). The academic themes and social science based concepts provide affirmation to these positions are primarily established as Positivism and Interpretivism (Bryman and Chime, 2011; Saunders et al., 2007).The positivist perspective, is necessarily, relatable to the concept that information could be only considered to be acceptable through proper evaluation under which the gained knowledge could be identified to be constituted by social phenomena which could be identified through the existence of variables which could be directly observable. Such variables have to be completely quantifiable as well. In this context, the positivist perceptions are deliberative about the notion that approaches based on natural sciences must be modified to be adaptable to obtain knowledge concerning the social occurrences regarding every possible conditional implication. In this respect, the positivist concepts are mostly developed through the design formats which could render these with the benefits of quantitative research through the utilisation of available theoretical constructs. The development of the hypotheses which could be verifiable through accurate testing with the inclusion of the most extensive numerical volume of research population samples so that the test results and conclusions could be confirmed in a statistical manner. This statistic approach could as well provide the basis on which the theoretical generalisation could be achieved (Saunders et al., 2012; Bryman, 2008; Easterby-Smith et al., 2002). In this context, it could be observed that the Researcher considering Positivism as a definitive research methodological instrument could attempt to establish the generalisation process involving different information categories through observing the socially acclaimed reality perspectives. The advocacy of Positivism is mostly significant form the emphasis which gets imparted on the singularity of different social phenomenon which could be utilised through credible observation to produce verifiable and reliable understanding regarding the resolution of any definite research inquest (Saunders et al, (2009). One of the qualities of Positivism theory is that it is does not consider any predetermine value or perceptual notion in an irrefutable manner. It guarantees that the accumulated information could be devoid of any research bias or unnecessary influence emanating from the individual personality of the Researcher under consideration.TheInterpretivism based perspectivescontend that the topics of the social sciences (i.e. individual personnel and organisational associations) are perplexing, one of a kind and on a primary level contrast from that of natural sciences.Interpretivism does not conform to the notions of infallibility of the value of the procedure regarding embracing social and natural sciences to formulate the best possible and most effective methods to obtain the existing insights regarding the complications and differential realities of the social world.It is contended that the investigation of the social world requires an alternate rationale of research techniques, in comparison with those of the common researchers who could be trying to inculcate the abstract implications of social activity (Bryman, 2008). Interpretive research theory advocates for the exploration amongst socially active individuals as opposed to inanimate objects. It proposes that for a sufficient comprehension of co-operations and activities of socially active individuals, the researchers must become definitive components of the procedure, which could empower them to better comprehend and then translate the circumstantial conditionalities as per the roles of involvement of the personnel who could be integrally associated with the entire social discourse. In any case, the elucidation of the scholarly researchers regarding the actualities associated with the circumstances could be only perceived to be partially consistent since such elucidation continues to be altered in accordance with the activities of other socially active individuals. As indicated by Saunders et al (2009) the researchers are required to utilise a sympathetic and empathetic position and enter the social universe pertaining to the social research based examination processes and the related subjects keeping in mind the end goal to comprehend their reality from their perspectives. The concept of Realism could be identified as the extensive branch of the philosophy of Epistemology which is fundamentally comparable to that of the philosophy of Positivism. Concerning the subsequent research study, the case of realistic research process generally presumes the existence of socially acceptable objects to be independent of the external influence as well as the knowledge of the individuals. Thus, it acknowledges the assumptive supposition to be a truth that whatever could be perceived through human senses could be considered to be a reality. Realism could be subsequently categorised into two different segments, the first being the Direct and the second being the Critical form of Realism.Thefirst form of Realism could be considered in the form of the absoluteness of the visual objects as social and factual reality and truth. This could be further considered to be a definitive indication towards the perception of truth and reality being incumbent on the experiences based on human senses. The second form of concept pertaining to Critical Realism is reflective of the perception that the notion of human senses being gullible or deceptive concerning the interpretation of reality could be a definitive truth. This indicates to the fact that human beings could not consider anything which could be perceivable through the senses to be the absolute reality and truth since it requires careful investigation into the nature of the supposed reality which could be experienced through human senses(Saunders et al, 2009). A hallucination, for instance, does not depict genuine reality. Saunders et al (2009) specified an ideal case of the contrasting nature of Direct Realism and Critical Realismthrough the utilisation of the umpire/refereewithin the any session of sorting activities such as rugby or football. In this context, the referee pertaining to the notions of Direct Realism could provide defence in favour of his decisions through stating that he had performed the task according to the first hand experiences of his while the referee pertaining to the concept of Critical Realism could explain his decisions in the format of spelling out the decisions on the basis of his interpretation of the scheme of things visible to him.For the most part, interpretive study examinations are regularly composed as subjective research with the scholarly researcher having been at close proximity to the contemplated social occurrences to expand the general comprehension of an unpredictable circumstance.Saunders et al., (2007) has shed light on such notions further, featuring that certain research analysts alsocontend that information could be gathered from objects that exist in absolute separation to that of the research process itself, which could be better comprehended in the manner of an external reality rather any specifically integral event. This is the reason that such reality could be identified to be less vulnerable to any research bias or predisposition and in this process could be more objective than any other notional process. The theoretical notions further contend that if social occurrences and phenomena are contemplated, these must be exhibited in a more measurable manner rather than in a narrative account based approach. This is considered vital regarding the necessity that the analytical forms of reality based presumptions are necessary to be comprehensible regarding the authoritative stances from an academic perspective. Primarily, a large number of researchers could disregard such notions and Blaikie (1993) has outlined the contention in the form of multiplicity of choice involvement in the discourse of social research which consistently complicates the probability for the social researcher to attach value to any academic or analytical preference to the overall study outcome. This is a general difficulty for such studies to undertake proper achievement of unadulterated objectivity.The Epistemological assumptive notions are mostly associated with the manner by which learning information and knowledge ought to be performed and the answers could be generated regarding the questions concerning the inquests of the processes through which information and knowledge is derived (Saunders et al., 2012). Concerning Epistemology theory, the explicit lenience of the corresponding study thesis would be demonstrated towards Interpretivism based interpretations as it is considered as subjective elemental study of the points of interest of circumstances and a reality behind these subtle elements.In this research undertaking, the entire spectrum of role based involvement of different stakeholders and members who could be performing critical responsibilities associated with the projects could be considered in the most significant manner. This could gain further credence from the perspective that the involved members as well as the operators and working personnel of the construction project can form the most valuable source of information, opinions and comprehensions regarding the industrial internal dynamics. Thus, the research focus would be firmly concentrated on the personal emotive factors and levels of self-perception and awareness of such members of the project performance group and the thought processes would be also vital to be analysed regarding the efficacy perception derivation of the lean construction methods implementation within the developed operational framework of UKICI. From a more direct perspective, it could be understood that the objective of the concerned research study is primarily inclusive of the building of better understanding of the social phenomena through undertaking of accurate evaluation of the nature and meanings attached with the project research participants and the socially active individuals who could be provided specific assignments concerning the completion of the undertaken construction project progression. It is thus, vital to outline the fact that the individuals who could be taken under consideration in the research project undertaking would have to be specifically analysed to interpret their interaction with the social environment so that better and more efficacious processes and research methodologies could be determined and developed for the performance of future research(Saunders et al., 2012; Bryman, 2004). Thus, it is necessary for the Researcher to become an integral component of the interaction process with the project participants so that better research perceptions could be developed. This could further provide the necessary comprehension about the participants which could be utilised by the Researcher to obtain credible and reliable information regarding the necessary clarification formulation concerning the reason of existence of such phenomena and the process through which such existence could be materialised. .


Axiology is concerned with the influence as well as the impact of the personalised or individual academic values which the concerned Researcher could be attach to the entire process of research (Saunders, et al., 2012). Positivists trust that science and procedure of research should be completely devoid of any bias or predetermined value proposition. On the other hand, the ardent social constructionist scholars and theorists consider that research analysts are necessitated to have values and these qualities help to figure out the occurrences which could be perceived as certainties and the understandings which are drawn from them (Collis and Hussey, 2003). In this context, it could be further acknowledged that the Axiological conceptual presumptive notions could be better utilised to undertake proper analysis and judgement formulation regarding the value which could be attached to various observed systems within the working structure of the project responsibilities. This could further satisfactorily provide the answers to the questions regarding the role played by such predispositions and values as well as the nature of the particular values which could be infused by the Researcher into the process of the research investigation(Saunders et al., 2012).The entire process of research information analysis and the techniques which are employed by the Researcher regarding the performing of such analysis could be definitively influenced by the existing notions of predispositions of values of the Researcher since the most important element in the entire research process could be envisaged as the individual Researcher himself. In a more definitive manner, the Researcher could be comprehended to be more inclined towards harbouring research bias based on the exposure of cultural experiences, raring background as well as inherent political and social inclinations. Thus it is not difficult to comprehend that the philosophy of Axiology could be directly associated with those ofthe research fundamentals and this could lead the research investigation process towards greater inclination in the direction of value infusion orValue Laden (Saunders et al,2012). This could be a definitive fact regarding the possibility that it is inherently difficult for the Researcher to remain aloof from the influence of any pre-existing value structure which could have been developed during the continuation of the research discourse. As such, the scientist is one-sided by social encounters, world perspectives and childhood. Thus, it could be reasoned that the Axiology logic of this exploration will inclines towards Esteem Loaded (Saunders et al,2012) as Researcher can't put himself free and outside any esteem that may be created in the reason for this examination, In any case, the Researcher comprehends and respects the methodical notion that contribution to this research studyintegral to the betterment of the existing understanding of the profound social issues in a befitting manner which influencethe research process progression in the manner that establishment of the precincts of reality in the relation to the objectives and aims of the corresponding research process could become a definite manifestation of intentions exhibited by the Researcher.There is acknowledgment that it is impossible to achieve the attainment of the realisation of expectation regarding the utilisation of the outcomes of the social research undertaken thus far concerning the social phenomena towards the constitution of the overall efficacy of objectivism with complete absence of any predetermined value.Ashas been indicated by Bryman (2008), the course of any research could experience the manifestation of any predetermined or inherited value at any point of time since the Researcher or the Scholar could develop any inclination towards any research variable or latent sympathy could be generated regarding the preference towards any specific outcome. Such deviations could lead towards research results which could not have been conceivable during the initiation of the research undertaking. The corresponding section would be undertaking proper study regarding the philosophical position of the Scholar or the Researcher regarding the objectives and aims of the corresponding specific research process.

Philosophical Stance of This Research

Regarding the context of this research study, the academic logic is the establishment of a system understanding for the application of Lean Construction methods in the UKICI. In this respect, the focal point of such a research undertaking could be outlined as the utilisation of the related construction techniques within the project progression framework. Thus the research undertaking is closely inclusive of the extensive interactive connection and communicative correspondence between the researcher and socially involved individuals who could be seriously engaged within this research process, hence, the realistic conditionalities of the Researcher could be comprehended by inspecting the perceptual assumptions of the involved socially involved research subject within the precincts of the research process. The perspectives of researcher could be constantly impacted and influenced through notions emanating from the socially involved participants and this could be considered to be the rationale regarding the Ontological assumptive notions concerning the propensity of the research process to consider reflecting the aspects related to Subjectivism or Idealism within the realm of research progression. Moreover, the research participants and other members such as the professionals of the construction industry who could be engaged within this research review could experience extensive fluctuation in statistic attributes, for example, levels of professional engagements, gender identities, experience levels and time spent in the involvement of multitasking efforts, capability, qualification and age et cetera. These statistic contrasts could add to the numerous viewpoints that every respondent could convey to the research database in connection to the thematic orientation of the research subject. The alternate points of view of the numerous respondents could generally be moulded by their demographical backdrops and encounters which could impact their responses which could be generated in terms of the presented research inquests. Nonetheless, the focal point of this research exploration could be the opinion of the respondents, regarding their thoughts and perspectives, feeling and sentiments as well as their levels of awareness and knowledge with respect implementation of the Lean Construction management techniques for enhanced quality infusion. The Researcher could be engaged within this process to a certain extent of intensity regarding the ensuring of the engagements of the professionals of different fields along the profiles of such personnel concerning the responsibility management scenario of execution of Lean Construction management techniques. It is therefore, a prime possibility that the personal experiences and cultural backdrop associated with the Researcher could impact the interpretation of the Researcher regarding the analysis of the gathered responses from the surveyed personnel through the discourse of the research process. Therefore, it could be acknowledged that the Epistemological utilisation regarding the various attributes of the corresponding research does involve some elements of Interpretivism as well. The Axiological influence in this context is also reflective of the approach which could be infused with preformed values which would be a definite attestation to the fact that the Researcher would not be possible to shed off the personalised preferences and innate interest mechanisms. Accordingly, this research examination initiative means to build up a structure that would help construction development industry to execute LC standards more efficiently. The specific layer of the Research Onion could distinguish the way to deal with the research implication as could be ascertained from the corresponding discussions

The philosophical stance of this research

Research Approach

Creswell (2003) attested that research examination approach assumes an essential part in empowering the concerned Researcher to achieve the explicit research objectives. As per Saunders et al. (2016), there are three principle methodological concepts which could be utilised in this perspective. These could be identified as Deductive (testing hypothesis), Inductive (building hypothesis) and Abductive.

Deductive Approach

The rationale of Deductive approach could be envisioned as the accuracy of the research conclusion which could be derived through verifiable research subjective and procedural premises (Saunders et al., 2012). The point of origin of this approach could be identified within the precincts of the Social Sciences, where laws show the premise of clarification, permit the expectation of social phenomena, anticipate the frequency of such events and provide the appropriate perspective for these procedures to be properly controlled (Saunders et al., 2012). The guidance provided to the Researcher would be deliberate regarding the necessity to develop the hypothetical theoretical construct which could be effective in leading the process towards completion. This specific academic approach enables the researchers as well as the analysts to constitute either one or more sets of hypothetical theoretical constructs which could be utilised through the employment of a specifically guided strategy for customer management so that the entire range of different theories could be properly evaluated. As such, the gathered information is utilized to assess the speculations and hypotheses which could be integral to any theoretical construct which could be in existence (Saunders et al., 2012). The significant distinction between the Deductive and Inductive approach is that the Deductive approach indicates the progression from general notions to particular deductions and the Inductive approach is the other way around.

Inductive Approach

Despite what might be expected, the Inductive approach controls the direction of the researchers and analysts regarding the prioritisation of the important responsibility to gather information then from the information, investigate the social phenomena and then to distinguish examples and topics and finally to formulate a conceptual framework which could be applied regarding the specifics of operational implications. In a more concise manner, this could be envisaged as the inclination to develop the necessary theoretical construct based approaches through the application of the conceptual frameworks based data collection and analysis (Saunders et al., 2012).The benefits of approach is that it is particularly focuses on the about the contextual nature within which such occasions phenomena generally could take place with a specific objective to provide the most effective comprehension of such unique circumstance. This could be directly contrasted with the Deductive approach which does not consider the manner by which people translate their social world and just considers the rational causality and the effect of it which could be identified between specific factors of particular dynamic variables (Saunders et al., 2012).

