The health and social care service is one of the most important public service that is required for the wellbeing of the individuals where the health care professionals and social workers provides efficient care and quality treatment to the patients of overcoming their health and mental issues so that they can live a normal life like others and imporve their standard of living (Miller, 2015). For those seeking healthcare dissertation help, understanding my role as a health and social care staff member in delivering quality care and efficient treatment becomes crucial. The aim of the essay is to discuss my role in the health and social care and nursing as a health and social care staff to serve the patient with quality care and efficient treatment. Through this study, it is possible to reflect my understanding and practice in the health and social care setting to provide better care and support to the patient. The study also provides a scope to utilise Driscoll reflective model to discuss own role and understanding in serving the patient better care for promoting health. The use of National Health Service (NHS) code, 6C values and constitution are also effective to reflect my own role and practice in the health care system what I have experienced during serving care to the patient.
Driscoll reflective model 2007
Driscoll reflective model 2007 is effective for improving reflection of own where it is posisbel to discuss the gathered experience during work (Coleman, and Willis, 2015). The Driscoll reflective model 2007 is beneficial for me to reflect my own experience and discuss the health and social care service and practice in the health care during treating the patient which is effective to share my working practice and experience. Under this model, the health and social care professional gather clinical experience through working based practice and cooperation with other senior health care staff so that it is posisbel to understand the strategy of treating the patient with proper treatment and quality care. Proper description of the event and reflect on gathered experience are also beneficial to share my experience which will be represented in the next section where I will discuss my experience and how we as a team work for treating the patient with proper treatment and quality care. Proper analysis, discovering the leaning areas from the reflection of the experience and proposed actions are effective in this Driscoll reflective model 2007 where the individual can learn through gathering experience and analysing the situation. It is hereby beneficial for me to reflect my experience while service health and social care service to the patient and gather information regarding health and social care values and practice of providing suitable treatment to the individuals which would be advantageous for me to improve my professional skill in the field of health and social care service.
Role of heath care professional
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It is the responsibility of the health and social care staff to serve better acre ad effective treatment to the patient so that the individual can overcome their physical and mental health issues and live a normal life by maximising their wellbeing. In this particular field, as a health and social care professional, it is my duty to cooperate with other professionals, nurses and social workers to provide effective treatment and quality care according to the health needs and personal preferences of the patient. In this case, the patient is suffering from pressure sore and I was involved in providing catheterisation to the patient, where catheterisation is the process of inserting urinary catheter, in which a thin hollow tube known as catheter is inserted and it is given due to reduce mobility of the patient with pressure sore. I have involved giving catheterisation to the patient and providing better care to the patient so that the patient can reduce mobility and treated properly to identify the internal problems and reason of illness of the individual. I have seen proper cooperation and communication among the health care professionals and nurses where all the staff try to contract and work as a team to treat the patient efficiently. I try to observe the condition and the process of catheterisation during the session and try to gather experience how to work under the health and social care setting so that it would be beneficial for my professional development in near future.
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Value based approach in serving the patient
It is the responsibility of the health and social care staff and other professionals including doctors, nurses and other physician to create values for all the patients so that it is possible to treat them with effective treatment and quality care and manage the quality standard of health and social care service. Values creation for the patient is hereby necessary under the health and social care settings, where the health care professionals and social workers try to maximise the wellbeing of the individuals and treat them efficiently according to their health needs and personal preferences (Power and Clews, 2015). The major factors that are important are funding and efficiency of the nurses and health care professionals, quality acre and health and wellbeing., I have experienced that, the health care service providers are well knowledgeable about providing catheterisation so that they can serve better care and proper treatment to the patient who is suffering from pressure sore. I also have seen that, proper funding for the patient and proficiency of the nurses and doctors are the major requirements for treating the patient with quality care. I try to cooperate with all of them to acknowledge the actual process of catheterisation as well as gain knowledge and skill to treat the patient.
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Adding value to the patient is necessary where it is the duty of the health and social care professionals to create values of the patients after acknowledging the actual health needs and personal preferences of the patients. In this regard, proper assessment of the patients, diagnosis and personal values are necessary for the health and social care professionals to provide better care and quality treatment according to the health condition of the patient (Groothuizen, Callwood, and Gallagher, 2018). In this regard, I have seen that, the health care staff aim at better outcome and proper utilisation of the organisational resources so that the patient can get updated treatment and medication as well as quality care and support to overcome his or her barriers and improve his or her standard of living. Better experience needs to be gathered which would be beneficial for me to improve my personal knowledge and professional skill for treating the patient with care and updated treatment. In this case also, the health and social acre staff are trying to treat the patient and maximise his or her values so that he or she can improve the physical and mental health condition and live a normal life like others.
