Professional Development Plan: Strengthening Core Nursing Skills

Explain and define own personal development: (LO 3)

What are the areas you want to develop and why?

In this PDP I would like to discuss my weaknesses that I have identified during reflecting on my placement. The areas of improvements are the written communication skill, task delegation skill, risk management skill nursing leadership and management and medicine management skill and safe medicine administration skill. These skills will enable me to improve my professional expertise in terms of providing an effective wound management care to patients and support patients’ families with proper emotional and psychological support. Seeking nursing dissertation help can further enhance my understanding and application of these skills in a clinical setting.

Written communication skill is key to develop an effective and understandable health report and case summary of a patient. This skill would support me to make daily health record of my patients regarding their health condition such as BP, oxygen saturation, the progress of the wound, the pain at the wound region and any inflammation in the wound. NMC (2018) mentioned that, nurses must have effective communication skill, both verbal and non-verbal communication that would enable them to interact clearly with their patients thereby understating patients’ psychology. Although I have good verbal communication skill, I identified my written communication as the potential areas of improvement on which I need to focus to improve. This written communication will also assist me to provide all the updates of patients health record to senior nurse and doctors by providing the, to daily case summary.


An effective task delegation skill is key to for a well-organised and positive work culture. NMC (2018), nurses must have god task delegation skill which will enable them to maintain a highly disciplined and fair work structure in workplace. The effective task delegation skill would assist me to assign task to team members’ fairy and equally which will n tony reduces the overburden of task on one person but also improves the work relation among all the team members.

Safe medicine management skill is important for modern nurses that enables them to make safe use of each medicine. This skill will assists me to understand the use, benefits, dose and the side effects of each medicine. Through developing this skill I will enable to ensure that right dose of medicine are provided to patients which can ensure their faster cure.

Safe medicine administration is also important for nurses which enables them to understand how safely a medicine can be administered to patient body. This skill is highly important for me to develop the skill of administering right dose of medicine to patient’s body without any risk of any side effects. This skill will provide me with the clear knowledge regarding the types of medicine administration and their usefulness. Through developing this medicine administration skill I will be able to use the relevant medicine administration pathways (intravenous or intramuscular or oral) to make faster effect on patient’s body.

Nursing leadership and management skill are important in modern nursing to direct the healthcare team towards the right direct towards achieving common healthcare goals. Through developing this skill I would be able to lead and direct my team member towards the best possible direction which will lead them towards success.

An effective risk management skill is important for nursing professional to identify ad deal with possible risk in workplace. This skill would assist me to analyse and overcomes all possible risks in the healthcare thereby ensuring a high quality care delivery to patients.

Why do you want to develop this area?

The development of effective written communication skill would help me to make a clear case study of any patient or form an error-free health report for a patient. NMC (2018) recommended that district nurses who are at community placement must have excellent written and verbal communication skills (NMC, 2018). Written communication skills enable district nurses to use simple but understandable writing format to make sure that their writing can be easily understood by their colleagues and their clients (Strömgren et al. 2016). By developing written communication skills I will be able to make a clear work schedule, job description for team members, case summary of different patients and maintain health records regularly for different patients moreover this written communication skill will help me in future nursing practice to communicate with patients which cannot speak.

Through developing effective task delegation skill I would be able to make an equal and fair distribution of tasks among team members. NMC (2018) district nurses must have good task delegation skills which will enable them to reduce the risk of team conflict and misunderstandings regarding task allocation by distributing tasks based on the designation and skill of team members. I desperately need to develop an excellent task delegation skill that will allow me to ensure that each team member is assigned with such a task to which they are compatible (Rimmer, 2018). The effective task delegation skill will teach me to understand the individual productivity of each team member thereby providing me with the opportunity to enhance the team’s productivity by assigning a fair amount of tasks to each team member. As a community placement in which I and other district nurses have to deal with many staffs regularly, excellent task delegation skills will improve my ability to maintain a positive and synergistic work culture.

The development of effective leadership and management skill will improve my ability to set relevant team goals and direct that entire team towards success and productivity. MNC (2018) mentioned that district nurses must have good leadership and management skill which will allow them to use the appropriate leadership and management style thereby developing a disciplined and well-organised workforce (Lingsma et al. 2018). Through developing leadership and management skill I would be able to enhance the skill and productivity of team members and improve the decision making and work process of the team. Additionally, I need to develop effective leadership and management skill as it will help me in future nursing practice to lead a large healthcare team by setting relevant healthcare objectives and driving positive forces within the team to improve the team's spirit and productivity

Through developing excellent risk management skill I will be able to deal with any critical healthcare situation. In community placement, I experience a different critical situation which put me into trouble regarding taking the right decision to overcome the trouble (Rahmatillah et al. 2019). In this context, I desperately want to develop a food risk management skill that will allow me to predict the possible risk that is associated with the action that I am taking in my workplace. Moreover, the risk management skill will also improve my decision making and problem-solving skill thereby enabling me to develop the right decision in any critical situation rather than getting nervous.

