Principles of Nursing Practice and Ethics


The principle of nursing practice deals with the key points what everybody, starting from the supporting staffs, patients should do their job with proper ethics and integrity. Guidelines provided by the NMC has importance in this context and that will also be discussed in details. The violation of the integrity in academic practice termed as plagiarism which is an important issue in nursing education for pre-registered nurse. Due to the availability of internet access, plagiarism is a common tool for students. From this act an important issue regarding ethics in nursing arises. Importance of the values to maintaining integrity by avoiding plagiarism will be discussed here in detail. For those writing a nursing dissertation, seeking nursing dissertation help can be beneficial in addressing these issues effectively.s. The principle of nursing deals with laws of safe and valuable nursing and broadly covers the features of behaviour, attitude of nursing and approach towards good care. This kind of unethical practice leads a pre-registered nurse to a wrong apprehension of the healthcare service which in future leads to more adverse situations in practical purpose.


Ethics of a Pre-registered Nurse

Ethics in the nursing practice is of foremost importance since the time of Florence Nightingale the concept of ethics and integrity is a synonymous phrase of nursing practice. The nations worldwide have defined clear rules for nursing practice and care giving which are also included in the training of junior nurses. In United Kingdom, Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Royal College of Nursing have defined some necessary duties of nurse. This includes giving care with dignity and understanding needs of induvial with sensitivity, compassion and equity. A nurse must be answerable for his/her judgements and actions. The duty of nurses is to communicate with their patients in a proper way and to convey proper information to their family and care givers during and after the course of treatment. In accordance with care giving they must also enlightened their patients with the protocols of care giving and also promote the healthcare plans following high degree of integrity.(Royal College of Nursing 2020; Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2018) A nurse being a kind hearted human being must always enlightened her surroundings with knowledge, spirit of care and values of integrity. (Andrews et al, 2010)

The discussion so far was important because the process is taught at pre-registered nursing practice and within academic work these are discussed thoroughly so there is a need to have parallel behaviour in both academic teaching and working assignments.

Plagiarism is a process where the basics of ethical values of a nurse is violated and the students write their assignments taking immoral helps from scientific literature. It is very much important to note here, the mere citation do not give a clean cheat from plagiarism. The another way of violation of ethics is writing false report or cheating. This is a dangerous practice sometimes happen in academic work and should be eradicated from pre-registered nursing. (Price, 2014)

In current time these violations are frequent because the students don’t know how to write a proper assignment or literature. Suppose, a pre-registered nurse is trying to write a scientific topic in his/her assignment and he/she is getting the knowledge source from internet. Now if he/she do not know how to comprehend it he/she may make a mistake by mere coping it and citing it. This is not the created mistake but it is a mistake done unknowingly. (Szczepanska, 2013)

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In a model of care, which falls under the prime regime of ethics defines the way of care giving in such a way so that the patient can heal with his/her internal potential. This kind of care giving obviously deals with some degree of charity and therefore needs the training of caregiving from the grass root level. The pre-registered nurses during their academic sessions must learn the strategies of care giving model. If by some way plagiarism and mal-practice of cheating pollute them the whole training may fall apart. The process of ethical violation may in fact ruin the good will of the health care sector.

Relevance of ethics to academic development as a pre-registered nurse

Education of pre-registration nursing is an educational programme that is maintained in United Kingdom to achieve competency needed to fulfil the criteria to be registered with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The goal of pre-registration is achieved by maintaining proper register of nurses and the midwives, setting proper standards of nursing education and training. (Stanulewicz, et al, 2017) It also ensures that the registered nurse should always abide by the eight principles stated in the previous section. The practice of ethics and care giving is the key lessons a nurse should learn (Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2018.). Moreover, it is also a fact that nursing not only a scientific only topic it deals with humanity a lot of effort should be given for the un-plagiarised writing of reports and assignments. (Price, 2014)

Practicing the ethical values

During the nurses training the previously stated ethical practices should be included. The program should be flexible well blended approach towards learning and should use modern methods of learning. Learning should be interdisciplinary in nature and should be practice oriented.

