The Role of Mixed Methods in Enhancing Research Validity and Reliability


In order to conduct the in-depth research, the researcher first focus on the methodology of the research and develop effective planning by choosing the correct methods for completing the research strategically (Palinkas et al., 2015). Research methodology in this regard, is a specific procedure and technique used in the research process for collecting, identifying and analysing the information about the research topic (Morse, 2016). Overall validity and reliability of the collected data and information as well as proper evaluation and analysis of the research can be possible through choosing the right research methods and analysis technique (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015). The aim of the study is to develop effective concept of using mixed methods in the context of conducting the research analysis, where the researcher can choose the right methods for collecting the data which is relevant and valid and analysing the gathered data effectively by using the appropriate research methods. Through this study, it is possible to analyse the importance of using mixed methods as well as disadvantages of utilising mixed method in the research analysis, where the researcher can be able to complete the research paper successfully. In addition to these, through this paper, it is easy to analyse the use of qualitative and quantitative research method by examining its advantages and disadvantages in the research paper. The study also focuses on the importance of using mixed method in the occupational health psychology research, the researcher can collect relevant and valid data and information for conducting the research by analysing the gathered data critically. Moreover, research paradigm in mixed method further helps the researchers to improve their understanding and knowledge about the use of mixed method of research in conducting data collection and data analysis of the relevant and valid information so that the researcher can conduct in doth research study efficiently through proper analysis and evaluation.


Mixed method research

Mixed method refers to the emergent method of research which is advantageous for developing a systematic integration of qualitative and quantitative data analysis within the investigation and analysis. The premise of using mixed methods in the research include integration permit and synergistic utilisation of the collected data and information strategically for completing the researches sin using a systematic way and following effective methods of research (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015). This is one of the best practices for using the research methodology to conduct in depth research and collected relevant data for successful analysis of the research topic (Walliman, 2017). Hereby, mixed methods provide an opportunity to the researchers to conduct the study by using appropriate research approach, collecting proper data and information and analysing it efficiently for completing the research study successfully. Through the mixed methods of research, it is possible for the researcher to achieve the triple aim of cost efficiency, quality and real life experience pf the respondents. Hereby, the mixed methods provide an opportunity to the researchers to gather real life experiences for the participants and collect proper data and information for analysing the research successfully with full critical evaluation. Under the mixed methods, the researchers use both the qualitative and quantitative method for conducting the research critically (Gibson, 2017). The mixed method methods are effective form social science and it has expanded in the health and social care sciences including the field of nursing, social work, family medicines, mental health, pharmacy, allied health and others. In the recent years, the researcher is interested in conducting the health related research for expanding the health and social care field and raise awareness about the health and social care service in the society. Through mixed methods, the researchers can gather appropriate data and information for successful, completion of the research. collecting and analysing both the qualitative and quantitative data ae useful for the researchers to conduct in depth research about a specific field.

Under the mixed methods, the procedures such as advancing rigor, describing design, specifying notation, colleting proper data including both the quantitative and qualitative information, increasing communication, enhancing cooperation, visualising the procedure with diagrams and pictures, developing the research objectives and research questions are appropriate for completing the in depth research successfully with proper critical evaluation and analysis. Integrating the data with data collection, analysis and discussion are also useful under the mixed method where the researchers are able to gather relevant and authentic data and information which are useful to conduct the research (Bentahar, & Cameron, 2015). Framing the theoretical models, social constructionist models, multiple perspectives of using the information and proper use of theories and concepts for analysing the data and information will provide a scope to the researchers to conduct the study by using the mixed methods (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015). Hereby, the researchers prefer to utilise mixed methods, where they can collect both the qualitative as well as the quantitate data and information which would be beneficial for analysing relevant data which is effective for fulfilling the pre-specified objectives and aim of the research (Holtkamp, Soliman, & Siponen, 2019). The researcher also focuses on using mixed method in order to conduct the study from both the perspectives of primary and secondary data collection where it is possible to conduct quantitate and qualitative data analysis technique through critically analysing the gathered data successfully (Burden et al., 2016).

Advantages of mixed method

  • Considering both the qualitative and quantitative data in the mixed method is useful for the researcher to collect a vast range of data and information which provides an opportunity to analyse the research topic in different perspectives.
  • Reflecting the point of view of the participants can be possible under the mixed method which is effective to analyse the research topic efficiently.
  • Methodological flexibility and collect comprehensive data will provide a scope to the researchers to collect a huge range of information and complete the research with proper evaluation and critical analysis of the collected information (Smith, 2015).

