Diaspora Communities and Religious Impact

  • 11 Pages
  • Published On: 09-11-2023


The concept of Diaspora communities has been evolved with time since its inception to the society that had deeply impact on the religious aspects of people as well. In other words, such communities have so far considered as an expatriate or they are termed as transnational communities. In fact, it has been contradicted by many critiques in respect of religious Diaspora and its community development that can be treated in accordance with the linguistic as well as historical groups (Migration data portal, 2020). In this respect, it can be considered that the community had to face tremendous level of discrimination from being an immigrant from their homeland. For students exploring these themes, seeking politics dissertation help can provide valuable insights into the socio-political dynamics at play.


On the other hand, it has been accepted from the background study and analysis that this community has been struggled for existence in diverse host lands and has been treated with bias in respect of religious sentiments and culture as well. The essay portrays about the examination of migration of these people into different host lands and drawing attention on its religious designation with regard to their status in a society.


Exploration of issues of religion and Diasporic experience

According to the research and analytical approach on the religious Diaspora, it has been accepted that most of the theme of migration has been taken place during the time of Second World War, as the literary scene based on which it has been undergone with a radical transformation. Zubair et al. (2020, p. 60) opined that it has been with the growing impact of migration that has emerged with state of mind of the people. It determines the fact that the refugees emigrated from their own home land to a host land, may not have satisfaction of mind due to a feeling of “Survivor guilt” In fact; it has also been observed that there lies an unconscious guilt in the mind of the refugees as well for not being able to associate with the left land that was promised as well. For example, the immigrants who are male from an Islamic nation may find it weird to have an open communication with women belongs to western country on the other hand.

Based on this critical, it has been well acknowledged that certain conflicts of acceptance of culture and perceptions might have a deeper impact on the economic development of the nations well (Grfdt.com, 2020). Hence, it has been considered that religious Diaspora along with its designation needs to be aligned with host nations’ regulatory policies as well.

Examination of Spiritual Practices and its relationship with of Jewish Diasporic identification

Practicing spiritual activities within a new community has been considered to be a social migrant having societal norms and impact on the Diasporic communities of Jews seems to be ideal example of settling down with effective area of concerns with the help of managing the job. Shirazi (2019, p. 500) stated that considering the educational influence is another key concern about how to deal with Diasporic counterspaces. In this respect, it indicates the fact that Jewish religion has been observed with critical concern.

On the contrary, Asscher and Shiff (2020, p. 15), argued that there need to be homeland prisms, as an internal negotiation of national identities of such migrants. This had mainly focused on the key area of in-depth discussion and analysis on the changing landscape of religion. In other words, it has been found that some of the integral events or movements had mainly created global crises and conflicts as well so that there can be equality of migrated people on the same time. For example, it has been found that majority of Diaspora populations like African or else Chinese Diaspora community seems to be different from each other with respect of social and physical perceptions. This gave an acknowledgement that most of the spiritual practices have deeper influence on minority of culture and stance that has questioned on others’ views (Levitt, 2007). Hence, it gives an impact on the geographic regions in terms of these differences.

The reason behind religious communities to be designated, as Diaspora

According to Gellis (2020, 50), it has been acknowledged that Diasporic communities over time and space may require establishing their religious sentiments on the context of society and change in the ideal environment of host land. It depicts that Jewish Diaspora especially belongs to the Israel religion have been influenced by numerous cultural aspects as well as using culinary practices.

Besides, Mbwangi (2020, p.10) commented that religious designation of such communities needs to be significant, in respect of identity and ethnicity of the culture and race and focusing on social dynamic attributes. In relation to this practice, it has been considered with the effective association with the religious norms and challenges of Christianity and Roman practices that made it possible for the purpose of assimilation of both the culture. For example, if the Jewish gets designated, then they would be able find better assimilation of culture and mixed of variation among people with time and evolution

Moreover, Agwanda and Özoral (2020, p. 70), opined that popularity of African Diaspora and its community attributes have maintained with respect of cuisines as well as cultural attributes and respective homelands on the other side. This gave an immense and in-depth understanding and learning association between contemporary purposes as well as growing interests of culture and heritage with deeper concern. For example, for religious designation, if an African culture is found to be distinct among other culture, it is quite evident to be involved in sports and business activities (Asscher and Shiff, 2020, p. 10). Hence, in this respect, it has been considered that most of the reasons are found to be in favor of this fact that religious designation of certain countries like Africa may have a good mixture of tastes and preferences of mind. Hence, if designations of certain communities or regional locations are significant here, it might bring some unity and equality in respect of this every single spectrum.