In order to develop value-based approach, the staff and nurses aim at patient’s requirements where all of them are concerned about the preferences of the patient (mcsherry et al., 2017). They try to communicate with the patient and acknowledge the complications arise in the body due to pressure sore, where they try to provide treatment through catheterisation. In this regard, acknowledging the actual health needs and preferences need to be acknowledged through communication where the patient’s values and preferences can be maximised. I addition to these, I have experienced that, the patient is empowered in developing the care plan during catheterisation which is effective for understanding the patient’s requirements and the views of the patient. In this regard, empowering the patient is effective for the health and social care professionals to improve patient’s involvement in the care plan where the patient is also cooperating and communicating as per their values and requirements (Hayes, 2017). This is also beneficial for creating values for the patient and treat them according to their preferences. Apart from that, leading the people towards achieving success is also necessary, where the health care professionals need to cooperate with each other and develop an effective team for working together with proper cooperation and sharing ideas and technical skill so that the best care and treatment can be provided to the patient which in turn helps the health and social care professionals to maximise values of the patients (NHS, 2019a).
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6C approach of NHS
The strategy of 6C as per the NHS values and constitution, there are six factors that are helpful for maximising the care of the individual and improving quality of care. The factors are such as care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment which are contributing factors in improving the wellbeing of the individuals and maximising their values in long run. Care is the first priority of the health and social care professionals, where it is the responsibility of the care staff and social workers to improve the wellbeing of the individual by delivering quality care according to the health needs of the patient (Cummings et al., 2015). Through this strategy, it is possible for the care givers to maximise the social welfare and improve the standard of live of the social communities as a whole. The people can get better care from the professionals with proper support and latest updated treatment (Gordon, 2019). In the present case also, I have experienced that, catheterisation is a unique technique for the patients and through this process, it is easy to diagnose the condition of the patient and provide proper treatment without patient’s mobility. The care professionals are proficient to handle the patient with care and support (NHS, 2019b).
Communication is another factor which create values for the patient and in this present case, the care staff and nurses try to build strong relationship with the patient to treat his or her proficiently (Santos, and Khan, 2018). Through communication, it is easy to understand the preferences of the patients and he patient also feels safe and comfortable to share his or her experience with us. I have gathered experience that communication is necessary to acknowledge the heath needs and personal expectation of the patient and through effective communication, team work can be possible to be developed. Courage enables the care giver to do right things with the patient and it influences new working technique so that the patient can be treated well with latest technology and professional skill. Commitment is another crucial factor where the care givers need to manage their commitment to maximise patient’s care and in this present case, all the team members are well concerned about meeting their commitment towards the patient where I have seen that proper cooperation with the patient and preferring patient’s care are there which contributes in maximising patient’s safety and managing commitment. Competencies are related to the expertise presented in the acre plan of the patient where the care professionals have proper clinical and technical knowledge to provide catheterisation to the patient which is helpful to maximise patient’s care and deliver proper treatment and care to the patient. Respecting the patient, maintaining good relationship, empathy and dignity are helpful for maximising compassion where the patient can feel valued in treating in the organisation by the care professionals and nurses. Hereby, through 6C of the NHS value, it is possible in this present case to create values for the patient and provide better treatment through catheterisation where the patient can be diagnosed properly and treated well with proficiency and technical and clinical expertise (Patterson et al., 2016).
NHS constitution and NHS values
It is the responsibility of the health and social care professionals to maximise values for the patient whole treating them with care and integrity so that the patient can maximise their standard of living and resolve their health barriers and mental health issues (Filipe, Renedo, and Marston, 2017). In this regard, helping the people to stay independently as well as maximising the wellbeing of the individual by improving health condition is necessary. In this present case, the care professionals are well organised, and they try to manage the patient for improving health condition by providing catheterisation (NHS, 2019a).
Working with people is necessary where the care givers try to maximise team work for working with other professionals, social workers and nurses so that they can share their experience and develop an effective team to work cooperatively which is helpful for maximising patient’s care in long run (Bartlett, 2015). It is the professional practice under the health and social care service through which the care givers can create values and improve patient’s care for managing quality standard of care. Delivering high quality care to the patient is also necessary and, in this case, the care givers are technically skilled and have clinical experience to provide catheterisation to the patient. Building and strengthening the leadership is also another necessary strategy for creating values for the patient who is suffering from pressure sore and in this case, the leader and managers of the health and social care service are concerned about developing effective team and manging the team members for more cooperation and communication. Empowering the patient in developing the care plan is also necessity where the patient’s preferences can be acknowledged, and he care givers can be able to maximise the patient’s care and meet the expectations of the patients (Power, and Clews, 2015).
In the present case study, I have experienced that, tea work and collaboration are effective contributing factor that helps the care professional, nurses and social worker to cooperate with each other and mange integrity, show empathy and respect the patient. It is beneficial to create suitable environment where the patient can be feeling safe to stay and be treated well for creating values by maximising standard of living condition of him or her. Additionally, the leader ensures that they have right skill, right place and right technology to treat the patient which is important for managing safety and security of the patient as well as creating values for the patient (Tetley et al., 2016). The leader and mangers ensure that the staff and nurses are utilised the organisational infrastructure and technical skill to treat the patient with catheterisation. Moreover, supporting the staff members as well as proper cooperating and working in partnership strategy are also helpful in this case to treat the patient with quality acre and support (mcguire et al., 2016). I have acknowledged that, all the staff members are respecting the patient and preferring the expectation and requirements of the patient so that it is possible to create values for the individual and develop proper care plan by incorporating the patient through proper empowerment. Through the above-mentioned strategic practice, and NHS guideline, it is possible for the care professionals, doctors, nurses and social workers to provide safe environment and create values for the patient by managing quality care and effective treatment according to the health needs of the patient.
