Fundamental Aspect Nursing Care


Fundamental aspects of nursing care promote the foundation for all types of nursing care, that enable nurses to provide the high-quality care and support to patient in terms of conducting their sooner recovery. This essay is going to discuss the fundamental aspects of the nursing care , thereby reflecting on the skills that are required to implement this aspects into practice. Moreover, this essay will also demonstrate that what knowledge and perception are required to carry out this skill into practice. After identifying the professional skill that are required for the nursing aspects, this essay will discuss the professional values that are linked to the required skills nursing practice. In addition to this this essay will demonstrates that how the nursing skill can be enhanced in order to implement the fundamental aspects of nursing care into practice. For those seeking guidance, nursing dissertation help can provide valuable support in addressing these complexities.

During the course of my work as the senior nurse, I understand the proper skills are important to be developed for implementing the fundamental aspects of nursing. Throughout the practice I find out that, communication skill is one of the important skills that can assist me to maintain the strong interaction with patients and their family members. Another important skill is non-verbal interaction skills, that assists me to interact with patient with disabilities. In case of the disabled patient, I always use facial expression, gesture and posture to make them understand my instruction. During my practice, I also find out that, quick decision-making skills is important for implementing the fundamental nursing aspects into practice. Proper problem-solving skill is also important for the nursing professional in term of solving different problems and make effective decision to avid the risk of further issues.


This essay has chosen the first one among the above-mentioned aspects of the nursing care, “relationship between the patient and nurse”. The usefulness of the clinical practices and nursing care is strongly associated with the compatibility of both patient and nurses to make proper relationship between them. Through selecting this fundamental aspect of nursing this essay is going to highlight how the core professional values of nursing care is associated with this chosen aspect. Moreover, this selected aspect of nursing care would also assist this essay to highlight the skills that are important for carry out as well as implement the nursing aspect into the practice for achieving the clinical success.

Recent studies has shown that there I string relationship between the high degree patient satisfaction and string relationship between the patient and nurse. As stated by Becker (2016), NMC Codes of Practice in fundamental nursing care emphasizes on the implementing the basic and core values of the nursing care into practice. Different core values and principles are associated with maintaining the strong relationship between the patient and the nurses, which are as follows:

Involvement in decision is one of the important core principles of the relationship between the patient and the nurses (Needleman, 2016). Through involving patent into each clinical decision that is taken for the health of patient, would assist the nurses to build strong relationship with them. By fostering the engagement process of the patient into decision making process, nurses can improve the equality of care and usefulness of the clinical settings. Involvement into own care assists the patient to manage their own condition and improve their likelihood of adhering to the chosen course of treatment by the health care providers. Maintaining integrity into practice is core value associated with building the strong relations with patient (Hockenberry and Wilson, 2018). Based on NHS guidelines for the Core value in nursing care, nurses are obliged to maintain the honesty, morality and nobility into their own practice, in term of maintaining the transparency of care. Information provided to the patient would be authentic, reliable and highly useful for the patient.

Compassion is strongly associated with well-organized relationship between the patient and nurses. NMC Codes of Nursing standard makes it obligatory of the nurses that they will show proper sympathy, love and care for the patient in order to maintain strong relationship with them (NMC, 2018). NMC’s Professional Standard of Nursing Practice and behaviour stated that, nurses should focus on maintaining the fairness and transparency of care, which is important to maintain trustworthy relationship between the nurse and the patient (Feo and Kitson, 2016). Nurses need to be highly committed to their duty in terms of offering the best carE and clinical support to patient based on their health needs.

The Nursing and Midwifery Council, (NMC) sets out the Professional Standard Authority’s (PSA) recommendations, that emphasize on the professional skills and employment standard of the nurses (do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. 2015) Based on these recommendations, the skills that the nurses need to maintain are as follows:

Based on the NMC Codes of Professional standard for nursing practice, nurses, nursing associated and midwives need to have proper expertise in conducting clear communication, which would be easily understandable for the patient, doctors and patient families (NMC, 2015). NMC guidelines for nursing communication, focuses on the fact that, terms that are used by the nurses would be understood by the service users, colleagues and public.

Based on the NHS guidelines and NMC Professional Standard, it is important that nurses and midwives should have proper active listening skill. They need to listen to the decisions and opinion of the patient (Oh et al. 2015). On the other hand, they would repeat their own decision and instruction, if the patients are not able to understand the comments. In case of patient with disabilities, nurses should focus on the facial expressional for understanding their health needs. As stated by do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. (2015) caring is important process in nursing which is associated with the ability of active listening for the nurses. Nurses are able to offer the compassionate care and support to the patient, only when they understand actual needs of the patient. Through active listening process, nurses can understand the perception, preference and interest of the patient, which assist the nurses to implement the compassionate caring process.

