British National Interest And Foreign Policy


British national interest and its foreign policies have been changing consistently over time, from the Empire, Atlantis, Europeanism, and Internationalism. But what is Britain's national interest? For many years, Britain rulers and the state component nations have pursued the national interest based on the circumstances of the period. The record for the interest is mixed and some even dishonourable. This ranges from slavery and foreign invasions. Therefore, the interest of British nationals is simply the essence of what it means for Britain to be an independent and free actor on the historical stage. However, British citizens seem to be dependent on the decisions of others – particularly, super-national and international bodies (Edmunds et al., 2014). My concern is to explain this change in our international situation. However, the idea of national interest seems to connect with foreign policy as well as the identity of people. Studies such as (Gaskarth, 2014, p.503), seem to suggest that, national interest refers to an expression of the 'general will' of the political community. The study also suggests the legitimate objectives of the political community as a long-standing commitment of states to pursue and achieve its goals. In this view, the national interest is all about a strategy to pursue the will of the people; therefore, this paper explores the British national interests and how the foreign policy promotes the national interest, especially the UK foreign policy role on Somalia piracy, and how it promotes the value of Britain.


Britain and Its National Interests

For a long time, Britain has a long history of national interests. However, this interest has been indicated to have changed over time. As per Bill (2014, p539), prior to 1945, there were certain national interests, which include; security against attack and integrity of frontiers, the primacy of trade, the balance of power in Europe, peace, and empire. One of the leading interests was the primacy of trade. The UK was a leading trade nation around the world by the nineteenth century. Their objective was to protect the shipping lanes. Additionally, concerning the balance of power, the UK was fearful of other European powers to invade or disrupt their trade interests. This made Britain maintain a peaceful state while in trade and always sought a peaceful atmosphere. Maintaining peace was their first and last option. For the interest of their country, they created a huge empire to support the prosperity of the state. However, by the late nineteenth century and early twenty centuries, these interests changed because of the political conditions which shifted. For instance, the country sought to balance power in the region and protect its trade interest or invasion.

After the Second World War, the United States of America proposed a strategy to offer loans to support European states to re-establish themselves and recover from the war. This plan was called ‘The Marshall plan. This strategy resulted in the UK being part of the foundations of the Organisation for European Economic and Cooperation (OEEC), according to Jones and Norton (2014, p558). The Organisation for European Economic and Cooperation (OEEC) was founded in 1948, and Britain was the founder member of this OEEC”. Joining the organization enhanced the link between the UK and other European regional organizations and states. Similarly, following national interest, the UK signed The Dunkirk Treaty defence agreement with France in 1947 (Jones and Norton, 2014, p559). This agreement was later expanded to include other states like Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Moreover, in line with the national interest, the UK has become one of the founders of The North Atlantic Treaty Organisations (NATO). All these treaties allowed the state to have close cooperation with other European adversaries. Also, while considering national interest, the UK joined the European Union membership in 1974 to increase its relations to other states. Joining the organization and making treaties with other states ensured that the country maintained a peaceful coexistence with other powers, which reduced security theatres on the UK from other European powers and shifting alliances. However, these treaties also had some negative impacts, such as the Soviet Union and Cold war eras. Additionally, studies show that, after the Second World War, the state was faced with various challenges that effected UK national interests hence leading to a reshaping of the national interests. Some of these challenges included the dissolution of the empire, the Suez Canal crisis, and the Cold War (Smith, 2016).

Also, due to the national interest, Britain colonized one quarter of both the global population and landmass. This was meant to protect, expand, and possess their empire for their national interest. From 1940 -1942, the country had financial challenges and was unable to maintain security both internally and abroad. Based on the BBC report (2007), the United Kingdom had survived the war, though its prestige, wealth as well as authority had been severely minimized. The challenges and pressure originated from states which had been colonized by the British and fought for independence. These pressures force the United Kingdom government to give independence to most of the states under its empire like Hong Kong in 1997, India, in 1947, among others.

As suggested earlier, Egypt, the Suez Canal crisis in 1956, was another aspect that reshaped the UK foreign policy and national interest. In this crisis, there was a dispute between the UK and Egypt on the Suez Canal. The canal was very important since it was a strategic shipping lane of the UK. On July 26th, 1956, the president of Egypt Jamal Nasser took over the Suez Canal, which was against the UK national interests. In retaliation, the UK and its alliance Israel and France took action on 29th 0ctober 1956. They attacked Egypt to retake control back to the Canal (James. 1995, p. 583). This attack reshaped the British foreign policy and its national interest.

