Organisational Structures and Culture A case study on Met Police

  • 13 Pages
  • Published On: 17-11-2023


Organisational values, norms restructure the culture in the workplace which in turn influences the organisational leaders and managers to develop suitable structure to manage the operations and run the operations successfully (Kraśnicka, Głód and Wronka-Pośpiech, 2018). Through the organisational culture as well as structure, it is possible for the company to manage their activities and handle the employees, who are the major stakeholders of the business. The study focuses on organisational culture and structure and its impacts on running the business sustainably. Through this study, it is also possible to analyse the organisation Met Police, which is famous police service providing organisation, where the organisational structure and culture in the workplace will be evaluated further. In the second part of the study, there is management strategic planning through which the management style of the organisational will be evaluated further which are beneficial for the organisation Met Police to maintain their operations and handle the staff members sustainably. The organisation Met Police is commonly known as Metropolitan Police and it is the territorial police force, responsible for law enforcement in the Metropolitan Police district, which includes 32 London boroughs (Metropolitan Police, 2020a). For students looking to explore such topics further, they can seek assistance from experts offering UK dissertation help.

Figure 1: Organisational logo of Met Police
Metropolitan Police, 2020 It has significant national responsibilities which are coordinating and leading the UK counter terrorism matters, protecting the royal family, certain members of the government and others efficient and the organisation is successful in maintaining the efficacy of public services to protect the individual in the country. It has been established in the year of 1829 and it is legal police force under the jurisdiction of UK. As per October, 2020, there are 32620 police officers, who are handling the operations efficiently to protect the social communities. Apart from that, 9716 police staff, 1257 police community support officers, 1882 special officers, who are working efficiently to fulfil their job role and responsibilities. The organisation has four business groups which are specialist operations, frontline policing, met operations and professionalism. Through the business units, the management team and the officers are trying to control their activities and maximise the organisational values in long run (Metropolitan Police, 2020b). Whatsapp

Section 1: Organisational Structure, Culture, and Politics

Organisational structure

Organisational structure is the system of outlining the operational activities, which are directed by the leader in order to achieve the organisational aims and objectives. The organisational structure includes the rules and legislations, clear roles and responsibilities which provide appropriate information to the staff members to fulfil their job role and contribute positively in achieving the organisational success.

Figure 2: Organisational structure of Met Police
Organisational structure of Met Police

The organisational structure at Met Police is also effective to run the operations in a systematic way, the organisation aims at working together for creating safer London and in this regard, maintaining good organisational structure is mandatory for the institution to handle all the stakeholders including the officers, staff, police force and others in the workplace, so that they would be able to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in near future. As per the structure at Met Police, more than 44000 officers and staff are working together. It is the UK’s largest police service institution to serve the best public services and security to the social communities across the UK, it also has 25% of total police budget for England and Wales where the organisational structure and division at the police force are beneficial to manage the staff and officers and meet the working responsibility at the workplace (Metropolitan Police, 2020c). The personnel of the organisation are divided into different departments and threes are such as,

32,620 Police officers

9,716 Police staff

1,257 Police community support officers

1,882 Special officers

The organisation is mainly supporting the strategic services covering the people and change in the society, commercial and finance, media and communication as well as government and digital transformation, these are mandatory to be managed well at the organisation and the workforce are efficient to manage the activities as well. As per the organisational structure above, there are coordination and urgency committee as well as the informal training, seminar and formal training management committee which support the organisation continuously to manage the working practice in the institution (Metropolitan Police, 2020c). On the other hand, there are different department under the police organisation which is,

Professional standard and performance monitoring committee Finance planning and best value committee Human resource department Consultation, diversity and outreach committee Audit panel

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These are the major department which manage the police force in the organisation. All the committees are trying to cooperate and manage their activities to protect the police force and lead them through strategic management. Apart from that, there are different departments of police forces, which are maintained efficiently, and the major departments are such as police officer, police staff, police community support officer and social officer, all the departments are maintained well as well as the committees are also efficient to manage human resources and lead them successfully towards achieving the future organisational aim. The organisational structure is hereby important to be maintained efficiently, where different departments are able to fulfil their functions and run the activities strategically. In this regard, the audit committee is responsible to audit the whole, process and establish the data and information successfully. On the other hand, the human resource department is able to manage the officers and police staff and provide them suitable structure to work smoothly. Finance committee is possible to manage the accounting system and capital budgetary investment and on the other hand, there is performance monitoring committee which is able to review the performance of the police force and arrange training and development program to maximise their efficacy in long run for meeting the aim ofcreating a safer London (Metropolitan Police, 2020c).

