Exploring Life Course Development Theories


The Life Course Theory is referred to an emerging interdisciplinary approach which seeks to determine and understand various factors that are shaping the lives of the people (Hutchison, 2018). In this assignment, the human life course development theories are to be identified for determining the way they apply on the case study of Amara and Lucas. The biological, environmental and social determinants that influence development of Amara and Lucas is to be discussed. Moreover, the challenges and dilemmas faced by Amara and Lucas in the diversity of life are to be explained, highlighting the need for psychology dissertation help in navigating all these complexities.

Identifying major theories for understanding human life course and the way they are applied in the case study

The Elder's Life Course approach inform five key principles that influences development which is geographic and socio-historic location, timing of lives, heterogeneity, social ties and human agency and personal control (Connolly et al. 2017). According to Elder's theory, the personal development of an individual is embedded and changed by the events and condition occurring during the historical period along with the geographic location in which a person is living (Levy and Bühlmann, 2016). In the given case study, it is seen that Amara is born in Kerela and educated in India where the socio-historic condition supports patriarchial society. The patriarchal society is the system where the government or the society mentions the male to act as dominant in the society and is regarded as the head of the family allowing women to have less freedom and rights to put their opinion or take decision in the society (Bhattacharya, 2016). Thus, Amaar’s upbringing in India may have led her to consider male to be dominant part of the family and has made her experience dilemma to avoid raising her voice against her husband Lucas who continuously abuses her of his alcohol addiction.


The individual time is referred to the growing up periods of life during which roles and rights in the society continuously change based on the changing age of the individuals (McGarrol, 2017). In case of Lucas, it is found that during his individual time in the childhood he lacked continuous support from her aunt who used to remain away from him for availing services to cope with her depression. Moreover, Amara was also found to lack proper affection and support from her mother and father as she was raised in boarding school. Thus, this lack of proper support in understanding the changing roles in life course to be managed during their development may have led Amara and Lucas to develop challenge in understanding the proper behaviour to be maintained by them in their married life. The heterogeneity refers to diversity in character which is developed based on varied resources and influence of cultural capital and social support (Van Ham and Tammaru, 2016). In case of Lucas, it is seen that during the growing up years he has seen his aunt who is the key guardian to be abused by her husband who never protested against his deeds. Thus, this family social structure may have influenced Lucas to develop the concept of violence to be normal which has acted as challenge for him to overcome and abuse his wife Amara.

The Elder’s theory in regard to social ties mentions that individual and social experiences are linked throughout the family leading to the development of shared relationship. The sudden death of a person acts as stressful event which is able to trigger different patterns of behaviour within the family (Hatch, 2018). This informs that the sudden death of the aunt who was the only guardian for Lucas may have adversely affected his psychological condition to become depressed. Thus, out of depression, Lucas may have adopted his alcoholic behaviour which has, in turn, influenced him to be violent. This is because alcohol is regarded to adversely affect the brain functioning disrupting their normal performance leading individuals to be impulsive and show aggression or violence (Rehm et al. 2017). In respect to human agency and personal control, Elder mentions that people involve in planful competence which indicates that their thoughts are proactive and self-controlled under their choices (Hatch, 2018). This indicates that Amara may have already planned to avoid leaving Lucas irrespective of his abusive behaviour due to which she is neglecting his continuous abuses.

The Bandura’s Social learning Theory informs that without proper attention an individual cannot learn the task to be performed (Horsburgh and Ippolito, 2018). This is because lack of focus makes the individual unable to determine the way actions is to be made to accomplish the task. In the given case study, Amara may not be able to leave Lucas irrespective of his continuous abuse may be that she is not focussed or inclined to leave her husband. Thus, it has led her to accept the continuous apology of Lucas and avoid divorcing him. Bandura’s theory also informs that human life course learning is developed through retention or internalising memories (Devi et al. 2017). The Bandura’s Social Learning theory informs that individuals reproduce previously developed information such as skills, knowledge and other when needed. However, with practice through physical and mental rehearsal often changes in responses occurs (Edinyang, 2016). This indicates that Lucas may have presently become alcoholic by reproducing the information learned from his uncle during childhood that alcohol provides relief to the stress and assist in controlling emotions of individuals. Bandura’s Social Learning informs that motivation to execute certain behaviour is developed through punishment and reward received (Harinie et al. 2017). It indicates that people if punished for executing certain behaviour the avoid showcasing the behaviour and vice-versa. This is because punishment leads the person to understand that the action is wrong and makes them aware to avoid doing the same thing (Harinie et al. 2017). Thus, in the case of Lucas, since no punishment from Amara is received by him irrespective of his continuous physical abuse on her it has motivated him to further continue the behaviour.