Nurses are the important link between the patient ad doctors. Therefore, it is important that the nurses would be highly flexible in maintaining the effective as well as useful interaction with the patient and doctors; they needs be highly efficient in terms of sharing information about patient health with doctors and patient (Roller, 2016). Moreover they would also maintain the coordination among the doctors, patient and patient family by transferring information to them.

NMC codes of practice focuses on strong decision making ability of the nurses and midwives which is important for maintaining the trustworthy and strong relationship with the patent and their families (Lake et al. 2015). NHS guidelines for health staffs and nurses highlights the important of strong decision making ability and problem solving skills of the nurses, in term of reducing the risk of ethical dilemmas (NHS, 2018). Through strong decision making process, nurses are able to make useful decisions in terms of providing the best care and support to the patient.

The NMC has set the standard for knowledge, education, and training of eth registered nurses that they need to have for carry out the different skills associated with offering best care and support to the patient (NMC, 2015). NMC sets the Standards for competence that are applied to all field of the nursing. The competence is based different areas of the competence and knowledge that the nurses and midwives have to meet. Knowledge about the professional values and fundamental principles of nursing (Becker, 2016), is one of the important areas that the nurses need to develop throughout their caring process. On the other hand they would definitly, develop their knowledge and expertise on maintaining the strong communication and interpersonal skill. Nurses also have proper knowledge on leadership management process and team working. Moreover, they need to gather the appropriate knowledge on determining the patient’s health needs and proper ways in implementing the appropriate clinical; settings in term sod meeting these needs

Importance of implementing this knowledge into practice:

Aforementioned knowledge is important to maintain the trust worthy relationship between the patient and nurses.

Through improving the communicational knowledge, nurses can understand the actual needs of the patient. According to the NMC’s Codes of Professional Standard of nursing practices, nurses should have proper knowledge in terms of conducting the verbal and non-verbal communication. As stated by do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. (2015), in case of the patient with physical disabilities nurses need to understand the facial expression, gesture and posture of the patient in terms of understanding their health needs. In this aspect, the nurses would be highly professional in maintaining eth non-verbal communication, in which they can assist the patient through their facial expression and body movement to understand the instruction.

According to Kitson (2018), NMC Standard for Competency emphasizes on the fact that nurses should have proper knowledge on their professional values such as organization values, ethical and moral framework of nursing. In association with the NMC codes of practices, NHS set the guidelines, in which it is obligatory for the nurses have enough knowledge on the healthcare acts, laws and organizational regulations. Nurses should have proper knowledge on conducting holistic, non-judgmental caring process. For example, in case of the older adult patients, nurses need to focus on conducting the person-centered care process, that would assist them to make proper integration among the patient body, mind and spirit (Oh et al. 2015). Through psycho therapies and counselling nurses can assist the older patient to redeem their own decision making and cognitive ability.

According to NMC Standard for Competencies, nurses would have proficiency in determining the individual choices and they always acknowledge the diversity. In terms of maintaining the strong relationship with patient, nurses needs to respect the beliefs, decision and values of different patient belonging to the different culture. In terms of implementing the knowledge in leadership and management process into the practice, nurses need to act as the change agent who are enough flexible in making possible changes into the clinical framework. During working in partnership with patient, nurses need to involve the patient into their own heath recovery by offering them proper health education, thereby improving patient’ knowledge regarding the process of their health improvement. During working with the patient, the nurses need to identify the priorities, health needs and resource management process. Through focusing on the proper resource allocation and their utilization by the patient would enhance the patient’s satisfaction. Nurses would understand their own responsibilities and limitation in term or working in leadership with patient and doctors. According to NMC guidelines, nurses need to assist the patient and doctors to maintain perfect coordination with each other in terms of conducting high quality treatment process (NMC, 2015).

Professional values:

According to The NMC Code: Professional Standard of Practice, nurses need to understand and follow the professional values associated with the nursing professional in terms of maintaining integrity and transparency in their practice (Lake et al. 2015). Promoting equal and bias-less care process for all patients is important professional value of the patient. NMC Codes of Practice focuses on offering the equal care and support to the patient in terms of promoting the discrimination free clinical process. Care, communication and compassion are the three important professional values of nursing that the nurses need to maintain into their practices, in terms of improving their interpersonal skills. According to do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. (2015), nurses would focus on the appropriate communication process that is required for particular patient. They should maintain perfect compassion into their work for offering the best care and clinical support to the patient. Independent advocacy is important professional value in nursing, through which nurse can allow the patients to advocate their own needs, health issues and strength (NMC, 2018). Through this process, nurse can also encourage the patient to improve their skill as well as ability in term of dealing with different health related aspects such as depression, anxiety and fear. Maintaining integrity into practice is important professional value in nursing, through which nurses can maintain the transparency in the ethical, mal and legal framework of the clinical practice. Promoting positive care environment is one of the most important professional values that the nurses need to maintain to offer each patient a healthy, motivating and positive healthcare environment. As stated by Kitson (2018), NHS guidelines emphasizes on maintaining positive healthcare environment which not only assist the patient to make positive transformation of their behavior, but also improve the relationship between the patient and doctors.