Role of organisational culture

The organisational culture is the collection of values, practice in the internal workable and the expectations which are fulfilled by the organisational leader (Mansouri, Singh and Khan, 2018). The corporate culture in the public service organisation is important to protect human rights and manage the employees so that they would be encouraged for showing creativity and contributing with their full capabilities to meet the organisational objectives. The leader and the management team are responsible to create good corporate culture in the organisational workplace for providing friendly and suitable atmosphere to them employees, so that they can work efficiently. The mission of the organisation Met Police is to keep London safe for everyone and to fulfil the mission, the organisation focuses on the matters in London and work hard to investigate it closely for the benefits of the public. For achieving the best outcome, the Met Police is able to invest the matter and ensure justice in support of victims (Metropolitan Police, 2020b). The values and standard of work are the major factors that improves the organisational culture at Met Police and in this regard the values are such as, Professionalism Integrity Compassion Courage The organisational leader is compassionate and concerned to manage the employees at the workplace. The leader is able to fulfil the needs and preferences of the officers and police staff that are able to work and also maintain work life balance (Antony, Rodgers and Gijo, 2016). The public service is an urgency based task and cooperation and communication at the workplace are mandatory to fulfil the job role of the officers. In this regard the leader and the management team at Met Police are efficient to protect human rights and create values for the police force as a whole. Maintaining professionalism at the workplace is also necessary and it creates good corporate culture. There is professionalism as well as good standard of working activities which further enhances the efficacy of the police force. Integrity management, respect for others and positive body language at the workplace are also helpful where Met Police is able to handle the workforce and create values for them. Positive interaction among the individuals at the workplace as well as encouraging open discussion is also good strategic planning of the leader to develop corporate culture. Additionally, there is partnership working practice to meet the objective of creating safer London, where the police force and senior officers are collaborating with each other to support the victims within effective time. This collaboration and strong communication further helps them to work as a team and investigate the matters in the country efficiently. Hence, the organisational culture of Met Police is effective to manage the workforce and lead the team members towards achieving the organisational objective (Metropolitan Police, 2020d).

Impact of local government and central government policies

The government policies and central government legislations are effective for the organisation to strategise their business and run the operations successfully. The Met Police service is mandatory for creating safer London and the police forces, officers and other staff members are proficient to support each other and reduce crime rate in the society. The government is also collaborating with rules and regulations, where the police forces are following to support the victims. Additionally, the employment rules, equality and diversity management practice are also there where the UK government support the leader of the institution to protect their police force and manage them efficiently. The employment rules, safety and security of the police staff member in the organisation as well as the monetary and non-monetary incentives are there to support the employees and encourage them to perform better. In this regard, the UK government is supportive and also collaborating with Met Police to provide high quality public services so that the social communities will be safe in near future (Metropolitan Police, 2020c). The major impacts of local government and central government policies at the organisation Met Police are such as high efficiency of the police officers and staff, partnership working practice as well as the safety concern management. The staff members can work safely and there is strong security force that is protecting the senior officer team successfully (Wankhade and Patnaik, 2020). The government rules are also having positive impacts on the operations of Met police, where the performance of the institution is enhanced and efficacy of the staff members in the police force is maximising throughout the period of time. The budgetary planning as well as adequate investment are also manageable due to structured government policy and practice which further encourage the whole police force to give their full capabilities to reduce the crime rate in the society.

Assess monitoring and accountability

Monitoring and controlling the working practice in the organisation is fruitful for enhancing the overall performance of the police force and enhances the efficacy of the police officer to reduce the crime rate and support the victims for justice. In this regard, the chain of command is important where the information is shared in the workplace efficiently. There is digital database management system as well as the information book, from where all the police staff can gain understanding about the cases and gather more information for further investigation. On the other hand, there is group meeting and discussion which are helpful for the senior officer to share the information about the cases with the police staff members to investigate the case successfully (Mc Evoy, Ragab and Arisha, 2019). On the other hand, span of control is another practice to monitor the performance and in this regard, the supervisor and senior police officer try to review the performance of the police staff and share the commands on their performance for further improvement. Line of authority is also maintained well, where the supervisor has the rights to monitor the performance and provide the job description to improve their efficiently. The management team is also cooperative where team working activities and group discussion can be developed and this is considered as a good practice for managing the performance of the staff and enhances their productivity and efficacy to protect the social communities in London.