This can be done by taking good care of modern tools of checking. These checking methods are manifolds they can be online in nature like Turnitin© software. The nursing students can upload their documents or write ups into the software and can get how much similarities they have with existing literature. However this checking techniques should be initially held by trainer or mentors. Proper training also allows student to learn ifs and buts of plagiarism process. Even after this the investigator must check everything and must figure out the difficulties a student is getting. The paragraphs which are plagiarised can be improved by better citations and inclusions of proper explanations.

Another important point here worth to mention is, the lack of knowledge of referencing or making citations. The trainer should train their students the proper referencing tools to cite proper literature in proper style. For pre-registered nurses this styles have

Integrity in pre-registered Nursing

Integrity is the sense of the unity and it is always the consideration of whole scenario rather than a fragmented one. The quality of integrity is deals with healthy balance between physical, mental, social dealings and at a time holistic care. (Brooker et al, 2013) (Conlon et al, 2015) Now this kind of care is not simple and one step process and it’s definition is not easy. As a pre-registered nurse the prime academic training as includes ‘no harm’ to the patient and being kind, honest and ethical. (Chana et al, 2013) These three points are the key of practicing integrity. Suppose a pre-registered nurse is making a copy of other’s work and then write’s his/her notes; he/she is making herm. Because this will case a flow of wrong data and that really harmful to some patient.

Integrity in pre-registered nursing is important because during the learning process a nurse can understand the way of overcoming the barriers to the integral practice. Group work during pre-registered nursing acts as big deal of academic curriculum. Here they get thorough knowledge of group norms, leadership values and adhering to integrity under adverse conditions.

Roles of Nursing and Midwifery Council and Fitness to Practice in setting rules

Higher educational institutes have shown proper measures against plagiarism. They made antiplagiarism governance (Smedley, et al, 2015). Within UK, the NMC had made broad legislative rules for nursing education (NMC, 2010, Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015a, Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015b) and that has tried to eradicate the chances of plagiarism in education. Fitness to practice panel has played its role of gatekeeper in giving registration to pre-registered nurses. (MacLaren, 2016)

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The act of unethical plagiarism has become an ethical issue for pre-registered nursing student. Literatures has found to contain a huge amount of plagiarism for some worst cases and that impaired the quality of education of some reputed institutes. However, this plagiarism is not always done deliberately, sometimes misconceptions lead to unwanted plagiarism. Therefore it is important to learn academic ethics for a pre-registered nursing student. To be clear more rigid rules and regulations are needed to stop plagiarism in academics. This unethical practice breakdown personal integrity of a pre-registered nurse and may diminish the reputation of care giving institutes. However, if handled carefully this can be managed properly.

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Andrews, M., Brewer, M., Buchan, T., Denne, A., Hammond, J., Hardy, G., Jacobs, L., McKenzie, L. and West, S., 2010. Implementation and sustainability of the nursing and midwifery standards for mentoring in the UK. Nurse Education in Practice, 10(5), pp.251-255.

Brooker, C. and Waugh, A., 2013. Foundations of Nursing Practice E-Book: Fundamentals of Holistic Care. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Chana, N., Kennedy, P. and Chessell, Z.J., 2015. Nursing staffs' emotional well‐being and caring behaviours. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(19-20), pp.2835-2848.

Conlon, M.M.M., Bush, C.J., Ariyaratnam, M.I., Brennan, G.K. and Owtram, R., 2015. Exploring the compatibility of mental health nursing, recovery‐focused practice and the welfare state. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, 22(5), pp.337-343.

MacLaren, J., Haycock-Stuart, E., McLachlan, A. and James, C., 2016. Understanding pre-registration nursing fitness to practise processes. Nurse education today, 36, pp.412-418.

Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2018. The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. Nursing and Midwifery Council 2018, Aims and principles for fitness to practise, viewed 26 May 2020,

Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015a. The Code: Professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives. London: NMC.

Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015b. Quality Assurance Framework: for nursing and midwifery education and local supervising authorities. London: NMC.

NMC, N. and Council, M., 2010. Standards for pre-registration nursing education.

Royal College of Nursing 2020, Principles of Nursing Practice, viewed 25 May 2020,

Stanulewicz, N., Blake, H. and Griffiths, K., 2017. Healthy lifestyle behaviors predict health promotion attitudes in pre-registered nurses: a questionnaire study.

Szczepanska, S., 2013. An exploration of plagiarism: the perceptions of senior nurses in the context of professionalism and patient care (Doctoral dissertation, University of Greenwich).

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