Abduction Approach

The Abduction approach could be comprehended as a judicious blend of the Deductive and Inductive approaches and it is utilized to investigate, inspect and clarify connections between factors in a specific circumstance (Saunders et al.,2012). From another perspective, this entire research approach could be acknowledged to be oriented towards the internal influence management regarding the periodical utilisation of both the Deductive (denoting the progression from theory to information or practical manifestation) and Inductive approaches (concerning progression from available informative data to theoretical constructs).

Rationale for Choice of Research Approach

The concerned research attempts to formulate a system that would assist LCICI regarding the implementation of the different aspects of Lean Construction mechanisms. For this to be accomplished, existing and available literature has been explored to empower the Researcher to constitutean applied structure which could be then considered in reference with genuine and actual circumstances to undertake credible research and accumulate significant data and comprehend the value recognitions and perceptual estimations of stakeholders in utilizing Lean Construction possibilities and techniques for better development and execution of construction projects. Consequently, the Inductive approach is construed to be adopted for the research process to be conducted for the purpose of testing and reviewing the structure conceptual framework as per the appropriate necessity sot that the aims and objectives of the research undertaking could be realised.

Research methods

There are three types of research methods; Exploratory, Descriptive and Explanatory.

Exploratory study examinations could be generally attempted when the issue of formulation of the insights and understanding of the objectives and research problems could be the desired outcome regarding any specific research process. As per Saunders et al (2009), there are three key methods for directing Exploratory research. These could be identified as a credible and detailed search regarding the available research literature, undertaking of the qualitative data gathering through experts associated with the research process under consideration and finally conducting the interviews of focused groups of subjective samples so that new addition to the research elements could be achieved. One of the fundamental qualities of Exploratory research is that it is exceptionally adaptable and versatile concerning accommodation of the effects of change. Knowledge and information which could be brought in within the research perspective in consistent manner may alter the course of the exploratory research process. Be that as it may, adaptability does not portend to an absence of proper direction but only the concentration of focus on a narrow research perspective domain. The format of Descriptive studies could be conceived to have an orientation which generally focuses on the accuracy of delineation of the incidents or social phenomena regarding the actualities as well as the demonstrated characteristics of such incidents or phenomena. A noteworthy factor with Descriptive research could be identified as a complete absence of conclusive observations regarding the evaluation of the available data and research literature. It neglects to answer the inquiry regarding the causality of social occurrences. In the scholastic and academic operational fields, it could be considered to be imperative regarding that incorporation of the gathered information as well as the assessment of the same could be achieved so that the proper synthesis of the conclusion could be generated. In this context, it could be understood that Descriptive researches could be considered to be prequels to either or both formats of researches, namely the Explanatory as well as Exploratory measures. Explanatory study investigations constitute a specific linkage between research variables. This could lead to the perception that the orientation of the corresponding research could be constituted through formulation of an extensive range of syllogisms so that the ultimate research conclusion could be achieved. The Exploratory research structure related with the subsequent research undertaking could be instrumental regarding the institution of detailed insights regarding the existing issues concerning the construction project undertaking as well as the process of recovery and project progression. In a suggestive manner, the research could be considered to be fairly adaptable and replete with flexibility as it could advance the progression of innovative operational perspectives regarding the definitive research conclusions and findings. The factors of change and transformation are vital in this regard since these could be instrumental in ensuring greater focus on the appropriate direction of the research process. The necessity of garnering an encompassing and comprehensive understanding of the observed incidents, the adoption of an in-depth method of description could be considered to be of specific value and the objective regarding such undertakings indicated that the situations as well as the issues which various construction companies could experience through discourse of their work processes could be better understood from any involved perspective.

Methodological/ Research Choice

Methodological research strategies could be comprehended to be specific approaches which a research process based examination of findings could adopt by thinking about philosophical or hypothetical suppositions to create systems for gathering and analysis of accumulated information. This process generally can be contrasted from strategies which could be utilized for both primary and secondary data collection endeavours, as such, techniques are components of such procedures and methodological decisions generally allude to various research design processes. Regarding the research and investigation based operations, it could be determined that two methods of information accumulation strategies and information investigation systems exist. These two could be comprehended in the manner of the Quantitative and Qualitative processes, as could be derived from the study of Saunders et al (2009). The Qualitative study process generally undertakes non-factual as well as non-statistical technique for information gathering, for instance, meetings and performing of first hand personal interviews and categorisation of the derived research data within the information investigation systems. On the other hand, the Quantitative study methods are markedly statistical processes in every sense of factual perception. This, as it could be identified, is performed through the utilisation of specifically developed questionnaire which also form the basis on which the collection of data could be achieved. This process of utilisation of questionnaire is also significant since this enables the Researchers to analyse the gathered data in the most authenticable and credible manner. This further leads towards the representation of data in a statistical manner through the application of charts, graphs, tables and figures. In this context, Saunders et al (2009) have opined that Qualitative and Quantitative techniques, from individual perspectives, are not possible to be in existence since these cannot be formed in a theoretical or procedural vacuum. As has been depicted in the Table 3.1, this could be acknowledged that the research design methods are comprehensible in two different categories, namely the Mono or singular method based approach and the Multiple or mixed method base approach. This decision could be a solitary (Mono) or numerous (Multi or Blended) technique inquire about outline, which is introduced in Table 3.1. Recognizing the research design configuration is a critical and convolutedly complicated undertaking since it decides the way towards accumulation and analysis of research information (Churchill, 1979). It additionally requires analytical consideration of various assets for establishment of a sensible co-relation amongst hypothesis and contention (Nachimas and Nachimas, 2008).The involved research analysis or the researchers themselves have the opportunity to select any effective technique from either a solitary information accumulation strategy or data collection and research investigation methodology. These could be in turn alluded to as mono techniques or research scholars also could select an extensive set of information gathering systems and research performance undertaking strategies to answer the developed research questions. This process cold better be acknowledged in the form of multiplicity of strategic considerations and method application(Saunders et al., 2009).Saunders et al. (2012) established the clarification that mono-strategic method directly relates to specific and singular data collection and the subsequent analysis techniques. Mono-strategic methods could be considered to be a deliberate amalgamation of the singular data accumulation techniques and processes and this amalgamation involves the instruments such as survey based questionnaires as well as quantitative procedures of data collection and analysis. It is appropriate for quantitative and subjective as well as qualitative data collection and analytical strategies. Additionally, the numerous strategies allude to multiple method based combination of techniques where multiple data collection and analytical methods are utilized to resolve the research problems and provide answers to the existing research questions. This technique is additionally separated into two structures, namely the multi-method and mixed-methods. The research structure of multi-method based approach alludes to the combination of multiplicity of data collection and analysis methods with the related strategies of evaluation which is considerably constricted within the conditionalities associated with Qualitative or Quantitative research implications. This implies the Researcher can utilize quantitative strategies by utilizing polls and quantitative research methodical procedures and this specific approach is known as Multi-method based quantitative study process. From an alternative perspective, the Researcher could undertake specific collection of qualitative and subjective information through the utilisation of personalised in-depth interview sessions as well as the analysis of the gathered information through utilizing qualitative systems. This specific process could be understood to be multiple processes based qualitative study method. This provides the researcher with the capability to utilise the amalgamation of the available different Qualitative and Quantitative procedures through the specific sequence which could be effective for the research process to register better success potential realisation (Saunders et al, 2012).As has been indicated byNaoum (2007), the process of arriving at any specific decision regarding the strategy which could be utilised is completely incumbent upon the objectives and aims of the research study under consideration. Further factors could be identified as accessibility and availability of proper information. Quantitative process of research could be comprehended to be critically oriented towards the objectivity of research approaches and this could be better ascertained in the manner of relying on the tests of research hypothesis and theoretical constructs to outline the measure of accuracy and credibility associated with such research perspectives. On the other hand, the Qualitative research process is specifically abstract in nature which tries to analyze a circumstance, underscore implications, focus on the description of any phenomenon and evaluate the available alternatives and find new thoughts. Because of the existing constraints in the measure of information regarding the research discipline and the specifics associated with that of the research question, the utilisation of research design in this concerned study would be oriented towards the Exploratory one regarding the particularities of application within the working structure of the research project undertaking.It likewise suggests that the Qualitative approach has been considered to be utilised so as to investigate the specific context regarding the implementation of the Lean Construction factor based methods so that the most effective framework of application of such a construction method could be developed. The objective of such endeavours is to analyze the circumstance and to find new thoughts and not to test or check existing hypotheses (Naoum, 2007).In this manner, the research process will be adopting the approach of conducting an in-depth survey for the purpose of properly performing the research data collection. The intention in this regard could be better analysed from the various contextual perspectives which could be considered to be effective to extend and generalise the theoretical hypotheses (qualitative) which could be utilised for the purpose of enabling the construction organisations to perform their responsibilities in an effective manner. As have been often stated in several of the sections, the approach of this research is oriented towards the application of an Inductive research process. This could lead to the adoption of the mono research design regarding the achievement of the research aims and objective. Because of confinement in the measure of information regarding the topic under consideration and the actual particularities associated with the research question the Exploratory research process could be considered to be the most appropriate regarding the subsequent research process. It additionally suggests that a qualitative approach had been selected with a specific intent to investigate the contextual setting of application of the Lean Construction factors and constitute the structure for conclusion of such purposes. This could provide effective clarification regarding the divergent aspects associated with the phenomenon under consideration. This could as well be effective to diminish the numerical volumes of all of the alternative conclusions which could be reasonable in nature and so that the findings could be obtained and could be verified regarding the authenticity of the same (Saunders et al., 2012).The objective of such an undertaking is to effectively analyse the circumstances and to find new thoughts and not to test or check existing speculations (Naoum, 2007). In this manner, the research process could be utilising approach of insightful survey and academic investigation. The derived lessons in this regard from the numerous contextual analyses are expected to be able to generalise and expand the theoretical speculations (qualitative) so that the engineering and construction companies could utilise these conclusions to the fullest extent.The utilization of qualitative research process depends on a naturalistic approach which could be utilised to comprehend the social phenomenon in regarding the contextual basis of the particularities associated with the specific research setting which as well involves the real world where the sincere endeavour on part of the Researcher is focused on not to attempt to manipulate any of the phenomena under consideration from any perspective (Patton, 2001).Regarding the qualitative research processes, the research findings are generally not measurable through statistical techniques or different methods for measurement and quantification (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). Holloway and Wheeler (2002) have expressed that Qualitative research process could be considered to be a model on which the social inquiry could be performed, which depends on the perceptual notions harboured by people concerning their experiences as well as their concepts about their immediate and extended surroundings.Ashas been indicated by (Jamshed,2014), qualitative research methodologicaltechniques are thought to be appropriate when the researchers or the academic scholars could be investigating either new study horizons or could be in the process of ascertaining the theorisation of different and conspicuous issues. Multiplicity of Quantitative methods has been construed for the purpose of acquisition of the most in-depth and detailed comprehension of the various issues which could be related to the research questions under consideration through the methods of contextual interpretative translation and the most frequently utilised could be the formats of meetings and perception. As have been outlined by Pathacket al., (2013) Qualitative research processes generally concentrate on the focus around understanding the existing and formulated research questions as approaches which are mostly idealistic or humanistic in nature. Every form of Qualitative research method is utilized to comprehend the convictions of the surveyed individuals as well as the individual experiences, encounters, attitudes, dispositions and interactive conduct. This leads to the formulation of non-numerical information. The responsibilities regarding integration of the conclusions of the Qualitative research data into intercession based study processes is primarily related to the particularities of any research strategy which has considerably expanded considerably regarding the acquisition of increased attention throughout the various spectrums of the existing study disciplines.

Methodological Choice

The corresponding research examination endeavours to comprehend the specifics or the social phenomenon regarding the utilisation of Lean Construction methods and the associated factors regarding the contextual attempts of development of the construction sector based development framework regarding the projects undertaken at the engineering sectors of the UK. For accomplishing this, meetings with semi-structured research inquests which are recommended for gathering Qualitative research information. The analysed research information collected from Qualitative information findings can be compared and contrasted and then triangulated which could be assistive regarding the validation of the research outcomes from multiple perspectives. The determination of search examination which could be related to those of Qualitative subjectivism, Interpretivism and methods related to value infusion regarding the research insights could prove to be significant impetus regarding the presumption of the perception that the research process could be ultimately inclining towards an Inductive research approach. This has to be corroborated with the specific perceptions regarding the evident facts that the Researcher under consideration would be having to undertake evaluative study of the construction sector concerning the implementation of the Lean Construction mechanisms and would be having to collect and analyse the necessary measure of data so as to formulate an effective framework of understanding of such implications under consideration. The concerned research undertaking is particularly keen on the process of assessment regarding the context of implementation of the LeanConstruction methods in the most effective manner within the operational elements of UKICI. This has led to the choice of conducting the study on a limited number of construction organisations. The research aim has been associated with the undertaking of the most detailed and in-depth evaluation of the collected information derived from each of the construction organisations under consideration. The peripheral objectives are considered to be the establishment of logical linkages in between various phases of the research understanding and better analyse the social dynamics which are integrally associated with the transitional stages of various scenarios of construction projects.

