Political behavior refers to the actions, attitudes and decisions made by individuals and groups within a political system. It includes how people take part in politics by participating in it themselves or making choices and expressing preferences; voter behavior analysis, political participation studies and factors influencing citizens' choices like ideologies demographics or events can all have an effect. Understanding political behavior is crucial for elections analysis public opinion surveys democratic societies functioning better - it allows us to comprehend dynamics of power governance as well as policies impacting on national political landscape. Political behavior studies form an integral part of social and political sciences disciplines.
British national interest and its foreign policies have been changing consistently over time, from the Empire, Atlantis, Europeanism, and Internationalism. But what is Britain's national interest?
View More >>Uganda seeks to make their defence and security operations more effective and efficient. We expound on the role that the civil service can play in making this a reality. Increased operation of the civil service in line with the set Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
View More >>Two of the issues that arguably effect modern democracies are political funding and non voters. Political funding strengthens political parties and political parties may seek entitlement to it.
View More >>Home can be thought of in various ways, and one of them is geographical imagination, which involves increasingly spatial ways of thinking about the world. It enables viewing of the small space people call home as the drawing together of things from various places and times.
View More >>There exists no absolute doctrine regarding the separation of powers in the UK’s constitution, owing to the fact that there are overlaps in the roles that the state organs play and the personnel that operates within them.
View More >>In the study of politics, typology is used to capture a wide range of methods which influence can be exercised
View More >>In my opinion, the greatest challenge facing democracy is enactment of poor monetary policies which end up increasing the cost of living for citizens and slowing general economic development.
View More >>It is with no doubt that democracy is one among the most successful ideas in the current political era. Since the late 1990s, there has been a wave of electoral turmoil evident in Europe mainly witnessed by sprouting of populist movements somewhat led by offbeat characters
View More >>Somaliland is one of those unrecognised states, characterised by weak economies and in stability on their borders.
View More >>The assumption of the “societal” nature of inter-state relations is the idea of international society that it relies on. The order in international politics is maintained due to social bonds between states is the concept that is taken for international relations.
View More >>Study provides analysis of participation and administration of elections and referendums in UK. It will include description of turnout. It is computed by considering valid votes, votes rejected while counting and at postal ballot.
View More >>The issue under consideration here relates to the issue of ministerial responsibility for the errors for the civil servants or department and whether the minister is liable to offer his resignation for such errors
View More >>The concept of Diaspora communities has been evolved with time since its inception to the society that had deeply
View More >>Edmund Burke wrote this speech on the reform of the representation of the Commons in Parliament, dated May 7, 1782. This speech concerned a motion filed by William Pitt on 7th May, 1782 in the House of Commons for a committee to inquire about the state of representation of the Commons in Parliament.
View More >>Rebel can be referred to as opposition towards authority or government. People form groups and their fight is with the dominant or power of a nation. Rebel groups primarily rely on voluntary participation and support of citizens as they
View More >>Organisational values, norms restructure the culture in the workplace which in turn influences the organisational leaders and managers to develop suitable structure to manage the operations and run the operations successfully (Kraśnicka, Głód and Wronka-Pośpiech, 2018).
View More >>Violent crime is not confined to serious cases of physical harm such as wounding and homicide. It also covers offences ranging from minor assaults to harassment and abuse. The face-to-face victimisation survey conducted by the Crime Survey for England
View More >>Diaspora communities refer to those communities that formed due to the movement of minority people from their homeland to one or more host lands on the aspect of cultural, political, religious or social and economical elements. This has given rise to multilingual
View More >>The article is about analysing the interactions between government and the business, where there is positive cooperation
View More >>The political structure of a state is primarily run on the policies devised to attain the goal of any state. These goals are footprints that are structured in order to provide a systematic forum for the
View More >>The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples recognises the rights of indigenous peoples, such as equality and non-discrimination and their cultural integrity and collective rights provided under Article 2; self determination, autonomy and participation as provided under Articles 3 and 4; and their rights to lands, territories and resources, development with identity, as provided under Articles 25, 26, 28, 29, and 32
View More >>Power is an action. It is necessary for maintaining the conditions of human plurality. These conditions enable speech and action. Hence, a misinterpretation of condition
View More >>Ethnic-related violence has turned on an endless societal debate over diversity, which has evolved into a significant political discourse.
View More >>Traditionally, political wars were based on ideologies and perspectives between nations. Although actual War was fought during World War I and II, the Cold War denied countries a chance to fight actively. As such, the countries supported states opposing in regard to their conflicting ideologies leading to the Vietnam War. Therefore, the presentation targets to evaluate the extent to which the Vietnam War was a product of the Cold War.
View More >>The two types of electoral systems that are discussed in this essay are plurality or ‘first past the post’ and proportional system. This essay discusses how these systems work and how they affect the electoral outcomes.