Importance of the values in promoting patient care:

The above-mentioned values are important in promoting the high quality patient care and proper patient satisfaction.

Through promoting proper communication and compassion into the practice, nurses and midwives can easily understand the actual needs of patient (Kitson, 2018). Through offering the compassionate care process, nurses, midwives and nursing associated can fulfill the physical, physical and emotional needs of the patients. Through conducting non-verbal communication for the patient, nurses can interact with the mentally ill patients and; patient with disabilities. Through facial expression, posture and attitude, nurses can accept, deny the decision of patient and can instruct them.

Through maintaining the integrity into the practice, the nurses can maintain the proper transparency and fairness in the clinical framework. Transparency and fairness are important in clinical practice in terms of maintaining the strong and trustworthy relationship between patients and nurses ((Feo and Kitson, 2016). Moreover, through maintaining the integrity into practice, nurses can improve the quality of care by maintaining the relevant and appropriate care process which assists them to fulfill the patient needs. Maintaining positive environment in the health care framework is important for promoting the encouragement, positive strength and motivation towards the patient. In positive and hazard free environment, patient can develop their positive transformation of behavior which is important for developing decision making ability, self-confidence and problem-solving ability (Feo and Kitson, 2016). For example, the in case of avoiding ethical dilemmas, the decision-making ability and problem solving is highly important. Through quick decision-making process, nurses can develop positive ideas and decision that will assist them to choose the correct treatment process Through maintaining the biasfree and discrimination free framework, nurse can assure that all patients receive the equal care and support which is relevant to meet their needs. Discrimination free framework also assures the transparency and integrity into the clinical practice. For example, nurses will offer equal card and support to all the patient irrespective of their race, language, ethnicity and religion. Nurses will always focus promoting the equal rights and healthcare facilities for all the patent.

Concept of caring in nursing:

Caring in Nursing is the process of offering compassionate care to patient based on their health needs. As stead by do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. (2015), effective caring process in nursing is associated with the different areas such as: Skills and expertise of nurse, midwives and nursing associates (NMC, 2015), perfect coordination among the patient, nurses and doctors, proper healthcare infrastructure and sufficient healthcare resources and its proper allocation. Moreover, the nurses would focus on developing their knowledge, skills and professional standard to implement the nursing values in the healthcare framework. Through proper caring process and integrated care service, the nurses can meet their professional nursing values and standards that are important for fulfilling the patient needs.

Department of Health, England (DOH) and NMC set the guidelines for promoting quality care in nursing. Understanding the actual needs of patient is important criteria for offering the best car to patient. If the nurses are able to determine the actual health needs of patient, they can implement the appropriate care process that can meet these needs (do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. 2015). Proper health assessment process is highly important for determining the current health status of the patient, based which doctors can recommend the appropriate caring process. Nurses should be highly skilled in dealing with different patient with their individual beliefs and perception. Nurses need to have proper knowledge on communicating and interacting with the patient, which can build strong and healthy relations between them. Nurses would be highly efficient in reducing eth conflict and misconception with patient in term of maintaining trustworthy relationship with them (Kitson, 2018). Through reducing the conflict and misunderstand between them and patient, nurses can improve the effectiveness of the care process. Patient engagement is most important criteria of maintaining proper caring process into the practice. Through engaging the patient into their own recovery, nurses can make them feel valued and respected (do Altíssimo Nogueira et al. 2015). Through respecting and listening to the decision of patient and implementing this decision into practice, the nurses can develop the self confidence, decision making ability and problem-solving skill of the people.

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From the above-mentioned discussion, it can be concluded that, NMC Codes of Practice sets different guidelines for implementing high quality and compassionate care into clinical practice. Nurses, the nursing associates and midwives need to improve their own skills and knowledge in terms of increasing eth effectiveness of the caring process. Moreover, this study also concludes that different core principles are associated with fundamental aspects of nursing such as integrity, dignity, open communication, transparency into practice and ethical and moral values in the healthcare framework. In terms of maintaining the transparent caring process, all these core values should be maintained by the nurses and doctors, which assist them to maintain the customer satisfaction.

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