Research Strategy

The moment the philosophical insights and research approachescould be selected for a specific research procedure or scenario, the following stage could be utilised toconduct investigation and exploration of the different techniques which could be accessible so as to continue with the research exploration. For the purpose of ensuring the congruent compatibility within the research foundation, it is necessary that the determination of research techniques ought to be guided by thephilosophical position and approach of the concerned Researcher.Basically, research strategy (Yin, 2009; Saunders et al, 2009) or research client (Bryman and Bell, 2007; Sexton and Senaratne, 2003) could provide the Researcher with the actual plan of action, which could be better comprehended as a road map with a specific objective to transform the extended undertakings related to research investigation into achievable outcomes. Saunders et al (2009) demonstrated that research methodology could be the primary academic instrument through which the researchers could be empowered to answer formulated research enquiries. Ashave been indicated by Remenyiet al. (1998) research strategy could provide the necessary guidance regarding the determination of the general course of the research including the procedure by which the research process could be directed. Be that as it may, no research and exploration procedure is intrinsically better or of any lower capability matrix than any other procedure (Saunders et al., 2009). Saunders et al. (2009) contends that decision of research procedure ought to be guided by the targets and inquiries related to the research process, the degree of existing information, the measure of time and different accessible assets and in relation to the philosophical influents which the researcher could have experienced during previous operational contexts or personalised existence related to the social background of the researcher. Yin (2003) included that research strategies could be identified through examination of the particular trademarks which every research strategy has. Despite such possibilities, there could extensive subjective as well as informational overlaps which could be in existence amongst these trademarks. Yin (2003) has brought forth the realisation that three conditions exist which decide when to utilize each of these procedures. These conditions comprise of the measure of research questions which could be represented, the degree of control an agent has over the actualities associated with the social behaviours and the extent of research focus which could be brought on the contemporary events in comparison with those of retrospective realisations. Saunders et al., (2012) had undertaken the endeavour to outline and describe the considered strategies and processes in the form of a definitive plan involve a phase based set of actions for the purpose of achievement of any specific aim. Thus, it is not misplaced to expect the research strategy could be described in the form of a progression of different actions through which the researchers could be attempting to provide credible answers to the existing research questions. Deniz and Lincoln (2005) has outlined the prospects of research strategy in the measure of a methodological linkage between those of the research philosophy and the corresponding determination process of the methods to both collect and evaluate the research data from different sources. In a furthering move to this, Saunders et al., (2012) have put forth the concept that research strategies are mostly determined through the nature of the aim of the research and the associated objectives which also outline the approach of the research which could be taken to minimise the time necessity concerning the entire research process. It could further be acknowledged that the availing of access to the probable research participants as well as the measure of the information and knowledge in existence and finally various other resources cold be considered to be significant in this regard as well.Saunders et al., (2012) have clearly specified eight (8) different research strategic methods which could be comprehended in the form of Experiment, Survey, Archival Research, Case Study, Ethnography, Action Research, Grounded Theory and Narrative Inquiry.The table 3.2presents the aforementioned strategies along with the associated characteristics. As per the research observations of Yin (2014), it could be deduced that the research strategies could be credited with the differential characteristics regarding the research process particularities. In spite of this, intensive overlaps could be observed between these characteristics.Yin (2003)has brought forth the realisation that three conditions exist which decide when to utilize each of these procedures. These conditions comprise of the measure of research questions which could be represented, the degree of control an agent has over the actualities associated with the social behaviours and the extent of research focus which could be brought on the contemporary events in comparison with those of retrospective realisations. The initial two strategies could be primarily associated with the Quantitative research design. The remaining research strategy could be comprehended to be associated with either of the Qualitative or the Quantitative strategic considerations. Any other research strategy could thus be understood to be completely confirmative to the exclusive measures of the Qualitative research design procedures(Saunders et al., 2012). The first one could be understood to be that of Experimental Research Strategy and this is generally not suggestible for the purpose of the study under consideration. The rationale could be understood from the perspective of requirement of exertion of complete control by the researcher on the phenomenon which could be under the research consideration. Thus, this format of research strategy could only be comprehended to be suitable regarding the Quantitative research process which has to be conducted under the most extensively controlled research environmental context. However, as it is beyond the realm of any logical possibility for the Researcher to exert any effective and overarching control over the phenomenon under research consideration, the recommendation of Experimental research strategy for the purpose of utilisation within the research perspective of the concerned research project could not be an advisable one. According to Saunders et al (2009), the rigorous process of the various research strategies could only be contrived through the utilisation of the standardisation process of undertaking the proper experimental procedural applications. The strategy of Archival research process is focused upon the utilisation of the administrative management based archival records and documentation in the manner of the principal avenues to availing the data and information which could be necessary for the research project to be completed(Saunders et al., 2012). Bryman (1989) has consecutively outlined that terminology associated with the Archival research strategy is reflective of the resonance of the connotations which are markedly historical in nature and this could be often misinterpreted since this actually could be translated to be either the reference to recent events or could be an indications regarding the historic nature of the document and the data involved. In this context, the corresponding research is deliberative about the building of better understanding regarding the reality based contexts associated with the different phenomena which could be observed within the UK based construction industry. To this effect, the strategy to utilise the archives for the strategy of research could be advisable, however, only on the partial context. This could be the observation regarding the characteristic of the Archival Strategy to fall short from providing any necessary outcome regarding the analytical process which could be integral to the research project. Thus, this strategy is primarily less effective in comparison to the case study based strategy approach since the case study method is indicative of the analysis of existing documents for the purpose of utilisation of the same as sources for collection of data, however, in the case study based analysis technique, this is utilised as only one of several data collection techniques. The Ethnography based strategy of research is consequently utilised for the purpose of study management in groups and this is a branch of the Inductive research approachesBryman (1989). Under such a strategic approach, the Researcher has to undertake a specific group based research and observation process through which the Researcher would be required to assemble a group which could accept the responsibility to commit themselves to the observation of the Researcher so as to enable the Researcher to formulate the necessary and better understanding regarding the familiarity factor detection within the expressed behaviours and sharing of knowledge and beliefs as well as interactive exchange of ideas amongst themselves. This could be effective in contributing to the understanding of the processes through which the lives of the research group participants could be shaped. This would further lead the Researcher to formulate a detailed account concerning the cultural perspectives of group development(Saunders et al., 2012). This makes it imperative for the Researcher to consider the investment of considerably greater measures of time for the engagement of this strategic effort to bear fruit. This has made it unsuitable for the Researcher under consideration since the availability of time is infinitely more advantageous an aspect for part time research personnel and not for professional researchers such as the one engaged currently in this concerned study. Furthermore, the Action based research process is generally utilised for the purpose of promotion of the specific learning methods which are utilised within any organisation so that outcomes of effective and relevant practicality could be arrived at. The focus is always on the identification of the existing issues, the planning of the research processes and behavioural actions as well as the undertaking of such actions and ultimately the performance of evaluation of the outcomes(Saunders et al., 2012). Thus, this research strategy could be understood to be the process through which the research within the structural measures of the procedures of action could be conducted rather than the research about such actions. This could be better applicable for the students who could be acting as part time researchers since these students are mostly in possession of greater quantity of time in comparison to the professional researchers and they could as well select the field of research study within the specific organisations where these student part time researchers could find employment. Furthermore, the aforementioned strategy of action based research could be identified as longitudinal in nature. Thus, the Action based research strategy based approach could only be utilised in case of either medium or long term based research project undertaking and this research strategy is completely inappropriate regarding the application in research projects which are considerably short term in duration. Thus, this research strategy is completely inappropriate for the corresponding and concerning research project (Saunders et al., 2012, Coghlan and Brannic, 2010).The research methodology based upon the Grounded Theory of research could be utilised with the specific perspective of an approach which could be efficient and methodical in both approach and credibility. This is a method which becomes productive while undertaking research inquiry within a definitive process. The coherent and logical utilisation of variegated research data collection techniques has been the corner stone regarding the application of the Grounded Theory based approaches so that proper analysis of such collected data could be performed and the development of specific theories regarding the socially acknowledged interactions and subsequent processes could be achieved to better delineate and extensive range of different and often diverging contextual concepts as well (Bryant and Charmaz, 2007; Saunders et al., 2012). However, the considerable necessity of collection of research data with the objective to formulate theoretical constructs requires extensive investment of time. This substantial necessity of time frame management is often prohibitive under the purview of the limited measure of time which is available for the Researcher to complete the research process. Thus it could be contemplated that the application of the Grounded theory based research approaches within the context of this particular research process is completely non-conceivable.As have been explained by Saunders et al., (2012) and Musson (2004), the research approach based on the Narrative Inquiry technique could permit any Researcher to undertake accurate analysis of the logical linkages, explanations which could be constructed in a socially acceptable manner and the existing relationships between the different research variables concerning the naturally occurring accounts of the narratives of the research phenomena. This could have the effect of formulation of better understanding of the complications regarding the processes through which the stipulation of generally acceptable sensibilities and associated meaning of the socially perceived organisational realities could be achieved. Thus, it could be outlined that this specific research strategy has greater suitability concerning the Interpretative and Qualitative research progression methods. Such suitability is responsible for this research process becoming more intensive regarding the consumption of time. The factor of this research process being associated with the necessity to determine the processes through which in-depth investigation of the phenomena under consideration could be analysed in relations with the UK based industrial construction sectors, has led to the realisation on part of the Researcher that the Narrative strategy of research inquiry performance could be ill suited to be utilised within the context of this specific research based data collection operation. As per the previously outlined factors such as the research aims and objectives, the utilisation of the Survey based research strategy could be considered to be of greater appropriation and thus could be understood to be effective in terms of an effective suggestion for the conduct of the corresponding research. The subsequent segments of the research study would be providing the furtherance of research deliberations regarding the application of the case study based research protocols.

Research Strategy Characteristics Research Strategy Characteristics

The strategic processes, related with the research project undertaking, could be either utilised in solitary formats or could be applied in co-ordinated combination with the each other within the structure of the mixed method based conceptual applications.In this regard, Yin (2014) has identified that,there could be identified three different situations through which the strategic applications within the research propositions could be determined. These three could be ascertained as the typology of the proposed research questions, the exertion of control by the Researcher over the entire spectrum of behavioural incidences and finally, the measure and extent of research focus which could be concentrated on the contemporary events in comparison to the historical incidences. The conditionalities and the associated relations with those of the five different research strategic methods have been demonstrated in Table 3.3.

Relevant Situation for Different Research Strategies

The specific characteristics related to this research process could lead to the facilitation of the interactive social exchanges amongst the Researcher and the professionals related to with the sector of construction based at the industrial perspective of the United Kingdom. As a direct outcome of such interactions, the absence of the controls on the behavioural incidences which could be observed regarding the contextual processes of the research projects could be considered to be absolute. The focal point in this research context could be understood to be the substantiality of efficacious information which could be derived from the sources of such aforementioned interactions concerning the social incidences. As such, with the non-requirement of any specific control over the behavioural incidences associated with this research, the non-applicability of the experimentation based and action dependent approaches of the research methodologies could be understood to be a definitive element in this regard. In simultaneous manner, the specifics related to the research inquests could be comprehended in the measure of the nature and the process through which the research hypotheses could occur. It could thus be considered that theoretical constructs including the Action based researches, the utilisation of Grounded Theory, strategies relating to Historical and Ethnographic approaches could not be utilised in the context of this research since these could not provide the credible information regarding the development of the answers to the existing research questions. The substances of the collected research information could be ascertained from the performance of critical and informative studies which would have to involve professionals associated with the construction industry and this could be the rationale regarding the non-applicability of the archival research process as a methodology based approach for the research under consideration. The reason could be further deliberated concerning the requirement of involvement of documents which could only be availed on a periodical basis. This is an improbability regarding the utilisation of the archival research process. Thus, the adoption of the Survey Research strategy could be understood to be credible for the application within the research project undertaking. The constitution of better understanding of the research problems and the undertaking of the comparison of the research findings could be comprehended to be instrumental regarding the achievement of the research objectives and process aims of the research study project. The following research segments would be discussing the particulars of the survey based strategy and the effects of adopting the same within the perspectives of this research. The rationale regarding such observations could be perceived in the manner of collection of the research data involving extended research population which includes the case based architects who could be associated with UK based construction industrial sectors. This survey based process is not constrained by the singularity of techniques of data collection and analysis since this could as well be applicable completely regarding the research undertakings which involve questionnaire based studies as well as qualitative and first hand interviews. This could further be extended towards analysis of research contents and observation of the research outcomes considerately (De Vaus, 2002). The Survey based research strategy could be outlined to be the most effective one regarding the adoption of the same within the research structure since the aims and objectives of this research could indicate to the necessity of gathering voluminous research data. The generalisation of the research perspectives concerning the contextual perception of the utilisation of Lean Construction techniques at the UKICI as well as the associated factors which could be the direct outcomes of the implementations of such techniques at the aforementioned organisational perspectives. The strategic survey processes have been detailed in the subsequent following section.


Saunders et al., (2012) has concluded that, as a research strategy, the Survey process could be considered to be a commonality concerning the research process management and business operations which could be undertaken within the contextual research process. This research strategy is mostly incumbent regarding the provisioning of the answers to the inquests concerning the nature, the particular research focuses, the required research extent and the numerical factors which are integrally associated with the research topic under consideration. The strategy is also specifically significant regarding the application of the Exploratory and Descriptive research. Such a research strategy could provide the necessary capability to the Researcher to perform effective comparison and contrast between the various segments of the collected research data which could be brought forward through collection of the same from the involved research population so that the Researcher could have the best possible structure of the research model which could outline the influence of the research variable upon each other and could as well delineate the multiplicity of factors which could be responsible regarding the formulation of such influence emanated by the research variables(Saunders et al., 2012).As this concerned research process could provide sufficient capability to the researcher to delve into the study of the best possible manners through the Lean Construction methodologies could be implemented within the United Kingdom based construction industrial infrastructure, the related and identified strategy could be considered to be appropriate regarding the considerations related to management of time and necessary financial expenditures, since the researcher could be relieved from the necessity to collect and analyse large volumes of data from extensive research populations. This could be effectively achieved through the utilisation of the sampling methods which could provide the capability to the Researcher to garner the research conclusion which could represent the entire research population base(Saunders et al., 2012).

Literature Review Synthesis

The review of research literature could be considered to be one of the most critical elements concerning the research process under consideration. This involves the selection of accessible documentation which has to be authenticated in nature and this could relate to both the published and unpublished literary materials. These have to be closely related to the topic under consideration. Such literary sources and the related documents are reflective of the information regarding the previously performed researches by different scholars in the form of the various research based evidences, data, facts and statistical estimations which could be related to regarding the progression of the current research process based literature review(Hart, 1998).In this context, it could be understood that the literature review could be utilised with the purpose to outline the research gaps which could be in existence regarding the specific context of the study. This could be specifically effective regarding the development of the empirical research process since this process could contribute in the development of the research questions and suggest best possible methods of development of solutions to existing research questions(Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007).As per the research of Saunders et al. (2009), the most prominent benefit regarding the review of the available literature could be considered in the manner of the assistance which the literature review could extend towards the research process for the purpose of development of effective solutions and ideas regarding the knowledge expansion concerning the research process under consideration. This is vital regarding the formulation of both the aims and objectives of the research study under consideration. The intention concerning the formulation of synthesis of the available literature regarding the research processes could be outlined in the manner of constitution of the robust structure of arguments through which the justification of the selection of the entire research perspective and the topic under consideration could be achieved. This is also significant regarding the aspect that the identification of all the research challenges which could as well be responsible for influencing the process of resolving the research problems and objectives through the outcomes of the different investigations which had been completed by different academics and scholars. According to the research of Gill and Johnson (2010), the shortfalls of this reviewing the research literature could be discerned in the manner of the constricted focus only on the descriptive measure of delineation of the sources of research literature such as the various articles or journals and this process primarily neglects the quality of narration which is also integrally associated with the entire research process. This is also the case regarding the data sourcing and the vitality and strength of the data under consideration. The research investigation has to also involve a specific critique regarding the techniques which could be utilised for the Lean Construction management as well as the factors which are integral regarding the implementation of the evaluated techniques of Lean Construction management. This critical study involved the identification of the existence of multiplicity of research gaps within the overall research structure regarding the Lean Construction management process which is observed within the UK based construction sector. The synthesis of the literature review systems has also provided the Researcher with the capability to utilise the various instruments of research such as the semi formulated interview questionnaire. In the progression fosuch utilisation of different research strategies, the following layer depicted in the Research Onion could be identified in the manner of the Research choices which would be delved into in detail in the subsequent chapter.