Disadvantages of mixed method

  • Increasing the complexity of evaluations is one of the limitation confusing mixed method as there requires proper integration of both the qualitative and quantitative data during the analysis and the researcher face difficulties in considering both the information due to lack of efficiency of the researchers and lack of knowledge and understanding about the research topic.
  • It is time consuming technique where sometime the researchers fail to complete the research within the given time.
  • It is difficult for the researchers to choose and consider the relevant and valid data after collecting a huge range of data where the researcher gets confused in identifying the valid data which would be helpful for conducting the in depth analysis of the research (Bishop, 2015).

Qualitative and quantitative research

Under the qualitative research technique, the researchers develop semi structured or unstructured technique which is not instrumental, or test based through which it is possible to analyse both the primary and secondary data successfully. Proper evaluation of the data and analysis of the information by using different theories and concepts can be developed under the qualitative research paradigm. In addition to these, there is no such statistical models and usually small sample size where the data is usually nominal and ordinal where open ended questions of interview are effective to collect proper data and analyse it critically. On the other hand, under the quantitative research method, the researchers use fixed and more structural technique as well as it is instrument or test based where the large sample size as statistical tests are included (Willig, & Rogers, 2017). The researchers use charts, tables, statistical test such as correlation and regression to analyse the gathered data. under the quantitative data analyses, the type of data is usually rational and interval where close ended interview questionnaire is utilised for statistical analysis. Both the quantitative and qualitative research analysis are useful for the researchers to conduct in depth research and evaluate the research topic successfully (Taris, 2017). The statistical models, charts and data representation through tabular form are useful to understand the findings and develop proper in depth discussion after successful analysis. On the other hand, the qualitative data analysis is useful for the researcher to analyse the gathered data on the basis of theoretical forms, models and concepts related to the topic of the research in order to evaluate the research critically.

Usage in occupational health psychology research

Occupational health psychology is an inter disciplinary area of psychology that is connected with the health and safety of the workers. the occupational health psychology is related to the relationship of psychosocial workplace factors for the development, maintenance and promotion of the workers and provide values to the workers and their families. Through the study of occupational health psychology, it is possible or the researchers to understand the impacts of occupational stressors on the physical and mental health of the employees, the effects of involuntary unemployment on the mental and physical health of the work, work and family life balance, workplace violence etc (Plano Clark et al., 2015). In addition to this, it is also posisbel for the researchers to conduct the occupational health psychology for acknowledging and exploring the information related to accidents at workplace, safety and security of the employees at the organisations, mistreatment of the workers, intervention design for the employees to protect them in the companies (Willig, & Rogers, 2017). Hereby, it is a huge field where, the researchers can include a huge variety of information related to occupational health psychology and conduct in depth research through proper collection of data and information. In this regard, the use of mixed method in the occupational health psychology research is beneficial for the researcher to conduct in depth analysis strategically. Mixed method in this regard provides an opportunity to the researcher in case of occupational health psychology research to include both the quantitative and qualitative research paradigm in order to complete the research paper with proper evaluation and in depth analysis of the gathered data and information successfully (Sparkes, 2015).

In this regard of occupational health psychology research, mixed method is effective where the researchers firms choose the deductive approach for conducting the analysis after collecting proper information related to the theories, models and concepts of occupational health psychology which in tur provides a scope to the researchers to improve their knowledge and understanding related to the occupational health psychology, where the strategy of health and social safety of the employees, safety at workplace, existing rules and regulations at the workplace are discussed well (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015). The occupational health psychology is concerned about the relationship between the psychosocial workplace factors and development of trust and loyalty among the employees where the organisational leaders can retain the workers for long run and create values and enhance wellbeing of the employees at the workplace. Hereby, it is necessary for the researchers to collect information and data both in quantitative and qualitative form so that it is possible to conduct in depth research and analysis on the research topic of occupational health psychology. In case of occupational health psychology research, the researcher focuses on collecting qualitative data collection method by reviewing the existing literature sources which are secondary such as books, health research articles, online journals, business letters, organisational annual report and other online news papers through which the researchers are able to collect secondary information related to occupational health psychology (Willig, & Rogers, 2017). Hereby, under the mixed method paradigm, the use of qualitative research method is beneficial for the researchers to collect relevant secondary data related to the occupational health psychology. On the other hand, for conducting the occupational health psychology research, it is also necessary to gather first hand information related to the occupational health psychology, where the researchers focus on survey and interview technique in which the researchers choose proper sample size for collecting valid data which would be effective for analysing the research topic of occupational health psychology research. In this regard, for collecting the quantitative information, the researchers can conduct online or offline survey through uploading the questionnaire on internet or company’s website or distributing the questionnaire to the staff members respectively.

