Promoting Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare Education: A Systematic Critique of Research on Older Patients


According to an undergraduate program in the field of healthcare and other related subjects, students need to illustrate their capabilities to read, understand, and review research reports, as do many different instructional disciplines. Seckam and Mercer (2018), stated about the in the current journal entitled “Older patients’ experiences and perceptions of having their wounds treated with medical-grade honey” was chosen for systematic critique. This research paper was chosen because it explores the perception of older people’s use of honey in treating wounds using phenomenological methodology. In the process Caldwell et al. (2005), was used as the required critiquing tool. The demand for capable and efficient health workers is self-evident. One way to create a particular competency is evidence-based practice. Healthcare professionals are expected to be savvy research clients who read, understand, and apply published research. However, Dale et al. (2019) reports that trained nurses expressed problems with the interpretation and use of research results. Although Cullen et al. (2017), expand on the need for evidence-based nursing practice; however Nimegeer et al. (2016) highlight the necessity to promote evidence-based health promotions. They pointed out that the achievement of the goals of 'Our Healthy Nation' is directly dependent on the successful launch and execution of fitness campaigns (Fairchild et al. 2015). For those seeking additional support, healthcare dissertation help can be crucial in navigating these complex requirements. In the chosen article, they have interviewed six participants from a local support group to explore and examine the perceptual meanings experienced by participants using honey to treat wounds.

Research within side the fields of nursing, fitness research, health policy and fitness promoting campaigns can be either quantitative or qualitative: each research methods offer treasured information to the field and supplement every other (Bou-Karroum et al. 2017). Therefore, it is necessary to study and severely overview quantitative and qualitative research separately.


Quantitative method of research has been stated in the core subject matter that has depicted about Antibiotics that are getting an increasing number of useless in opposition to harm pathogens because of excessive and fallacious use. According to Abiodun (2017), folkloric medicines have their effective influence on infections associated with chronic non-communicable diseases. It determines the fact that there can be antimicrobial or antioxidant activities that can be effective in terms of making assurance of some major initiatives against such diseases. So there is a new interest in rediscovering and using ancient remedies. Honey is considered as one of those ancient remedy, which was also known with the popularity of being ‘an ancient remedy rediscovered’ by a medicinal expert. Smaropoulos and Cremers, (2019), estimated that the humans having acute pain or damage, which is chronic would be 3.7 consistent with 1,000, ensuing in remedy prices of up to £ 3.1 million consistent with 100,000 populace. As the UK populace ages, wound healing is a public fitness concern. The study design of the current research work is clearly mentioned (McVeigh and Begley, 2017). Although the sample is adequately described, the number of samples could have been larger leading to a better understanding of the study and it would possibly also permit for the extrapolation of extra rising theme. However, it has been stated by Huezo (2019), consumption of drugs often failed to control diseases if framework lies of ecological difference. In this regard, people of the age of 65 and above become more susceptible to wounds and dermatological problems due to decreased immune system and thinning if their epidermis. Here, people of the age group of 64-86 were chosen correctly for the interview.

The qualitative research has been taken place with help of phenomenological methodology that is popular for having psychological research investigation. IPA has been proposed by a scholar named Smith in the year 1996 (Bacon et al. 2020). In other words, the paper has also focused on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis providing an analysis and an in-depth explanation of the attributes that the participants that is quite idiographic in nature and have experience-specific meanings to. The main theme of the study is distinctly mentioned and outlined. As per hilltop review, Schuetz (2017), biomedical research gave paradigm opinions. Based on the literature survey; it is evident that qualitative researchers have generally looked at life experience of chronic wound patients rather than treatment experience. The latter is central to the study and aims to reveal the experience of elderly patients that has been treated under strategic care applicable for wounds to reduce it well (Monde et al. 2017). The authors attempts for selection of the six participants were based on the fact that the wounds of any member of the foot club were treated with medical honey, whether their wounds were healed using such a technique or not. They have conducted semi-structured interviews lasting from 24 minutes to 45 minutes after a written consent from the participants. The first author has collected the data by providing information sheet and also audio recording the interview.

Moreover, they have mentioned some instances in favour of the technique and some instances which are not in favour of the technique. Two of the participants mentioned ‘comfortable’ to describe their experience of the treatment and their psychological satisfaction in their interview. Two of the participants experienced ‘stinging’ sensation after the application of the honey which increased their pain (Cullen et al. 2017). Further two more participants reported allergic reactions after the honey treatment.

Using the critiquing tool of Caldwell et al. (2005), it has been acknowledged that questions that have been raised here are mainly drawing attention towards ethnographic study and that is concerned with the findings. The case study of participants having both positive and negative impacts underscores the fact that no antibacterial dressings for wounds are appropriate option for every patient (Charalambous et al. 2018). However, in the both the cases, participants did not lose faith on the use of honey as the remedy or dressing agent. Most of the people mentioned the honey is not ‘chemically produced’ and they rely mostly on something that is ‘natural’ in origin.