The development of safe medicine management and medicine administration skills will improve my ability to ensure safe use of medicine to patients. These skills will also enable me to ensure faster cure of patients by administering medicine in right way.

What strategies would you use to bring about his development?

For developing written communication skill, different books, journals, magazines on how to develop effective written communication skills. I will also discuss with my seniors to seek the valuable guidelines regarding improving my written communication skill. I will also attend online nursing classes to improve the writing skill.

To develop an excellent task delegation skill observing my seniors while they delegate tasks in the team. I will also read online and offline books, magazines and articles on how to develop an effective task delegation in nursing. Moreover, attend training and lectures on social media regarding how to develop task delegation skill

To develop an excellent leadership and management skill I will observe my seniors how they lead and manage a healthcare team. I will attend online classes on nursing management and leadership and read online and offline books, magazines and articles on how to develop effective leadership and management skill in nursing

To develop an excellent risk management skill I will read different books, journals, and magazines on how to develop effective risk management skills. Moreover, I will also observe the way my seniors detect any risk in healthcare practice and overcome the risk. I would also discuss with seniors to seek the valuable guidelines regarding improving my risk management skill.

For developing medicine management and medicine administration skill I will read different books, journals and magazines on medicine management and medicine administration. I will also attend training and lectures to improve these medicine management and medicine administration skills.

When this will be achieved by

after 1 year

How will you know that your development plan is successful?

In terms of analysing the usefulness of this developmental plan, I will track the progress of my skills. I will track the progress in written communication skills by analysing whether I can easily work on any written case summary of critical patients or how easily I can design any health reports of patients (Naboychenko et al. 2020). I will also discuss with my seniors regarding their valuable feedback regarding my writing. If I find out any changes to be carried out in my written communication skill I would make that change to shape my written communication skill.

I can analyse the usefulness of this developmental plan by analysing whether I have developed leadership and management skill after the proposed timeline. I will also check whether this developmental plan is able to improve m task delegation skill after they allocate time.

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I will discuss with patients, their family members, my peers and seniors to get their reviews regarding my professional and personal development. I would conduct direct ad face to face interaction with them to seek their valuable review regarding my systematic progress in my professional and personal skills. Also, I allow my colleagues and seniors to provide me with suggestions and guidance regarding how to do better in my professional development.

Reference list:

  • Jefferies, K., 2018. A Personal Leadership Development Plan for Black Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing Students. Nursing Leadership (Toronto, Ont.), 31(4), pp.57-62.
  • Lejeune, C., Beausaert, S. and Raemdonck, I., 2018. The impact on employees’ job performance of exercising self-directed learning within personal development plan practice. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp.1-27.
  • Lingsma, H.F., Bottle, A., Middleton, S., Kievit, J., Steyerberg, E.W. and Marang-Van De Mheen, P.J., 2018. Evaluation of hospital outcomes: the relation between length-of-stay, readmission, and mortality in a large international administrative database. BMC health services research, 18(1), p.116.
  • Naboychenko, E.S., Vershinina, T.V. and Noskova, M.V., 2020, May. The Role of Medical Education Digitalization in Transformation of Medical Assistance Paradigm of the 21st Century. In International Scientific Conference “Digitalization of Education: History, Trends and Prospects”(DETP 2020) (pp. 365-368). Atlantis Press.
  • Rahmatillah, D.D. and Desiana, P.M., 2019, July. Developing Employee’s Competency through the Implementation of an Individual Development Plan (IDP) for Isra Presisi. In Asia Pacific Business and Economics Conference (APBEC 2018). Atlantis Press.
  • Rimmer, A., 2018. How do I prepare a personal development plan?. Bmj, 363, p.k4725.
  • Shaheen, S. and Hameed, M., 2020. Personal Development Plan (PDP). Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 18(4).
  • Stewart, J., 2016. Personal development plan. In Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.
  • Strömgren, M., Eriksson, A., Bergman, D. and Dellve, L., 2016. Social capital among healthcare professionals: A prospective study of its importance for job satisfaction, work engagement and engagement in clinical improvements. International journal of nursing studies, 53, pp.116-125.
  • Tattum, D. and Tattum, E., 2017. Social education and personal development. Routledge.
  • Thiele, T. and Dunsford, J., 2019. Nurse leaders’ role in medical assistance in dying: a relational ethics approach. Nursing Ethics, 26(4), pp.993-999.
  • Utting, H., 2017. A case for a personal development plan. Planning News, 43(2), p.26.

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