Justification for Selecting Survey

The justification process of the corresponding research project could be outlined in the form of the analysis of the aim of the research study. This aim has previously been comprehended in the manner of the intention to develop a specific framework through which the most effective implementation of the Lean Construction management could be undertaken and performed within the UKICI. Thus, the phenomenon under observation within this research process is acutely required to involve the participation from different individuals who could be associated with that of the identified industrial sector of UK within the context of actual operational progression. This also makes it incumbent upon the Researcher to utilise the sources of information which could be acknowledged in the manner of the ability to formulate the best possible understanding regarding the specifics of the phenomenon under consideration such as the Lean Construction process within the environment of the project research project management regarding the construction sector of the United Kingdom. In this context, it could be as well comprehended that the research strategy based on the survey processes could be suggested on the basis of the fact that such strategies could provide the generic views as well as the sets of the opinions regarding the procedures for integration of both knowledge and information and the subsequent approaches and techniques which could be applied in such context. In a roundabout manner, the suggestions involve the discovery of impediments as well as critical challenges regarding the Lean Construction management implementation within the UKICI. Thus, it could be highlighted that the inclination of the concerned research process primarily indicates the selection of Subjectivism, Interpretivism and Value laden study and this is the most prominent reason that the survey based research strategic application could be comprehended as to be effective for the research project to achieve the final and intended conclusions. As has been mentioned previously, Saunders et al., (2012) had specified eight different strategic research processes. The first of these strategies is the Experiment based research process and this could not be recommended for the application within this research project. This could be further acknowledged from the fact that the Experimentation based research strategy does require the Researcher to exert complete control over the research phenomenon which could be subjected under the research process. The factor of realisation could be further elaborated in the format that Experimental strategic considerations could be only suitable regarding utilisation within the Quantitative research process design when such initiatives could be commenced under the most effective and controlled contextual perspectives (Saunders et al., 2012).From the factual point of view, the Researcher could not maintain the complete control on the dynamics regarding the phenomenon under consideration and this quantifies the research design to be qualitative in nature. Thus, the experimental strategic approach is completely ill suited regarding application within the research context. The next strategy of research could be understood to be Archival research process. This process consistently utilises the documentation and records from different administrative sources as the primary resources for obtaining information and data (Saunders et al., 2012).Bryman (1989) has opined that the terminology concerning Archival research could be consistently reflective of historical meaningfulness and the resonance of retrospective considerations and thus such aspect could misdirect the entire axis of research since both concurrent and historical influence could be outlined within the Archival research procedures.The partial utilisation of the Archival strategy based research process could be considered to be effective regardingthe collection and evaluation of the research data since the core constituent of this research project is oriented towards the aim of development of better understanding regarding the application of the study phenomenon within the actual context of UKICI. The proposed technique for data collection in this regard could be outlined as case study based operations through which data analysis through evaluation of the documents could be undertaken. In this context, the research strategy which could be considered next is to be identified as Ethnography. This could be better understood to be applicable within a group study process and the research approach which could be related to the Ethnography based research strategy could be comprehended to be the Inductive study approach(Saunders et al., 2012). This specific research strategy could be outlined to be the process where the Researcher becomes required to become an integral part of the survey group under consideration for the purpose of observation. The Researcher is also required to have direct exchanges of ideas within the members of the group and build proper understanding about the derived conclusions regarding such social interactions. The process could provide the Researcher with the adequate perspectives regarding obtaining the proper information about the beliefs which could be shared amongst the members of such groups, the collective and individual behavioural conditions, the inter-personal and intrapersonal interactions as well as the social events which generally direct and influence the courses of the lives of such members. The Researcher could be enabled, through this manner, to constitute the most effective and accurate structure to decipher the cultural perspectives of any research and evaluation group(Saunders et al.,2012).In this context, the application of the research strategy involving the Ethnographic approaches could require the investment of greater volume of time and this could become an effective proposition regarding the part-time research scholars. Thus, this research project is not suitable to be at the receiving end of the Ethnographic research approach. The sixth strategy of research undertaking could be understood to be that of Action based Research process. This research approach is generally required for the promotion of learning within the organisational context so that the intended practical and realistic outcomes could be achieved. This could be only realised through four different actions which could be identified as the detecting of the existing issues, undertaking proper planning of the actions, implementation of such planned perspectives into reality and then evaluation of the outcomes of the actions in a specific and careful manner(Saunders et al., 2012). As per the research ofCoghlan and Brannick (2010; 4), this specific strategy of research is oriented towards the performance of research of the action rather than the specific research process regarding the action. Saunders et al., (2012) have outlined that the specific strategy of action based research could be conceived to be best applicable regarding the effort of research students who could engage in the research processes only on the part time formats. The reason could be comprehended in the measure that the part time students have greater measure of time than the professional researchers and could as well avail the opportunity to utilise the contextual fields of the organisations which employ them to complete such research processes. Furthermore, the nature of the action based research process could be comprehended to be longitudinal regarding the progression related perspectives. Thus, this particular strategic research approach could be considered to be appropriate for only the project which could extend to the longer or medium term based time durations and the short term based research undertakings are mostly non-suitable for the action oriented research strategies. Thus, this is a clarified fact that the Action Research strategy is absolutely a non-possibility regarding the application of the same within the differentiating perspectives of the corresponding research process initiative. A specific methodological approach could be properly outlined and referred to by the utilisation of the formats of the Grounded Theory. This methodology could be explained in the measure of inquiry based research approach as well as the most effectively utilised format for development of the differential research outcomes regarding the entire investigative process of inquest and evaluation of the collected research data and information(Bryant and Charmaz, 2007; Saunders et al., 2012). This particular strategy for conducting research responsibilities, in the form of the Grounded Theory, focuses greatly on the techniques of collection and dissemination of the research data through the application of specific analytical procedures such as the statistical data analysis and evaluation process through which the Researcher could be lead towards the achievement of the ultimate research objective of development of particular theoretical constructs which could better explain the observed processes of interactive social dynamism and outline the different contextual ranges of such interactions in the most appropriate manner(Saunders et al., 2012).As has been observed previously, this corresponding research process is completely incumbent upon the short term duration and on the aim of development of proper theoretical constructs on which the study perspectives could be based and these could be only achieved through the utilisation of the data derived from the research populace based survey of the selected research sample. Thus, the applicability of the Grounded Research Strategy is absolutely a non-possibility regarding the corresponding research study. Ultimately, the final strategy to conduct proper research study regarding any particular subject could be understood to be that of the Narrative Inquiry. According to the opinions of Saunders et al., (2012), this form of research strategy is effective regarding the capability enhancement of the Researcher under consideration to properly analyse and evaluate the various relationships and social lineages and perceptual delineations of different phenomena which could be accepted in general within the social realm of existence. Such phenomena generally could be observed to occur within the various accounts of socially accepted narratives and these are vital regarding the constitution of proper understanding of the complicated social dynamic processes through which the socially conscious human beings could formulate different versions of interpretations through which the existing organisational realities could be viewed and contemplated (Musson, 2004: 42). Both the Interpretative as well as Qualitative research undertakings could benefit from the application of the previously mentioned research strategy. This fact could be realised in spite of the shortcomings of the Narrative strategy of research regarding the time consuming nature and intensive resource requirement based impediments which this research strategy could possess. Since the actual research process under consideration has the research interest focussed on the development of the better understanding regarding the occurrence of natural phenomenon of specific kinds within the generally accepted social context involving the sector of constructions and architectural engineering within the United Kingdom, the applicability of the Narrative Accounts based theoretical process of research inquests application is to be only partially realised from the perspective of application regarding the collection and evaluation of the research data and information concerning the particularities of the research topic under study consideration. As per the factors which could have been previously indicated to during the research discourse, the aim and objective of the corresponding research project could be appropriately and credibly served through the utilisation of the research strategy which could be formulated on the survey based approaches of data collection and evaluation. The performing of the research initiatives is thus firmly incumbent upon the suggestions of survey based research strategy performance.

Time horizon

Saunders et al., (2012) have been able to outline the specificities of dual types of time extents which could delineate the research design processes. These could be identified as Cross-sectional and Longitudinal. The initial one is utilised for the undertaking of the study regarding the particularities of the research phenomenon within a definite and constrained time horizon. Regarding the corresponding research process, the Researcher has the intention to perform the related research process through the utilisation of the time period which has been allocated to him, spanning the particular academic year since the respective study has to be confirmative to the associated brief of the academic course.In this respect, the respective Researcher would have to undertake the development of the specific research framework through which the Lean Construction implementation could be managed within the perspectives of the UKICI. To this effect, the involved horizon of time could be considered to be reflective of the cross-sectional research study. Thus, the longitudinal nature of the time horizon dictates the investment of considerably longer periods of time so that the greatest authentication of data and research outcomes could be achieved. The corresponding study chapter would be undertaking the discussion regarding the specifics of the techniques of research which have been applied by the Researcher in this context.

Data Collection Methods

The final layer of the framework of the Research Onion could be acknowledged as the research technique which could involve the methodologies of data collection and analysis processes. As has been mentioned in the previous section regarding the research methodology, the corresponding research process has implemented the Qualitative Research procedure based method. The objective of the utilisation of the Qualitative Research method could be identified as the obtainment of the clarification of the variegated and differential attributes of the social phenomenon under consideration. This could be as well significant regarding the efforts to diminish the various conclusive reasonable aspects which could be derived from the research findings as well as the verifications which could be associated with such conclusive findings. The methods which could be utilised for the purpose of the collection of the research data could be identified as multiple in number. The most prominent of these could be considered to be the Secondary data collection methods, Interview based data gathering process and the utilisation of specifically formed Questionnaires. Such methods are going to be delved into in detail in the corresponding section of the research process. In this respect, it could be acknowledged that the constituents of the secondary data collection could be comprised of both the Quantitative as well as the Qualitative data gathering and this research is specifically significant concerning the case study based survey processes which are utilised as specific strategies of research (Saunders et al., 2012). The sub-groups which could be observed to be in existence concerning the Secondary data could be three in number. The sub-category based data could be collected from multiplicity of information sources as well as from the survey based processes which could be integral to the entire progression structure of the research processes. As per the research of Saunders et al.(2012), regarding the research process of the data collection, the entire spectrum of secondary data could be understood to be composed of, specifically and primarily, by documented material such as minutes of meetings, speech and conference based transcripts, notifications, record diaries, formulation of reportage for the shareholders as well as the various records and data bulletins which could be published for the public and for the organisational organs to take notice off. Apart from these, such secondary data reservoir could as well involve published and authenticated journals, books, magazines and articles which are mostly published at the newspapers. Furthermore, the document based secondary data could be as well comprised through materials which could be neither documented nor written down in any specific manner. The entire range of the elements could be understood to be recordings of motion videos and voice based researches, motion pictures , still images as well as programmes which are aired on the television, databases of specific organisations and Digital Versatile Disks or the Compact Disk based Read Only Memory formats which could definitively preserve the necessary information(Robson, 2002). The analysis of such measure of data could be undertaken from both the Qualitative and Quantitative perspectives. In this respect, it could be understood that the primary and fundamental objective regarding the analysis of such completely secondary data is associated with the triangulation of the conclusive research findings and discoveries which could be formulated on the basis of the derived data and information. Such additional data could be collected from the utilisation of various tools which are tailor made for such research processes such as the semi formulated questionnaire as well as direct interviews. The corresponding research process would be utilising the Secondary data based documentary process of research data collection and analysis mechanism.The objective of such data collection process is to formulate the mechanism to develop the necessary background information which could enable the Researcher to outline the best possible methods to conclude the research project. This process involves the gathering of proper research data through utilisation of various documents from different conferences, from books and journals. The survey based research process would be covering the specified research aims and objectives which could lead towards the formulation of more authenticated research conclusions.