The selection of proper sample size and survey technique are effective under the quantitative research paradigm through which the researchers can collect first hand information related to occupational health psychology directly form the employees. The occupational health psychology research is beneficial to analyse the work related factors like safety and security, value creation of the employees, which leads to avoid the issue of disease, injury at workplace and stress among the workers. Hereby, it is also necessary for the researchers to collect quantitative data from the managers in the organisations who are responsible for developing proper rules and regulations about safety and security of the workers at the organisations. In this regard, the researchers can arrange interview both face to face or telephonic for gathering relevant data and information rated to the occupational health psychology where the strategies of the managers in the workplace to manage the health psychology of the employee scan be evaluated well. The information related to the occupational health psychology are hereby effective for conducting the occupational health psychology research and in this regard, both the quantitative and qualitative research under mixed method research paradigm are necessary for the researchers to gather relevant and valid data and information which provides a scope to conduct in depth analysis and valuation of the research topic occupational health psychology. After collecting data through mixed methods technique, the researcher is able analyse the data by using both the quantitative and qualitative data analysis, where the diagram, representation of gathered information in tabular form, charts and mathematical interpretation use of statistical data under quantitative analysis as well as proper evaluation of secondary information through journals and articles as well as primary data through interview session with the managers under qualitative analysis will be effective to complete the occupational health psychology research efficiently.

Research paradigm in mixed method research

Under the research paradigm of mixed method, there are both the qualitative research paradigm and quantitative research paradigm, where the rationale of mixed method research paradigm is such as,

  • The mixed methods seek to cooperation, communication, convergence, and correspondence of results from different perspectives so that the research topic can be analysed critically with in depth research and evaluation.
  • Complementarity in the mixed method research paradigm provides a scope to improve elaboration, enhancement, clarification and illustration of the results from one method to another (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015).
  • Development of the new information and analysing the existing concept and theories as well as model related to the research topic is posisbel through suing the mixed method research paradigm, where the researchers can utilise both the qualitative and quantitative research paradigm successfully for successful analysis and critical evaluation.
  • Expansion seeks to extend the knowledge and understanding with full of inquiry by using different research methods can be considered as mixed method through which the researchers can combine different methodologies examining the complementary depth of the research topic.
  • Initiation seeks to discovery of paradox and contradiction of new perspectives of the framework and theories, concepts and results through using different research methods.
  • Proper interaction of the qualitative and quantitative research method under the mixed method research paradigm are useful for the researchers to collect a huge range of data and information which are relevant and valid as well as analyse the gathered information with proper in depth evaluation and critical investigation (Plano Clark et al., 2015).
  • Sequential explanatory research design under the mixed method research paradigm is also beneficial for the researchers to collect and analyse both the qualitative and quantitative data which are necessary for interpretation and examination of the research topic.

Hereby, the researchers in the recent years mainly focus on utilising the mixed method research paradigm through which it is possible for the researcher to conduct the study and perform in doeth analysis of the pre-specified research topic successfully by following effective research methods (Plano Clark et al., 2015). The mixed method research paradigm is hereby providing a suitable path to the research to follow for successful completion of the research. The researchers mainly use the mixed method research paradigm for conducting the occupational health psychology research in order to collect both the qualitative and quantitative data and analyse the gathered information for analysing the health psychology, where the respondent and participants in the research are helpful for communication and collaboration in order to collect relevant data and information which would be beneficial to examine the health psychology.


It can be concluded that, the mixed method is beneficial for the researchers to perform better and choose proper research design and research philosophy to follow suitable path to analyse and collect data and information for successful completion of the research. The researcher in this regard, is also able to manage the ethical perspectives of the research through choosing effective research method and managing and following the ethical principles of the research are helpful for the researchers to complete the study with proper evaluation in depth analysis about any ethical considerations. The nixed methods provide an opportunity to the researchers to conduct health care researches mainly the health psychology research which are effective for analysing the health care sector successfully. Both qualitative data and quantitative information collected directly form the participants are useful for the researchers to conduct the occupational health psychology research efficiently, where proper evaluation of the research topic as well as in doeth analysis of the collected data and information can be possible to perform in the research paper. The researchers is thereby beneficial to follow the mixed method research paradigm for completing the study efficiently where the gathered data are helpful to analysing the topic of occupational health psychology research as well as collect first hand information directly from the participants or the respondents for which the research is successful in collecting the relevant and valid data which would be beneficial for successful analysing the or occupational health psychology research.

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Reference List

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