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Determining way human development is related to biological, social and environmental determinants

The social determinants that influence human development are referred to the condition in growth and development of the individuals occurs such as socio-economic condition, education, employment and others (Amate-Fortes et al. 2017). As asserted by Zuelke et al. (2018), unemployment leads individuals to develop depression and adopt addiction towards substance abuse. This is because lack of employment makes individuals feel dissatisfied life and hindered well-being as they worry regarding their financial situation. As argued by Bijlsma et al. (2017), unemployed people develop addiction to alcohol to overcome their depression and disturbed psychological condition. This is because alcohol acts as a sedative and depressant that influences the brain to calm down and resolve fear along with creates hindered effect on the mind and body. In case of Lucas, his unemployed condition may have led him to face challenges of depression and involve in alcohol abuse.

In the study by Thobois et al. (2017), it is mentioned that people suffering from Parkinson’s disease due to the worsening of their syndrome experience stress and anxiety along with depression. This is because the condition leads to create change in the brain chemistry which in turn makes the person unable to control their emotions properly. Thus, it indicates that Lucas may be facing challenges of being depressed and stressed as a result of his Parkinson's disease which has also rendered him unemployed in turn contributing to his disturbed mental state to involve in alcohol abuse and hurt his wife to create dominance. As mentioned by Barik et al. (2019), type-2 diabetes along with high blood pressure increases the risk of development of cardiovascular disease. This is because high blood pressure contributes to hardening of arteries, in turn, reducing blood flow to the heart and develop changes of blockage that often leads to stroke or heart attack (Wu et al. 2016). Therefore, type-2 diabetes along with increased blood pressure is going to create challenges for Amara to face severe cardiovascular complications.

The environment that promotes the physical activity of individuals it helps them to overcome depressed and anxious situation. This is because physical exercise leads individuals to increase stimulation of endorphins in the brain that acts as natural painkillers to improve sleep and lower depression, stress and anxious feelings (Livingston-Thomas et al. 2016). In the given condition, it is seen that Lucas is not being able to execute physical activity and is confined to home as a result of Parkinson’s disease due to which it may have created challenge for him to overcome depression regarding the loss of his aunt and stress of losing employment. Thus, the situation may have led him to be violent and involve in alcohol abuse.

Challenges faced in diversity of life

There is existing stereotype in the society regarding Parkinson's disease such as the slower speech efficiency is related with intellectual disability, imbalance of the body due to termors is related with alcohol intoxication, improper facial expression as unfriendly behaviour and increased termor as sign of nervousness (Maffoni et al. 2017). In case of Lucas, it is found that he is suffering from Parkinson's disease and thus similar stereotypes in the society may be faced by him which is going to create challenges for him to interact with others. This is because his imbalance in the body due to the disease may be related as a reason for alcohol intoxication making individuals in the society avoid communicating with him. As argued by Salazar et al. (2019), discrimination regarding Parkinson disease is to be avoided to ensure proper healthcare is provided to the patient. This is because avoiding discrimination of Parkinson disease would lead patients like Lucas to avail healthcare services regarding the disease without experiencing any judgement offering them opportunity to feel valued and respected out of acceptance in the society It, in turn, is going to help them have improved mental state in managing and accessing treatment for the disease.

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The above discussion informs that different developmental stages in life has influenced Lucas and Amara to show different behaviour. The Elder’s Life Course approach mentions that individuals are influenced by their social ties. Thus, it informed that Lucas may be experiencing depression and has increased alcohol abuse as a result of loss of his social tie with his aunt who has recently died. According to Bandura’s theory, Lucas by remembering the incidence of his aunt being controlled by his uncle through domestic abuse may have lead him to apply the similar action in controlling and dominating his wife. The social determinants such as employment and biological determinants such as presence of Parkinson disease in Lucas and type-2 diabetes and high blood pressure in Amara is creating challenges in their life course.


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