Qualitative Methods of Data Collection

As per the research of Saunders et al., (2012) and Collis and Hussey (2003), the process of Qualitative data collection is integrally inclusive of the development, record preservation, acquisition as well as utilisation of the various data structures, primarily non-numerical in nature as well as semi-structured in the format of composition, with specific emphasis on the depth of data and the collection of the research information(Collis and Hussey, 2003). Any specific interview could be considered to be a deliberate discourse regarding the purpose of accumulation of credible and effective as well as first hand information regarding the personnel who could be interviewed by the interviewer.Providing the answers to the deliberate questions is integral to this interviewing process. This could be the reason that the Researcher is convinced that the gathering of data and the validation of the same could be specifically undertaken in the context of the formulated research questions as well as the objectives. Thus the Researcher is willing to utilise the structured, semi structured and the non-structured interview methods for the purpose of gathering of the Qualitative data from the research respondents(Saunders et al., 2012).Interviews, which could be structured in nature, could be inclusive of the necessary questionnaires which are mostly developed through the utilisation of specific sets of questions which have to be both predetermined and standardised (Saunders et al., 2012).This has been the rationale behind the perception that these questionnaire could be referred to as the questionnaires which are administered by the interviewer. This could as well be indicated in the manner of the research interviews which are Quantitative from academic perspective, as interviews, which are structured, could be utilised to gather research data which is mostly verifiable as well as quantifiable.Apart from this, the utilisation of the standardised and premeditated list of research inquests could be understood to be the technique which is oriented towards the perception of presenting the questions in the similar manner through which the preparation of the questions is undertaken. In this context, it is to be comprehended that the interviews, which could be structured, are mostly beneficial regarding the obtainment of clarification and authentication regarding the research questions and in cases when numeracy or literacy related problems could be associated with those of the research respondents(Gill et al., 2008).As per the research of Gill et al. (2008), the structured nature of composition of the interviews,could as well permit the limited number of research participants to provide effective responses. Thus, this could be of limited utilisation value since the necessary depth of the data could not be obtained as per the research requirement. One of the most significant aspects of the semi-structured interviews could be identified as the utilisation of interviews which are not-standardised. This could be the rationale that such interviews could be ascertained as qualitative research interviews (Saunders et al., 2012). As per the research of Clifford et al. (2010),the specific format of semi-structured questionnaire generally permits the researcher or the interviewer to formulate specific enlistments of various questions which could be predetermined for the purpose of facilitation of the entire interview process through primarily a conversation based interactive session. This could be effective since this method provides the participants with the capability to realise the opportunity of exploring various issues and to evaluate the same. These issues are more or less significant regarding the research topics under consideration. The various interviews based on semi-structured formats primarily emphasise on the research theme specifics. These specifics are primarily covered through the conversational approach. From the academic standpoint, the considerations indicate that the most prominent and credible manner of obtaining proper learning regarding the motivational intent which catalyse the choices and preferences of the people in general as well as the behavioural expressions of the research respondents, could be considered to be the semi-structured interviews. This could be further comprehended from the perspective of the policy based particularities which have serious implications as events of significances on the lives of research respondents. Furthermore, the semi-structured nature of the formulated interviews could be ascertained to be capable to provide the most valuable data which could scantly be expected by the Researcher (Raworthet al., 2012). Based on the work of Gill et al. (2008) and Britten (1995), it could be understood that various significant questions could be the core constituents of the research and exploration perspectives of the research topic under consideration. These are also effective regarding the pursuing of the ideas and utilisation of the available resources in a greater detailed manner through diverging or converging on the particulars regarding the research perspectives.Bryman (2004) has outlined that interviews, which are semi structured in nature, could provide greater flexibility regarding the formulation of the research environment through which better responses to the existing research questions under consideration could be formulated.The interviews which are mostly unstructured could be considered to be of a greater informality of nature so that the academic investigative exploration of the general contextual subject related with that of the research operations could be achieved.The Researcher or the Interviewer has to only fulfil the necessityto obtain a clear perceptual perspectiveregarding the research topic which is the core of the entire research process. This topic is also the centre of the complete effort of the Researcher to explore. To this effect, it is unnecessary for the research process to include any preconceivedenlistment of questions. Thus, the interviewees could be considered to be at liberty to discuss and express their perceptions and opinions regarding the topic area (Saunders et al., 2012).Interviews,which are mostly unstructured, could be considered to be the representation of a specific format of conversation which could be particularly controlled and directed by the interviewees or the surveyed personnelon the contrary to the perceptions regarding the predetermined questions to be the primary controlling effect on such research processes. Such interviews, with unstructuredconstituent formats, could be considered to be of extensive usefulness when the intention is toobtain the most in-depth comprehensive understanding of any particular research phenomenon within the various particularities related to theresearch based cultural context (DiCicco-Bloom and Crabtree, 2006). The concerned techniques regarding the interview process is primary applicable in the process of highlighting the ethnographic perspectives of the study under consideration. Such interviews could be considered to be the most effective and major research process methods for the collection factual of necessary Qualitative or Quantitative information or data as well as opinions.The process of conducting interviews through the direct and interpersonal manner through could provide the interviewer with the capability to play the role of inquiring the interviewees regarding the their opinions about the questions which are designed to elicit specific answers which could be credibly pertinent to the particularities associated with those of the specific research objectives (Naoum, 2013). As per the research perceptions of Zhang and Wildemuth (2008), interviews could be considered to bethe most extensively utilised research instrument to access the experiences and perceptions of the research respondents who could be accessed for Qualitative studies. Furthermore, the research exploration could additionally attempt to obtain the necessary information about the individual attitudes and realistic feelings of the personnel. Interview process could thus be considered as amongst the most effective approaches for the collection of differential Qualitative data as this generally represents one of the most frequently utilised within the purview of any research process (Drever, 1995). The process of Interview could be considered to be a specific form of interpersonal interaction between the interviewer and interviewee or any research respondent for the purpose of soliciting and or obtaining the intended informationor to conduct effective enquiry about the research project under consideration (Wengraf, 2001). The application of this tool involving the interviews for collection of research data could prove to be beneficial for the concerned Researcher to accumulate extensive, relevant and authenticable informationfor the purpose of fulfilment of the formulated research inquests as well as the objective (Saunders et al., 2009). Yin (2009) has opined that interviews could symbolise the application of the most significant process through which the necessary accumulation of data concerning the primary data collection could be finalised and completed studies data gathering. This could be further acknowledged from the perspective that the interview based data collection process could provides the Researcher with the most in-depth delineation of the information based variety which could further lead the Researcher towards undertaking of the proper building of understanding regarding the meanings and interpretations of the various accounts of the phenomenological social interactions which could specify the overall experience scenario of various research respondents and the personnel selected from the research populace (Blaikie, 2011). Apart from this, the researcher Kvale (1983) has asserted that the format of the Qualitative interview based research approach could be countenanced as partially structured. This could be better understood from the manner that undulated conversation does not occur in such data collection process and it is not completely or absolutely structured as a definite questionnaire either. Such a process is generally performed through the following of a guide regarding the interview could supersede the responsibility, on part of the Researcher, to contain specific questions which could emphasise upon the existence of particular themes of the research process. However, the primary objective regarding the research project undertaking could be considered to be the ascertainment of the proper meanings and expressions related to the responses of the personnel who could be under the interview scanner (Kvale, 1996). Furthermore, Britten (1995) has been able to outline that the technique related to the interview based data collection and analysis could provide better answers to the emergence of research inquests in comparison to those which could be addressed by Quantitative research methods. Thus, the philosophic lineage of the interview based Qualitative data collection could be perceived to be directly inclined towards Positivism and Interpretivism as philosophical constructs.

Literature Review

Reviewing the collected and accessed literature is the process of documentation of the in-depth analysis of comprehensive academic survey of the published, distributed and unpublished research from sources of information which are secondary in nature in regarding the focal points of research interest through the perception of the Researcher in concern (Sekaran, 2003). Thus, it could be further understood that any research literature review based survey is additionally proposed to preclude any condition where the researcher could arrive at same conclusions regarding the similar issues which have been noted by previous researchers in this manner, to ensure that the Researcher could be provided with the capability to remain updated regarding the latest development in the research scenario regarding the topic under consideration. (Bryman and Ringer, 2007) featured the significance of reviewing research literature in constitution of the backdrop on which the development of the specific argumentative research perspectives and to highlight the significance of the undertaking of the research and the purported objectives and directions of the research. An effective as well as competent process of reviewing of the research literature ought to expand and supersede simple proliferation of primary hypotheses and conclusions of past researchers, and, in addition, decipher previous and earlier speculations and utilization of these observations for the purpose of the evaluation of the particularities of arguments and viewpoints under consideration. The review of the concerned literature which is directed in this research examination is intended to identify the existing gap within the literature and the collected information for the Lean Construction utilisation factors within the perspective of UKICI and to increase optional and secondary information for this research exploration. Accordingly, the conducted research survey project has included different literary works on LC strategies, authoritative and organisational cultures and implementation of the Lean Construction execution variables and elemental components of the involved structures with the purpose of obtaining the most in-depth format of knowledge regarding the concurrent situation.


Saunders et al., (2012) have expressed that procedures of the sampling techniques could provide the most effective insight regarding the entire scope of methodical techniques which could empower the Researcher to decrease the measure of information which are required to be accumulated by concerning the information which could be directly related to the subordinate groups of the primarily selected research concepts instead of every single conceivable component of the research perspective. As such, information derived from the sampling operations could be utilized to formulate effective speculations regarding all the conceivable cases from which the research sampling example could be collected. This technique requires recognizing the research populace as well as the numeric volume of the research samples. Besides this, the requirement for undertaking sampling processes when constructs of time and financial expenditure which could preclude the Researcher from conducting the survey and review of the entire populace. These could as well be capable in outlining the specific conditionalities which could establish the impossibility and impracticability of undertaking of such extensive survey encompassing the entire research population (Saunders et al., 2012).Testing of the research samples as well as the research sampling process could be considered to be a particular specialty regarding the research respondents for any specific research investigation. As has been indicated by Bailey (1978), the objectives of the research study could be acknowledged as the units for purposes of analysis and such units for the purpose of analysis could be contended to be either a person, club, organization, industry, city, region or state. The entirety of such units of such research investigation is known as the populace; every individual unit could be identified as the research populaces and the research sample could be understood to be a subset or segment of the aggregate populace (Bailey, 1978).A unit of research sample could be understood to be a solitary component inside the populace or an accumulation of components, while the frame of the sample could be understood as an outline is to be comprehended to be a complete enlistment of different units from which the research sample could have been derived. Along these lines, the aggregate number of little and medium-sized construction and architecture development organizations in the Unified Kingdom (UK) could be considered to be the actual number of the research populace concerning this specific research undertaking, in this respect, the frame of the sample could be better understood to be the complete number of the units which have been selected to be the actual samples for the concerned research project.Bailey (1978) has ascertained that researcher with any specific statute could commence the research sample survey through the utilisation of the aggregate populace in a dependable manner and afterwards could work towards the specific sample. The size of this sample could be considerably less than that of the entire research population. For instance, the Researcher could commence with 250,000 personnel as potential respondents yet, he or she could ultimately select arbitrary research sample of 200 or less personnel. The process of sampling in the overall research approach and investigative exploration undertaking could be understood to be of the highest necessity and this could be perceptualised to be in necessity of the utmost care and deliberate an approach for this process to become successful. For instance, in the 1968 American presidential election, just 2000 of the around 73 million voters were utilized to anticipate precisely that Richard Nixon would get 43 percentages of the votes. It could be historically observed that he managed to receive only 42.9 percentages of the votes. Additionally, Collins (2001),regarding the screening procedure for selection of the various companies which have achieved exemplary success within the realm of their business operations, has outlined the number of such different organisations to be 1,435. However, the proper selection procedure could bring forth the meager number of 11 of such companies which could be included within the process of the corresponding study.In addition to this, Zimmerman (1989) has concluded a longitudinal analytical study of the various cases where several companies have managed to obtain successful turnarounds in cases which have been associated with the industries such as the automotive and the agricultural equipment manufacturing within the time duration of 1902 to 1987. The variation regarding this time period could be observed to be a significant factor, however, the majority of the data which indicated to the outlined cases pertained to the dime period on the 20 year duration. The scholar commenced with a considerable numerical multitude of cases which had taken place during that time period and managed to select only 15 out of these. Accordingly, this demonstrates a precisely determined sample from the research populace and not the entire quantity of sample units to be the responsible elements for the pertinent representation of the research process efficacy. Be that as it may, Emmel (2013) states that the process of sampling, in most of the researches, could directly allude to two definite exercises. The first one could be identified as the characterization of the populace from which an example could be derived and which could be represented by the research sample in the most credible manner. The second one could be outlined to be the attempt to ensure that each and every person or element from the research populace which could have been previously defined could be endowed with the inclusive opportunity the statistical volume of which could be greater than zero and could be specifically measured as well. These two specific activities, as per the observations of the researcher, are not satisfactory Qualitative research based sampling procedures. The scholar has outlined that the most ideal method for Qualitative research survey could be made possible through proper inversion of these two standards and through contemplation of the measurement based estimations in altogether different ways. Sampling could be considered to be one of the most effective tools within a research process for the reason that, under the conditions which involve dealing with considerably larger populations, studying the entire population could be practically an impossibility. Any such endeavour could require a considerable measure investment of both time and financial expenditure, and at last, results may not be precise as changes happen in the populace with the progression of time. Later conclusions may vary enormously from the primary or previous conclusions. In addition to this, the procedure could be comprehended, from a practical perspective, to be not manageable at all and the outcomes could be also identified to be inaccurate completely (Emmel, 2013). Along these lines, any research sample could be considered to be both assistive and effective regarding the obtaining of the preview of the populace at a specific point in time (Bailey, 1978). Another preferred standpoint of utilizing sampling process rather than the whole research populace is to be identified as exclusivity based selectiveness. At the point when research respondents could realize that their identity could remain classified and concealed as well as their presence within an exclusive group could as well be ascertained to be a consistent one, the probability of these respondents providing their credible responses to the research inquests could as well extent to a much greater measure. From a generalised perspective, sampling techniques could be considered to be categorised into two different segments. These could be understood to be Probability or representative sampling and Non-probability or judgmental sampling. Saunders et al., (2012) have outlined that probability sampling method could be utilized within the realm of strategies of survey-based researches in a frequent manner and the nomination of the targeted research samples could be undertaken to be derived from the research population under consideration so that the equal measure of opportunity or probability could be afforded to each of the samples. In a roundabout manner, probability sampling could provide the Researcher with the capability to undertake proper estimation, in a statistical manner, of all of the characteristics associated with the research population which could be identified from that of the selected research sample. This could further contribute to the research process undertaking in the manner of leading towards accomplishment of the research objectives as well as the achievement of the proper development of the resolutions of the existing research inquests of the research study undertaking. As per the research of Saunders et al., (2012), the process of probability sampling could be constituted through four different phases. These could be understood as the following:

Identification of the most appropriate sampling frames which could be constituted through the proper delineations of both the research inquests as well as the objectives under consideration.

Arrival on the most appropriate measure of size of the research sample

Selection of the techniques of sampling which could be considered to be the most suitable regarding the outlining of the research sample populace.

Ensuring the appropriate representation of the research population through the selected research sample.

The significant techniques for probability sampling could be considered to be five in number: Simple Random, Systematic, Stratified Random, Cluster and Multi-staged (Saunders et al., 2012). This specific sampling technique could be understood to be inclusive of the selection process based on probability of knowing the attributes of each of the selected samples. In this regard the involved subsetscould be understood to be multiple regarding both the numerical volumes and the associated attributes. The initial one could be understood to be that of Random Sampling. This could be comprehended to be the most frequently utilised measure of probability sampling. Within the precincts of such Random sampling, the units which have been closely associated with that of the analysis, concerning the sample units, could be provided with the equal opportunity of being at the receiving end of the selection process. This observation could be understood to be a truth regarding the entire spectrum of the members of involved within the frame of sampling frame and it could be understood notwithstanding the various diverging aspects and differences of characteristics which could be included within the frame of the research sample. It could thus be contemplated that selection of the research samples could be undertaken without having to involve any research bias so long as the outlined unit could be kept involved within the precincts of the sample frame. This could be contended as one of the most effective benefits of the utilisation of the of random sampling based research methodologies. Systematic Sampling could be utilised by the Researcher under consideration on behalf of the assumption that the Random sampling could be avoided for the specific progression of the research process. However, under such conditions, where, the Researcher could be experiencing the necessity to select the research samples in a randomised manner from the frame of the research sample, then, the utilisation of the theoretical simulative construct of the 1/kth of has to be applied where the value of k could be considered to be a constant. This constant could be comprehended to be reflective of various numbers which could be suitable concerning the choice of the Researcher. Furthermore, the utilisation of the systematic sampling could also be employed by the Researcher for the purpose of sample population choice. Bailey (1978) has outlined that any specific 1/k systematic sample could be formulated through the selection of every kth element which could exist within the frame of the sample. In spite of such an observation, the researcher has recommended the necessity to undertake the preference of simple random sampling in comparison with that of the systematic sampling process since the actor of accuracy could be best served in this context. Furthermore, the process of Stratified Sampling could be understood to be the methodical process of sampling which involves the procedure of separating of the members included in the frame of the sample into specific categories which are known as strata since these are profoundly non-overlapping over the respective domains. This process could be made to progress further through the utilisation of the random sampling techniques which are as well acknowledged as the systematic sampling techniques. This is recommended for the purpose of selection of the research sample from the individual stratum (Bailey, 1978). The utilisation of the random sampling, which is stratified in nature, could as well be considered. In this process, specific domains of operations could be selected and samples could be accumulated in a randomised manner from within such domains (Bourdeau 1953). Tongco (2007) has outlined that this could be considered to be equivalent to the retrospective information gathering so that the intent of randomly selecting the samples within the purposive research populace could be fulfilled. The method of Cluster Sampling could be envisaged to be inclusive of the various samples which could be selected from the multiplicity of clusters of the research sample population. Cluster sampling generally involves multiplicity of stages regarding the application and completion. As per the research of Bailey (1978), the general utilisation of the cluster sampling could involve the conditionalities under which the either the impracticality or the impossibility to construct a sampling frame in which the sampling units could be similar to the elements which formulate the core constituents of the entire spectrum of sampling survey technique. The prospects of Cluster based sampling could be considered to be able to impart the advantageous benefit of less consumption of both time and financial elements. However, this process could be understood to be the contributor behind the enhancement of the error probability since this involves multiplicity of stages of sampling. Each of the stages could contain individualised probability of occurrence of error and, on a cumulative level, derived outcome could be considered to be inaccurate as far as the prospect of representation of the entire population could be considered. On the contrary, the dependence of Non-probability sampling is minimal concerning the statistical theoretical constructs since the probability associated with that of the selected research sample from that of the research population could not be determined in any clarified manner (Saunders et al.,2012). The selection of the sampling techniques could be considered to be completely based upon the judgments of the Researcher which are subjective in nature. Furthermore, the Researcher could be convinced to consider that the application of either one or multiplicity of non-probability sampling techniques could be effective regarding the context of the research project undertaking. This could be considered to be a possibility since the non-probability sampling techniques could be formulated upon the basis of research question(s), objectives and the research strategy selection. This basis could further be extended to encompass the research constraints such as the resource limitations or the problems regarding the inability of the research methodologies to properly outline the frame of the research sample. Non-probability sampling based research designs are mostly constituted by systematic sampling. This method involves the initial point being selected in random manner and the subsequent research samples being the outcomes of the deliberate progression methods and these are situated, on the academic level, at a certain distances from the initial point. The dissemination of the involved samples could be understood to be also an even one succeeding samples are a certain distance from the first and all samples are spread evenly apart (Tongco, 2007). This specific category of sampling could be considered to be constituted through5 different techniques and these could be understood to be those of the Quota, Purposive, Snowball, Self-selection and Convenience (Saunders et al., 2012). Quota sampling could be considered to be the process which involves the aspects of non-probability sampling which could be considered to be similar to that of the stratified sampling process. The fundamental difference could be outlined in the measure of the necessity of each of the stratum having to be formulated in a proportionate manner to that of the actual groups which could be selected to represent the entire research populace under consideration (Bailey, 1978). Furthermore, the technique of Purposeful/Purposive Sampling could be understood to be deliberate procedure which is markedly different from that of the random research techniques. Thus, it is often indicated to be that of judgement based sampling. It involves the deliberations regarding the selection of the research respondents concerning the particular attributes which such research respondents could exhibit (Tongco, 2007).