Regardless of these interests which have changed over time, some of the UK national interest hasn't changed over time. Some of these interests includes security and peace, as per Jones and Norton (2014, p.539). The state security and peace remain clearly as bedrock interests. However, trade is currently greatly minimized in extent and the country’s defence is closely related to the worldwide role of the European Union and the United States. Some of the key shifts in national interest happened under Tony Blair who was a prime minister from 1997-2010 and who produced his New Labour Foreign policy. This foreign policy is known as internationalism (Jones and Norton, 2014, p 30). The objective of the policy includes; to safeguard security, whether inclusively or exclusively through NATO. Another objective was to enhance the United Kingdom's businesses internationally and promoting exports. Thirdly was to improve Britain's citizen life quality and protect the environment. Finally, the strategy had an objective to promote the state national interest through its values and confidence in its identity. For the interests of its nation, the country attempted to secure the respect of other nations and to contribute to keeping the peace of the world and promoting democracy around the world (Cook 1997). As per the UK, the labour' ethical dimension' was the best way to protect national interest and promote British values and democracy. From its objective to promote international peace, the state contributed to the 1999 Kosovo and 2000 Sierra Leone crisis.

Jones and Norton (2014 p. 32) revealed that the coalition government in 2010 (Conservative and Liberal Democratic) almost accepted the definition and commitment of the New Labour foreign policy. The coalition government has accepted New Labour's interpretation that globalization hugely impacts the UK national security by bringing problems from apparently remote parts of the world to Britain's door". Moreover, the government of the United Kingdom participated in the Libya intervention in justifying combating human rights abuse (Jones and Norton 2014 p.544). Some scholars have, however, come up to critic the Labour 'ethical dimension' of foreign policy. Gilmore argued that this foreign policy clearly improves the wellbeing of vulnerable that are non-citizens. Also, this policy makes an obligation to support human rights. "In an interdependent world, moral concern for non-citizens, the expansion of the liberal world order, and British national interest were now inseparable” (Gilmore pp. 544). Some of these interests usually promotes global interest other than national interest.

Under the current UK government and Prime Minister Boris Johnson, there are no major changes in the matters of national (FCO 2019). Another interest, such as safeguarding the UK's national security by countering terrorism and weapons proliferation, has, however, been maintained in the same position. However, some of the major improvements include building the UK's prosperity by increasing exports and investment, opening markets, ensuring access to resources, and promoting sustainable global growth continues to develop. In previous years, Britain has been part of the European Union (EU). The union has a common foreign policy. Therefore, with the departure of the UK from the European unions on January 31st, 2020 creates uncertainty on the UK national interest and its foreign policy.

How can foreign policy promote UK nation Security?

Foreign policy is the heart of government policies, and it deals with different aspects, including economics, security as well as the environment. Foreign policy has attracted several definitions as per Wallace (1990, p.65). One such definition suggests that policy is whatever the government does in handling a foreign government. This is the gate the state can engage with other state actors and non-states actors. To link to other states, Foreign and Commonwealth Offices have a worldwide network of embassies and consulates and more than 270 diplomatic offices globally. These departments also have more than 14,000 people who are professionals and well skilled. These people have been trained to influence and understand what is happing abroad. The main goals of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office are based on the Parliament Publication: The role of FCO in UK government, Session 2010-11 “the FCO will pursue an active and activist foreign policy, working with other countries and strengthening the rules-based international system in support of British values to contribute to national security by countering terrorism and weapons proliferation and working to reduce conflicts.

As per Prime minster David Cameron, in a speech on February 23rd, 2012, a country that has failed threatens British interest directly. Such failed states include Somali, which since 1991 does not have a strong central government. The state has also been home to terror groups such as al Shabaab and Piracy in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. There are a large British Somali community-based in the UK and some members of them are involved with a financial connection of the United Arab Emirates and other Gulf states with hijacking ships and bringing ransom in an estimated $12bn a year (£1.6bn) (Independent, 2011). Additionally, the insurance and shipping industry has criticized the UK's unwillingness to respond to Somalia piracy which is a direct threat to the UK economy as per FCO in the UK (2010-11). Due to the increased risk at the Indian Ocean, insurance premiums have doubled defensive measures and/or re-routing has added further to the cost of transiting the region. Therefore, addressing the problem with Somalia can be a great opportunity to pursue UK interests. Furthermore, the UK government policy on Piracy off the coast of Somalia is responding to the UK national interest theme. The National Security Council (NSC) is a strategy that is meant to protect UK nationals against the risks involved in the Somalia territory. Some of its policies are related to counter-terrorism, as well as development and humanitarian goals.