View More >>The first article chosen for this essay is ‘Donald Trump, Populism, and the Age of Extremes: Comparing the Personality Traits and Campaigning Style of Trump and Other Leaders Worldwide’ (Nai, Coma, & Maier, 2019). The second article is ‘Nice guys finish last: personality and political success’ (Joly, Soroka, & Loewen, 2019). Both articles are similar in that they are exploring the link between personality traits of political leaders and the election outcomes or election campaign style.
View More >>John Mill has viewed liberty as a means to protect against the tyranny of the political rulers. This was his view of liberty
View More >>I have, since my early teenage years, had a strong interest in the society and the world in which I live.
View More >>Constitution is the governing soul of any state that is sovereign in nature which functions as a guiding light and creates a structure for the development of the legislation. The Constitution merely provides and idea or a set of rules that help in establishing further laws based on the core principles or rules set out by it. Any political and legal structure is formed on a framework which is provided by the Constitution.
View More >>This essay focusses on the sustainability conflict that is involved in allowing the growing of genetically modified crops and explores this area through the lens of political ecology, and more specifically southern political ecology.
View More >>Tea Party is a bottom-up social movement influencing midterm election and co-opted by the Republican. It is believed to drive sufficient Republican turnout and acts as a decisive factor in election races (DiMaggio, 2012, pp. 35-36).
View More >>The aim of the proposal is to analyse the development of rhetoric by the newspaper houses in Bangladesh, which has crucial effects on the political discourse. Through the study, it is possible to demonstrate the use of languages and rhetoric in the newspaper, which has significant impacts on the political discourse. The introduction is effective to develop background an, aim and objective the study. The literature review reveals that, the five canons of Rhetoric of developing the persuasion of speech are invention, style, arguments, memory and delivery, which are effective to create good content successfully to share information and motivate the audiences.
View More >>In the recent years, an increase in the use of negative and pejorative language around the ‘boat people’ or refugees who seek humanitarian assistance from western nations have led to questions around ethics in politics and humanitarian values because the use of such language has been seen as a way of skewing and obscuring “considerations of human responsibility and ethical concerns about hospitality” (Pugh, 2004, pp. 54-55). This essay critically discusses how borders have been used by politicians around the world to deny certain peoples and groups humanitarian assistance or pushed them into conditions that are inhumane and pose violent threat to their lives.
View More >>The research aims to understand what Azerbaijan ought to accomplish to be eligible for the European Union 'EU' membership. The consequent question address that how likely Baku can make these challenges if it strives to do so. The preliminary research identifies three areas of integration challenge. One of them is the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The recent changes in the power shift between Russia and Turkey show that the research topic is timely in the region.
View More >>The Dublin system was created to foster a collective system for refugee allocation and protection as between the member states
View More >>It has been said that the strongest of the “tacit understandings” about the constitution of the UK is its “profoundly unitary nature…
View More >>Even though the institutions of the global governance are working in full fledge since the post cold war era, the term global governance was coined in the year of 2000 when the operational structure of the United Nations, International Criminal Courts, Security Council
View More >>There is a growth of international organisations in the world, and with it, there is a proliferation of actions and decisions
View More >>Also known as Bush Queen of Brewarrina, Essie Coffey contributed to Australian politics, culture and art. According to Koori Web (2021),
View More >>Before the Brexit referendum, the information brochure sent to households by the government surprisingly did not include expected per capita loss of at least 1800 pounds. If the public had received this information, 52.1% would have voted remain in the referendum
View More >>The Bush administration adopted a broader policy approach after the events of 9/11 targeting countries that host terrorists and those that harbour terrorists (Pauly, 2017). The aim was to protect American interest withing and outside the US. This led the US to claims of WMD in
View More >>China-Cambodia relationship goes back to ancient time. Even before the One Belt Road (BRI) initiative, this relationship has been defined by economic and political support of each other. However, BRI initiative is subject to argument that it is a contemporary
View More >>The term ‘Separation of Power’ in its true sense is related to the concept of democracy nature of a country. While the common conception of democracy mostly revolves around the citizen’s ability to choose their own government through the power of voting
View More >>Organised gay political movement is traced back to the establishment of the Mattachine Foundation in 1951 and the Daughters of Bilitis in 1955 (Valelly, 2012).
View More >>The root of fascism can be traced back to the 18th century Jacobin Movement when the society in general adopted the theme of Fin de siècle which in large scale posed a revolt against materialism, positivism,
View More >>Artistic expression is one of the important amenders of the society and the political ideologies that govern the mankind. Since the medieval age, artistic expression has criticized and praised political ideologies and it has been responsible for the fall and rise of many kingdoms and governments.