As a definite process, Purposive/Purposeful sampling could be conceived to be most applicable while it could be utilised regarding the responsibility to study the differential aspects of a culture or industry which could not be completely known to each and every participant within the research perspective. As a definite example, the application of Purposive sampling process could be comprehended to be indicative of the cases where definite corporate turnarounds in the construction industry could be outlined. In a roundabout manner, it could be ascertained that this specific sampling technique could become especially significant regarding the documentation of the occurrences which could not be accessible to each and every selected person included within the research perspective sample population from the viewpoints of both experience and learning in a direct manner (Zelditch 1962). The particularities of such critical situations, could outline the practicality directly have effective conversations with that of the Researcher in comparison with having deliberate interaction with any randomly selected individual from the concerned industry or sector of operations which could be under consideration within the research perspective (Tongco, 2007; Bernard 2002).Furthermore, this could be outlined from the perspective of providing any credible example that, not each and every company which could be operating in the UK based construction industry has received the opportunity to experience any specific business turnaround. This could spell out the reason that the Researcher is required to undertake direct interview of the companies which could have definitely experienced corporate recovery processes regardless of the outcome concerning either success or failure. Within the purview of the Purposive sampling process, the proper judgements are utilised by the Researcher under consideration to determine the various skills and previous knowledge which could be associated with the population so that the proper respondents could be selected for the fulfilment of the outlined objectives of the research study under consideration (Bailey, 1978; Emmel, 2013). The methodology of Snowballing Sampling could be utilised by any researcher for the purpose of undertaking proper utilisation of the developed networks comprised by the respondents so as to access greater number of research participants, both actual as well as probable in number. In such cases, the Researcher could be envisaged to be engaged in inquiring about the various attributes and opinions of the respondents so that proper recommendations could be generated regarding the identification of the person who could qualify to further participate within the process of the research study and this is generally conceived as the snowball effect. The proper evaluation of this specific effect could bring forth the observation that the Snowball effect generally takes place in a phase based manner. The entire sampling process could be either a probabilistic one or could be associated with non-probability elements. This process is generally reflective of the discretion of the Researcher regarding the choice of utilisation of random sampling or anything else(Bailey, 1978).This method could be further evaluation in the form of Dimensional Sampling which could be understood to be similar to quota based sampling technique however, in a form which could be comprehended to be multidimensional in nature. Regarding such cases, dimensions or variables could be previously determined and the selected combination could be based upon the inclusivity of the related dimensions only (Bailey, 1978). Convenience sampling could be understood to be the samples which could be derived directly from the convenience of the Researcher. The basis of selection in this regard could be outlined as the extensive availability or the close proximity of the working dimensions regarding the unit under consideration. Thus, such a sampling process is reflective of the fact that the Researcher does not have to bother about the units of the sample which could be further away or could be inaccessible completely. In terms of the efficacy of such a research process and data collection and analytical methodology, the benefits could be understood to be the less consumption of both money and time and the shortcoming could be understood to be that of the accuracy of the derived outcomes and of the Qualitative data under consideration (Bailey, 1978). Regarding the entire spectrum of the various techniques which have been outlined so far in the research project, the element of purposeful/purposive sampling could be considered to be a perfectly suitable method regarding the concerned research context. This could be further evaluated from the fact that the corresponding research has the aim to portray the strategies which could be utilised in construction business recovery in the most realistic manner. As has been stated by Tongco (2007), the utilisation of the purposeful/purposive sampling technique could be observed to be of the greatest effectiveness when the requirement is related to the study of a certain domain of existing working culture which could as well involve the opinions of various experts who could be in possession of particular knowledge regarding that field of study. In this respect, it could be understood that the method involves a specific and inherent research bias. This specific research bias has been able to contribute in an efficient manner. The method could as well impart the robustness which could be the indication of the efficacy of the system and this could be further evaluated from the perspective of testing the credibility of the purposeful/purposive sampling in comparison with the random probability based sampling of the earlier research processes. The fundamentality of the selection of purposive sampling could be understood to be oriented towards the gathering of research data through a qualitative manner and this is the core process related to the maintenance of the reliability as well as effectiveness of the sources of such information such as the research participants or respondents. This, it could be better understood that greater significance is firmly associated with the utilisation of more than one technique in a combined manner within a single research study. As per the research of Tongco (2007) the process of purposive sampling could be better utilisedin conjunction with multiplicity of techniques to gather credible and applicable data. This could be more effectively elaborated from the perspective that a study involving the purposive sampling could be initiated through the institution of a research survey and only then, the purposive sampling process could be utilised on the basis of such a survey. In an alternative scenario, a considerably large sample population could be outlined through purposive sampling tenets, however, the Researcher could then utilise the precepts of the convenience sampling method to determine the factors which are enlisted at the initial segments of the research lists to for purpose of successful culmination of the research process (Bailey, 1978). Thus, the argument could as well be forwarded that snowballing sampling can be used alongside purposive sampling and under such operational procedure, the opinions and recommendations from different knowledgeable experts are utilised for the purpose of determination of the most effective mechanisms of study progression and to detect the individual attributes concerning the human resources associated with the research process (Brown 2006). In spite of such congruency between these two disproportionate sampling methods, it could be understood that Snowball sampling has diverging qualities from that of the Purposive sampling in the manner of Purposive sampling abjuring the utilisation of the specific sources of information, which are accessed by specific research respondents, as actual research participants or respondents as well (Bernard 2002). In a similar manner, the Purposive sampling process involving a stratification based approach could be utilised as well which could involve the implementation of subsamples associated with the overall structure of purposive samples (Tongco, 2007).

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Sampling in Qualitative research

Within the precincts of the Qualitative Research, it could be understood that three specific strategies of sampling formulate the theoretical construct mechanism concerning the collection and analysis of the data regarding the overall research project structure. These could be comprehended in the manner of Grounded theory, Purposeful and Purposive sampling (Emmel, 2013). As per the observations of the research scholar, these specific strategies for sampling could be utilised in a completely novel manner which could involve interchanging their responsibilities and roles, however, this could lead to the emergence of the meanings which could be contradictory in nature. The method of Theoretical Sampling could be comprehended as an intrinsic and integral component of the overall grounded theory. In this respect, the theoretical construction could developed through the undertaking of specific investigative research study on the social phenomena in an empirical manner (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Emmel, 2013). As per the observations of Emmel (2013) in spite of such observations, the fact could be understood that the Grounded theoretical construct involves the centrality of Emerging theory. This could be further elaborated from the perspective that the Researcher has to consistently enquire about the specific attributes regarding the overall groups and subgroups which could be considered regarding the entire spectrum of data collection. The other factors which are directly associated with such considerations could be comprehended in the form of theoretical purposefulness. It could be further acknowledged that application of the Grounded theory through the theoretical sampling method could never be considered prior to the research process commencement. This is more specific from the perspective that Grounded Theory based sampling method application could not be aligned with those of the particularities associated with individuals, organisations, singular instruments of research or objects. The research scholar states further that under such specifications, the concerned Researcher requires to be persistently conscious regarding the guidance which could be accessed through the utilisation of Emerging Theory regarding the selection of the subsequent phases of progression of the research concerning the determination of the research samples. In respect to such conclusive observations, this could be presumed that either of the practical or structural concerns could not be understood to be of value regarding the obtainment of guidance in identification of the attributes of the research sample. On the contrary, the significantly responsible factor could be assumed to be the individual impersonal criteria which could be directly related to the emerging theory as a specific construct.Thus, it is necessary that the concerned Researcher has to have complete flexibility in terms of the receptive capabilities associated with the academic process of undertaking research and this could assist the Researcher in obtaining greater efficacy out of the Emergent theory despite the fact that it is always incumbent upon the Researcher to never let the existing preconceptions to become considerable impediments in the research progression process with the emergence of different theoretical constructs. According to Charmaz (2014), theoretical sampling could be identified in the form of seeking data which could be pertinent for the development of the emerging theoretical constructs. The context and the primary purpose of theoretical sampling could be elaborated in the manner of refining the categories which could be effective in constitution of the particular research theoretical constructs. It is necessary to understand that theoretical sampling could be conducted through the development of the properties of conclusive categories till the research exploration could bring forth different and previously undiscovered categories and new theoretical constructs could thus emerge out of such undertakings. The process of evaluation of the Non-probability based Purposeful Sampling has to be considered in a detailed manner. It could be further understood that application of strategic Purposeful Sampling process is markedly divergent from that of the theoretical sampling procedures. The majority of the sampling operations could be completely influenced through the personal judgements of the Researcher as well as the respective skill sets which could be brought into the field of study along with the previous learning as well as the lessons which could have been garnered afterwards the research process could have been concluded. According to Emmel (2013), the objective of utilisation of the Purposeful sampling is oriented towards the selection of information concerning the social phenomena which could enable the research process to gain the best possible insights within the research perspectives and Purposeful sampling also entails the development of the best possible resolutions of the research inquests which have been formulated within the precincts of this study undertaking. Convincing the readers regarding the research efficacy is another of the objectives regarding the application of this sampling process. The utilisation of the purposeful sampling methods is to be contemplated in the manner of pragmatism which is oriented towards efficacious sampling methods(Patton, 2002). This could be comprehended to be another of the specific aspects related to the Grounded Theory. However, this could be also understood that there is a definite dissimilarity between the Theoretical Sampling and Purposive Sampling. This could be contemplated in the form of Purposeful sampling being able to formulate credible judgements regarding the specifics of sampling regarding the objectives of the study. The context and intended readership of the research process could be considered to be other influential aspects concerning the sampling aspects (Emmel, 2013).

One significant factor has to be kept under consideration while evaluation of the theoretical categories and this is the observation that Purposive sampling is never influenced through categorisation of the theoretical considerations. Only pragmatic and practical contemplations could influence such judgemental processes. There are four measures of actions which are directly associated with the influence of such previously mentioned considerations on the judgemental processes of Purposive sampling. These could be identified as the sensibilities related to the operational observations, the generation of the reportage regarding the plan of actions and the extent of implementation of the same, the rationale behind such actions and finally to ascertain the impact of the outcomes regarding such developments(Patton, 2002). Emmel (2013) has opined that this specific research process is completely related to the selection and careful and deliberative study of various social incidences and phenomena which could be rich in information and this could be the hallmark of the strategic sampling process which has been adopted by the corresponding research undertaking. Both the logic and the efficacy of Purposeful sampling could be contended to be incumbent upon the study of the various identified research phenomena which could provide extensive and varied information regarding the dynamics of such factors which have been selected to be the research objectives in this study. This process also extends to the dual aspects of the issues which are considered to be of critical significance by the Researcher under consideration and the necessity to constitute better learning processes concerning the effective resolutions development for the contemplated research questions in this study. The infrastructure of the UK based construction industry involves the clientele, consultancy based advisory, the contractors and sub-contractors and suppliers. These components are instrumental in bringing the study towards the intended conclusion and could be considered to be in possession of the accurate information through which the purpose of the research undertaking could be effectively served. This as well involves the utilisation of such accurate information in the course of the study analysis so that the satisfactory conclusions to the questions under consideration within the framework of the research study could be developed. Emmel has outlined that such cases of critical information could be understood to be of greater efficacy and depthful in nature since they could divulge different and credible insights concerning the research topic under consideration. Despite the fact of the existence of the marked difference which exists within the implementation related aspects of both the Probabililistic and Purposive sampling methods, it could always be beneficial to utilise the research instruments such as randomisation and stratification based sampling methods to select the probable research incidences which are to be applied for the purpose of data collection and thematic analysis. The rationale in this regard could be contemplated in the manner that generalizability infusion is intended to be superseded by the necessity to search for the social phenomena which could lend credence to the research findings in front of the readership of the corresponding research (Emmel, 2013). Furthermore, regarding the application of the purposeful sampling method, the research scholar is also of the opinion that utilisation of the Patton’s 14+1 strategies could be categorised into six different strategic segments so that the purposeful sampling processes could be completed without any glitch. Such categories could be understood in the following manner:

Purposeful sampling

Regarding the size elaboration of the samples under consideration, Emmel (2013) has outlined that the general perceptual notions and through procedures in this respect are completely divergent. The first perception could be understood through the advocacy that the sample size to be in line with particular or proportionate numerical value. The second one is indicative of the fact that the size of the sample is never an issue and the primary issue is particular in nature. This one could be comprehended in the manner of the capability of the Researcher to convince the research readership through the judicious utilisation of the collected data from the available resources. Thus the corresponding research has opted to adopt the latter form of research orientation regarding the sampling processes.