From 2010 to 2015, the Government of United Kingdom policy toward Piracy off the coast of Somalia had two objectives. One of the objectives is to lead in the role of global operations to restrict pirates. The other objective is to provide development and humanitarian assistance to Somalia. The main challenge is how to responds to UK security interests and promote UK values using the set policies The UK lead EU NAVFOC operation, which was counter-piracy policy. This operation became very effective by January 2011. By this time, there were 736 hostages and 32 ships which had been held by Piracy. After the policy, the UK and other partners put a lot of resources to prevent hijacking. The results were great; in 2010, there were 174 piracy attacks, and in 2011 there were 176 piracy attacks. However, in 2019 there was only a single piracy attack. This result indicates that the operation was successful and effective and the UK can pass the strategic shipment lane safe and secure.

Secondly, the UK not only leads to preventing hijacking but also in dealing with the root of the problem. There were various challenges that caused Piracy: the first reason was the illegal fishing which posed a direct threat to the livelihood as well as commercial of the Somali fishermen on the Indian Ocean coast. Competition in the fishing industry resulted due to the fact that the Somali utilized traditional fishing methods while foreign fishermen used more sophisticated fishing technologies. Moreover, the illegal fishers destroyed the Somali fishermen fishing equipment. However, the major problem is that the Somali government has failed in 1991 and the poverty and unemployment were unimaginable, so the people were recruited cheaply for dollars.

The UK policy towards Somalia piracy in 2015 was a response to both of those problems. The policy recognizes Somalia's exclusive economic zone and protects its natural maritime resources up 200 nautical miles. Secondly, the policy response to the poverty and unemployment by the Department for International Development (DFID) allocated £250 million to reduce poverty and to enhance stabilization of the country. One example of UK funding joining was the project with UNDP which aimed to improve the livelihood of the fishermen around the coastline of Puntland. The project was to create 20,000 long term jobs to prevent youth from joining the Piracy. Also, UK foreign policy supports the Somaliland process of democratization. The country participated in funding Somaliland elections and providing technical expertise to the Somaliland election commission. The state also supported the voting registration system which was very critical to the Somaliland voters (Parliament. UK. 2019). Regardless of Somaliland being independent, no one recognizes it. Therefore, the UK has been working closely with Somaliland to protect Somaliland and UK national interest. Some of these interests are revealed by the minister of Africa, Andrew Stephenson in his press release of UK aid provides. He suggested that “Somalia’s security is critical to stability in the region (Press release 08/2019)

Foreign policy is a great strategy to promote the interest of British nationals since one of the themes of UK national interest includes safeguarding the United Kingdom's national security by eliminating and countering terrorism as well as weapons proliferation. However, for long time piracy along the coast of Somalia has been a threat to the government of the UK as well as The National Security Council (NSC) strategies to protect the country's national security concerning Piracy. Dealing with terrorism is an example of how the state protects its national interests. These threats were linked to development and humanitarian goals. The UK foreign policy also enhances the country's national interest via its commitment to participate the international security and peace, in order to fulfil that commitment, they had a leading role to respond the Piracy off Somalia and successfully eliminated the Piracy. The government of the United Kingdom also funds some projects to create employment and improve the lives of the people of the coast of Somalia. These programs represent the British values, and foreign policy advanced it.


Britain seems to be an influential and effective partner in working with other states in protecting its national interests more so using foreign policy advancement. For instance, the country participated in the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO). The UK also pursue its national interest, joined the European Economic Community (EEC) in1973 which later become the European Union. As per this review, the British national interest has undergone many changes over the years. Some of the great changes include a change in Empire, Europeanist, and Internationalist, and the North Atlantic Treaty. Some of the reasons for these changes include protecting the country's national interest. UK foreign policies are also meant to promote the UK national interest and promote UK values. This is evidence of how the UK eliminated Piracy on the coast of Somali and funded a program that created long term jobs for people hence reducing piracy threats.

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  • Politics UK, Bill Jones and Philip Norton, 2014,
  • James, L. (1995). The rise and fall of the British empire. pp 583
  • foreign policy and national identity in the United Kingdom.
  • Written evidence from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Session 2010-11

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