Reasons for not designating any religious Diaspora

From the above perception, it has been well identified that most of the prospects in association with religious Diaspora need to be counted in respect of time and cultural space. Posman (2016, p. 194), mentioned that in exile and Diaspora, as religious concern, it has been conventional in terms of cross-cultural communication that most of the designation are not being possible to further into practice, as it might produce a series of contradictions in respect of cross-cultural barriers as well as communication challenges beside. In other words, it might have to adopt different initiatives in adopting the cultural norms and pattern of behavior so that it cannot be stopped due to any social issues.

Noman (2019, p. 60) argued that there have been a constant debate against this issue of focusing on the migrants groups that are emigrated from Arabian nations. For example, there has been observed that Arab-American association has been considered to be so far as one of the ‘Umbrella of Diaspora’ that makes a mixture of Western Hegemonic discourses in redefining the cultural aspects as well. Hence, it has been evident from this kind of particular contribution that made its way towards heterogeneous form of cultural association as well.

Depending on the above contradiction, it can be identified that most of the key areas of dominance over religious Diaspora lies at the bottom line of unity for having cultural position, as the Diasporic impact on identification and domination on other religion (Ho and McConnell, 2019, p. 255). Apart from this, it can be accepted from behalf of this fact that progress in human geography is possible only due to the major impact of “Diaspora diplomacy” in some of the countries; it has been acknowledged that territorial relationship pattern has been another major concern against diplomacy between religion and dichotomy of relationship (Agwanda and Özoral, 2020, p.70). Considering this key facts and features, it has been understood that the people left out from their homeland needs to take some serious outlook into the major area of Diaspora Programme that is based on special disciplinary areas of engagement. To this respect, it has been basically based on the crucial concern that made it possible about inventions as well as impact of Diasporic impact on human psychology.

Discussion on the comparison between designating or not designating any Religious Diaspora

Based on the above reasons of religious Diaspora of multiple countries and its sentiments linked with, it has been understood and realized that an analogous of homogenous and discreet culture has been mainly relied on the anthropology as well as individual sequences of life styles and characteristics (Ogunyemi, 2020, p. 14). It delineates the fact that Diasporic terminological dispersal has been found that, as per major area of concern, the reasons behind such type of migration has been made it possible that let most of the communities work in accordance with the perception of mass media formations. However, it has been evident from the overall analysis that there has been multiple a contradictions as well as concerns about many types of identities that gave majority of people are having emotional conflicts among one another that gave a new ray of look into the matter of religion as well.

Other than this, there have been differences of thoughts and perceptions about this key concern that gave more information that some of the evidentiary bases of new industrial base and civil human rights are concerned; it is required to be constructed on the basis of contemporary attributes and religious protections (Clarke, 2017, p. 155). In accordance with this concept, it has been evident that majority of migration among ethnic groups takes place due to the critical issues in relation with Atlantic religious practices. Hence, in this concern, it has been rendered with legible formation that made it possible to explore how the religious packages have enabled the law of unity and diversity within one nation or how it has been neglected for not being able to find proper association with migration of religious groups as well.

Understanding about Diasporic knowledge in respect of communities with religious dilemma

According to the above analysis it has been well acknowledged from various aspects that cultural and regional aspects of Diasporic identity has been influenced by many thoughts that communities of Jews have been found to be eligible in terms of gaining high concerns in relation with habituated prospects as well as maximum amount of community expansion (Clarke, 2017, p. 155 ). At the same time, it has been identified that most of the typical areas of terminological aspects of Diaspora and media have focused on this major fact that shows serious concerns about human feelings in association with knowledge and expertise gained. In this regard, it has been accepted from these major prospects that majority of religious sentiments have been supported with transformation and study of human nature and psychological perspectives. Based on that, it has been evident from this key fact that most of the people involving into religious practices have tried to establish religious dominance at one place and steady flow of channelizing on the major area of Diasporic publics as well.

