Enhancing Professional Development and Patient Care

As mentioned by Hastie (2018), teamwork skill is fundamental to the dynamics of nursing that potentially influence the quality of care, safety of patients, workplace culture and behaviour of nursing staff. In this context the topic, “team working in nursing” is highly realistic as well as relevant that will present an evidence-based discussion on how teamwork contributes to the professional development of nursing professionals thereby improving their abilities in meeting the holistic needs of their patients. This essay has chosen the article “Nursing teamwork in the care of older people: a mixed-methods study” for discussing the importance of team working in nursing practice in terms of providing high quality to patients. Among many other research articles on teamwork, this research article is selected as it presents important primary research in which nursing professionals are interviewed and surveyed to provide their responses regarding their perspectives and experiences about teamwork in the workplace. For those seeking nursing dissertation help, this article offers valuable insights. For those seeking nursing dissertation help, this article offers valuable insights. This essay will first discuss the main aspects of team working in nursing that are presented in this article. Then this essay will present other sources and evidence on nursing-teamwork to analyse and evaluate the data of the chosen article. Then this essay will reflect on my learning and development during this study. In this reflective section, this essay will also discuss how the evaluation of the selected research paper improve my learning and professional skill concerning improving my future scope. Finally, this essay will present a conclusion in which the main aspect of this discussion will be presented.


In modern nursing practices, the continuous professional development of nurses is strongly conducted by teamwork practice which enables nursing professionals to improve their professional skill and nursing knowledge in relation to meeting the holistic needs of patients. While evaluating the concept of team working in nursing presented by Anderson et al. ( 2019), it is observed that the underpinning of teamwork in nursing is strongly associated with promoting professional development in nurses, making their positive behavioural transformation, building trustworthy relationships with colleagues and develop shared decision making in the workplace. The interview and the survey of 65 nurses in the elderly care ward of London Teaching Hospital interfere that teamwork is observed more than 50% of the time. This argued that, although team working in nursing is highly important for developing synergistic and collaborative work in the workplace, if not managed properly the teamwork can create unnecessary arguments and team conflict that can interfere with the team goals. The article by Anderson et al. (2019) mentioned that good teamwork is key to providing the hugs quality care to patients by developing the shared decision making and integrated work process to discuss the treatment and care plan for any patient.

Anderson et al. (2019) also presented fact that teamwork in nursing is crucial in the modern nursing field which enables nursing professionals to share mental models and discuss their strengths and weaknesses with their colleagues and seniors thereby obtaining better guidelines and training for sharing this professional and nursing skills. in this regard, Chung et al. (2020) stated that team working in nursing can develop some challenges in leadership, as there is the risk of disagreement and unhealthy completion within the nursing team which can pose barriers on team leaders to direct the entire team toward common nursing goals.

The article by Anderson et al. (2019) also mentioned the barriers and facilitators that are associated with teamwork in nursing. One of the major facilitators of teamwork in nursing is effective and transparent communication among the team members. While nurses work in a multidisciplinary team, the quality of the team's performance is dependent solely on the information are transferred and received within the team (Welp et al. 2018). Through conducting close-loop communication with team members the nursing professionals can't share, inform and receive feedback and transfer clear database regarding patient’s health. Conducting effective and clear communication with team members enables nursing professionals to maintain an effective and transparent informational delivery within a multidisciplinary team that makes the team take the right decision and approach to meet any kind of safety and health needs of patients (Kaiser and Westers, 2018). The important facilitator of teamwork that Anderson et al. ( 2019) mentioned in their article is the healthy relation of the nurse with their colleagues, the teamwork skill of nurse, behaviour and approach towards their patents and colleagues, the infrastructure facilities of the team working training for nursing professional and corruption and support from the higher healthcare authority.

Anderson et al. (2019) mentioned that barriers or challenges that can interfere with teamwork in nursing are poor communication lack of collaborative approach within the team. Poor skills and knowledge of nursing professionals, excessive workload on each nurse and poor task delegation system within the workplace. According to Prevyzi (2017), the unhealthy competition and opinion mismatches among nurses also pose potential barriers to teamwork. In this context, Salinas et al. (2019) mentioned that good teamwork is strongly associated with the positive and good approach as well as the behaviour of nurses. Poor task delegation system within the workplace, makes nurse face high work pressure individually which not only spoil their team working mentality but also lead them to nurse burnout. In this context Anderson et al. (2019) mentioned in this article, teamwork is applied and implemented into practice properly it improves the behaviour, skill and professional abilities of nurses that not only e improves the leadership process but also reduces the individual work pressures on nurses

As mentioned by Glauberman et al. (2020), in modern nursing practices the quality of care is associated with effective teamwork. The article by Anderson et al. (2019) presented the fact that the majority of a nurse who was selected for interview mentioned the use of the CARE model in the practices which shows the centrality of maintaining teamwork. The CARE model enables nurses to be involved in integrated care delivery to patients by adapting themselves to different health needs and demands of patients. This article mentioned that, there are many complications that nurse in the elderly wards of London Teaching Hospital faces different challenges such as clinical complications, complex care needs of patients, increased length of stay of nurse and individual work pressure. In this context, the team working approach assist the nurse in not only improving the productivity of the entire nursing team but also reducing individual workload by sharing tea roles and task. As mentioned by Gosselin et al. (2019), teamwork is crucial in nursing practices that enable nurses to provide person-centred care by meeting the holistic needs of patients. Anderson et al. ( 2019) mentioned that nurse believes that in this modern healthcare context to deal with the ever-changing health needs of patients, teamwork is important to provide high quality integrated care to patients to meet their health a safety needs. Working in a multidisciplinary team enables nursing professionals to integrate the diverse skills, knowledge, work process and abilities of different health care professionals thereby developing the innovative as well; as highly modern decision-making framework within the nursing practice.

