In my placement in the surgical ward, I am mostly allocated to care for patients with bowel obstruction surgery. After the surgery, during recovery phase, stoma is attached to the patients as their intestine and stomach require some time for regaining normal activity. I had the responsibility to manage and replace the stoma bags on intervals to ensure effective care of the patients. This is because untimely changing of stoma bags lead to leakage and skin irritation. In changing and managing the stoma bags, I ensured they are changed once a day. I also washed my hands before and after changing the stoma bags to maintain hygiene and ensured skin of the patients remain dry thoroughly after changing the stoma bags. For those seeking nursing dissertation help, understanding such practical aspects of patient care can be crucial in addressing real-world challenges in their research.
In my placement, I was allocated to care for 6 patients in the bay and among them, one of the patients with arthritis had pressure sore. Thus, I ensured the patient is to be provided air mattress as it distributes the pressure leading to avoid development of extra pressure on the existing sore that may worsen the condition. However, the patient expressed unhappiness with using an air mattress and demanded to offer him a normal foam mattress to have clam sleeping experience. I did understand his demand and immediately meet his need. However, I asked him to avoid lying on the side of his pressure sores as it would lead to hindered wound condition. Moreover, with change of the mattress, I ensured his position is changed every 2-3 hours to avoid development of further risk of pressure sore on other parts of the body and avoid pressure on the current sore area.
As registered nursing working in the surgical ward, I had the responsibility to monitor patients for detecting vital signs based on which their health condition and progress can be analysed by the healthcare professional. In this context, I ensured to keep record of the vital signs of the patients on regular basis after certain intervals in the board attached at the end of the bed. In the record of vital signs, I mention the time when the vital readings are taken to ensure the professional understand the way the vital signs of the patients have fluctuated to determine any risk present for the patients. Moreover, the records are vital signs are continuously kept as reference for the health professionals to check the way the patients are responding after the surgery
As a registered nurse, while caring for the patients with bowel obstruction surgery I educate them regarding the nature of foods and drinks they are required to take to maintain enhanced health and avoid further blockage of bowel. I mentioned to them why eating small portions of solid food more often is necessary compared to taking increased amount of solid food at a time. I inform them to chew their food well so that it can be macerated effectively for smooth pathway through the stomach and intestine. I also ask them to take increased amount of water often and cut down caffeine as it would irritate the bowel.
In the surgical ward, while working as nurse I have the duty to educate patient to comply with the specific surgery determined for them by the healthcare professionals. I execute this by providing them information about the need of the surgery in relation to their present health condition and the way it is going to assist them in leading a better and healthy life after the surgery. In the process, to provide adequate evidence for awareness of the patients regarding the surgery I personally involve in learning and analysing current research information. This is because I feel that without effective evidential proof the patients cannot be made aware of the need for the surgery.
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In the surgical ward, while caring for the patients with bowel obstruction surgery I ensured them enhanced care is provided. This is established by me as the registered nurse by developing timely communication with the patients and listening to their needs. Moreover, I offer them information regarding the care available for them to allow them to provide informed consent regarding their care. This is because it leads me having effective direction regarding preference of care activities of the patients to be included in the care to offer them increased care satisfaction.
In the surgical ward, while acting as a registered nurse I have the responsibility to change dress, maintain hygiene and monitor the surgical wounds of the patients. During changing of dress of a certain patient who has gone bowel obstruction surgery, it was seen that the individual was non-cooperative in nature. The person mentioned that his privacy is not maintained and avoid me to allow changing his dresses as I am a female nurse. In this condition, I compassionately and politely interacted with him regarding I way I could maintain his privacy by using movable partition to avoid others peak towards him while changing dresses. I also develop communication regarding the way he could help me change his dress without compromising his privacy. It led the patient to comply with my care and avoid making further issues.
In the placement, I usually require dressing surgical wounds of the patients to ensure they avail enhanced health condition and avoid infection. In this purpose, I ensure to maintain moist wound environment as it promotes enhanced healing. Moreover, I regularly check the wound area to identify any extra exudates that may lead towards maceration of the wound to be removed. This is because removal of excessive exudates from the wound creates an enhanced barrier against the fluid contamination or bacterial growth on the skin in the wound area.
In the surgical ward, as a registered nurse I have the responsibility to manage patients after surgery and I was allocated the role to role to remove chest drainage from a patient who has undergone surgery. In the process, before initiating to remove the chest drain I ensured the sedative and pain control provided to the patient is adequately implemented by following guidelines. I performed effective hand hygiene before initiating the process so that no harm due to transmission of dirt or microorganisms occurs to the patient. I maintained continuous and smooth traction along with pinched the edges of the skin together to remove the drain so no additional bruises are faced by the patient during the chest drain removal. After removal of the chest drain, I quickly sealed the hole by occlusive dressing as it is the immediate wound hygiene to be maintained as well as ensures prevention of blood loss. I further instructed the patient to try to breathe normally so that effective breathing is restored.
As a registered nurse in the surgical ward, I have the responsibility to administer adequate and appropriate medication to the patients with bowel obstruction surgery to ensure their effective management of health. In order to administer them medication, I follow the five rights which are right drug, right patient, right dose, right route and right time. This is to ensure avoidance of any error in medication administration that may hinder the health condition of the patients.
Reflection in nursing is important as it leads individuals to critically analyse and think regarding their experience to determine the strength and weakness of their skill and knowledge related to practice In this study, reflection regarding the care of stoma bags attached to most of the patients in the surgical ward is to be discussed. For this purpose, Gibb's reflective cycle is to be used. This is because it allows the nurses to analyse their healthcare experiences over time to determine the strength and weakness of their different skills in practice Li et al., 2020). The reflection to be made is to be executed on the basis of two selected domain of nursing which are professional values along with nursing practice and decision-making.
The Gibb’s reflective cycle contains six phases which are as follows:
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