Adapting to a Changing World

Adaptation to Change:

World is changing with every step and to cope up with the change human being has been taking the initiative to change accordingly. Adaptation is the potentiality in an individual to change oneself with the environment and technology (Rumore, Schenk & Susskind.2016). The ability to change according to the environment and technology helps the individual to learn many new things in every step and explore the new world of change in a different way. The main focus in the research is to comprehend the mental state of an individual while adapting to new changes, and how much beneficial it would be to accept the change. According to the theory of Jean Piaget the adaptation is a crucial process that leads to mental, emotional and subjective development in an individual.

Assimilation: The adaptation procedures of assimilation includes the changes of an individual with respect to the information taken from outside the surroundings and get it matched with the existing ideas and make the acceptability to the surrounding changes(Grabowska et al.2017). Sometimes the new changes get easily assimilated with the existing ideas however; many a times it is seen that new ideas take time to get accustomed to the old ones easily.

Accommodation: Accommodation of the new ideas adds a lot many new aspects and thinking ability in an individual (Lussier.2017). The new ideas make the individual think sensibly and adapt it to get it executed with the change of time.

Evaluation of adaptation to change:

Adaptation in change is actually the way that human being changes with the change in nature (Bernatchez.2016). However; it is also true that new ways of changing can change the values in an individual and sometimes it may not be helpful or ineffective (Cameron & Green.2019). It may be that old ideas are far more effective in the way of work than the new ones which make the individual distracted about what is wrong and what is right.

Efficacy of personal development through adaptation of change:

After the study of the adaptation to change in the human behaviour it is relevant that this technique efficiently improves the thinking power in an individual and at the same time makes them able to evaluate the difference between wrong and right. The adaptation of changes aids in the personality development and makes them think and take decisions in a very broader and larger perspective. Moreover sometimes new ideas also sprang up after the adaptation of the change.


Culture psychology

Culture psychology can be defined as the analytical study of the psychological procedures that define the impact of culture on the psychological behaviour of the associates (Huggins & Thompson, 2019). In regards to the interim condition that is created because of the impact of culture on the mind and vice versa.

The reciprocity of culture and mind/thinking 'through culture'

The corresponding and the reciprocated behaviour of the culture of an individual and the mental capabilities have been dependent on the execution of the human wits (Huggins & Thompson, 2019). However it could be said that rules and regulations that decides the reciprocal behaviour in the cultural psychology is through the communication between the people which requires a correspondent response from another individual.

The need to understand people in the context

The requirement is to realize the emotion, the behaviour, the motivation, and the cognition of each person in the interaction (Doan, Lee &Wang, 2019). The main requirement lies in the establishment of relevant characteristics of the cultures of the individuals. Emotions play an important role as to comprehend with the individual one has to get acquainted to the mental conditions and the emotions that play a subsequent role within the person.

Emotion knowledge

Emotion is a phenomenon that is present in every individual on earth. It presents a prototypical scenario that represents the various entities concerning the responses at the time of any interaction (Doan, Lee &Wang, 2019). It subjects to the mental changes which occur due to neural activation. In this circumstance, emotional knowledge bears the utmost importance. The change in the emotion in an individual clearly detects that he has adapted to the change in the situation and reacted to it accordingly.

Sternberg theory of 'Successful Intelligence'

The theory of Successful Intelligence provides the principles of an intellectual manner. It represents the creative ability and analytical strength that permits the individuals for attending the success in cultural contexts (Sternberg, 2018). Sternberg postulated the theory to demonstrate the mechanism of the practical, creative, and analytical powers of the individuals. The theory gives the readers an idea that when the systematic, imaginative and empirical abilities in an individual functions together it brings out positive result and allows the individual to achieve success in all aspects.

Indigenous psychology

How western psychology is not appropriate for the other cultures

The psychological occurrences have essentially relied on the cultures. The psychological structure of European and American culture is regarded as Western psychology. On the other side, the Asiatic culture focuses on Eastern psychology. The religious consequence of the Athenian, Christian, etc. differs in various aspects from the cultures of Hinduism and Buddhism. The psychological traits in each culture cannot fit in the others (Sundararajan, 2019). The political, ideological, or disciplinary virtues display the significant distinction of the western psychology.

The idea that indigenous methods should be used to produce psychological knowledge about cultural groups

The indigenous methods are stemmed from various social factors like political and literary influences. The religious, economic, and other traits present the unique characteristics of the context (Marecek & Christopher, 2018). Scientific knowledge and applied knowledge are the primary categories of the psychological knowledge of the indigenous methods.

The idea that a universal global psychology can be formed by combining the findings of multiple indigenous psychologies.