Section 2: Managing the Public Sector

Management approaches at Met Police

The management approaches are mandatory for the organisation to lead the followers and handle good workplace so that the employees can perform better. In this regard, the management approach in Met police is related to supportive leadership, interpersonal behavioural approach, and cooperative social system. These are effective for Met police to manage their activities and handle the police force successfully. The supportive leadership style is beneficial, where the leader of Met police is able to direct the police force and share all the necessary information to support them continuously (Lockhart, Shahani and Bhanugopan, 2020). On the other hand, the systematic approach with cooperation and communication is also there at the workplace of Met police, which provides a scope to the organisation to handle the staff members and create good bonding and team work in future. The organisational managers are able to perform under systematic structure where all the departments are cooperating with each other for fulfilling the organisational values and strategic mission. In this regard, the participative managerial style is also beneficial, where the management team of Met police is able to support the police force with adequate information and other resources required to investigate the cases in the society (Metropolitan Police, 2020d). Additionally, the managers are also able to motivate the police staff members and officers to give their full capabilities and perform efficiently for creating safe environment for the social communities across the UK. Hence, the managerial style and management practice at the workplace is important for the senior officer to lead the police staff towards achieving the future success. The organisation is also able to handle the team of police staff, senior officer and investigating officer to enhance teamwork so that they can work as a partnership basis and investigate the cases critically.

Evaluating the motivational activities

Motivational activities are crucial to be designed effectively at the workplace as the managers try to encourage the staff members continuously for creating values. There are different motivational factors in the Met police, where the managers try to maximise the values of the police force. There is flexibility at the workplace as well as freedom to work, which provides a scope to the employees to handle work life balance (Chión, Charles and Morales, 2019). Additionally, the structured salary as per the position in the organisation and the job responsibility of the police staff, as well as incentives for over duties are there which are also beneficial to encourage the police staff members and officers to perform better and contribute efficiently for reducing the crime rate in the society. On the other hand, the government benefits are there for the employees at Met police as well as provident fund and security provided by the UK government will motivate the police officers to work proficiently and identify the criminal to support the victims in the society. Hence, safety and security management, flexibility, structured salary and government fund for the employees are the major motivational factors in Met police which encourage the creativity of the police force and motivate them to perform better in meeting the organisational objectives (Metropolitan Police, 2020c).

Importance of organisational behaviour on the performance of teams in the public sector

The organisational behaviour is hereby important for maintaining good workplace and leads the employees towards achieving the future success in the public sector. The public sector plays a crucial role in creating values for the social communities and in this regard the company must be concerned about the organisational behaviour so that they can handle the staff members and maximise their performance in long run. Kolb reflective model is effective to evaluate the importance of organisational behaviour on the performance of the employees in the public sector and as per the model; there are four parts which are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimental (Chandler, Heidrich and Kasa, 2017). Through working in the public sector, it is possible to gather experience and the organisational behaviour in the public institution is important to encourage the staff and develop partnership working practice so that every staff member can contribute and collaborate with each other for better performance. Reviewing the experience is also mandatory and reflective observation provides a scope to understand that the organisational values and corporate culture provide suitable environment to the employees in public sector, where safety and security is maintained as well as there is job security and structured salary which will motivate the staff to perform better. The managers in the public sector is also concerned about the performance of the staff and they arrange training and development program which further provides a scope to the employees to improve their knowledge and skill for better performance in near future.

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It can be concluded that, the organisation Met Police is able to protect the social communities across the UK, where the strong employee base with police staff members, officers investigating committee are the major success factors of the organisation. The organisational structure and culture are also suitable where corporate culture is developed and it further provides a scope to the leader to protect the human rights and manage the employees in long run., transparency and accountability management as well as respect for others, diversity and equality management are the major practice of Met police through which the leader aims at developing partnership working practice at the workplace so that every police staff and officers can collaborate and protect the society from criminals. The management practice also has crucial impacts on the operations of Met police and in this regard the organisational leader and management team are able to lead the police officers and staff and handle the strong police force successfully in long run. High communication and transformational leadership style further reshape the managerial practice which is advantageous for Met police to protect the police force and encourage them to work efficiently for meeting the organisational objective of creating safer London.

Reference List

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