View More >>The purpose of this essay is to compare Robert Gilpin’s article, ‘The Politics of Transnational Economic Relations’ and Robert Cox’s article, ‘Gramsci and International Relations Theory: An essay in method’;
View More >>The countries should not be run like the companies, where the politicians and government of the country must consider the other public services and activities in the society which are different from the perspectives of the companies.
View More >>The word Politics is essentially derived from the Greek word Polis which means City, a society or association of people of a particular place to live well and lead a life which is supported by the government of the country.
View More >>Europe is historically associated with the roots of democracy. The European countries are also considered to have assisted
View More >>Sophists are the ones pretending to be wise for money and power. They claim to possess wisdom and the ability to teach it as a skill to youths politically inclined. They serve for both their self-interest and of their students.
View More >>Businesses must maintain a steady supply of products in today's globalized globe to stay afloat in today's highly competitive marketplace
View More >>The Arab Spring revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) were characterised by spontaneity and rapidity, and also by the absence of identifiable revolutionary leaders and by a deficiency of ideology
View More >>The neofunctional approach seeks to explain the European integration project on the basis of the interpretation of the Eurozone crisis, which led to the transfer of new areas of policy responsibility by states to the EU. In general, neofunctional
View More >>Foreign policy highlights the rules of engagement between different nations around the world and is guaranteed to change periodically based on a wide range of factors including, political and economic powers, common problems shared between nations,
View More >>Fundamentally, there has never been a consensus on the justification for humanitarian intervention. While one school of thought argues that it is the right thing to do, another school of thought believes that it is unethical to engage in humanitarian intervention. In one hand,
View More >>The modern state is a recent phenomenon, which depicts the consolidation of the separate social institutions into one entity. In Europe, the separate social institutions like the Church, the nobility, and the peasantry had separate roles and functions,
View More >>Latin America constitutes one of the core global regions interacting immensely with Europe, North America and East Asia. It is a fundamental test case for not only democratisation but also socialism, neo-liberal economics,
View More >>Autonomy refers to the state of self-governing. Today, Britain greatly retain the state of self-governance. In the UK history of sovereignty, King Henry VIII was among the key figures who fought for autonomy (Gamble, 1990).
View More >>On 14 October 1962, a U-2 reconnaissance aircraft revealed the existence of Soviet SS-4 and SS-5 nuclear ballistic missiles in Cuba. According to historian Sheldon M. Stern, "Never before or since has the survival of human civilization been at stake in a few short weeks of dangerous deliberations,
View More >>The debate around the application of rationality in international foreign policy management by different political sovereign entities cannot be considered to have achieved any successful resolution.
View More >>Welfare is a political issue that majority of people in the society have different views and opinions on. The society is however unaware
View More >>Jean Jacques Rousseau is a philosopher and influencer thinker. He is highly regarded as a crucial figure in philosophy’s history. His views about the philosophers
View More >>Immigrants into a new host society are often faced by a number of challenges when they first come into the host country, particularly with reference to the pressure to assimilate and integrate in the new cultural and political environment in which they find
View More >>The topic of the essay is countries should not be run like companies. The essay will discuss the points that are in favor as well as against the topic which will be resulting in the conclusion that whether the countries must run like a business or not. There are various
View More >>Populism is a political approach that is based on drawing a distinction between the ordinary and general populace and the elite and which strives to appeal to ordinary people rather than to elite groups. The populism
View More >>This essay critically discusses the statement made by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban that the existence of a State is a question of fact and not law and that the criterion of statehood is not legitimacy but effectiveness with reference to the international law on state recognition and personality.
View More >>Realists opined that an interstate political environment comprises several sovereign entities not answerable to any international law. This essay will explore the defensive and offensive approach of Realism in explaining how states behave, act and react towards
View More >>The fundamental principles of Classical Realism were propounded by Hans Morgenthau where as the core components of Classical Realism were established by Kenneth Waltz
View More >>Generally, sub-Saharan Africa has been a beehive of political activities since the independence days. Countries falling within the above region are relatively young states considering
View More >>It is not possible to keep up with the events, where the Supreme Court has ruled that, the Prime Minister’s suspension of the Parliament was void (Katya Adler, BBC News Europe, ‘Supreme Court: What impact will ruling have on Brexit talks
View More >>The colonial period was not the unitary, but arguably one of the largest influences to the state formation of the modern Middle East, and furthermore the stability within the region. Looking at specifically, the Israel/Palestine conflict,
View More >>Civil conflict and terrorism have primarily been studied separately by various scholars and using different approaches. Even though some researchers pursue mutually exclusive characterizations to distinguish terrorist attacks
View More >>Global comparative politics refer to the field that compares the political system of different countries with discussing the differences as well as similarities in their political system, political behaviour, political institution and global political conflict.