Theoretical or purposive sampling

According to Emmel (2013),“theoretical or purposive sampling strategies assume that to explain real phenomena requires more than a faithful abstracted rendering of events and experiences. It requires direct engagement between theory and empirical accounts in interpretative and inductive strategy of sampling.” On the other hand, the adopted sampling strategy is indicative of amalgamation of different theoretical constructs in particular manner so that the burden on the intellect of the Researcher could be alleviated and this is thought to be pivotal regarding the ensuring of the progression of the underlying research process. According to Tongco (2007), it is necessary for the Researcher to have the complete knowledge about the exact study context while attempting to utilise the purposive sampling techniques. It is critical regarding the fulfilment of the necessity to find reliable sources of information through sampling the entire research population. Thus, it is also necessary for the Researcher to acknowledge the requirement to convince the research participants to provide their opinion and information on the basis of their individual knowledge and experiences (Bernard 2002).It is also necessary for the research respondent to remain at close proximity to the theoretical norms which the sampled population could exhibit(Tongco, 2007). This is critical from the view point of acquisition of necessary and credible information. Both Guest et al (2006) and Allen (1971) have stated that the requirement of formulating a particular set of different criteria is to be fulfilled to identify the best possible research respondent. The following section would be highlighting the various such criteria through which the selection of different research respondents could be undertaken.To sum up the entire observations, the particularities related to the research inquests such as “How can UKICI implement Lean Construction efficiently” have to be evaluated carefully. Thus, through such careful evaluation, the conclusion to which one can arrive is the realisation that the selection of information from the most efficacious sources such as research respondents would be vital so that the best possible research insights could be developed regarding the research objectives and the research questions. The research questions, in context to this specific research study, involves the particular engineering companies which have experiences of working within the UK based construction sector and in the implementation of Lean Construction techniques within the framework of their particular project undertakings. The rationale of such a realisation could be understood to be the specific capability of the Purposeful sampling which rests on the process of studying the selected research cases in an in-depth manner and to work on the logic that cases which are resplendent in information and data could assist the researcher to develop the necessary answers to his or her research questions. Undertaking of consistent and systematic study of all of such cases could be efficient in providing all the answers to the research questions in a manner which could be accepted and authenticated by the research readership. If a study could be conducted in an in-depth manner, regarding the various cases which could be evaluated under the research perspectives of this particular project, credible and logical answers to the research questions could then be developed. This could lead to the realisation that the most efficacious sampling technique in this regard could be deemed to be the ‘Purposeful sampling’ strategy. It could thus be considered in a succinct manner that the direction of the study would be the most ardent beneficiary of such outcomes of application of such sampling method.

Data Analysis Method

Furthermore, the analysis of the collected data is incumbent upon the typology of such data involving the categories of numeric and non-numeric data measures. Such categorisation leads to the development of the data analysis methods of Qualitative and Quantitative processes.

Qualitative Method

Qualitative data refers to non-numeric data or data that have not been quantified and could be a product of all research strategies. According to there are five alternative methods to analyse data which are: Qualitative data has a particular attribute in the manner of non-numeric data structure which is not quantifiable and could be considered to be the outcome of application of varied research strategies(Saunders et al., 2012). As per the research observations of Saunders et al., (2009) and Denscombe (2010), five differential data analysis methods exist within the framework of Qualitative data analysis processes and these could be noted as Content analysis, Thematic analysis, Grounded analysis, Discourse analysis and Comparative analysis. Content analysis could be outlined as a technique through which the obtainment of the information and ideas could be concluded which could have been decided upon prior to the collection of such data and this is performed through obtaining the Qualitative data transcripts and then coding these transcripts into specific sentences which could then be transformed into specific thematic ideations. Thematic analysis could be determined to be a completely analytical and inductive approach which undertakes the development of different themes through the evaluation and analysis of the available data and no thematic construct is ever imposed upon the conclusions by the Researcher. The categorisation and codification of the collected data structures are indicative of the prospects Grounded theoretical analysis. This is primarily performed with the purpose of deriving conceptual perceptions as well as theoretical constructs through analysis of the differential meanings which could be derived from the available Qualitative data. The factors which constitute the prospects of Discourse analysis could be identified to be associated with those of the process of conversation. These involve the methods of inter-personal speech and the causality of such impetus to have such communicative interchanges between different individuals. Such conversations could be assessed upon the yardstick of performances on the contrary to the general perception that conversation or talking could be a state of the human mind. Finally, the measures of Comparative analysis are indicative of the process under which data gathered from different and diverging sources could be compared. This specific analysis is representative of the actual thematic analysis to the most proximal extent.

Content Analysis

Content analysis is primarily and extensively utilised within the framework of the Qualitative research undertaking. This could be considered to be a specific research tool or analytical method through which the most credible and significant research information could be extracted so that the most desired research conclusions could be reached. Such desired conclusions could be either implicit or explicit regarding the utilisation of texts or images. Then, such conclusions could be categorised and organised into systematic concepts so that such conceptual perceptions could enable the respective researchers to formulate interpretative inferences which could be validated through supportive and cross referential studies (Krippendorff, 1989, 2004; Smith, 2000; Kualtunga et al., 2007; Colorado State University, 2014). In this manner, it could be understood that Content analysis method could as well be in possession of the capability of quantification of the available qualitative data (Kulatunga et al., 2007; Vismoradi et al., 2013). The garnering of the ability to systematically deal with the acquired data structure is the core fundamental advantage which could be derived from that of the application of the Content analysis process in the evaluation of the Qualitative research data (Joffee& Yardley, 2014). Kulatunga et al. (2007) have outlined some specific approaches for the purpose of Content analysis method application which could be comprehended as four in number. The initial one could be comprehended as the counting of words in which the numbers of frequently recurring words are taken into consideration. This leads to the development of the assumption regarding the supposed significance of the most frequently occurring words. The second approach could be understood to be the analysis of the Conceptual content. This process completely concentrates upon the examination of textual documents or the sets of different texts which could divulge the frequency of the presence or the occurrence of different thematic constructs (Colorado State University, 2014). The involved thematic concepts could be discerned in a pre-emptive manner from the review of the literature or these could directly emerge from the various data structures themselves. The third procedural approach could be identified as the Relational analysis process. This involves the analysis of the various relationship structures between the multiplicity of concepts or assumptions which could be discovered within the overall data structure (ibid). The fourth and final analytical approach could be decided to be the Referential context analysis through which the literature and the accumulated research data could be assessed and analysed for the purpose of determination of the underlying thematic constructs as well as different meaning so that proper interpretations could be developed depending upon the judgements which could be previously harboured by the Researcher. Content analysis could as well be understood to be one form of coding(Bailey, 1978) and this could be utilised by the concerned Researcher as a method of specific suitability regarding the undertakings of analysis of the accumulated Qualitative data. This could be further considered to be an effective proposition effective in pertaining to the specifics which could have been laid down by the formulated research questions as well as the extensive volume of different data structures which are required to be analysed with particular clarity. Content analysis could further provide the possibilities to evaluate and asses the responses of the research respondents through the utilisation of multiplicity of approaches for the fulfilment of the purpose of determining the Qualitative statements which could be considered to be beneficial for the Researcher to develop credible answers to the existing research questions. It could be determined from the research discourse which has been analysed so far that the concerned study is completely associated with the purpose of development of the framework of operations through which the utilisation of the Lean Construction methods could be finalised within the UKICI. The factors which have been involved so far have been the documents which have been published regarding the principles of Lean Construction as well as the issues which are integrally associated with the implementation of the same within the construction industry of the UK. The experiences and opinions of the selected research respondents have also been taken into consideration. The factor of the limitation of research space and the responsibility of maintaining necessary relevance throughout the entire research discourse have convinced the Researcher to formulate the decision of adopting the conceptual content analysis process for the objective of garnering proper and verifiable research insights into the utilisation of the Lean Construction management within that of the UKICI.

Coding of Data

As has been observed by Naoum, (2007) analysis of the open ended research inquests from the most efficacious perspective involves the codification of the available information concerning all of the thematic ideations which could be derived. The rationale behind such preferences could be comprehended from the perspective that this could contribute in the reduction of the immense measure of collected information within the manageable categorisation structures of the entire research project undertaking. Similarly, Bailey asserts that coding or content analysis “is a structured document-analysis technique in which the researcher first constructs a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories that can be used to analyse documents, and then records the frequency with which each of these categories is observed in the documents studied.” The actual nature of the concerned research study dictates that the codification of the open ended questions has to be undertaken only after the proper conclusion of data collection processes could be reached. Furthermore, the method of data analysis which would be utilised has been also selected to be that of the Inferential method. The underlying rationale could be understood and comprehended in the manner that the research involve the conduct of comparison amongst different social phenomena as well as the utilisation of non-descriptive analytical methods which could entail the provisioning of generalised overviews regarding the courses of development of different themes within the overall analytical structure of the case studies under consideration (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The following research process is deliberate regarding the necessity to utilise the encoded data segments to formulate the tabulations, charts and combination of texts which have not been reduced so far. Carney’s (1990) “Ladder for Analytical Abstraction”, as could be exhibited through the Figure XXX, has been adopted by the research process. The transcriptions of the texts which could be deduced from those of the recorded tapes of the Qualitative interviews and would then be applying the encoding process of the available information for the fulfilment of the intention of identification of different thematic trends which could be discernable from that of the analysis of the research data, both the primary as well as the secondary. The findings would then be integrated within the structural framework of the explanatory research design.

The Ladder for Analytical Abstraction

To achieve the objective of ensuring adequate analytical processes within the research discourse, the Researcher has been careful in considering the individual research inquests on the basis of their particular merit through provisioning of proper explanation on the rationale as well as the significance of bringing forth such a question. The discussion regarding the outlined responses to such as question could only be undertaken afterwards such a process has come to a close. The NVivo10 software application has been utilised by the Researcher for the purpose of performing the coding system. The application of the NVivo 10 software for the purpose of experimentation by the Researcher to analyse the derived transcripts of the responses despite the fact that the Researcher had considered the task to be accomplished in a manual way. This has been one of the significant aspects of the concerned research process since the Researcher determined the utilisation of the software to be of better value for the deriving of the research conclusions. The software based applications could as well be understood to be the most appropriate tool for the management of transcription of interviews as well as the successful completion of the content analysis execution. The rationale behind the utilisation of the specialised software applications could be better appreciated through the observation of the information that the numerical volume of different categories and nodes which the process of coding had created while the process of analysis had been ongoing had been stupendous. Thus, it is conceivable that the application of the Nvivo 10 has been precisely assistive regarding the process of coding of the analysed information derived from the research respondents. However, it could be understood that certain limitations do exist concerning the ability of graphically present the derived conclusions and analysis undertaken by the software. Thus, the concerned Researcher has formulated the decision to integrate such shortcomings within the entire prospect of the research data collection and analysis method so that other software sets of similar capability could be utilised to rectify the existing shortcomings in the presentations which had been produced by the implementation of Nvivo 10. Coding could be comprehended as the procedure through which the collected data could be properly interpreted by the Researcher under consideration. The Researcher generally has to ascribe specific definitions to such interpretations as well (Robson &McCartan, 2016). The process of analysis involved the familiarisation of the entire collected data sets. The Researcher performed repeated analysis of the audio recordings pertaining to the interviews so that better understanding could be constituted about the same. The context was better comprehended through repeated perusal of the documentary research data. The following step involved the codification and categorisation of the data through first organising and then sorting the similar data out depending upon the particularities associated with the same (Kohlbacher, 2006). The specific categories which have been utilised within the process of the analysis could be considered to be particular combinations of open categories which are mostly pre-determined. Such categories, pre-determined, had been developed during the phases of familiarisation which the Researcher had undertaken during the repeated attempts to get accustomed with the collected research data. The utilisation of the documented research data which are intricately related to the principles of the Lean Construction operations within the UKICI could be recognised to be palpable from the perspective of the Researcher concerned. The subsequent developments of the factors associated with the implementation of these principles within the construction sector of the UK could as well be concentrated, from an academic or research perspective, on the emergence of the different categories concerning the contemplation of alternative interpretation of the same data. These processes reflected their applications as specific nodes related to NVivo 10. Such specific nodes have been persistently significant in the classification of the gathered data within the categories which could be meaningful for interpretation. Through utilisation of the procedures regarding coding of such data containing text into various categories which could be relevant enough for the emergence of the sub-categories in the form of greater refined propositions through the identified variables. These could be further acknowledged to be sub-nodes in NVivo 10. The systemic procedure of codification of the acquired data into several nodes and sub-notes is completely incumbent upon the individualistic and perceptual interpretations of the concerned Researcher. The identification of the codes was oriented towards realisation of the potentials and relevance of the entire data structure regarding upon the development of the new categories as well as to strengthen the existing ones. Within the application prospects of the NVivo 10, the process generally involves the examination and assessment of each of the interview transcripts by the concerned Researcher for the relevant and specific texts within the contextual categories so that the categories could be further assigned to respective nodes and sub-nodes. Such particular processes had been undertaken in a repeated manner and through such centrality based approaches, research literatures which have been similar contextually was examined after these could be derived from the sources such as other respondents. Furthermore, the Researcher then proceeded to encode and collate such research information within the already existing as well as prospectus and emerging categories. This process progressed until the research subject and topic could become crystallised so that the addressing of the research objectives could be devised in a transformational and prescribed manner. Next, the analysed information and data have been arranged and depicted within basic framework which could be considered as a precisely consistent order and this could be exactly portrayed in the Figure XXX, so that the complications could be understood with ease of actions. (Note: Use example of data presentation using Nvivo 10 similar to Imrans).The objectives of the research examination regarding the implementation based factors of the Lean Construction methods within the context of UKICI have been to establish the correspondence of the research outcomes with those of the experiences which have been derived from the evaluated experiences of the research respondents involving the construction experts who have been interviewed by the Researcher within the framework of Qualitative data evaluation and research. The outcomes where then focused upon for the development of the necessary framework through which the aim of implementation of the Lean Construction methods within the UKICI could be conceived and fulfilled through adopting the most advanced and effective of practices.

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Quantitative Method

The logic behind application of processing, analysis, interpretation and transformation methods pertaining to Qualitative non-numeric data for such data to be reconstructed into verifiable and fathomable information, could be determined as the necessity to develop such Qualitative transcript based data structures into meaningful information which could be further utilised by the Researcher within the research process. Thus, in case of data analysis, the Quantitative data analytical technique application could be understood to be able to provide the Researcher with the capability to observe and examine, explore and analyse, organise and then present the various thematic constructs, descriptions of trends and events which could exist within such collected data formats(Saunders et al., 2012). The Quantitative data analysis techniques could be ascertained in multiple variations such as from tables and diagrams to complicated statistical models which could become effective in highlighting the statistical relationships which could exist in between the research variables under consideration. The techniques of T test, Chi-square test and variance analysis are to be determined to be the most frequently utilised analysis of methods of Quantitative processes. In spite of such methods, the application of statistical analysis as well as the utilisation of software designed to perform advanced data management could as well be considered as necessary and beneficial in the form of the various software packages such as Minitab, SPSS, SAS and Statview (Saunders et al., 2012).