However, it has been acknowledged well about this serious fact that different levels of Diasporas have been involved for the development of participation of all inclusive facts and figures at the end. In association with passive information gathering is concerned, it has been found that majority of members associated with sharing responsibilities have tried to understand about interested parties of government as well as developing actors in association with Diasporas to inform policies and practices (Ogunyemi, 2020, p. 14). Therefore, it can be accepted from this serious fact that there have been multiple contradictions in respect of religious biasness as well as dominance in relationship with co association with key partners as well as involving variety of religious people forming an alliance together.

Ethical and regulatory concerns about Religious Diaspora

According to ethical perceptions and regulatory concerns, religious Diaspora has been considered to have some negotiations between adaptation as well as emergence of new forms of agency. Santos-Fraile (2020, p. 179) mentioned that migration from Eastern into Western of the Diaspora may afford to have socio-cultural terms and conditions in respect of finding key association of diversification as well as regularization processes in the country as well. In this respect, it seems to be evident that most of the living environment in new location becomes automatically adapted and adjusted, as people are accustomed to the habits and culture of migratory concerns.

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On the other hand, Boehnke et al. (2020, p. 0230303) observed that conceiving one’s national group of transgenerational influence, foreign and Diasporic migrants have been evident for making this concern about the crisis of refugees that has social implications as well as so-called social implications of European Union. In relation to this concern, it has been evident from this point of view that gave a behavioral intention in relationship with derogatory sentiments that gets expressed in front of Diaspora and ‘foreign’ migrants (Clarke, 2017, p. 155). Hence, based on this perception above, it has been inclined with the serious outlook that national group identification has been in social psychology as well as temporal dimension breaks with the end of classical concepts. It means, referring to national or ethnic group merely suggests social structure of contemporary involvement. However, as per laws of different nations like Israel or China, there is a possibility of having human rights of citizenship to settle down in any country post immigration (JCPA, 2020). This is also known as law of Return, where religious and cultural sentiments of Jews can be formed in accordance with immigration policy as well as managing it terms of civil rights of the Jews or Jewish Laws of Public Agenda. Hence, this can be evident that more of nations protecting the human rights are believed to be saving the rights of the human rights and believes together.


From the overall analysis and evaluation above, it has been well identified that Diasporas of any country needs to adopt and absorb cultural norms as well as sentiments of other people. At the same time, it has been acquired from the above aspects that Asian culture most specifically the Jews have been identified with the habit of depending on new forms of culture and pattern of qualities that can make some new venture in respect of a mother land.

On the other hand, it has been it has been well acknowledged that religious bias in a Diaspora of any country may have deeper impact on thoughts and perceptions. In that respect, it needs to be evident from this point of view that political and cultural divisions have their greater impacts on human beings. Hence, it has been accepted that if it depends on religious sentiments as well as multiple qualities of people, it would be convincing about their qualities of being associated with secularism ideology and principles as well. Therefore, religious communities should have designation that may not be misinterpreted or misleading on a particular nation that belongs to diversity and unity as well.


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  • Clarke, K.M., 2017. Beyond Genealogies: Expertise and Religious Knowledge in Legal Cases Involving African Diasporic Publics. Transforming Anthropology, 25(2), pp.130-155.
  • Gellis, E., 2020. “Hadassah, that is Esther:” Diasporic Rhetoric in the Book of Esther. The Routledge Handbook of Comparative World Rhetorics: Studies in the History, Application, and Teaching of Rhetoric Beyond Traditional Greco-Roman Contexts.
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  • Santos-Fraile, S., 2020. The Sikh Gender Construction and Use of Agency in Spain: Negotiations and Identity (Re) Constructions in the Diaspora. Religions, 11(4), p.179.
  • Shirazi, R., 2019. “Somewhere We Can Breathe”: Diasporic Counterspaces of Education as Sites of Epistemological Possibility. Comparative Education Review, 63(4), pp.480-501.
  • Zubair, H.B., Khalid, M. and Hashmi, A., 2020. Analyzing Psychoanalytical Perspective of Immigration and Marginalization: Hyphenated Diasporic Identities in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane. sjesr, 3(2), pp.59-67.

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