This study is highly effective to my learning and development that enables me to grab an in-depth understanding of team working skills in nursing practice. Through conducting academic research on teamwork and evaluating the article by Anderson et al. (2019), I am able to develop my understanding regarding how to carry out academic research. This study also improves my ability to underpin the theoretical approaches regarding teamwork in nursing practices to improve the skill and abilities of nurses to provide high-quality care (Labrague et al. 2018). This study enables me to gain a good understanding of how teamwork enables nursing professionals to improve their leadership skills, behaviour and positive approach. This study also enables me to understand the barriers and facilitators that are associated with teamwork I will consider in the future workplace as a nurse for providing the best care to patients. This research study improves my written and verbal communication skills as I have been involved I a groups discussion on this topic with my peers and lecturers and writing any kind of potential information in my notebook on this topic. I also gather a strong understanding of how to search for the research paper on a particular topic which enables me to conduct the evidence-based discussion on any topic. This student is highly informative to me which improves my knowledge and understanding of the importance of teamwork which will assist me in future to work in a different team.

From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that team working is crucial in nursing that is associated with improved leadership, good decision making in healthcare, positive behaviour and approach of nurse and high quality of care delivery teamwork enables the nurse to improve the productivity of the entire team by integrating their knowledge, skill and expertise which is crucial for providing the high-quality care to patients. Many challenges and facilitators are associated with teamwork in nursing that using professionals need to understand to improve their way of interacting with patients and meeting patients’ needs.

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The study by Anderson et al. (2019) “Nursing teamwork in the care of older people: A mixed methods study of adaptive team processes” is to be summarised about the chosen topic of team working in nursing. The study aims to inform the process underpinning team working in nursing and the way team working influence relationship and care in older adults. For this purpose, the study used mixed method design in gathering information regarding the study. The study was executed by involving three elderly care wards in London Teaching Hospital. In the study, 65 nurses are included who are interviewed and surveyed with the help of questionnaires assessing their perception regarding team working in nursing care. The semi-structure interview was organised to gathered detailed perceptions of the nurses regarding teamwork in care. The results reveal that enhanced team working occurs in nursing more than 50% of the time. The presence of trust, enhanced team orientation, shared mental model, backup and leadership are considered to be elements in team working in nursing environment. The interview results informed that good team working in nursing are involved with flexible working adaptation, enhanced shared goals, good organisational culture and others. The nurses also mentioned that adaptability in complex situation is good factor for enhanced team working in nursing along with establishment of effective communication sharing information. The presence of enhanced leadership leads to create coordination in between team members and avoid the raising of barriers due to unresolved conflicts in the team. The limitation of the study was that small sample size is taken and the study is executed in a single location due to which generalisation of the results could not be achieved.

Reference list:

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  • Chung, C.H., Hong, S.H. and Oh, S.H., 2020. The Effects of Teamwork and Nursing professionalism on Clinical Practicum Adaptation of Nursing Students. Journal of Convergence for Information Technology, 10(9), pp.53-61.
  • Glauberman, G.H., Wong, L.C., Bray, M.L. and Katz, A.R., 2020. Disaster aftermath interprofessional simulation: promoting nursing students' preparedness for interprofessional teamwork. Journal of Nursing Education, 59(6), pp.353-356.
  • Gosselin, É., Marceau, M., Vincelette, C., Daneau, C.O., Lavoie, S. and Ledoux, I., 2019. French translation and validation of the mayo high performance teamwork scale for nursing students in a high-fidelity simulation context. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 30, pp.25-33.
  • Greene, D.A. and Doss, J.L., 2021. Developing teamwork skills in baccalaureate nursing students: impact of TeamSTEPPS® training and simulation. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 18(1).
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  • Prevyzi, E., 2017. The role of teamwork in nursing. Health & Research Journal, 3(4), pp.179-184.
  • Salinas, D., Johnson, S.C., Conrardy, J.A., Adams, T.L. and Brown, J.D., 2019. Sustaining nursing grand rounds through interdisciplinary teamwork and interorganizational partnership. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(4), pp.41-48.
  • Tore, K., Hall-Lord, M.L., Wangensteen, S. and Ballangrud, R., 2021. Bachelor of nursing students' attitudes toward teamwork in healthcare: The impact of implementing a teamSTEPPS® team training program—A longitudinal, quasi-experimental study. Nurse education today, p.105180.

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