Rationale for the Choice of Research Methods

As have been specified in the previously evaluated sections of this concerned study, the exploration based research approach which could be implemented within the precincts of this particular research investigation would be the Inductive approach. The causality could be further explained in the manner of the factors that this research and study investigation has been constituted to obtain comprehensive information and knowledge to develop the required understanding through semi-structured interview performance. Hence, the configuration of the Qualitative research structure has implemented to achieve the expressed points, aims, objectives and the targets to build conclusive understanding regarding the entire research perspective pertaining to the research topic under consideration. This implies that Qualitative data analysis technique will be utilized to gather and examine information all through the interpretation as well as the presentation based phases associated with the concerned research. In light of the exchanges of information and discussion based discourses which have been mentioned above, methods of semi-structured interviews is the most proper procedure for this exploration based research, since it gives the most adaptable conditions to investigate the most significant contextual aspects which could be important to this research project undertaking. Regarding this, the utilisation of semi-structured interview as the fundamental strategy for information accumulation has been attempted. Utilisation of semi-structured research techniques and procedures could empower the Researcher to investigate issues in more subtle elements by undertaking specific inquiries in an adaptable flexibility based interviewing conditions with considerable variations in research inquiries to clear ambiguities in offered answers. As this research examination is performed inside the limitations of strategic surveys, the semi-structured interviews could be considered to achieve the most efficacy regarding the available time limits to complete the research exploration process. Furthermore, it gives respondents or interviewees the necessary conviction to express their own feelings in light of their specific experiences inside the UK construction development industry, most particularly within the field of application of LC. The selection of the interviewees was performed by their employer organizations regarding the provisioning of their personal responses and reactions to the Researcher through the sheet of participant information and invitation letters which had been previously displayed to these organizations. The interviewees have divergent and differing work experiences as well as backgrounds which vary considerably extending from positions in the organizations to the quantity of years working in that situation in the firm. The purpose of gaining greater and multiplicity of different perspectives regarding the issues which have been considered for research exploration within the precincts of this study, twenty-eight (28) differing yet expert responses and opinions have been selected from both the public as well as the private construction operations sectors of the United Kingdom. Subsequent to the distinguishing of the specific supervisors and the management staff who could be appointed specifically for the purpose of assisting in the Qualitative interviews for this research project based study, these experts and managers had been contacted and were issued with consent forms for research participants as are required by the regulatory frameworks of the research units working under the purview of University of Salford. When any of them affirmed cooperation, arrangements for the Qualitative interviews had been made. The reading and reiterations of the consent forms of participants were undertaken prior to the commencement of the interviews. Each of the interview sessions had been directed in English and was recorded according to the substance of the participant consent form. An aggregate number of twenty-eight(28) interviews were directed. The concerned Researcher analyst requires to gather secondary data by methods of documentary survey based studies for the formulation of the information which could clarify the research study background in a specific manner and build up a reasonable structure related to the framework of concepts and this could be then genuinely examined and investigated in comparison with those of the realistic circumstances to explore the relevance and credibility of such research operational efforts. This could be assistive in actions such as assembling of important information and presumption formation regarding the insights of the structural knowledge which could be gained from different sources of data. Furthermore, the proper estimations of the stakeholder value through the utilisation of the integrative knowledge based learning incorporation for better performance in the construction projects, could as well be a valuable benefit in this regard. This narrative review will cover the targets of the exploration. In addition to this, the review and survey of the opinions of different construction and architectural experts will be applied to assemble subjective Qualitative information through meetings and conducting direct interviews with 28 specialists in the field of construction. These specialists would be selected from the specified industry, and their experiences and commitment in construction development projects. This will empower the concerned Researcher to explore and fulfil the initial three research objectives pertaining to this study. As per the research of Saunders et al. (2009) and Denscombe (2010), five specific methods could be utilised for undertaking the analysis qualitative data which could be identified as the Content analysis, Thematic analysis, Grounded analysis, Discourse analysis and Comparative analysis. The method of Content analysis could be considered to be a specific and systematic technique which could be utilised for the purpose to obtain the conclusions from the evaluation of the accumulated data and the utilised tools are transcription and coding of the Qualitative interviews so that thematic constructs could be further developed from such coded transcripts. The concerned research process would be applying this specific research approach for the purpose of performing the analysis of the Qualitative data which could have been collected through the semi-structured interviews conducted with the experts. The utilisation of different content analysis software such as NVivo10 could be considered since this directly relates to the approach which is oriented towards the code based and word utilisation processes. This process would be involving the threefold approach concerning the transcription and codification as well as the analysis of the data in a thematic manner in a simultaneous manner. Thus, the software would be permitting the Researcher to encode the immense extent of interview transcripts in an automated manner and at a swift pace and apart from this, the Researcher would be also enabled to find the thematic queries pertaining to the research data accumulation structure at a faster pace through the utilisation of key words.

The summary of adopted research methodology Research objectives achievement overview

Validity and Reliability

Unwavering quality as well as reliability within the research process tends maintain the necessary level of consistency of the investigative research exploration processes and in utilisation of different research instruments in delivering exact outcomes. As this research project based data examination and analysis depend primarily upon the Qualitative data, the necessity exists to consider the different factors of reliability and unwavering quality as well as the legitimate validity related issues which may emerge over the span of research information and data accumulation. McNeill and Chapman (2005) and Gillham (2005) have considerably advocated the stringent testing of the reliability factor which is at the core of the authentication factor regarding the acceptability of such a research process. The prevalent considerations in this regard could be analysed in the manner of this specific test being dependable from the perspective that any test could be considered to be reliable only after the fulfilment of the condition that when any retest could be undertaken, the results could produce predictable outcomes. Thus, the previously specifically defined elements of reliability which could demonstrate proactively consistent and comparative outcomes after any research exploration technique could be applied on separate events by separate research analysts. Then again, validation legitimacy generally considers the reliability and authentication of the research information and data which could be gathered as well as the specifically performed translations of the outcomes. It is completely contingent upon the nature and the manner of the research, whether these could be Quantitative or Qualitative, that whichever strategy for dependability and tests could be devised. These specific strategies have to differ considerably regarding their utilisation basis. For Quantitative research, validation testing could be performed in light of proportions of blunders, sampling measurements, inspection statistics and instrumentation. On the other hand, Qualitative tests for the determination of Validity elements include trustworthiness and honesty aspects, the statistical volume of stupendous research data and information, profundity of research, triangulation and objectivity. Generalizability then again, manages the potential capability of research extrapolation. This generally brings out the relatable answers regarding the research findings concerning the probabilities of extrapolation of the larger groups of research respondents who could be selected as general research samples. Since subjective research means to get reactions of the research respondents, assessments, emotions and contemplations, inside specific settings and subsequently the abstract views of the research respondents, generalizability demonstration could be an inherently problematic concern. Be that as it may, the research conclusive findings from Qualitative research can be transplanted and might be significant concerning the measure to which the research data could be informative and profound (Finlay 2006). Thus, Lincoln and Guba (1985) have constituted a specific criterion for undertaking research process evaluation and assessment of the prosecution of the Qualitative research which could be comprised of credibility and transferability test as well as dependability and conformability tests. Credibility and Validity generally concentrate on degree to which the research findings could be verifiably garnered. Apart from this, transferability focuses on the overall appreciation of the dynamics of the conditions which existed at the research setting in which the research findings had been acquired and whether such outcomes could be utilised in development and monitoring of other research specifics. Finally, the factor of Reliability could concentrate particular focus on the documentations of particular important aspects which are to be considered as the research milestone which could assist the Researcher to formulate reliable and accurate conclusions. Furthermore, Reliability spells out the measures to which these research conclusions could be repeated to accomplish similar outcomes. Comparability concentrates on the aspect of evaluation of the possibility of whether the research findings could be related to similar researches which could have utilized an alternate strategy. Triangulation is a type of similarity test for Qualitative research. The strategies extend into several in number which could be utilised for the purpose of accomplishing validity and credibility, transferability, trustworthiness and dependability and conformability in Qualitative research. Some of these strategies could be explained in the measures of checking of the attributes of the research respondents and participants, utilization of better descriptions and the presentation of the data related to the discrepancy based events which could have had occurred during the progression of the research discourse (Creswell, 2003), triangulation, outlining of the in-depth methodology based applications, assessment of the past research undertakings to outline better verifiable research conclusions (Shenton, 2004) and provisioning of debrief through peers and research mentors (Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2007). Member Checking is a technique for assessing validity of the credibility of research based conclusive findings from Qualitative research through the provisioning of the finalised research reports to different subsets of the research respondents so they can decide if the research findings could be considered to be precise and realistic enough. This research process exploration performed the utilization of checking of the members to evaluate validity and credibility of the research findings since it could enable the respondents to see whether the research conclusive findings really relate to the experiences which they had acquired while working within the various project scenarios at the UK based construction industrial sectors. Furthermore, there have been considerably informative depictions and documentations of the research process exploration and findings with the objective that the peruser can be drawn into the measure of reality and experience of the research respondents and thus could identify with some common encounters. The utilization of in-depth portrayals adds to the credibility of a research conclusions. The research exploration process additionally has portrayed the organizations and companies (found in Appendix 1) in a minute and detailed manner and furthermore has depicted every procedure in detail through utilisation of the experiences of the respondents and has found concurring thematic similarities with those derived from the research literature. Through introduction of discriminant inverse purposes of perspectives inside the research procedure added to the validity and reliability of the research findings concerning the readership of the research project. This was done to enable the readers to see the outcomes from alternate points of views as well as from differing perspective based approaches. Exhibiting discriminant or negative data is integral to basic and critical research processes as could be determined from the progression of the concerned research project including from the literature review to the conclusion formulation sections. Another specific aspect of validation as well as that of approval could be understood to be conformability. In-depth methodology descriptions tests are utilised to evaluate whether the research methodological strategy could be portrayed in detail and whether the documentations of the exploration procedure could herald in the effective conclusions. The strategic utilisation of research methodology of this investigation has been depicted in extraordinary detail. The involved factors could be understood to be research philosophy, research methods, sampling, information accumulation to data collection and analysis. The process of triangulation, from a different perspective, has utilized one of the various techniques to undertake the assessment of validity concerning the extent of the research findings under consideration (Shenton, 2004). In this examination both Qualitative and Quantitative information were gathered and were determined to be congruent with each other. The additional strategy undertaken for the purpose of maintaining validity regarding the concerned research process could be comprehended as the framing of conclusions and findings through the examinations of previously performed research. Thus, the research conclusions could be fathomed to have been verifiable by previously conducted authenticated research literature which could as well be able to establish the conformations regarding the findings of this research being in alignment with the earlier research conclusions. This could be irrefutably derived from the dual chapters of 4 and 5 respectively. The strategy, which has been considered through mentions in despatches, however, has not been utilised, has been that of Debriefing through involvement of Peers. This is alternatively known as Peer Debriefing as well and this could be better ascertained to be a process through which the analytic sessions could be emulated as definite instruments to the effect of which the peers, especially those who are not expressive of any interest regarding the research subject, could be exposed. This could generally be effective to explore the attributes of any research inquest which could have the propensity to remain in an innate and implicit mode within the operational psyche of the Research analyst, if not exposed to such inquiries promulgated by the Peer Debriefing based methods at the first place (Lincoln and Guba, 1985). The primary rationale of not implementing this research strategy based method within the precincts of this research study could be better explained in the context with the paucity of the possibility of availing the necessary knowledgeable personnel within the perceptual dimensions of the research structure.

Ethical Approach to the Research

It could thus be considered incumbent upon the Researcher to conform to the standards of ethical observations which are subscribed to by the University of Salford under the purview of which this entire research project has been undertaken so as to complete the requirements of the doctoral thesis. The granting of the approval by College of Science and Technology Research Ethics Panel to the submitting of the application regarding the undertaking of the subsequent research project has been the confirmation of consent provided by the aforementioned institution in this regard. The letter of approval has been highlighted atAppendix A. In this respect, the ethical research propositions entitle the Researcher to undertake the fulfilment of expectation of performing the necessary responsibilities which include the utilisation as well as the sharing of the collected data and information, maintaining the confidentiality of the research participants and questionnaire respondents through instituting effective anonymity and through ensuring the continuation of the privacy of personal data of such surveyed personnel within the research process progression discourse.


This specific section featured the importance of the research philosophy concerning the research project undertaking, distinguishing the rationalities, strategies, systems and information accumulation approaches which have been utilized in constitution and maintenance of the necessary quality of the research proposal. Multiplicity of contemplations regarding the philosophical underpinnings had been made prior to the selection of the most proper theory, philosophy, approach, methodology, procedural research strategy, time horizon and research techniques for the completion of the research process. The philosophical position of this research concerning Ontology, Epistemology and Axiology are to be understood to be Subjectivism, Interpretivism and Value-laden philosophy in an individual manner. This could be understood on account of the fact that the social phenomena are mostly formulated by social factors and the interactive exchanges of such factors with the specific phenomenon. Furthermore, this process completely relies upon the abstract and subjective interpretations of the social phenomena which could be under the research observation. The influence of values and research biases, which could be subjective in nature, has been as well contemplated in detail. Subsequently, the process of examination of the research discourse has been constituted by Inductive, Qualitative and Exploratory designs. The underlying foundations of the research discourses have been based upon the hypothesis of the Grounded theory. The research process could be further contemplated to have been initiated at the empirical level and has come to a conclusion at the theoretical level (Emmel, 2013). This has been an anathema to the Deductive approach which continues from theoretical and conceptual levels to the empirical and experimental levels. Through the utilisation of the purposeful/purposive testing and sampling and examination which have been stratified, the selection of the organisations undertaking construction of industrial infrastructure incorporated customers, the clientele, the consultants and experts as well as the contractors from the UKICI. Deliberate purposive sampling, could be considered to be the most suitable element regarding the composition of a reasonable strategy for selecting the organizations since this could assists in the judgment about the particulars which could be put under research testing process regarding the purpose of undertaking the research, the uniqueness of the context as well as the determination of the particular readership regarding the entire research perspective.

The procedure implemented for information accumulation was interviews utilizing open-ended research inquests. This system took into consideration a superior comprehension of the localised context and the accumulation of data which could be of greater precision and accuracy. The method of content analysis was applied through the utilization of the NVivo 10 with the of objective of properly analysing the collected data so that proper encoding of such data regarding thoughts and themes could be achieved and this could lead to the assistance of formulation of the most suitable aspects for implementation of Lean Construction application framework within the working perspective of UKICI. Ultimately, the research investigation would be striving towards the accomplishment of the tests of validity through application of six validation approval strategic systems which have been specified as the checking of members, proper depictions of the integral elements of the data, presenting negative or discrepant information, triangulation, in-depth methodology descriptions and finally through the examination of previously conducted research for the purpose of finding the applicable research frames. The next chapter would be highlighting the research findings in the contextual manner.

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