The indigenous psychological trait indicates the native aspects of the cultural origins. However, every psychological factor is rooted in the indigenous culture. The unification of all such factors creates the global trend of psychology. Nationalism plays a vital character in such circumstances (Allwood, 2020). The traditional virtues of civilization are spread all over the world and it is followed with the ultimate importance in spite of several alterations. Looking for further insights on Workplace Stress: Analysis? Click here.

Self and identity topic for the theory-based


What is self-awareness?

Self-awareness deals with the consciousness of the mental states of emotions, feelings, and behaviours that defines the self-concept of individuals.

Public vs private self

Public self-awareness states the mental awareness of the individuals when viewed from the perception of other people (Caldwell and Hayes, 2016). On the other side, private self-awareness displays the personal traits of mental conditions.

Reduced self-awareness & deindividuation

The reduction of the awareness factors of the individuals is termed as deindividualization. It is a psychological phenomenon that discusses the traits of having lower awareness of one's self.

Strengths and weaknesses:

It has been observed that self awareness has consciousness among the individuals and they get mentally active and alert to any situations and could act accordingly (Ariel et al.2018). However reduced self awareness in an individual would act as a threat for the individual as they would not be able to think logically and empirically and act to any upcoming situation.


Self awareness is effective in building the consciousness in an individual and at the same time thinks rationally to any situation to get it resolved easily. Self awareness improves the thinking power and creates a strong identity of an individual as a whole.


Self knowledge is referred to as the ways an individual acts to any situation through the use of the self intelligence and presence of mind (Rapp &Cena.2016). The mental condition of the individual gets active and executes the situation in a very cognitive way (Orth, Thurgood & Hoven.2018). Based on the Self discrepancy theory self knowledge could be enhanced and improved.

Evaluation of the self discrepancy theory:

The self discrepancy theory of Higgins postulates the self detection of the situations and act upon it accordingly(Kruglanski et al.2018). This theory makes the individual strong and self dependant. However this theory sometimes misguides individual as is quiet obvious that a person cannot be right all the time and this could mislead the individual to a wrong way creating a confusion and mind stress.

Application of the self discrepancy theory:

The application of the self discrepancy theory makes improvement in the ways that an individual think and handle the situation (Mandel et al.2017). It also makes an individual focussed on the self decision and increases the will power of them. This theory further motivates man to take opinion and determine it without relying on others. As a whole it could be stated that self discrepancy theory boosts up the thinking power in an individual.

Narrative identity & the cultural psychology of identity

What is narrative identity?

The narrative identity refers to the unification of the personal experiences of the individuals into a narration that supports the unique qualities of the person.

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Hammack's integrated model of personal & social identity in the context

This theory postulates the identical personal or social behaviours of the individuals in terms of uniqueness as per the situations (Christy et al., 2016).

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McAdams' model of psychological self as actor, agent, & author

This theory incorporates the self-analysis by configuring ideas on social, cultural, personal, developmental, and cognitive trends on psychology as an actor, agent, and author (Christy et al., 2016).


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Allwood, C.M., (2020). Yang’s global psychology and beyond. In Global psychology from indigenous perspectives (pp. 111-128). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Ariel, B., Sutherland, A., Henstock, D., Young, J., Drover, P., Sykes, J., ... & Henderson, R. (2018). Paradoxical effects of self-awareness of being observed: Testing the effect of police body-worn cameras on assaults and aggression against officers. Journal of experimental criminology, 14(1), 19-47.

Bernatchez, L. (2016). On the maintenance of genetic variation and adaptation to environmental change: considerations from population genomics in fishes. Journal of Fish Biology, 89(6), 2519-2556.

Christy, A.G., Seto, E., Schlegel, R.J., Vess, M. & Hicks, J.A., (2016). Straying from the righteous path and from ourselves: The interplay between perceptions of morality and self-knowledge. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(11), pp.1538-1550.

Doan, S.N., Lee, H.Y. & Wang, Q., (2019). Maternal mental state language is associated with trajectories of Chinese immigrant children’s emotion situation knowledge. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(1), pp.43-52.

Huggins, R. & Thompson, P., (2019). The behavioural foundations of urban and regional development: Culture, psychology and agency. Journal of Economic Geography, 19(1), pp.121-146.

Kruglanski, A. W., Jasko, K., Milyavsky, M., Chernikova, M., Webber, D., Pierro, A., & Di Santo, D. (2018). Cognitive consistency theory in social psychology: A paradigm reconsidered. Psychological Inquiry, 29(2), 45-59.

Mandel, N., Rucker, D. D., Levav, J., & Galinsky, A. D. (2017). The compensatory consumer behavior model: How self-discrepancies drive consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(1), 133-146.

Rapp, A., & Cena, F. (2016). Personal informatics for everyday life: How users without prior self-tracking experience engage with personal data. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 94, 1-17.

Sundararajan, L., (2019). Introduction to the special issue on “Indigenous psychology: What’s the next step?”. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 39(2), p.65.

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