Research and Evidence Based Practice

The NMC Code of Practices informs nurses to use evidence in delivering care to service users to ensure their enhanced health (NMC, 2018). In the UK, the sources of evidence used by nurses in assuring patient safety and enhanced health outcomes come from Royal College of Nursing (RCN), NICE guidelines, General Medical Council (GMC), Nursing Times, SIGN guidelines National Healthcare Services (NHS) and others. These sources are reliable and safe because the evidence presented are gathered by eminent researchers through extensive research and experiments the data regarding which are also presented to prove authenticity of the information. Moreover, the sources are also supported by the health department of the government to be used as guidance in care ensuring to reach the decision that they are safe and reliable as otherwise, the government would not have recommended to follow them in practice (Care in Nursing, 2016). A good quality evidence is generated when the information used as evidence are gathered through discussion, argument and analysis based on the underpinned care of the patient (Horntvedt et al. 2018). The research plays a good part in collecting evidence for EBP as it helps to explore wide number of studies to identify the most robust and potential information (Ellis, 2019). The Evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential in nursing as it helps the nurses use relevant and updated evidence which are effective in improving patient outcomes (Butler, Hall and Copnell, 2016). The EBP is important in my nursing field as it provide opportunity to use critical evidence in delivering unhindered care to the patients. Moreover, it helps to overcome error out of confusion in care as the evidence provides information about the best practices to be used for patients in enhancing their well-being (Rojjanasrirat and Rice, 2017).


The NMC Code of Practices informs nurses to use evidence in delivering care to service users to ensure their enhanced health (NMC, 2018). In the UK, the sources of evidence used by nurses in assuring patient safety and enhanced health outcomes come from Royal College of Nursing (RCN), NICE guidelines, General Medical Council (GMC), Nursing Times, SIGN guidelines National Healthcare Services (NHS) and others. These sources are reliable and safe because the evidence presented are gathered by eminent researchers through extensive research and experiments the data regarding which are also presented to prove authenticity of the information. Moreover, the sources are also supported by the health department of the government to be used as guidance in care ensuring to reach the decision that they are safe and reliable as otherwise, the government would not have recommended to follow them in practice (Care in Nursing, 2016). A good quality evidence is generated when the information used as evidence are gathered through discussion, argument and analysis based on the underpinned care of the patient (Horntvedt et al. 2018).

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Butler, A., Hall, H., & Copnell, B. (2016). A guide to writing a qualitative systematic review protocol to enhance evidence‐based practice in nursing and health care. Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 13(3), 241-249. Retrieved 6 July 2020, from:

Care in Nursing (2016). Importance of Care in Nursing. Retrieved 6 July 2020, from

Ellis, P. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing. Learning Matters. Retrieved 6 July 2020, from:

Horntvedt, M. E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: a thematic literature review. BMC medical education, 18(1), 172. Retrieved 7 July 2020, from:

Rojjanasrirat, W. and Rice, J., 2017. Evidence-based practice knowledge, attitudes, and practice of online graduate nursing students. Nurse education today, 53, pp.48-53. Retrieved 7 July 2020, from:

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