View More >>This assignment focuses on conservatisms ideological approaches towards welfare; it appraises and critically discuss theoretical concepts within social policy in the UK. According to Sealey (2016), Ideology is a system of ideals
View More >>The issue of Brexit continues to be in the limelight, creating a long wait for both pro-Brexit and anti-Brexit voters to see what could become of the United Kingdom after detaching itself from the European Union. On the twelfth day of December 2019,
View More >>The worldwide financial related emergency opens the need to investigate the governmental issues of tax assessment. Current global orthodoxy would have the issues and the government is not bound in increment charges. They ought to oversee open funds through descending weight on spending, since business sectors force restrains on state’s income raising endeavors.
View More >>Achieving environmental and trade justice is vital in a country's justice system. Two primary ways can accomplish the attainment of the two justices. These include a governmental intervention to ensure environmental and trade justice and the utilization of individuals and non-governmental organizations taking responsibility. The former approach is where the government is responsible for developing and implementing measures that aim to safeguard rights and enforce laws that promote environment and trade justices. On the other hand, the second approach requires the people and non-government organizations to be actively involved in ensuring the attainment of the environmental and trade fairness in a country. As a result, this paper evaluates the necessity of governmental interventions for achieving environmental and trade justice.
View More >>Meritocracy basically refers to a political or governmental system where responsibilities and appointments are given to people based on their merits (Polastri and Truisi, 2017). These merits are determined through objective examinations and evaluations. From the definition, meritocracy can be highlighted as a political system or structure in which political power or/and economic goods are vested in particular individuals based on their efforts, achievements and talents rather than their social or economic class.
View More >>The term ‘Westminster model’ comes from the seat of the Parliament, which is the Palace of Westminster. However, there is a very specific meaning attached to the term, which is not related to the site of the Parliament, but the form of government that the term entails. One of the aspects of this essay is the discussion on this form of the government and how it has defined the British state.
View More >>The dissolution of communism in Eastern and Central Europe conceived a tremendous paradigm shift in the political map of European nations. In Romania, nationalism is a remarkable concept which re-emerged following this dissolution, which continued to rally political support against the context of a challenging and long transition to democracy.
View More >>During 1990s, Romania was deemed by historians and scholars alike as one of the countries plunged into the challenge of ethnic minorities. However, the country has ascended to surpass various political impediments throughout her history which would have inflicted lifelong turmoil to the country’s political stability internally and Europe at large.
View More >>The European Union consists of a robust institutional framework. It involves several institutions and treaties that give the various institutions different rights and attributions. However, regardless of the institutions, the union's member state works together to accomplish common and agreed goals. The union unites the EU as well as national institutions in a platform that is created and improvised over time.
View More >>Outside of the formal political system, the internet is a powerful tool used in independent political expression, thus a number of events have used the internet as a means to communicate a political message (Hague and Loader, 1999; Norris, 2001). This has brought the attention of many scholars from many disciplines to examine the integration of political activity online and how internet political connection is understood within our time and space.
View More >>During the periods of 1789-1790, France was experiencing several political and social agitations in its political landscape – both at home and in its colonies. This phenomenon is mostly known as The French Revolution. According to Burke (2012), the French Revolution was characterized by political turmoil, violent period and saw the formation of a republic and an overthrowing of the monarchy.
View More >>Local democracy in England is ensured through the local authorities, which are the only source of regional governance in England. Local authorities play a key role in the realisation of local democracy. In England, there is a mixed system of single-tier local government in shire areas, London boroughs and metropolitan district councils. In some counties, there is a two-tier local government, in which there are county councils (upper tier) and district councils.
View More >>When we think about democracy, the first image that comes into our mind is American society. Every society has its own set of values and ideals and America culture emphasis on civic solidarity. Song article “What does it mean to be an American?” by Sarah Song poses a crucial question that affects all citizens of the United States. Solidarity is the most fundamental aspect of being an American. It means coming together for the common good.
View More >>Somaliland, a former British Protectorate, gained independence on 26th June 1960. Thirty-five UN Member States, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, immediately recognised it as an independent state. However, after only enjoying four days as an independent state, it joined a former Italian UN Trust Territory to form the Somali Republic on 1 July 1960.
View More >>On December 17 2010, a Tunisian street vendor named Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolated after being humiliated and mistreated by the police. His death sparked a wave of protests in the MENA region against political, economic, and social grievances. However, all regimes have not experienced popular upheaval similarly. While Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, all republics, have seen their long-standing presidents overthrown, none of the monarchies has fallen down.
View More >>Russia or the Russian Federation is a transcontinental country located in North Asia and Eastern Europe. According to official data from the World Bank, with an area of approximately 17,125,200 square kilometres, Russia population stood at 144.5 million in the year 2017 (World Bank, 2019). Ethnic wise, Russia is a multi-national state, composed of over 186 ethnic groups.
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