Professional values and ethical practice
It is necessary to manage ethical consideration under the health and social care service in which safety and security of the patient must be maintained as well as the care professionals need to develop suitable environment for the patient so that they can feel safe and secured to stay there (Pratt, and Rowland, 2018). In this regard, in the present case, the care givers are well concerned about the safety and security of the patient where they try to create suitable environment for the patient for delivering catheterisation to him or her. In the place, proper exit doors, maintaining hygienic factors, cleaning the floor and CCTV camera for managing safety of the patient are maintained well where the patient can feel safe to stay and be treated well. In addition to this, the care professionals try to manage safety by implementing data Protection Act 1998 and cloud computing for managing big data of the patient where they try to keep the personal information of the patient safe and secured. This is also effective where they can build string relationship with the patient in which the patient is also feeling well and secured to share his or her experience and past treatment with the care givers.
Managing autonomy of the patient and maintaining transparency and accountability in the health and social care institution is necessary where the leader is efficient in managing the staff and nurses for delivering quality acre and support to the patient during catheterisation. Moreover, safeguarding the individual and managing dignity of the patient are also maintained in the workplace where the nurses and doctors prefers the expectation and requirements of the patient and treat the patient with respect and integrity (Price, 2016). This is effective in this case for building proper relationship and improving trust and loyalty between the patient and care givers. Human Right I also maintained for ethical consideration where the patient can express their feeling and the leaders can manage equality in the workplace for treating all the patient fairly. Respecting the individual and showing empathy to the patient in this case are effective to treat the individual with catheterisation process where proper communication with the patient and maximising his or her rights to express is maintained well. Empowering the patent in the care plan is another ethical principle in the health and social care settings where all the care givers need to empower the patient in the care plan so that they can express their thoughts and expectations. This is also maintained in this present case also, where all the care professionals try to interact with the patient and acknowledge his or her actual health needs and personal preferences and empower him or her in the care plan of catheterisation so that the patient can be feel safe and happy during the process (NHS, 2019b).
Own learning and future practice
The Driscoll reflective model 2007 is effective for this reflection, where I mainly analyse and represent my experience through the above discussion and now, I am trying to reflect my experience and the benefits of the experience in my professional career growth. Through this experience, I have gathered the knowledge of treating the patient with quality care and efficiency where I need to utilise my technical skill and clinical expertise to diagnose the patient with catheterisation and provide proper medication and treatment for supporting the patient and improving quality of care for the patient. I have gathered experience of managing ethical factors for creating values for the patient where I try to manage the patient with safety and security as well as treat them with respect, integrity and dignity which will be helpful or me to maximise patient’s value by delivering quality acre and efficient treatment after proper diagnosis of the patient. I also gathered knowledge about patient’s safety and security as well as manage patient’s personal data security so that the individual can feel safe to share their experience. I also improve my knowledge about the values referred by NHS where I improve my skill to communicate with the individual and acknowledge their personal preferences so that it would be helpful for me to treat the patient and create values for them. In addition to these, my knowledge and experience will provide me an opportunity to treat the individual fairly (NHS, 2019b). I am involved with catheterisation process through which I try to understand the condition of the patient, where I get support from other staff members and nurses who are proficient to treat the patient carefully during the catheterisation process. Managing the patient during the catheterisation process and empowering the patient are also necessary from which I have experienced that the patient needs to be involved in the care plan so that it is possible to empower the individual successful which I turn provide a scope to improve trust and loyalty among the patient. I hereby experienced the way of providing treatment and quality care to the patient and how the patient should be treated which in turn helps me to improve my professional skill for my future career.
Patient’s safety and security and showing respect and integrity as well as team work for working in partnership are necessary to treat the patient with quality acre and effective treatment, during the catheterisation process for the patient, I have gathered experience where proper cooperation between the care givers, nurses, and doctors and internal communication are helpful for me to share their experience and improve my professional knowledge and clinical skill which would be effective for me to treat the patient carefully in near future contributing success in my professional career. Throughout the study, it is posisbel for me to apply Driscoll reflective model 2007 for reflecting my experience and improving my knowledge for professional success where I have gathered knowledge and experience about the way of treating the patient during the catheterisation process and the ethical and NHS values which are beneficial for me to create values for the patient.
: Driscoll reflective model 2007
Appendix 2: Value creation for the patient
Appendix 3: 6C NHS Values
Appendix 4: Values and constitution of NHS
Appendix 5: Ethical principles of treating patient
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