Other than this, it has been encountered that most of participants within 64 to 68 years of age is found to be under the methodology used in detailed analysis of the data collection process. It gave additional assistance on the information sheet that has been convenient options for finding some detailed record as well as semi-structured interviews (Seckam and Mercer, 2018). This determined the fact that patients’ stories that belongs to the living issues within the pressure of malignant wounds along with various experiences as well as care givers and nursing staffs. In this regard, it made an impact on the deeper levels of patients’ experiences on specific areas like venous leg ulcers as well as healing treatment associated with some major microbial wounds (Franks et al. 2016). Hence, it has also been observed that the use of honey could have been only possible in terms of natural properties as well as natural herbs in the implications of ailments as well as some of the major area of folkloric usages as well.

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Based on the above analysis, it has been well acknowledged that the critique of the journal could be utilised for the purpose of making appropriate description. It has been recommended here that most of the part of the experiments have gone through clear and transparent discussion on the matter of quantitative study (Caldwell et al. 2005). In fact, the quantitative results were associated with the interpretative phenomenon analysis that has been utilised for the purpose of ensuring about identifying emergent themes as well as some of the representative transcripts. This has been treated with special reference on party of the discussion that made it possible that some clustered preliminary discussions can be made with prior notice or else with potential participant. Hence, having evident of this quantitative results, it can be understood that most of the part of discussions cannot be considered as reliable in terms of its evidences, as honey as medicines might not be effective in all cases of diseases or in cases of any kind of chronicle matters.

Other than this, it has been found that majority of critique has mentioned that here have been complex matter of finding certain problems and issues that are not being able to find in hypothesis as well (Cullen et al. 2017). Hence, in this regard, it has been utterly considered at last that the used method of investigation has been ‘double hermeneutic’, which is nothing but engaging with honey dressing. In fact, it also tells that allergic concerns about an injury have made it possible for any type wound to recover easily in the process. Hence, the recommendation given on the process of treatment has been better accepted for further stringing sensations of treatments as well as positive spin of intriguing accounts as well.

However, the results of qualitative were not much transferable in nature, as it gave only validity and relevant knowledge about operationalized criteria here (Smith, 1996). It signifies the fact that for having certain ethnographic studies, it would have some of the major terms and conditions in relationship with qualitative goals and research concerns. In other words, it has been suggested further for the matter of natural and chemical production of medicinal value that cannot be exploited only for healing matter of legs, but also to have some additional values against any infections or injuries. At the same time, dressing that is concerned with antimicrobial or with organic substance of honey and other combination of healing components against health care services or treatments at the end.

Further, it has been additionally suggested for the benefit of doing a method of study that is demanding about similar cases of wound-care research as well as relation to qualitative studies as well as some major concerning facts that cannot be avoided from being unnoticed. At the same time, it has been well identified that most of the cases of discussion and confirm ability is concerned here, it can be suggested to the trial and auditing concern that on depending on the referred concerns, it needs to be based on the rigour and credibility of a researcher to conduct a hypothesis as per core methods used in the entire concept of the study. In fact, it has also been known that patients’ historical survey would be evident in terms of gaining competitive advantage as well as modern day medicines here (Caldwell et al. 2005). Therefore, considering the overall investigation and in-depth analysis from the above used methods, it can be acquired with neither a recommendation that both were not generalised, however, one was not transferable as well.


According to the overview and strategic discussion and analysis on the journal along with a critical overview, it has been originally observed from the key fact that enhancement could have been done through the use of effective methodology. At the same time, it has also been acknowledged that majority of portions in the investigations in the area of methods used here might have some valuable aspects of data as well as core concerning facts and judgments as well.

However, as per the research concerns and key facts, if the method of research could have been initiated with some other process and options, it might have better outcome as well as some more valid results in terms and favour of this concern that is thrown light in the overall research. For example, it would have been conducted through some other tools and methods like empirical study and only on positive approach, it might have only encountered that the use of honey for healing effect might have come out in other forms.

Based on these above assumptions and discussion, it can be judged further that most of robust and credible source and rationale of research have been authentic and convincing with the reason that majority of the sources were practical evidence and experimental in nature, as per research is concerned here. At the same time, the key findings of this topic of concern has focussed on the features of medical-grade honey from two different perspectives, one for mainly the skin healing and the other for particularly in touch with the process of psychological comfort.

Based on this effective details and information here, it has been effectively accepted that researchers have placed with the convenience as well as communication with the participants in reality while doing survey as well as closed interviews as well. It has inclined on the very serious fact those participants’ ages would have been taken with respect of some common difficulties as well as consent sent in terms of gaining exclusive results that is clear as well as interview sheet is also evident with the major concern about reassurance and stinging sensation that is found in the salient memory of any scholar or author itself. Hence, it pervades all detail pain endured about the healing concerns as well.


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